The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, September 09, 1920, Image 2

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THE NEW BUICK MODELS “For twenty years tlie Buick Motor Company lias adhered stead fastly to definite principles of mo tor car design and manufacture,” says E. T. St rout;, (leneral Sales Manager Buick Motor Cos. “The rev ard to owners and dealers as well as to the builder, for this un wavering fulelity to policy and eon cent rat ion of energies has been seen year after year. “And. the highest pinnacle in this long period of liuiek develop ment has been reached in the new line for Nineteen Twenty One. “There are are seven models for Ihe new season, including Ihrce open and four closed body types.! While they have retained tlipse qualities that have been adopted: as standards of mechanical excel- lence for two decades, improve ments hav e been added to increase either the convenience or the long life of the cars. “The casual observer on tlie street or in the showroom will note that the most striking change is in the new lines of the body, Top, radial or, hood and cowl, w hich blend into a harmonious whole of rare and graceful beauty. Yet, there is nothing spectacular or rad ical in the new lines and those fa milial' with Buick methods w ill nil derstand that the outward ap pearance merely betokens the in ner goodness of ft he new Buick,. “Since the opening of the previ ous season, the Buick Valve-in head motor, even at that time brought a high state of perfection, lias undergone strenuous tests in the Buick research and cxpei imen- tal laboratories. And it lias pass ed from engineers’ Stands more refined motor, capable of greater service with loss exacting demands on the driver for adjustment and attention. “Throughout the entire eliasis, nieehanieal changes have been in troduced wherever possible to make for easier adjustments and care of working parts. For exam ple, the cluteh can now he readily adjusted with a wrench directly beneath the Moor board. “It is no longer necessary for one to get under the ear in order to drain oil from the crank ease, .lust inside of the hood there is a handle which operates the plug in tin* crank ease. In a similar way, water may he drained from the handle placed within convenient reach. J Qjj| “Another illustration of llttiek attention to detail is seen in the accessibility of batteries in closed ears, which are provided w ith a small door in Ih<\ floor hoard over the battery box. The springs on all dosed cars have been re design ed to insure the smoothest riding qualities over rough roads. “Owing to the growing demand for a more roomy and luxurious roadster, the new Model Twenty One-Forty-Four has been studious ly designed with the result that it is distinctly anew model. As re markable as it is with its improv ed lines, it still possesses the char acteristic Ibiick style. “The rear of the body lias been widened, making it exceptionally comfortable for two passengers besides the driver. There are two spacious compartments, one back of the seat and another beneath the rear deck, that affords ample storage space. “The five-passenger open car. Model Twenty One-Forty Five, has a graceful, low appearance. The driving compartment and the tonneau have been re-arranged slightly to provide more room and the seats have been changed so as to afford the most comfortable po sition for driver and passengers. “Model Twenty One-Forty Nine the seven passenger open car. is continued as the ideal ear for the family. Door openings have been widened and more room for extra passengers has been secured. For ty Nine is a big. useful car, beauti ful, refined and easily controlled. “All of the open cars are equip ped uitji the new Buick patented top, which permits an uunobstrTlo ted view to all occupants. Snug fitting curtains swing with the (loots. Due to the fact that so few 'owners drive with their tops down top carrier irons have been elimi nated. However, irons and slip covers may he secured by the own er if he so desires. “Buick closed cars have been greatly improved also. The three previous models have been devel oped and, in addition, anew four passenger coupe. Model Twenty One-Forty Eight. “This model is in every respectj a full four-passenger car. It isi built on the same extra length chassis as the large seven-passen ger sedan. At the light and rear of the driver’s scat is a wide seat for two, in front of which is a fold ing seat with upholstered arms and hack rest. When not in use it may b eolded under the cowl. Back of the driver’s seat and also ruder the rear deck, are spacious compartments for suit cases, bags and parcels. “Model Twenty One-Forty Six the four-passenger coupe on the model Twenty One-Forty Sedan chassis, is itself a roomy, comfort able car. The interior has been re arranged too, and an extra seat swings under the cowl. “The two new I’.uick sedans for five and seven passengers. Models Twenty One-Forty Seven and the Twenty One-Fifty, are bound to make an even wider appeal than they have in past seasons. Ihe improvements have been plentiful and each change fits in with the spirit behind a beautiful, dependa ble ear. “These two models have many •bines in common: differing only Why Suffer? Cardoi “Did Wonders for Me,” Declares This Lady. "I suffered for a long time with womanly weak ness, M says Mrs. J. R Simpson, of 57 Spruce St., Asheville, N. C. “I finally got to the place where it was an effort for me to go. I would have bearing-down pains in my side and back es pecially severe across my back, and down in my side there was a great deal of soreness. I was nervous and easily up set TAKE CARDUI The Woman's Tonic “1 heard of Cardui And decided to use it,” con tinues Mrs. Simpson. "I saw shortly it was bene fiting me, so I kept it up and it did wonders