The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, September 16, 1920, Image 3

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Christian By Rev. -I. S. Settle They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood, but the Lord is my defense, and my God in the rock of my refuge. Psalms 94th chapter, 21-22 verses. My soul he on thy guard. Ten thousand hosts arise; And hosts of sin are pressing hard To draw thee from the skies. Character is not reputation. Character is what the man is; reputation is xvluit others think he is. Character remains; reputa tion may come and go. Character is the outflowing stream w hich nev er dries up; reputation may he hut a bubble ’upon its surface. Chris tian character is like a mighty for tress, which cannot be taken. Christian character rests upon truth. It'is truth that makes the arm strong—that gives muscles of iron and nerves of steel. The Christian knows that he has the truth of God on his side and lie does not go to the learned men, the influential who is the truth and the life. Then with holy bold ness he says: “ 1 know whom I have believed. The everlasting and self evidencing verities of heaven are in his soul. For he that believeth hath the witness in him self. The truth of God w hich maintains cannot he burned down. Men may crucify it and bury it as they did crucify and bury the in carnate truth, but it shall rise again. WjgfF lie!* _ .jnl jllllll a|' &§?*%&& “Without faith it is impossible to please God. \\ ithout faith it is impossible to live. We literally walk by faith, we eat by faith, we work by faith, we carry on our bus iness by faith, our manufactories by faith. It is thus by faith in natures laws, which are the laws of God that we live, move and have our being. The Christian gains his conquest through faith, for this is the victory that over cometh the world, even our faith. All great heroes of history were men of faith. Christian character is glorified by love. God is love, and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him. “Now abideth faith hope and love; these three, but the greatest of these is love.” For love, says one, is the Seraph and faith and hope are but the wings by which it flies. Love, says Spurgeon, is the bow which impels the arrow of obedience. Love is the strength, the life of sincere devotion. Love is instinct with activity, it cannot he idle, Jt is full of energy. It cannot content itself with little; it is the spring from which gushes its fountain of living water, flood work and chairity proceed from faith and love, comes from thought as the stream from fountain, as per fume from fllower, as light from the sun. If faith produce no works. I see, That faith is not a living tree, - Thus faith and works together grow, No separate life they e’er can know. They’re soul and body, hand and heart. What God hath joined, let no man part. Character The Christian character is mark ed by peace. It is peace that is in separably connected with power. Jesus says in John 14:27: Peace I leave with you, my peace 1 give unto you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid. In Mathew 5:9 Jeses says: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Christian character is a princi ple that lives in men and women for good. Christian character nev er dies. It will live for eternity. Let us behold the past for a mo ment and see there the fragment that time has left behind. There is the burying place fill ed with records of the past. What columns of biography is the grave yard. They lie—the blooming and the beautiful, the strong and the active —all smouldering into dust. The laughing eve, the noble brow, the dimpled cheek, the teeth of pearl, the. musical tongue, the brain creative and the cunning hand —all, all are silent in the tomb and melting into the earth. There, too, is the oak that once towered in strength and beauty, now withered and decayed. Once it gave shelter to the beasts ol the field and the birds of the air lodg ed in its branches; now i1 needs a prop to prevent its falling to the ground. But Christian character needs no prop. The splendid man- sion is seen crumbling into dust. Architecture and sculpture and painting has bestowed upon it Hieir highest efforts; the artist looked upon it with pride. The own er lelighted in it, but it is gone. Its glory has departed; it is among the things tlfat have been. But char acter still lives. In the distance are seen the huge forms of the pyramids. Egypt’s renown and the wonder of the world’s memorials of the past, tell ing us of the folly, cruelty, despot ism and ambition of kings, and telling us, too, doubtless, of the groans, tears and blood of thous ands of men like ourselves who la bored and slaved to build these gi gantic monuments: but these, also wiil pass away —if not before, they must pass away when the earth shall reel to and fro and totter like a drunken man. Then, at least, all physical reminiseenses of the past, sinking into the deep sea of obliv ion. and will be recognized no more. But Christian character still lives. Religion, the daughter of the skies, who descended from heav en, and who is hastening hack to her blest abode, is seen on the cir cular pathway of time. She holds in her hand a scroll: she is in earn est as she passes by. She makes know n to man his highest good. Above her head promises to all who will obey her voice and im prove