The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, July 15, 1920, Image 2

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of tbo Condition of THE BANK OF SIATHAM lxwte<l :t Statb:int, (in., at the clone of ini >- June -Hi, tteJO. . Ki:sori!ci:s i-u iii-ii i j'lt'jpgg up'' l • wBSKSmBBBtBtm • ! ' it ?3A:H?}y^ ~p i.• ! I'll •!.! iI < • mV^PFlny.-iI < Miristian people. All the denominations have siilt- Hlarilial elmrcli houses erected for the most part out of fine granhe. Rev. T. <'. Bnrell is the Haj)list Bishop and his members believe in him and follow his efficient leader ship, " -ii >• * *'• ■- Bro. pastor of the Met It ><list elmreh, was formerly pastor at Winder and is doing; a good work on his present field. > For 1(Oi days the meeting contin ued H was the writers good for tune 1o do the preaching. The congregations were fine, the inter est splendid, the cooperation su perb. the. < 'hristian hospitality a- Tiiong all denominations above the average. That superb Scotchman, Boh Henderson, hsl tin* song services. He lms no peer and lew equals sis chorister. While in the city the home of tiro and Sister •). B. Whitley was ours. No more loyal Christians and delight fnl hosts could he found. The city has in course of con struction one of the tinest granite school buildings in the state*. It will cost around $75,000 and is the pride of all citizens from the youngesl school child to the big bodied, big spirited mayor. Tliwe isn’t a bettor town ini (eorgia than Lithoniu, nor a more pleasant to work among. Long may llicy prosper tempor ally ami spiritually. Of eourse the writer had to visit the printing plant, tiro, ('lark has one of the Ik*sl establishments in the slate and is himself one of the leading lights in the fourth estate. HAVE ICE CREAM WHEN YOU WANT IT. and as much as you want, (let one | of our ice eream tree/ers and you van make as delirious ire cream us any expert. Not much work to it either. Our f*ec/,ers run so easily that a child can liirn the crank and the cream w ill he ready in a few minutes. Come in v arious siz es. WILLIAMS - THOMPSON CO. Phone 888. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CONGRESS. Gainesville, Ga., April 3, tffgO. ITo the Voter* of Ninth CongreaMonal DNtiict of Georgia: T herewith announce as a candidate ifor Coogress Imm the Ninth CongrfiM ional Distrb-t of Georgia subject to the Dext democrat b' primary election for congressman. 1 am making this race in response o snpeals t.hat come to me from many true and patriotic men from nil parts of the District, and from a desire to serve the, people of the. District as their ! representative. These appeals, 1 know, are honest and sincere. ft was my privilege, during the year of 15*18, to meet and discuss with you manv of the import a tit matters arid things which at that time were attract ing the attention of all the people of r>.s:>o.oo m ) W ft.!'! * '• 40,(Kb1.n0 ft i: >,( i At MlL'- ft H ft ■ ■ - I ||§HFr ':■ 'jM 1 '■ i Bftsi'f tmsi *ic splendidly TOR SOLICITOR GENERAL. "a the People of the Western Circuit: I make this announcement for re lection to the office of Solicitor Gen oa), feeling that if i have made a atisfactory public official, the people will be willing to give me an indorse ment. >• iShortly alter my election the in oine derived from the office to which !ad been elected whs reduced by legislation to approximately half it was paying when I "am elected, and at a time when a dollar had less than halt its former purchasing value. I will appreciate the support of all the people of the circuit, and prom ise to the public the same vigorous, faithful and corteons discharge of tho duties of the office that I have endeav ored to render during the present term. Respectfully, isr*. , W O. DEAN. FGR CONGRESS. To the white people of the Ninth 'ongressional District of Georgia. T hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Repre sentative from this district in the tilth Congress and a-k your support. I pledge my adherence to mtr eon stituliotutl liberties, and to the princi ples and policies of Washington, Aef ferson, .Madison, and Monroe; and my unalterable and uncompromising oppo sition to any attempt to surrender our independence through a foreign League of Nations; to burden the American people with the suporl of foreign na tions and peoples; or to force compul sory military training upon the country. JOHN 1. KELLY. TOR THE LEGISLATURE. To the White Voters of Harrow County. t herebv announce my candidacy tor representative from Barrow County in die house of Representatives, subject to the next Democratic primary held for the election of members of the Gen oral Assembly. I will appreciate the support and in rtuence of everv white voter and it elec ted I pledge my best efforts to serve you acceptably. RICHARD B. RUSSELL. IK. SHARON LOCALS. Mr. .1, W. Davis was the guest of Mr. Dalton Tuesday afternoon. Mr. (\ T. McDaniel, of Thomp son ’s Mill, took a trip to Stone mountain last Sunday. Mr. ,J. D. Carter has hern si<-k for