The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, July 01, 1920, Image 2

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LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS application for charter f.KOiiblA Harrow County. To the Mujierior t'ourt ol said countv. TTio petition of R. 1-. l.'-Hritbers, .lf/hn ||. Williams, .. .1. Wilson, E. A. Stair, H. T. Kinnigon, K. I’. Saxon ami \V. It. Jennings ami others, all of said State nnd county, reaper! fully -hon>; l„t Thai they desire lor themaelve*, theii ansoi'iutcs and suetesHOrs, to he incorporated under the nale and sty < of AA indei Baseball Association for th< period of twenty years 2nd. The principal office of said company shall be in the City ol Win de.r, State and county, aforesaid. 3rd. Tbe object of said corporation in to provide, amusement and social en joyment in the form of athletics lot ihe cifiyens of Winder aud surrounding ter ritory, aud while said corporation is not io he operated for pecuniary gam to itself and shareholders, petitioners ucsire the right to charge a nominal admission fee to said athletics contests for the purpose of making the said c-oi poration seif supporting. 4th. The business to be carried on by the smd corporation is that of con at rue ting and maintaining a base ball park, ol engaging and supporting a base ball team of scheduling games mid ex hibiting various athletic contest' for the purpose f amusement. and of doing sm h oilier tilings as are incidental lo Die successful management and opera tion of a baseball team. Til h. The eapitnl sloek of said cor poration shall be three thousand dol lars with the privilege of increasing) same to the sum of live thousand did lnrs by a majority vote* ot the stork holders, said stock to be divided into shit res of five dollars eaeh, mole than 10 jot cent of the enpitnl stock to be employed by them has I actually paid in. tit b. Petitioners desire that said cor poration may have ihe right to have and use a common seal, to sue and be sued, to contritet and be coiltlUeted with, to buy, hold, lease or sell real es tate. to haw the nglil to eleet a Hon id of ILm-tors by a vote of its stoekhold ers and to eleet a President, Vice Pres ident and Secretary and Treasurer, and to have and make fill proper and near-* nary bv lnvvs, rules and regulations that ore necessary and that may be proper for the carrying on of said Imsincm*. 7th. Petitioners desire the right ter paid corporation of renewal when and ns provided by the laws ot the State ot (ieorgin and il may have all sueh oilier rights, powers, privileges and imtuni ties as are incident to like corporations or permissible under the laws ot the Slate of Georgia. Sib. Wherefore: Petitioners file libs their petition in the office of the fieri, nl the Superior t'ourt, and pray that, after the same litis been advertised nr required by law that Hr* Court by prop er order grant this petition and Halt they be iiieorpundcd under the name ntui style aforesaid with the powers, privilege-, oml inimmedcs horei'i set forth, and as now, or city liorenflei I 0 allowed a corporation of slniilat r o,ti refer under the laws cf the State of Georgia. RICHARD M. l.’i's■'■SELL, A ttonicy for I'(•* itlonoi l'iled in tin* ntiiee this the Util and iy of June, l!*20. CKO. N. HAtiW II b, < b'lh. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scnli'il propowils '>ll he received !■> 11., Ordinary of Burrow •■*unty. < inn, at tlio .• ini'"l said Ordinary :tl ’ Court Hot-tv m Winder, flt-orgii., :l 1 11 ; o<> VM. tin tlic Nth tinv til duly, 1 •*“ , for tin* furnishing of all labor, materia . equipment and other tiling neevsMiry for the const rueitou of lI.M of r ode nil „„d State Aid Hoad located between •leffersoti and Monroe in Burrow eoun tv. tin what is locally known ns the del fcroon. Winder Monroe liotid, otherwise known ns Federal Aid Project* Nos. 12H iiinl 1 tS on Route 11 tit the State Aid System. The work w illeonsist of the tollowing apiirotittm t c quantities: PROJECT NO. 128 28,188.1 Cu. Yds. Common & Borrow ■G i'to. - 1 OW.O Cu. Yds. Rock K-\C. 17 7:,6.4 i 'n. Yds. Top Soil Surfacing. 1.18 Acres Clearing A Grubbing. 10 7138.0 Sta. Yds. Overhaul. 007.3 Lin. ft. 15" Drain l’ipe. 407.5 Lin. ft. 18" Drain Pipe. 377.5 Lin. ft. 24" Drain Pip. 155.60 Cll. Yds. Concrete in Head- walls. , _ . 56.01 t‘u. Yds. Concrete m < inverts Ola ss A. 5 s<i ,’ u . yds. Concrete in Culverts Class B. 4118 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel. PROJECT No. 118 36,073.7 *'u. yds. Earth Etc. 562.5 Cu. yds. Rock Exe. 4850.4 ( ii. yds. Borrow Kxc. 10,900.0 Sta. vtls. Overhaul. 32,152.5 Cn. yds. Top Soil. ■t.tili' \crea Clearing & Grubbing. 307.5 Lin ft. 15" Drain Pipe. 200.0 Lin. ft. IS” Drain Pipe. 140.0 Lin. ft. 24" Drain Pipe. 61.5 On. vtls. Concrete in Headtvalls. 22.5 Cu. vtls. Class ‘A’ Conerete in Culverts. 