The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, September 02, 1920, Image 2

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Hot Summer Days SAP YOUR STRENGTH AND REDUCE YOUR VITALITY. Good Meat BRINGS IT BACK AND FILLS YOU WITH PEP PEOPLE WHO EAT OyR MEAT KNOW THAT IT IS GOOD MEAT COTTON SEED MEAL AND HULLS MIXED FEED D. O. CARRINGTON PHONE 105 Lands For SALE 55 acres, two-liorse farm, strong red land, 3 miles of Slat ham, (la., SIOO.OO per acre. Two large farms in Hancock county; good land, fine timber; pasture; houses; selling for only $35.00 per acre. Good terms, etc. 3-room house and lot close in, in Winder; selling for $1500.00. New 5-room bungalo, $2500.00. 40 acres strong red land 4 miles out of Winder, $-00 PC ' The Jeff Lanier home place at north edge of Hancock count v • t>so acres fine land, 12-room colonial home; 8 ten ant houses; gin; line timber; bottoms; pasture, pecan grove hearing, on auto highway, rural route and near a school and church. $75 00 per acre. The Ed Lane place near Mt Zion, Hancock county; <- room dwelling and 3 tenant houses, over million feet of lumber; 5 horse open ; good pasture and selling at *•><> ' Loans made at 7 and 8 per cent on City and Farm property. W .H. Quarterman, ’Atty SB INSURANCE Your neighbor's borne burned only a few days or months ago, and a cyclone U likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US a nl He down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DKI AY It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home on~e A WISE man insures Ills property tn a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he c a n build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to ihs peace of mind and the -.are of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith Good Year Sxjffl “SOLD BY” Xf; I , Smith Hardware XXM I Company I Winder Georgia Reliable Glasses If you arc thinking of obtaining glasses, please bear in mind that the financial and professional responsibility of those to whom you entrust the care of your eyes is of greatest impor tance. Ours is a complete organization, devoted exclusively to the scientific examination of eyes and the fitting and grind ing of proper glasses, all for one reasonable charge. Optometrist J. (7, Duggan °P tician 53 West Mitchell Street, Near New Terminal Station. THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER, (iUOTKUA. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEAVE TO SELL LAND. '% GEORGIA—Barrow county. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that Job T. Williams, as the executor of A. M. Wil liams, deceased having applied to me by petition for leave to sell the real es tate of said A. M. Williams, deceased, and that an order was made thereon at the August Term, l!)2b for citation and that citation issue; all the heirs at law and creditors of the said A. M. Williams deceased, will take notice that I will pass upon said application at the Sep tember Term, 1920, of the court of or dinary of Harrow county; and that un less cause is shown to the contrary at said time, said leave will he granted. This the 2nd day of August, 1020. H. G. HILL, Ordinary. G. A. Johns, Attorney. 4t LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA -Harrow county. Willie May Bhoats as the administra trix of the estate of Mrs. May Wheats, late of said county deceased, having ap plied to me for leave to sell lands be longing to the estate of Mrs. May Wheats and also one-fourth interest in Wheats Stock Tonic Cos., this is therefore, to no tify all parties at interest to show cause before me on the first Monday in Sep tember, 1920, why the application should not bo granted. This the 22d day of August, 15)20. H. G. HILL, Ordinary. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE Barrow Superior Court. September Term, 11*20. Mrs. Mary Hefley, vs. Harvey Leroy Hefley. To Harvey Leroy Hefley: In pursuance of an order of Judge of the Superior CouTt of said county you are hereby required to be and appear at the September tere of the Superior Court of Barrow county to he held on the Fourth Monday in September, 1920, then and there to show cause, if any, why the prayer for divorce in said case should not be granted. Witness the Hon. Andrew J. Cobb, Judge of the Superior Court of said county. This July 22. 