The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, August 05, 1920, Image 2

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AMERICAN LEGION MEETING The most importnnt meeting oi tltt' .John Rich Pentecost I’ost oi the American Lotion ol the entire year will he held in the Court House al Winder Friday alter noon, August 6th. ;it t :-‘*o P M. Let every niemher lie present. Let ns have a hundred per rent at tendance. Let <‘\ery ex-service man who is interested in keeping up the spirit of comradeship and mutual helpfulness come and .join at this meeliny. We need you The Legion was organized h.V ex seren e men for ex-service men. It is officered and maintained torliie most part by enlisted men. Thou sands of soldiers have been assist ed by the organization. Many in 11 1 is, emmty. * hir interests are com moil. Let ns stick together. .1 < \ Pratt, ( ’hairnmn. PROGRAM Sunday School Convention of the Second Section Mulberry Association. To he held with White Plains church, live miles West ol .letfcr kiiii on llosehton road. Sunday. August loth. !l ; :>0 A. M I ’ra.v er service. 1(1:00 A. M. Sony Service, eon-; ducted by Prof. .1 11. Vernon, of Wat.kinsville and .Mrs. .1 I!. \ aiigh of Athens. ( 11l :*,o ,\ M I tilth- Anl liorily for iMllldilV Si'lmiii!, -I I v I trnukslilie, Aiiliimi. 1 I :2() A. M. Sermon, L. K. Kob *rls. < (illegc Park. DINNER lIA |\ M Devotional. \V. P. I lollaml. I 30 I*. M. Song Service. Me Neal Brothers. I’ellniont. 2:00 I’ M. Wliv Should Smidav School Officers he Kleeletl hy Hie < (hurch, .1 I’. Kiev. 2:20. The Christian Obligation to IBe Sunday School. K. L. Ben-i liel 1, < >akw odd. 2:00 IV M.. Sermon. \V. K. < 'ul lierson. < 'omnicree. KKK ROBERTS. Sunday School Kield Worker. r* . : * - CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors. also Drs Randolph and I reemaii. who were so land and thoughtful (luriin> the short illness and sad death at our belov ed son. Kliner. May Hod's blessings rest upon everyone of you, is the wish of Mr and Mrs -I C BROt K CHANGE OF SCHEDULES S A. L. Railway. No. 20 will arrive 7.1a I’M No. 5 will arrive 100 I’M No. 17 will arrive 8.42 AM No. 11 will arrive 6.24 AM No. 30 will arrive 9.15 AM No. (i will arrive 2.85 l‘M No. IS will arrive 7.15 I’M No. 12 will arrive 11.07 I’M HARDWICK COMING TO WINDER AUGUST 18th 10:00 o’Clock The Hon. Thomas W. Hardwick, candidate for Governor will address the voters of Barrow and adjoining counties at Winder on August 18th, at 1 1 a. m. R. L. WOODRUFF, Chairman Barrow County Hardw ick Club. SHARON LOCALS Mis. MolMe I avail 'and little daughter, h. a -Pine, sjhu l l .Monmi.v with Mrs. Lula Parks and family. \|jss Lois I)nvis was tin- guest of Miss Lois I'agan Sunday. .M r. and ,M rs -I W . I*av is and lit - Ile daughter, Magnolia, visited Mr. and M rs. .1 P .Maddox lasi Wed nesday near Peiidergrass. Mr. and Mrs Henry I'ayan vis iled Mr. and Mrs. <l. W. Davis last Sunday. The school at Thompson mill is pri >g ressi ng 11 ice Iy. Miss Hester Emmett was the guest of .Miss .Inl ia Helton Sunday Mr. .1 P. I>av is and vv ife spent Salurilay night and Sunday xvith Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Davis and family. PENTECOST. Mr. Weldon I’enlconst, of I hist - vv iek. vv as here last week. Mr. and Mrs -lob llaynie and children and 'I r. and M rs. .1 M. Wall and Mr. ('buries llardigree attended the ('rook reunion at ' 'on ter Grove, in daeksou eoimty. last Sunday. Mr. .Jesse Pate, of Aflanla. is ! i he ynest of friends here. Misses Viola llardigree and (;race Priekett. < 'luirles I lardigree and Willie Lee Priekett and Plias. I'ergusou were in Dahlonega Sat urday. Misses Viola llardigree and Grace I’riekctt and Mr. Willie Lie Pricket t were the recent guesls of Mr. and .Mrs. W ill Wyley. ot Hreus hold. Mr Henry llardigree is spend ing lliis week with Master Duncan Ila rdigrcc at M•n it real. We hate to jar you hut in pro portion to its size the ant does many times the work that you do. Now hit the hall. FINE FARM FOR SALE 404 Acres of. w ell'improved red land farm lor sale one ,mtl a halt miles iroiii Woodville. La.. Lreene couiify. Oho li-rooiii dwelling, tan good tenant houses, Fanis and other buildings and orchards. \„ waste land, all lies well and praetieally '••vcl. (toad springs and well water. 1 <-> acres original lorest. 