The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, October 21, 1920, Image 2

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Christian Convention at Good Hope, Oct. 26-29 A great deal ot interest attach es to the annual gathering of rep renHentatives of the Christian hurehes in this district, wliicli is to le held at Good Hope on Octo ber 26-28. The splendid people of Good Hope and conmuinity are making big preparations for the meeting ami it is certain to he one of the be,si in the history of the district, as the hospitality of flood Ifope people cannot lie excelled. The churches have experienced unusual growth this year under Ihc leadership ol h’ov. Ifruee \ey, flint riel evangelist, and the meet ing at <Jood I lope is expected 1 o be tin* largcsl held by the district in many years. Ail eight weeks’ evangelistic cam paigu of the district recently brought large increases in member ship. During the campaign anew ehiireh was organized in Lawrence vilic and a valuable site bought on which to erect a house of worship. At Chapel church near Winder was raised to repair and paint the building. The congregation i)1 Bogart whose pastor is Rev. Car! Cheek, voted to raise .SIO,OOO lor anew house of worship. ' ” m The sum of $12,400 lias already been suUseribed at Watkinsville for anew church and a minister will be called to devote liis entire lime to the charge, ” Talmet.tor ehurcli in the south ern part of Oglethorpe county lias erected anew ehurcli building which was recently dedicated. The Walton Tribune. PROGRAM TUESDAY AFTERNOON BRUCE NAY. Presiding 7.30. Welcome service 0. .1. Parrish. 7.45, Christian Endeavor Session—P We Are Taking a Loss of $25,000. Desperate! and Determined! To Close Our $75,000 Stock Down at Any Sacrifice We sold many thousand dollars worth since our sale opened up, but not enough to satisfy our ed itors. We must raise at least $30,000 quick. So we went through our stock again and reduced every thing even lower than last week, and if merchandise has any value left, we feel that we ave a fighting chance. Look! Read! and Wonder! At Prices We Reduced Again 30 c (iinghams— 19c 40c AAA Sheeting 21c A A Sheeting— 18iC 1 30c < )uting— 19c $35.00 Dresses at — $18.75 In fact everything in our store in proportion, from a handkerchief up to $75.00 Suits, for we are pre pared to take. A $25,000 Loss On Our Stock and you will be the Gainer We will give SIOO any Winder charitable institution if there is one misrepresented statement in this ad., or any of our prices advertised. J. L. SAU L K: L). Snipes. 8.00. The Need of Christian Endeavor in our Churches Nancy Lowe Morton S.I 5. What a .tiinior Can Do—Mrs. W. T. Height well. 8.40. How Christian Kndeavor Helps Our Spiritual Life Mrs. S. # 'li. Grubb. $.50. Wluit Christian Kndeavor Means to Me Monroe Butler and Chester Barnette. 0.00. College Session. WEDNESDAY MORNING. S. it. GRUBB, Presiding. 0.50. Devotional -T. L. Young. ‘>.45. Report <>f District Board K. .t. Crowley,, Seerctarv and Treasurer. Report of District Evangelist. Roll Call of Churches, 11.00. Convention Address- S. It. Grub. ] 1.50. Business Session. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. .1. K. TPItNER, Presiding. 1.15. C. W. B. M. Session —Miss Saallie Shellnutt. 1.25. Devotional- Mrs. (i. .T. Parrish and Mrs. W. M. Styncheom li. 1.40. Reports of Societies. 1.50. What We Have Done atnl Can Do Mrs. S. If. Grubb. 2.10. Personal Responsibility—Mrs. *T. K. Whitehead. 2.50. IV. S. ii. M. Mrs. P>. O. Miller. 5.15. Address -•“ The Pun nswered ('all’ —A. R. Moore. WEDNESDAY NIGHT. CLAUD MAYNE Presiding. 7.5(1. Devotional —T. O. .Slaughter. 7.40. Bible School Session —Mrs. J. F. Whitoheud. 