11*20. GEORGE N. BAGWELL, Clerk, of the Superior Court Barrow Cos. 4t-2mos. NOTICE To The Qualified Voters of Bor row County. Notice is hereby on to the quali fied voters of Barrow county, Ga., that an election will be held throughout Bar row county at all the election precincts thereof on September Btli, 11*20, by virtue of a call this day made unler the provisions of an Act approved July 19, 11*20, for the purpose of submitting to the qualied voters of said county the question of their desires relative to ratification of the said Act creating for Burrow county a Board of County Com missioners to consist of n Chairman and two District Commissioners. The said Act provides that it shall not become effective until after it has been ratified by the qualified voters of said county in an election to be called l>y the Ordi nary of Barrow county. This August 10, 1920.. H. G. HILL, Ordinary. CITATION To Whom it May Concern: D. I’. l.ord. administrator of tin tate of Mrs. M. L. Lord, has appl ml t me in due form for an order to sell lands of deceased lying partly in Bar row and partly in Walton county, and I will pass upon same on first Monday in September, 1920. This August 2nd, 1920. H. G. HILL, Ordinary. SHERIFF'S SALE Georgia, Barrow County. Will he sold before the court house door on the first Tuesday in September, 19920, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to wit: One Bay Horse about 15 years old, weight about 1100 pounds; also one horse dray and harness. Said property lo\ ied on a> the property of I). D. Mob ley to satisfy an exeetution issued on the 10th day of July. 1920 from the Superior Court of Barrow County, in favor of G. A. McDaniel against said 1). D. Mobley. This the 9th day of Aug. 1920. H. O. Camp. SHERIFF. - „ Gainesville Midland Schedule . No. 14 Northbound due 9.40 AM. Daily (Mixed) except Sunday. No. f> Southbound due 11.46 AM. ' Daily- No. 8 Northbound due 2.00 PM. Daily No. 13 Southbound due 5.30 PM. Daily (Mixed) except Sunday. No. 6 Southbound due 8.45 PM. Sunday Only No. 7 Southbound due 4.58 PM. Sunday Only VOTE for W. H. QUARTERMAN FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL. PENSION LEGISLATION PASS ED BY GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The following from Judge Lind sey. pension commissioner, to H. G. Hill, ordinary of Harrow county, is self explanatory: Pension Office, August 20th, 1920. Dear Judge: The following pension legisla tion was passed by the last Gen eral Assembly. A Constitutional Amendment to he submitted to the people in the November election, changing the date of residence of the Confeder ate soldiers and their widows in Borgia, to he eligible to a pension, from November 4th, 1908, to Jan uary Ist. 1920. A bill to authorize the Commis sioner of Pensions to allow a pen sion to the widow of a deceased pensioner, who fails to apply to he put on the Pension roll in her own right the year following hus band’s death. A bill to make the record of a soldier, as many on Company’s rolls, or found elsewhere in writ ing, as evidence in lieu of witness, when witnesses are dead, or can not be found in cases of applica tion for the invalid or disabled pensions. A bill to make eligible to a pen sion those soldiers, and the wid ows of such, who could not, and did not for want of time, perform as much as six month’s actual ser vice, from the date of their enlist ment to the close of the War on April 26th, 1865. A bill to increase the annual pen sion. after January Ist, 1921, to all soldiers and their widows, $25.00 to those who were paid $90.00 for 1920, $15.00 to continue for four years. A resolution to appropriate $25,- 000.00 to pay all these pensioners on the old roll, unpaid for 1920, and to pay the Ordinaries their fees for their pension work for 1920. A resolution to appropriate $475,000.00 to pay those soldiers and widows of soldiers placed on the pension roll for 1920, under what is called the “new law.” .lust when these “new” pensions and the unpaid pensions on the roll ‘an he paid depends on when there will he sufficient money in the treasury that can be used for this purpose. The Commissioner of Pensions wishes this to he done at the earliest day posible, assuring all that it will ho the pleasure of the Governor to grant his warrant the Comptroller-General to ap prove the warrant, the Treasurer to draw his checks, and the Com missioner of Pensions to rush the GRAND CIRCUIT RACES NATIONAL HOG AND CATTLE SHOW International Club Stock Judging Contest ATLANTA, GA., OCTOBER 16-26, 1920 THREE DAYS AUTO RACING OCT. 16-25-26 385,000 IN