7- horse farm open right at good town, good seltool and etmiii'chcs. I'ight on two line puhlie roads and rut. into four Iraels. Will sell as a whole or any tract desired and give liberal terms. \o Fetter farm to he found anywhere. R . R. SHAW ;'„t I NK >N POINT, LA lit. 2. Tin-: BARROW TIMES WINDER, GEORGIA. A fellow can drop a nickel in the collection box without hatting an eye. hut it takes nerve to vet out and do the work of the Lord without pay. COMPARISONS WILL HELF Wmlker-Hardwlek Platforms Com parrd by the Senora Enterprise- Gazette Tht race for governor of Georgis promises to get pretty warm befort the primary as Thomas W. Hardwire has already announced his platforrt along the same anti-administratior plans which have characterized hts ac tions for the past three years whiU Hon. Clifford Walker comes forware with a straight out, clear cut. honor atde and just support of the demo cratic party. He n a fine man anf w(U make a strong race for the hlgl office of governor.—Senoia Enter price-Gazette. _ Superlatives in the Vidalia Advance By all o<lds the cleanest, sanest ivtraightest and safest man for gover nor of Georgia is Clifford Walker oi Monroe. —Vidalia Advance. professional” cards W. L. MATTHEWS Physician and Snurgeon Suite 410 Winder Nat. Lank Bids. Office Hours 10 to 12 A. M. and I to 4 P. M. Residence Phone No. 213. Office Plmne No. 13. W. T. RANDOLPH Physician and Surgeon "Winder Nat. Bank Bldg. Winder, (!a. Phones: Office 303, Res. 311. All Halls answered promptly Medicine Furnished. E. R. HARRIS, M. D Winder National Bank Building Office Hours: 8:30 to 10 A. M. 3 to 4 P. M. [Bethlehem 1 to 2 P. M. Telephone: Office 154 Res. 174 FOR NORTH GEORGIA LAND BUYERS THE WINTER VILLE REALTY COMPANY Has some of the best farms for to he found in ('lark and < )- glethorpe county. tur lands are noted for being fertile and of the very- best grade. They lie well, the best red elay ;iibsoii and cannot lx* excelled lor % producing the largest yields of cotton and all grain crops. Prices are so much lietter than other places it will pay you to investigate and to come I<> see us. The W'interville Realty Go. ('. H. Wilson. There’s no chance for the coun try to go to heck for another lour years, at least. Both parties are assuring us of bully times when they get in. STUDEBAKER WAGGNS The war is over; we can now get the famous wide track STUDEBAKER WAGONS. The buyers and users of wagons are not as much concerned about how a tire is put on as they /ire about how long and Jiovv well it stays on. For a lire to stay on it must have a foundation which is the huh. The STUDEBAKER hubs are treated with a patented process known to the STI - DEBAKER WAGON alone. Therefore, the STUDEBAKER hubs does not crack and allow the spokes to come loose and give way under the rim, causing the tire to come loose. This is the reason so many farmers call our attention 1< the STUDEBAKER WAGON they bought of us eighteen or twenty years ; 00. They invariably say- “See here! These hubs are not cracked yet. These front tires are the ones that came on the w agon and have never been re-set. The brakes wane the tires off the rear wheels: my blacksmith put that set on the rear wheels is the total expense on my STUDEBAKER for 20 years. The STI'DKHAKHR WAGON is built right all over. The above expe riences of the STI'DEBAKKK WAGON is the reason we sell the STIDHRA KKK. Woodruff Hardware Company WINDER, GA. and STATHAM, GA. I |A?tudebaker wagon bought in 1868 ! —and working today IHTHREE generations of farmers have been * well and faithfully served by a Stude baker Farm Wagon bought in i 868 by Mitcheal Everman of Centerville, la. The grandson of the man who bought this Stude baker wagon writes: “There is not a crack in the bubs and I am using it every day. Let us prove to you that this is not an exceptional Studebaker wagon. Studebaker has thousands of letters telling about Studebaker wagons that have served their owners just as faithfully as the Everman wagon. A visit to our store witl convince you that the Studebaker Farm Wagons and Buggies we always have in stock are just as r^ I,abU ‘ just as welt built—as the Studebaker \ chicles of halt a century ago. Come and see os when you need a wagon or hamem. DeKalb County Farms for Sale 1 (io acres 1 -j in cultivation, balance in fine timber; Good roads, schools, churches. 200.000 feet saw tim ber, nice 6-room home and two tenant houses. $165 per acre: 1 cash and arrange balance. IPO acres 4 houses, II miles 5 points, $1 s .000.00. 60 acres. II miles 5 Points, new 8-room house, aseetliiie lights, good barns and tenant house,run - ning water in h>l *22.000.00. See me at once. This will lie sold and you will miss it. E. L. WAGGONER CLARKSTON. GA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 5. 1920.