the present time. The past is gone—the castles, the mansions, the green oak trees, and the tow er. and let them go. The monu ments of pride, ambition, w icked ness of kings and oonquerers and the prayers she offered up are crumbling inlo dust, and let them crumble. The glory, splendor and renown of heroes are fast fading | away, and let them fade. Hut Christian character like the dead, they shall live again; they that sleep in the dust shall awake; that which is sown in dishonor shall he raised in Glory. The man and the woman with a Christian character shall see God, lor < hrist said: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” I must not close without speak ing a word for our noble women, some of whose lives are as pure as the angels in Glory. Like Mary who broke the box of ointment on Jesus’ head, and when some of them murmured against her, Je sus said: “Let her alone, she hath done what she could.” Jesus said in Mathew 26-13 and also in Mark 14-9: Verily. I say unto you, wheresoever this gospel shall he preached throughout the whole world this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial TIIE BARROW TIMES, WINDER. GEORGIA. of her. And as w e remember Paul writ ing to Timothy concerning Chris tian character of his mother and grandmother, he said in Timothy 1-5, “When 1 call to remembrance, the unfeigned faith that is in thee, w hich dwell first in thy grandmoth mother, Lois, and thy mot her-Eu nice, and 1 am persuaded that in thee also.” And we note also. Hannah, a woman of character and faith. I Samuel 1-27 she said “For this child l prayed; and the Lord hath •given me my petition w hich I asked of him .And God gave Samuel to the world, .who was a great man in his day. Many great women 1 might mention, hut time and space will not allow. But I will speak of some others. These women of whom 1 mnv speak are members of the churches of w hich 1 am pastor. I speak of these noble women whose lives and character are un- Our store now gleams with magnificent new goods in all the different lines; and we invite you to come and inspect them. When you come you will see that our Styles are the styles you can rely upon for correctness; our quality you can rely upon tor goodness; our prices you can rely upon for honesty. Deal with a reliable store and you will feel satisfied thui the style is correct, thh quality <_c cci and the price right. PHjlt j r jr The Winder Dry Goods Store (Same old stand for awhile) questioned by all. These women have hen a power to me in my ministry. They often say to me: "There is not a week that goes by that 1 do not pray for you in your work that God may bless your ef forts in all your churches, ” Such words are worth more to me than money. It is to me as apples of gold in silver pictures. Those words anti prayers have been roses along my pathway of God and man. in helping others. I also love to think now of my moth er. I feel that her words which she spoke to me while she w as liv ing, have been a power to me in my work, for she often said, “I am praying for you my hoy.” Her Christian character still lives. Al so my wife, whose life and Chris tian character is as pure as the lillies of the valley and as beauti ful as the rose of Sharon. Her life and prayers have been a pow er to me in my ministry, and she! suffers affliction here in this life. 11 We Are Ready For You at The Winder Dry Goods Store Never before in the historv of our store have we assembled such a beauti ful range of Ladies’ and Misses Suits, Dresses. Waists, Skirts and Hats. Our Suits comprise the newest Styles in the different cloths; French Serge, Poplin. Broad-cloth, Velour, Tric otine and Goldtone—and the prices are from $85.00 all the way down to $25 the suit. Dresses in all the wanted materials, Braided, Beaded and Embroidered, and the prices are very, very reasonable; quality considered. If its to wear and in good taste, we have it. Come and let us show you. hope it will brighten her crown in Glory. These women together with many others, are gems and jewels in our lives for good. No man is able to value Christian character of a good woman. In Proverbs 31 : 10 we have these words of Solo- mon: “Who can find a virtuous w oman, for her price is far above rubies.” So ('lu istian character still lives. A CARD FROM MR. MOORE. I am under lasting obligations to those who stood so nobly by me in the race for the State Sen ate and to those who saw it to be their duty to vote against me, I have no ill feeling. The glory I get in knowing that Georgia has registered her disapproval of the league of nations and Romanism is enough for once. Here is luck to my opponent and best wishes to all. *• J. Ij. MOORE. TIII RSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1920. FOR MAYOR. 1 am a candidate for Mayor of the City of Winder, subject to the will of the people at the coming primary. I am now serving as Councilman at large and chairman of police and water & light commission. I have always stood for the best interests of the city and if elect ed as your Mayor I will do my ut most to serve all the people and perform the duties demanded of me. GEORGE THOMPSON Candidate for Councilman. 1 respectfully announce as a can didate for councilman of the city of Winder from the 2nd ward and will appreciate your support and if elected will do my host for the good of Winder. . Sincerely yours, S. C. KINNEY, \%