8.00. Bible School Work in Our District. 8.05. The Bible School and Christian Leadership- -C. L. McPherson. 8.45. Church Music—Mrs. K. J. Turner and Claud Mayne. THURSDAY MORNING. 8. R. GRUBB, Presiding. 9.50. Devotional—W. B. McDonald. 9.45. The Advantages of Full Time Preaching—J. H. Wood. 10.15. Reports of Committees. 11.00. The Officers’ Opportunity T. L. Young. 11.15. Beginning in Time- G. J. Par rish. 11.45. Open Conference. . Dinner. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. 1.15. Devotional —W. D. Sims. 1.30. The Value of a Chin ch Paper. .15. Sermon G. H. Ramsey. o.o(l. Special Music- Mrs. K. .1. Turner ami Mrs. .1. K. Whitehead. Overalls Best VVimco and Bell $3.00 grade overalls— sl.69 SIO.OO Boys Suits at $6.35 $15.00 Bovs Suits al $8.75 Ladies Shoes $6.00 quality $3.75 THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA. 2.50. Unfinished Business. 3.00. Benediction. COMMITTEES •FUTURE—E. J. Crowley, Chairman; ■lohit H. Wood, M. W. Hates, Claud Mayne, .T. B. Batchelor, .1. 'l'. I.aßoon, U. J. I’ai-risb, Mrs. B. 0. Miller, K. C. Willingham. NOMINATIONS —T. 0. Slaughter, Chairman; Walter Sailers, John VV. Cash W. P. Evans, .T. E. Wright. PUBLICITY. .J. c. Jones, Chairman; Mrs. S. R. Grubb, Miss Nancy l.ovve Mor ton, llrs. W. M. Styneheomh, Mrs. L. L. Ewing. MEMORIALS T. L. Young, •’hairnntn Miss Alline Phillips, Mrs. S. I*. Fain hrough. PLACE—J. C. Saxon, Chairman; C. It. Starratte, J. It. Nicholson, S. J.. An-1 trey, P. 1.. Giles. ENROL!..MEXT Miss Irene .Maleotn. THE ODD FELLOWS OF GEOR GIA TO BUILD A HOME The •bitl Fellows of Georgia ate i preparing to erect an Odd Fellows Home til O tiffin, <Lt., to be known : ;ts the Robert T. Daniel Home. The I its the Robert T. Daniel Home. | They already have deeds to one hundred acres of good land just outside the city and will soon be gin the erection of the building. To raise funds for this purpose. November Bth has been designated and set apart as Odd Fellows Or phan Home Day. <>n this day ev ery Odd Fellow of the twenty-five thousand in Georgia is requested to contribute at least proceeds of tlie day’s work. The Odd Fellows now own and operate fifty-six institutions of this kind in the l'nited States. The val ue of these homes is about ten mil lion dollars —money value. Their value as a force for good can hot lie estimated. FOR SALK -Overland 85—4—2 new tires; 1 new A\ illavd battery. .1 spot light with 8 ft. of extensionj cord; look on steering wheel ; runs like new. Price s;>so.oo.—A. J. LONd, WINDER, <;A. 2t-42. WANTED.!A good delivery boy; [good price to the right party. — Hargrove Bros. D. Dresses $12.50 quality in Serges or Poplin at $5.75 $25.00 Ladies Plush or ('loth coats 9.75 $40.00 ('oats at— 522.75 Grand Jury Presentments Barrow Cos. Superior Court, Sept. Term 1920 To the Hon. Andrew .T. Cobh, Judge of the Superior Court of Barrow coun ty: We tht* Grand Jury chosen and sworn for the September Term, 1920, Bar row county Superior <'ourr .beg leave to submit the following report: Through the committee appointed on court house, jail, rump, rhningang; stock, tools and machinery, we find they are kept and eared for as best we eatt see on short visit as bccometh gentle men who pride in their county and who are not ashamed for their work to be an open book. Reports Attached. The hooks of the Ordinary, Sheriff, and Clerk, Tax Collector, Tax Receiver. Treasurer, Superintendent of public schools and J. P. and N. P. and J. P. are as best we can detect legible and neatly kejd. We have made no effort to audit the books of any of the above named. Reports Attached. We recommend that the mail route from R. N. Pentecost hv Hewitt bridge to Pleasant Hill church house to