5.4 Cu. yds. ('lass 'll’ Concrete in Culverts. 188(1.0 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel. 642.5 class ‘A* Concrete in Bridges. 70.2 Class ‘IC Concrete in Bridges. 301.020 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel. 513 s<| vd. Rip Rap. 748.0! ft. Gal. Pipe. 47(1 Cu. yds Wet Exe. Snid work slmll begin on or about the Kith day of August anti shall be com pleted in <(vt> hundred and fifty (250) working tiny*. Plans nn(i speeifioations urn on file nt thr office of the aforesaid Ordinary at Winder. (f-orgiu, and nt the office of the Stnti' Highway Kngineer, 703 Walton Building. Atlanta. On., Pinna enn be so cured from the office of the State High way Kngineer at SIO.OO per sot. and specifications at SI.OO per set. Said work will be paid for as the name progresses, to-wit: n5 per cent of the anion nt done iii each calender month will he paid between the 10th and lfith day of the succeeding month, and the remainder shall be paid within thirty days of final completion and ac- i-eptanec. Proposals may be submitted on rega in r form, either ‘‘A' - or “B which will be supplied by the engineer and form “A” must be accompanied by a certified chock or bidders bond for - r per cent of amount bid. Bond will be required of the success ful bidder as required by law. The county reserves the right to re ject any or all bids and to waive all for inalities and further reserves the right lo let projects separately or the Bridge separately as itcmiz/cd in this notice. This the 14th day of -Tune, 1920. .loe \V. Hawkins. Division Engineer, 70H Walton Bldg. Atlanta, G. __ H. G. HltfT., OruWary 41 eg. Barrow County, advertisement. STREET PAVING WINDER, GA Bids Close July 2, 1920. Sealed proposals will he received by I lie Mayor rind Council of the Oily of Winder! Georgia, at the office of tho t'itv Clerk until 10:00 o'clock, July 2, jj*2o, for paving certain streets ot Win der with brick, concrete, sheet asphalt, astihnltic eonerele or bituminous rnrca il. in vvith all necessary eupli guttets, storm drainage and other apputr::en • mccs and for const meting approximate lv .’.iiffil lineal feet of 8-ineli sanitary scmci and apjmrtenani es and one si p t '.<■ Pink. Tbe work includes the furnishing or all labor, material and equipment of every kind necessary to complete tlie above work in accordance with the plans ami specilieations on tile at th3 office of the Engineers and the City (lork. Kach bid must be. accompanied by a certified cheek on a bank satisfactory to the Mayor and Council of Wintbr for live t?>) percent, of the amount hid, drawn to tbe order of .1. 11. Maynard, Winder, Georgia. Pbms and specifications can he seen at the office of the City Clerk. Copies of plans may be obtained from Kngin eoi-s upon deposit of 5*5.00 which will lie refunded il bona tide bid is made. Tin- right is reserved to reject any or ali bids. (’ITV OF WINDER, GEORGIA. ,i. ii. maynard, Mayor .1, It. ARNOLD, Clerk. •mi. .i. b. McCrary company. Engineers, Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the (iainesville Mitllaml Railway ho filed application with the Rail road Commission of Ceorgiu to in crease passenger Tares trotn three cents per mile to live cuts per mile except between (iainesville and At liens a fare shall he #1 - r >U This application tots been as signed fur hearing before the Rail road Commission of Georgia at its I meeting to be held in the State I Capitol in Atlanta, beginning at ID o’clock A. M. Tuesday. •Inly 13. at \\ liicli time all inlcrcslcd liar tics 11 ill lit* afforded an opportuni 1y of being licard. This notice is being published with the requifenints of th Rail road (Vmnnission of Gorgia. (lainsvillc .Midland Railway. ISy W. I’>. Vea/.ey, _ General Manager CLASSIFIED ADS If its a Ford you want we have it. All kinds at Woodruffs. We are in the Ford business; four on hand good better and best. Woodruff Hardware Go. FOR SALE One out down Ford one regular Ford roadster, two Ford Touring ears. See them at Woodruffs. FokLs Fords Fords Fords at Woodruffs. There is MORE POWER in THAT O(>01) GULF GASOLINE and SUPREME AUTO OIL. COWS FOR SALE. Two good cows, fresh in milk for sale cheap. L. <’. ALLEN, llosehton. Ga. FOR SALK, Buick Six. or will trade for cotton this fall.—G. S. Millsnps. IIKIFERS and PIGS for KALE. Two heifers, fresh in : and a mini her of pigs, good stock. ,1. O. Wages. Auhurn. Ga. 4t-28pd. LOST DOG. Bird dog. white with red spots, long tail, large size. Return and receive reward. 11. 11. Wages, Bethlehem. Ga. St'llOOL TEACHER WANTED for raptor llill school, near Win dor. Desire teacher with some ex perience and to begin duly 12. Ap ple to I*\ tWages. Winder, (in.. Route 3. For Meditatirn. ▲ll great reforms n r * >t.