The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, June 24, 1920, Image 2

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Get Thorough Cultivation Without Hard Work ,Do you still find that making s cultivator do the right kind of frcrk is a tiresome, tedious job? Wouldn’t you be interested in a cultivator that puts thor oughness into cultivation and takes the bard work out ? < That is just what the use cf our John Deere *L‘ K C”_ cul t.vator assures."* The “K C’s” rigs, in shifting, stay parallel. Its shovels always face squarely to their work. They t ever track or trail on crooked rows. No uncultivated spots nor no deep trenches are left. Over all the held, cn crooked rows, as well as on straight rcwa, the ‘‘K C” gives thorough cul tivation— the kind that most effec tively destroys weeds and conserves moisture. You can get the “K C ” with the famous John Deere Method Equipment — slip-point hoof shovels and sweeps. WOODRUFF HARDWARE CO. An Important Message The National Political Convention causes much excitement these hot days, but not so much so as the fact that J. C. Ray & Cos. the place where Heavy Groceries are sold, con tinues to please the trade and supply the needs of the people. When you buy, it will always be to your inter est to get what you want from J. C. Ray & Cos. Winder, Georgia Cook Hfcaksa flood St*rh *T see you hale anew >'■ U." >’U re right.” “Is she experienced?’’ “I surmise so. She started the ttrst day l, y coming late. M/ thu usklng fee J>< afternoon off ’’ Pinch of Poverty. NVit to the proletariat of India and China, the Huaslaa l>eaant feels tha pinch of poverty and hunger tnora keenly nr.d more frequently than auy DtUor clU&eu ou earth, says the Nation al tiouf rayhic lUfaalos, 2 The rigs shift quicklyT in response to slight pressure on the foot levers. Guiding the rigs is as natural as walking. You can maintain thorough cultivation without delaying work to make adjustments. No wrench work is necessary. ' You don’t have to 4eave the seat. Simply use the handy levers. These levers enable you to meet quickly and accurately every field condition. We want you to get into the seat of this cultivator and see for yourself how handy and reliable it is. We’ve never seen its equal among single-row cultivators for time saving, labor-saving, weedidestroying work in the field. Don’t fail to come in early and get acquainted with this cultivator. An Authoritative Opinion. When does the honeymoon end? la a Question which has been discussed for u good many generations. It would he presumptuous, perhaps, notes the El Paso Times, for us to try to settle it, iut just the same we have a strong suspicion that this little sentiment could be prolonged if she, when she •ears his footfall, would go to tl>e door and greet him, rather than skid Into the kitchen to hurry up a dinner which as languished while sVe gossiped with •iq neighbor or bathed the cat THE HARROW TIMES. WINDER. GEORGIA COUNTY LINE .Mr. .1. (I. Attaway and family and Mr. Ernest Simpson spent the week end with relatives in fircone eunnty. Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Murphy and liltl daughter were visitors to the little city of Hosehton Saturday. .Miss Hula llardv is visiting rel atives near Xtatham this week. Mr. Ernest Mouse motored to Monroe Friday afternoon. Messrs. Albert Melvin. E. I). Mur phy, <i. W. Hardy and Miss <l!ie .Murphy made a business trip to Danila one day last week. Mrs. Josephine I’orter is very ill at this writing at the I torn e of her sister. Mrs. Alary Duckett. Mrs. (J. W. Hardy and son. Hoyt spent Saturday night in Winder. Mr. Andrew Price spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Anbury Mur phy. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Murphy spent Saturday night with Mr. ami Mrs. Roy Flanigan. Messrs. William Fowler, and llarvie Clark spent Sunday after noon with Mr. Clarence Harvey. Mr. Grady Cronic spent Satur day with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mur phy. Mrs. I,'. F. Fowler and son, John, visited relatives near Deeula Sat urday night and Sunday. Mr. Freeman Teal, of near Mon roe. spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Al/onia Vanderford. Mr. and Mrs. Ode Lancaster vis ited the hitter’s mother. Airs. R. F. Fowler, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur House vis ited Air. and Mrs. Roy Flanigan Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Murphy vis ited Mr. and Airs. John Groeson Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Sims motor ed to the singing at Academy, in Jackson county, last Sunday. Miss Sadie Vanderford is spend ing this week with her sister, Mrs. Mose Rutledge, near Carter Hill. The people of this eommunuity were very glad to see some rain, as everything was so dry. Get ready to kill your grass now. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen spent Friday night with Mr. Arthur House. Goodyear Advantages in Tires for the Smaller Cars BETHABRA LOCALS. * Mr. and Mrs. EJhcrt Teal, of Winder, spent Saturday and Sun day with the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Willard vis ited Mr. and Airs. G. 11. Watson near Monroe Sunday. Mr. Reuhen Cronic spent Satur day afternoon with Miss Watson. Mr. Charles Coleman, and fam ily, of Flowery Branch, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duff Cole man Saturday yarn! Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. V J. Willard, of Victory, visited Mr. and Mrs. V . It. Bratcher Saturday. Everybody invited to the big f'sh fry at Rev. R. X. Watson’s on Saturday. July 3rd Bring well filled baskets. Miss Thelma McUougal is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs Willie Teal, near Winder. Mr. and Mrs. David Watson, of Winder, were the guests of Air. and .Mrs. A. L. Watson Sunday. Misses Omie and Ezra Attawajf visited Mrs. Andrew Johnson Sat urday. Miss Lois Cronic spent Sunday with Miss Millie MeDougal. , PROFESSIONAL CARDS W. L MATTHEWS Physician and Suurgeon Xuito 41d Winder Nat. Bank Bldg. Office Hours 1(1 to 32 A, Af. and 1 to 4 P. M. Residence Phone No. 213. Office Phone No. 13. W. T. RANDOLPH Physician and Surgeon Winder Nat. Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. Phones: Office 303. Res. 311. All Calls answered promptly Medicine Furnished. E. R. HARRIS, M. D Winder National Bank Building’ Office Hours: 8 :30 to 10 A. M. S to 4 P. M. Bethlehem 1 to 2 P. M. Telephone: Office 154 Res. 174 Just as Goodyear is successful in building \ extreme value into the Goodyear Tires that go on the highest-priced motor cars, so is Goodyear successful in supplying unusual rXjSSmA worth in Goodyear Tires for smaller cars. IB * Into the making of Goodyear Tires in the n/y/\ IWm'i 30x3-,30x3V2-, and 31x4'inch sizes have gone (Ary / !|l! the hdl advantages of Goodyear experience, YVA j skill and modern facilities. ’ I The results of this unusual endeavor are IjlfwO I easily available to every owner of a Ford, |WvA T I Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or any other car I requiring the sizes mentioned. QfX) il| Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station IjMjC /111 Dealer’s place of business for these tires, and pj§|Ky /| / 1 Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. He carries 1 them in stock. 30, Cure Fabric, All- ather T 30x3% Goodyear Single-Cure $9 -1 50 Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread 41 IT S VERY PLAIN. that Ave wouldn’t be selling tools to the best mechanics if they were not fully u pto the standard of ef ficiency. So you will be wise if you need tools of any kind for either home or professional use to follow their example and procure them here where quality is the first consideration and profit the last. WILLIAMS THOMPSON CO. KS INSURANCE? Your neighbor's home burned only a few days or months ago, and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so IN"SURE with U3 anl lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don't DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He ores the protection that it gives, to ihs peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. -j Kilgore, Radford & Smith Lands For SALE 55 acres, two-horse, strong red land. 3 miles of Stat liatn, (fa.. SIOO.OO per acre. 35 acres I*4 miles of Bethlehem, Ga.; fine land, good roads; price $150.00. Two large farms in Hancock county ; good land, fine timber; pasture; houses; selling for only $35.00 per acre, (food terms enough. 3-room house and lot close in, in Winder; selling for $1,250.00. New 5-room bungnlo, $2500.00. 40 acres strong red land 4 miles out of Winder, S2OO per acre. AlcElroy creek farm sold. Loans made at 6 and 7 per cent on City and Farm property. W. H. Quarterman Atty. S££ r £K: cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more than tubes ot less merit. iC x 5% she in abater proof beg 1 THURSDAY. JUNK 24. 1920. K 259598881