for me. And since then 1 have been glad to praise Cardui. It is the best woman’s tonic made.” Weak women need a tonic. Thousands and thousands, like Mrs. Simpson, have found Cardui of benefit tart hem. Try Cardui for your trou ble. ALL DRUGGISTS 1.80 THE BARROW TlME* r *.'T' >EII, GEORGIA. in chassis length and in appoint ments and refinements that distin guish the more luxurious sedan. They are powered bv the same Buick Valve-in-head motor and graced by the same rich body lines. “All of the closed ears are equip ped with storm-proof windshield anti-glare sun shade and water light doors—considerations that may protection a thing realized in alI kinds of weather. “In tlie complete line, the Buick Motor Company sees that anew quality has been established —a quality that has logically resulted from twenty years’ experience in building a motor car according to accepted engineering ideals. Mas ter craftsmen, always finding new w ays to express their skill, have taken great pride in Twenty One models. They have accomplished! that wonderful thing in making a highly dependable plan* of machiu cry an unusually beautiful object. They have creted a type of design which, pleasing to look at the first time, becomes a source of greater pleasure the more often it is seen. “ But elegant as they air, the now cars are more likely to he conspic uous for their power and perform ance, their ease of control and com fortable service. For Buick en gineers have not directed their ef forts toward any single thing. They have created a type of design the details that make up complete motoring satisfaction. And their accomplishment is nothing short, of remarkable. “Buick cars, which have never been built to a price, have always been good values in personal trans portation. And it takes little in vestigation for one to realize that Twenty (>ue values are the biggest of all.” WINDER MOBILE CO. Winder, Ga. Ride Farther on Goodyear Tires in Your Small Car ' Washington tells us that the h. c. 1. is on the decline, hut neglects to state whether it is going down hill or merely declines to go. When you learn to depend upon yourself in all things you will no longer worry over what others are going to do. And yet the unexpected does sometimes happen. Woman’s suf frage is here, but the millennium has failed to arrive. Speak kindly of others, and tlie person to whom you speak w r ill think more kindly of you. Keep your ow n wits about you and the other fellow’s won’t both er you. RED CROSS RELIEF IN CENTRAL EUROPE But for timely assistance of the American lied Cross during the last year, a large proportion of the 20,000,- 000 population of the Balkan States might have starved or perished from disease or exposure. Six million dol lars worth of food, clothing and medi cal supplies have been sent to the Bal kans —Roumania, Bulgaria, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Greece —since the beginning of Red Cross re lief operations in Central Europe, while millions of dollars worth of food alone has been sent to the needy in these states. The money expended by the Red Cross in this stricken portion of Eu rope has been used to set up hospitals, orphanages, dispensaries, mobile medi cal units and to help In the general re construction of devastated areas. Amer ican tractors and other farming Imple ments have been sent to the agricul tural regions where aid has been giv en In plowing the land. By the last of this year probably all American Red Cross agencies ad ministering relief in Central Europe will have withdrawn. By that time, It is believed, the people will have ap proached a normal state of living and will be able through their own agencies which the Red Cross lias helped set up t* provide for^themselvjis. It is tire performance, not piice, .viiuc decides what you really pay; hence, do not experiment with tires Bead e sell at sensationally low prices. u can secure in Goodyear Tires, of 30x3-, 30x3V2- and 31x4-inch sizes, gh relative value not exceeded even the famous Goodyear Cord Tires the world’s finest automobiles. odyear experience and care are died to their manufacture in the rld’s largest tire factory devoted these sizes. rou own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, xwell or other car taking these s, go to your nearest Service Sta i for Goodyear Tires; take ad- Ltage of the opportunity to get e Goodyear mileage and economy. 30 x 3Vi Goodyear Double-Cure ■y ci Fabric, All-Weather Tread *ZJ— -30 x 3Vi Goodyear Single-Cure <1 1 Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread v Z T Plate Glass, Bath room mirrors, Sold by Smith Hardware Company ONLY TWELVE DAYS left to secure that EXTRA SPECIAL PRICE on Automobile Casings from Smith Hardware Company. Now is the time to buy REAL CHINA DISHES, they are almost as cheap as porcelin. We have a good stock. - Smith Hardware Cos. KTo INSURANCE Your neighbor’s borne burned only a few days or months ago, and * cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with U3 un! lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your heme. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to ihs peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith I Auto, Truck and Motorcycle GOODYEAR TIRES For Sale by THE TIRE SERVICE STATION Robt. A. Camp, Prop. WINDER, GA. Goodyear Heavy Tourut Tube, cost no more than the price you are asked to pay for tubes of less merit why risk costly saw JO xJ 72 ® I2C *" waterproof bag THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, 1920 People who speed through liffe mis most of the good things as they go along and find little when they reach the end. When a little kid smiles at you, stop. Think hack over the years, and of how hadlv you felt when some big duffer scowled at your own kindly smile. Then give smile for smile —and a little more. <