several days. Miss Lois Davis was the guest of Miss Lois Lankford last week. Miss‘‘Annie Me Ever spent the day with her sister last Sunday. Miss Dora McDougal returned to he v sc hool this week. Mrs. .lohn Parks was tin* guest of Mrs. Tom Deaton Sunday. Mrs. .1 W. Davis siient Sunday afternoon with Mrs. .left Fagan. Misses Lois Lankford. Lois Maul din and Lois Davis were out rid jing Sunday afternoon. M>s. lull Maddox was the guest |of Mr. M arietta Fagan Sunday af ' ternoon. Mr. ilersehel Davis will make a trip to Atlanta at an early date. Mr. Will Deaton spent last Sun jday with Mr. Marion Davis. • of the issues, which were then kotnee to cm patriot!': citi yet unsettled. rny purpose, a< appropriate the issues fairly ami W ■ flic 1 1 Hn i'll . l" 1 siipp"! ml. HHucil.l pb‘*lge !i y be-1 i• If'i ||H' I pledge my be-t efforts Hfhalf. HOW AHD THOMPSON. THK BARROW TIMKS, WTNDKR. OEOROIA. Gainesville Midland Schedule No. 14 Northbound due 9.40 AM Daily (Mixed) except Sunday. No. 5 Southbound due 11.46 AM. Daily No. 8 Northbound lue 2.00 I’M I tail v No. Id Southbound due 5.110 I’M. Daily (Mixed) except Sunday: No. 6 Southbound due 8.45 AM. Sunday < trily No. 7 Southbound due 4.58 I’M Sunday ( fitly Shackelford Makes Many Friends With Speech at Bostwick, Ga. Host wick. (5a., duly 1* Titos and. Shackelford. eandidate for con gress. spoke here this afternoon, j His address was a convincing and masterful one, and captured his audience. The speaker made many friends and the opinion was expressed on itll sides that if Mr. Shackelford would make the same address over the district, that he would sweep the district and win the election by the largest majority ever given to a eandidate for congress. KS INSURANCE Your neighbor’s borne burned only a few days or months ago, and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US ml lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once A WISE man insu'es his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it jives, to ihs peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith Successful Canning and Preserving IT ISN’T all knowing how and taking pains. You’ve got to have good equipment to in sure against loss of your time and waste of valuable food. VYe take great care to obtain tile canncrs, jars, jar holders, and racks, rubbers, etc., that are known to be the ino i ■ ■- ul. Conte in and tal with ua. SMITH HARDWARE COMPANY. WINDER, GEORGIA the WINCHESTER store FOR SALE A IVvv good farms in the best county in Middle <leor gia. and worth the money. Land that is advancing every day. It will he interesting for any home-seeker or spec ulator to eonte to Putnam county, Fatonton. <ia. PUTNAM REALTY COMPANY PROFESSIONAL CARDS W. L. MATTHEWS Physician and Suurgeon Suite 410 Winder Nat. Bank Bldg. Office Hours 10 to 12 A. M. and 1 to 4 P. M. Residence Phone No. 213. Office Phone No. 13. W. T. RANDOLPH Physician and Surgeon Winder Nat. Bank Bldg. Winder, (Ja. Phones: Office 303, lies. 311. All Calls answered promptly Medicine Furnished. E. R HARRIS. M. D Winder National Bank Building Office Hours: 8:30 to 10 A. M. 3 to 4 P. M. Bethlehem 1 to 2 P. M. Telephone: Office 154 Res. 174 CHANGE OF SCHEDULES S A. L. Railway. No. 29 will arrive 7.15 PM No. 5 w ill arrive 3.00 PM No. 17 will arrive 8.42 AM No. 11 will arrive 6.24 AM No. 30 will arrive .9.15 AM No. 6 will anive 2.35 I’M No. 18 will arrive 7.15 I’M No. 12 will arrive 11.07 PM Reliable Glasses If von are thinking of obtaining glasses, please hear m mind that the financial and professional responsibility of those to 4v hom you entrust the care of yonr eyes is oi greatest impor tance. Ours is a complete organization, devoted exclusively to the scientific examination of eyes and ihe filing and grind ini* of propel* glasses, all for one reasonable change. Optometrist J. C. Duggan optician 53 West Mitchell Street, Near New Terminal Station. .*p I FOR SALE Meal and Hulls Good 7 per cent Cotton Seed Meal, at per 100 pounds sack $3.85. Loose Cotton Seed Hulls at per 100 pounds, $1.20. Winder Oil Mill Winder, Georgia IS BUGGQ& HARNESS THE LONG UFE OF A i >llh . GOOD WAGON OxH j Wm booibt our two Studobkr* 1 ] L from your oo>>t. Mom Logon, 37 gay} ij or^four 1 wa*o*of other mnkes oanuo W——* we bought ours. We buve never Woken an v thin* on the whom on d the huh* *r pr foct yet. Studebaker 37 roar* of work yot. Arthur Lnk. p. years old hubs pgrfpct yet Not strange for the Studehal-r because the hub* are of fine, close grain tough, strong and treated with a secret sealing solution that is weather resisting. Notice the hubs on the next Studebaker you pass on die road you’ll find they are not split or checked like the ordinary wagon. And in these hubs are set the famous Studebaker slope shoulder spokes. The Studebaker Farm Wagon Wheel is best made. We sell the Studebaker because we believe it is the big gest wagon value on the marked. Woodruff Hardware Cos. |f|| Good Year II SOLD BY” yo(| 8 Smith Hardware XXL I Company I Winder Georgia THURSDAY. JULY 15, 1920.