--ed t>r<ted, generous principles. THE BABBOW TIM IK WINDER. OEORGIIA ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CONGRESS. Gainesville. Ga.. April X. 1920. To ihe Voters of Ninth Congressional District of Georgia: I herewith announce as a candidate for Congress from the Ninth Congress ional District of Georgia subject to the next democratic primary election for congressman. 1 am making this race in response o appeals that come to me from many true and patriotic men from all parts of the District, and from a desire to servo the people of the District as their representative. These appeals, I know, are honest and sincere. It was my privilege, during the year of 1918, to meet and discuss with you many of the important, matters and tilings which at that time were attract ing the attention of all the people of the state. Many of the issues, which were then of importance to every patriotic citi zen. remain yet unsettled. It will tm my purpose, at appropriate time, to discuss ihe issues fairly and honestly. I will thank the people of the District for their confidence and support and, if I am honored, I pledge my best efforts resentative, I pledge my best efforts in their behalf. HOWARD THOMPSON. FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL. "V> the People of the Western Circuit: I make this announcement for re •leclion to the office of Solicitor Gen ital, feeling that if I have made a attsfnetory public official, the people will be willing to give me an indorse ment. Shortly after my election the in ome derived from the office to which lad been elected was reduced by legislation to approximately half it was paying when 1 was elected, and at a time when a dollar had loss than half its former purchasing value. 1 will appreciate the support ot all the people of the circuit, anil prom ise to the public the same vigorous, faithful ami corteous discharge of tho duties of the office that 1 have endeav ored to render during the present term. Respect fully, \Y. 0. DEAN. FOR CONGRESS. To the white people of the Ninth 'ougre.ssionnl District of Georgia: I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Repre sontative from Ibis district in the 6ith Congress and ask your support. I pledge my adherence to our con stitutional liberties, and to the princi ples and policies of Washington, Jet ferson, Madison, and Monroe: and my unalterable and uncompromising oppo sition to any attempt to surrender our independence through a foreign League of Nations; to burden the American people with the suport of foreign na- tions and peoples; or to force compul sory military training upon the country. JOHN 1. KELLY. CHANGE OF SCHEDULES S. A L. Railway. No. 29 will arrive I’M No. 5 will arrive 200 I’M No. 17 will arrive 8.42 AM No. 11 will arrive 6.24 AM No. 30 will arrive 9.15 AM No. 6 trill arrive 2.35 PM No. IK will arrive 7.15 PM No. 12 will arrive 1107 PM PROFESSIONAL CARDS AV. L. MATTHEWS Physician and Suurgeon Suite 410 Winder Nat. Bank Blda. Office Hours 10 to 12 A. M. and 1 to 4 P. Al. Residence Phone No. 213. Office Phone No. 13. W T. RANDOLPH Physician and Surgeon Winder Nat. Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. Phones: Office 303, Res. 311. All ('alls answered promptly Medicine Furnished. E. R. HARRIS, M. D Winder National Bank Building Office Hours: 8:30 to 10 A. M. 3 to 4 P. M. Bethlehem 1 to 2 P. M. Telephone: Office 154 Res. 174 FARMS l'< R SALE About so .farms in Colquitt and adjoining’ counties are described and priced in booklet we can mail out by du ly 10th. H will carry important information concerning t’olqu.itt county and .Moultrie. “The Mar ket Place.” If interested, write for copy.— Kline-Uroover Real Estate Do. Moultrie. Ga. Valve-in-Head Efficiency > When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them WINDER MOBILE CO., Distributors Winder, Georgia ivA3A X ®jt, CORD v your car deserves the best in tire O equipment. Ajax Cord Tires are built to out- As* wear, to outlast, and to give your car that snappy Va \ ST ’'well-shod” look. They are dignified, durable and \ dependable. Note that (.leated Tread. It holds, v 7 \ n See those Double Shoulders of Strength. jj Use Ajax Cords—and know real tire satisfaction. | I Advertise your Wants in the Times THE Buick Valve-in-Head motor car is “just a head” of the ordi nary types—“just a head” in the de mands of buyers who know and appreciate Buick efficiency— ‘just a head” in superior quality, design and workmanship, and in the confi dence and preference of thousands of purchasers who have placed their faith in the performance of Buick products, and who are protecting their future motoring pleasures and busi ness interests by placing their orders with Buick dealers for summer and fall delivery. Mod.l K-44 . *1595.00 Model K-47 • *2465.00 Model IC-45 . *1595.00 Modet K-49 - *1865.00 Model K-46 . *2235.00 Model £-50 . *2*95.00 F. O. B. Flint. Mich. Price• Rerun! Ajtrd f, '2O THURSDAY, JULY I, L 920. B-45