The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, October 07, 1920, Image 2

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BETHLEHEM (Last week's letter.* Mrs. Lon Simontou was brought from Atlanta last week where she had been in a sanitarium for two weeks. Mrs. Simontou is pleasant ]y remembered here as Miss Wil lie Mae Stewart and lias many friends who are interested in her continued improvement in health. Mr. Clarence Twitty of Caines ville is spending a few days here looking after his farming interests Mrs. Loy Hendrix was routined to tier lied a few days this week. Edward. Hie yoeng son of Mr and Mrs Lueien Rogers, continues quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. W eynian P. Harri son were visitors to Winder Sun day. Prof, ami -Mrs. J. L Moore have returned from Atlanta. Miss Ada Yearwond is out after a few days' illness. The P>. Y P. P. of Winder rep resented by Misses hditli L. House, Frances Hubbard. Nettie Bagwell, Louise Williams, Essie Lee Wil liams. Hilda Faust and Master Hib son House, rendered a very inter esting and helpful program at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon. This was followed by a talk hy Miss < trace Thompson, of the State Mission Hoard. Atlanta. Take the Short Route. Wheu you talk. observes nn ednca tor, whether In conversation or in meeting, use short words, of which there nre more than there nre of long ones, and te the most direct road to your meaning. Your meaning's the ■ante. Jellies Make Good Drink. With la grippe and feverish colds, cooling drinks are In demand. Chilled fruit juices are always acceptable, whether it Is the Juice of raw fruits, Mich as lemons, limes, oranges or grape fruit or the cooled liquids around cooked dried fruit or preserves Mix with water, sweeten slightly, and put In a teaspoonful of shaved lee. Tart Jellies make a refreshing drink, especially currant Jelly. A nourishing think is made by mixing the water off boiled rice with orange juice or cur rant Jelly and water. Lemonade Is made t with a dash of nutmeg SB INSURANCE Your neighbor's borne burned only a few days or months ago, and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US anl lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures bis property in a reliable insurance company o that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to ibs peace of mind and the -are of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith j|f|| Good Year ; ; “I 1 “SOLD BY” |sy| I Smith Hardware bOO I Company I Winder Georgia Reliable Glasses If you are thinking of obtaining glasses, please bear in mind that the financial and professional responsibility of those to whom you entrust the care of your eyes is of greatest impor tance. Ours is a complete organization, devoted exclusively to the scientific examination of eyes and the fitting and grind ing of proper glasses, all for one reasonable charge. Optometrist J, Q, Duggan °P tician 53 West Mitchell Street, Near New Terminal Station. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR MAYOR I am a candidate for Mayor of the City of Winder, subject to the will of the people at the coming primary. I am now serving as Councilman at large and chairman of police and water and light commission. I have always stood for the liest interests of the city and it elect ed as your Mayor I will do my ut most to serve all the people and perform the duties demanded of rue. GEORGE THOMPSON. Candidate for Councilman. I respectfully announce as a can didate for councilman of the city of Winder from the 2nd ward and will appreciate your support and if re-elected will do my best lor the good of W inder. Sincerely yours, S. C. KINNEY. For Councilman At-Large. To the Voters of Winder: At the solicitation of friends I hereby announce myself for City Councilman at large. If ! am chosen lor this position I shall al ways stand tor the right and against the wrong; play no favor ites. and at all times will pull for every movement that in my hum ble judgment tends toward mak ing Winder a bigger and better 'city in which to live. I will ap prociate your support and infill mice. Respectfully. CLEM ROYAL. The Cost. Everything )s worth whnt Its pur .■baser will pay for it according to an *M saying. How to Get Rich. “The methods of practicing economy are very simple," wrote Ir. Samuel Smiles, an authority on (he subject. '"Spend less than you earn That Is the first rule. .V portion should a! ways bo set asine for tlie f iture.” THE HARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA. Notice of Change of Firm. Notice is hereby given to all con eerned that the Bethlehem Bank ing Company, of Bethlehem, Geor gia, a firm composed of W. C. Hor ton and ft- L. Eavenson, has been changed effective since the 7th day of September, 1920, and by the said change, K. L. 'Eavenson has retired from the said firm arid has sold his entire interest in Ihe as sets of the said Bethlehem Banking Company to W. C. Horton and J. j. W. AUSTIN’S ANNUAL SALE at Carl, Ga., will open on Monday, October 11,1920 All who have attended our sales in the past know what this means. 