AWARDS $85,000 THE FAIR PRE-EMINENT IN EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Through Co-operation with the Pure Bred Live Stock Organizations of the South, The National Hog and Cattle Show will be an Ex clusive Feature of the Fair, Assuring the Greatest Pure Bred and Fat Stock Show ever Assembled in the Southern States. International Club Stock Judging Contest: First Event of its kind at Any Fair in the World. Exhibits of Agriculture, Horticulture; the Boys’ Corn Show and Exhibits by Girls’ Clubs will Beat All Previous Fairs in the South. Comprehensive Government Exhibit With War and Navy Features. BE SURE TO SEE THE BIG OSTRICH FARM EXHIBIT _ REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS Admission, 75c; Children, 50c. After 6P. M., 50c. SCHOOL DAY, 15c to all attending a public or private school when accompanied by Special School ticket, which will be furnished FREE to all teachers. Write for Free Premium List or Special Information to R. M. STRIPLIN, Secretary, Atlanta H. G. HASTINGS, Pres. R. M. STRIPLIN, Sec. been so anxiously waiting to re checks to the various Ordinaries, so that the pensioners may be paid the pensions for which the\ hu> W. H. DORRIS Of Crisp County, asks your support for the place on the STATE COURT OF APPEAUI held by Judge 0. H. P. Bloodworth. I Mr. Dorria — ij —is a successful practitioner of the bar of Cor dele, for more than 25 years. .- —has the unanimous indorsement of the bar of _ j the -Cordele Judicial Circuit. —has served 4 years in the House, and 2 - ; years in the Senate. —took an active part in the passage of all ’ ' constructive legislation enacted during nis ser vice, including the Georgia Prohibition laws, the new good roads law, the Western and At lantic lease act and many others of great pub lic value and import. —is pronounced by his friends as a man of ju dicial temperament and one of highest integ rity. YOUR VOTE FOR W. H. DORRIS WILL BE APPRECIATED Relief for Torpid Livers and Habitual Constipation The liver is the largest and most im portant organ in the body, and when the liver refuses to act, it causes constipa tion, biliousness, headaches, indigestion, gas. sour stomach, bad breath, dysentery, diarrhoea, pains in back and under shoul der blades and under ribs on right side. These symptoms lead to colds, influenza or other serious troubles unless corrected Immediately. An inactive liver places an extra burden on the kidneys, which overtaxes them and causes the blood to absorb and carry into the system the impurities that the liver and kidneys have failed to elim inate. When you treat the liver alone, you treat only a third of your trouble, and that is why you have to take purgatives every few nights Calomel or other or dinary laxatives do not go far enough. If you would treat your kidneys and blood while treating the liver, you would put your entire system in order and frequent purgatives would then be unnecessary. Dr. W. L. Hitchcock many years ago iecognized these important facts, and after much study and research, com pounded what is now known as Dr. Hitchcock’s Liver, Kidney and Blood Pow ders, three medicines combined in one. This was the Doctor’s favorite pre scription for many years, being used by his patients with marked success. It Is a harmless vegetable remedy that will not make you sick, and you may eat anything you like while taking it. Get a large tin box from your druggist or dealer for 25 cents, under his personal guarantee that it will give relief, tone up the liver, stimulate the kidneys to healthy action and thereby purify the blood. Keep it in the home for ready use whenever any member of the family begins to feel "out of sorts ” It will prove a household friend and a valuable remedy. THURSDAY, SEPT. 2. ceive. Your obedient servant, J. W. LINDSAY, Commissioners of Pensions. The Only Fair in the South Maintaining those Entertainment Features which have ALWAYS DISTINGUISHED the best Fairs In the United States: The Best Race Horses in America—The Most Daring Dirt Track Drivers in the World. Auto Polo; the Most Exciting Sport on Earth. Every Big New and Novel Free Act Worth While. The Largest Permanent Midway in the United States with Johnny J. Jones Carnival Exposition the Clean est and Greatest Amusement Organization on the Continent. Pyrotechnics Prepared by Special Artist Amplified by Big Mystical Pageant with 500 Actors. J PREPARED BY l if E-tchcock meoicincco.||w Atlanta. Ga. r i 'W'