be looked after tit once. The mail car rier will have to discontinue the mail real soon if the road is not patched. It has been reported that several of our communities arc being much annoy ed by 1 immoralities, blind tigering and high speeding. Therefore, we recom mend that the county authorities put forth more deligence in catching those offenders ,if necessary employ a detect ive or county poliec. We recommend that the jurors and bailiffs be paid three dollars per day, and the foreman and clerk of the Grand Jury be paid one dollar per day extra. We find a leak in the jail roof that we recommend be fixed at an early date. We most, heartily recommend our High ly esteemed Judge Cobb, our untiring clerk. Geo. N. Bagwell, our go after the offender Col. W. O. Dean, our ever on the alert H. O. Camp, and his wide awake bailiffs for their kindness in and help in bringing the offender to judg ment. AVe are sorry to find many things be ing done in our county of which we are ashamed and therefore pray for a co operation of all citizens with om offi cers in an effort to place Barrow (Nulli ty’s morals on a higher plane . AVe most heartily commend our fore man and clerk for we are sure few grand jury bodies have had a more ‘‘get the ofTeuder now” than K. A. Starr and a more ‘‘on the job” than N. D. Mead ow. Our door keeper, J. H. Wheeler, showed by his promptness he was ready to answer the summons. We recomfend that these present ments be published iu each county pa per—News and Times —and each be paid $lO for same. E. A. STARK. Foreman N. D. MEADOW, Clerk. E. A. Starr, X. I). Meadow, T. A. Dea ton, .(f M. Poole, J. H. Wheeler. H. P. Stanton, A. A. Thomas, (). W. Smith. J. W. Casper, <'. L. Sims. G. W. DcLu- Perrtere, VV. H. DeLay, \Y. J. Ethridge. J. (!. Cooper, F\ L. Sims. H. E. Biakov. C. M. Thompson, VV'. A. Ridgeway, J. B. Attaway, M. R. Maynard. J. H. Giles. A. S. Kberhart, W. H. Elrod. Harrow Superior Court, Sept. Term, 1920. It is ordered that the foregoing gen- Men’s Suits $40.00 Schloss Bi os., Suits at— 524.50 $30.00 Men’s Suits at — $17.75 Long, black. $25.00 overcoats at *11.25 $50.00 Schloss Bros., overcoats at $27.50 North Georgia FARM LAND We offer for sale 80 acre farm 4 miles from Dahlon ega; about 40 acres in cultivation. 2 dwellings with all necessary outbuildings; Good pastures and well timbered. Convenient to church and school. Daily mail service. $20.00 Per Acre Also 60-acre farm about 30 acres improved; 2 miles from Dahlonega on public road with daily mail service. Good pastures and timber; unusually fine orchard. A bargain at $20.00 per acre. J. M. Brooksher & Sons TIH RSDAV, OCTOBER 21, 1920, eral presentments be entered upon the minutes of this Court and published as recommended, fhis Oct. etb. l.’-O. Andrew- J. Cobb, Judge S. C. W. O. VV. O. Dean, Sol. Gen. Saff-FlHcr Elevator*. The ■mall daughter ea* taken to tb hospital to see bar great-grandfather, ■ho was 111, and when the party got lo Die corridor site exclaimed : "O goody, ;hey have those elevators tuat *r#, •elf-filler*. ” | Pointed Statement. "Now, If you have that In your mind,” said a professor who had just explained a theory to his students, “you have It all in a nutshell 1“ Red Heads Have the Advantage. Many physicians of note are respon sible for the assertion that the red headed tire more resistant to disease man less fiery haired persons, and Sir Arbuthnot Lane expresses the view that “a disease becomes loss virulent In type when it gains entrance into the body of a red-liead than when it at tacks a person with hair of a more nodest color." Ladies’ Suits $25.00 Ladies Beits $14.75 $35.00 Ladies Suits at $19.75 Men's Kvery day Shoes $5.00 qual ity— s2.7s