1 want to say this is the greatest slaughter on prices that we have of fered. My goods are all new. As you all know I sold out my entire sttock last November 1919. Cotton is down, and all my goods are down to meet the prices as well. I will give you some of my prices at this sale. Read Them Carefully and Compare Them With Other Prices Dress Ginghams .Ml 35c yard Ginghams to go at tltis sale at 27V 2 <‘ yard. These goods are good quality. BOOK FOLD PERCALS All 25e ynl Hook Hold I*oreals to go Jit this sale at 18cyd. Good stock of these on hand. APRON GINGHAMS All 35c yard Apron Ginghams to go at this sale atj27' L .e \|| :jOc yd. Apron Ginghams to go at this sale for _-)e yd. QUILT CALICO. \II 20c vd quilt calico to go at 18V 2 c yd at this sale. SUITINGS. All 30c yard Suitings to g<> a1 this sale ior 20c yd. Hood stock on hand, all colors. CHAMBRAYS All doc vd. (’hamhrays to go at this sale for 28c yard. MANDEVILLE CHAMBRAYS All 40c yd. Mandeville Chamhray linen finish to go at this sale for" 29c yard. Good select ion. GALATEA All 35c yd. Galatea to go at this sale for 20c yd. Good stock on hand. RANGER GALETEA All 50c vd. Ranger Galatea to go at this sale for 38e yd. BULL DOG TWILL All 50c yd. Hull Dog twill to go at this sale for 37 l / 2 c yd. Indigo blue last colors. KIMONA CLOTH. All 35c yd. Kiniona Cloth to go tit this sale 2->c the yard. SCOTCH GINGHAMS i All 65c yard Scotch Ginghams to go at this sale for 4Ke yard. It i32 inches wide. PONGEES. Ml 50c Pongees to go at this sale lor 38c tne ,\<ud. POPLINS Ml 50c yard Poplins to go at this sale for 38c the yard. SILK TUSSAH GINGHAMS All 85c yard Silk Tussah ginghams to go at this sale for 58c the yard SHEPARD CHECK All 80c yd. Shepard checks to go at this sale tor 58c yart . This goods is 46 inches wide, tasl colors. WOOL FLANNEL All SIOO wool flannel to go at thi sale at the yard... .75e PLAIDS All 65c yard Plaids to go at this sale for 35c the yard Good stock on hand to select from. COTTON FLANNEL All 35c yard cotton flannel to go at this sale for 25c vaid .. Do Not Forget the Time, Monday, Oct. 11, 1920 1 hope to meet you on the above date. 1 am yours to serve, J. W. AUSTIN .J. Horton who, by the said sale, become entitled to all the rights, title and interest of the said Eav enson in the assets of the said Banking concern and likewise be comes subject to all of the liabili ties of the said concern. R. L. EAVENSON, AY. C. HORTON, J. J. HORTON. In Everyday Life. ft i well to remember that eiecV “v *■ • tfr.hip rare MULBERRY BAPTISTS MEET The Mulberry Baptist associa tion comprising twenty-three of the country and village churches between Winder and Gainesville, met Wednesday and Thursday of this week at Sharon church. Rev. S. I’. Higgins was reelected moderator. Rev. J. B. Brookshire county school superintendent-elect was elected clerk. Dr. W. 11. Rich, of Elbert on, Wool Serges All $1.25 Wool Serges to go Jit. this sale for SI.OO All SI.OO Serges to go ;jt this sale at, the yard 80c My serges are coming in daily. Good values. All 90c wool flannel to go at tins sale at ... .70c the yard All 85c yard wool flannel to go at this sale for 60c. All 55c yard wool-flannel to go at this sale for 40c yard. 8 OZ. FEATHER TICKING. All 70c yd. Heather Ticking to go at this sale for 55c yard. All 50c yd. Heather Ticking to go at this sale for 40c yard. LADIES SWEATERS All $4.50 Ladies Sweaters to go at this sale for $3.25 Pig lot on hand. Look at them when you come to the sale WORK SHIRTS All $1.50 Work Shirts to go at this sale for $1.20 OVERALLS All $2.75 Overalls to go at this sale for $2.35. Xunnally’s .Make. All $2.40 Overalls to go a1 this sale j'or $2.10 (I reen back make. All Jumpers t<> go at this sale as the overalls. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! 1 neglected to buy shoes, until the 27th of October. I have saved a nice sum of money by so doing, for as you know the market has been awfully high. But 1 bought all my shoes on next year’s market. To make it short 1 will be able at this sale to save you from $1.25 to $3.00 on every pair you buy. GROCERIES I will sell you 4 Ibs. of good coffee tor SI.OO at this sale. 31.> lbs. of ihe Pea berry Atffe for SI.OO at this "kale The Dandy Gup. ground coffe for $1.15; was $1.25. All 10c snuff cut to 7c a box. All soaps that were 10c a bar cut to 8c a bar. I will sell you any tobacco in tbe house at first cost. I Como in and see for yourself. 1 mean what T say. I can’t give prices on all other goods, but it is all cut. 8o don’t miss the opportunity you know first comes gets pick and choice of all the things "that’s going to he sold. Those who come in last will not have as good a chance. According to the prices on this circular, a little warning to von: You may say 1 am too busy picking cotton to stop to "go to this sale. etc. You will not miss the time. When you consider what you will save. You will need the goods sooner or later. So come and save from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1920. preached the introductory sermon on Wednesday. A large delegation was piesent from all the churches and a boun tiful dinner served each d°y. LOST KEYS- 1 lost bunch of keys with my name on them Tues day and will thank the finder for returning same. E. A. Jackson, Winder, j