The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, November 11, 1920, Image 2

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Saturday, November 13th Between the hours of 1 0 and 1 1 A. M., and 1 to 2 P. M.. we will sell our best 40c Dress Ginghams in finesi dress patterns at 1 .><• Best 40c Sheeting for 15c No more than 25 yards to a customer. Everybody who comes during these hours will be waited on, Ladies’ and Men’s Ready-to-Wear Reduced to Even Lower Than Pre-War Prices at If you intend buying a men’s Suit, Overcoat, or boys' Suit, Ladies’ Coat Suit, Coat or Dress this season, we tell you right now that if you will come to our store, we will sell it to you for about one-half of what it will cost you elsewhere. We are needing the money <a frank statement, but a true one* and are ready to make most any sacrifice to dispose of this large stock. This is the way you can buy them now. Men’s Overcoats $20.00 Black, all wool Overcoats — | | $35.00 Schloss Bros. Young Men's Onn Overcoats, for $45.00 Schloss Bros. Young Men’s fA Overcoats, for iDLi l • til/ Ladies’ and Misses Coats r° C01 “T. $14.90 r OCoats ~ $17.50 $50.00 Coats — *33.50 One lot of Plush Coats in all col ors and a lot of all wool clotn H C coats worth up to $25.00. Your •J D choice for Favored With the Gods Was Martin W. Littleton By \V. 11. Uraig. ’l'liiit was si glorious family ’brought up by Mr. Thomas JefTer smt Littleton in Hamblen county, in the Mountains of Hast I'ennos scc. There were nineteen of thorn, all tohl. Wc sue careful to say "all told”, because the reader might think there was si possibility that all had not been counted. In 1850 he and his young wife. Hannah, pitched 1 heir tent in the howling wilderness among the howling wolves, with no human neighbors for miles around. Ho and Hannah chopped logs and built a two-room log cabin and moved in. They fashioned some rude furniture and made two chairs and bottomed them with raw bide and w bile osik itplits. Their bedstead had ropes for si mattress. The meal was boiled on si pot-rack and the hoccake was baked on the heartlb J L 0 Winder, Ga. The Clothier Winder, Ga. •Inst over the mountain from this new home Davy Crockett was horn and raised—this wonderful prod uct of the wilderness who wsis elected to Congress, illiterate, and who afterward died at the Alamo more gloriously tlisin Leonidas at Thermopylae. Mr. Littleton cleared a patch and planted corn, and thus the life of him sind Hannah began in the pri meval forest. And then the children began to come—and they came and came and there were nineteen- sixteen boys and three girls. This tale issihout the ninth hoy— and he wsis named Martin. And he is the Martin Littleton of New York City, perhaps the greatest orator and most celebrated lawyer in the entire nation —now 48 years old. The Littleton family moved to LADIES DRESSES One-Half Price $12.50 Serge and Poplin Dresses— $ 5.75 $20.00 Serge and Silk Dresses— rt* Q (J at $30.00 Tricotine and Serge Dresses $18.50 Everything in our store is marked in plain / figures. —J. L. Saul Texas w hen Martin was 48 years old; hut three years afterward the drought struck them and their crops were burned to a crisp. Most of the family moved hack to the old Tennessee home. Hut Martin was among those who stayed. lie was hired to drive a wagon for several months; then served as a baker’s helper at Weatherford. Texas. Then lie went to Aledo and worked for si considerable time on the railroad sis a section hand sit .">0 cents a day and hoard. Then he was employed as a farm hand by Mr. .1. C. Hutcheson, fatli er-in-lsiw of Dt. Walter Worn!, son of Hilly Wood of this city. While there he went to school about eight months which was the only schooling lie ever got. 11 is sister Mary had taught him to read. I p to this time the only books he had ever read were si dictionary and a hymn hook. While at Mr. Hutch erson’s he would sit up nights and read till after 11 o’clock. Of Fri day nights he would walk many miles to attend debating societies, and would debate with any one on any subject. From .Mr. Hutcherson's he went THE HARROW TIMES. WINDER. OEOROIA. q . < ALL DURING THE DAY WE Saturday WILL GIVE AWAY ABSOLUTE -j. j LY FREE WITH EACH $25.00 INOV | MEN S SUITS ONE OF OUR I BEST $5.00 HOPKINS HATS. 1 ■ This offer is good for Saturday. November 13th, only. Ladies Coat Suits FOR LESS THAN THE COST OF THE RAW MATERIAL. $30.00 Coat Suits $18.50 $40.00 Coat Suits $22.50 $50.00 Coat Suits $33.50 One Lot of Coat Suits, odds and ends, worth up to $27.50, your choice for $12.45 to Weatherford and worked sev eral months as a street hand. Dur ing ibis time he got acquainted with the clerk of the <•0111-1 and se cured permission to read some of the law hooks in Lis office, lie sit terward slept in the office sit night tm a lounge, lie read some in Blackstone and some in the Code ami thought and thought. Then one day sit a session of the court he asked the wise old •bulge might he lie examined for admis sion to the bar? The old .bulge regarded him indulgently through his specs, and asked. ‘‘ I low old are you?” ” Nineteen,” replied the aspiring youth. ‘‘That Isn't enough,” said the Judge. “Beggin* your pardon, but it is. said the youth, “for I’ve got the law on it.” And lie produced si musty old hook fresh from its her mitage among the moths. The wise old Judge took it and read. “Well, bless my soul,” said he: “but 1 had forgotten it.” A night session w as held and five worthy limbs of the law were ap (Continued on Page Three) TORNADO INSURANCE Your neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago, and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US anl lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures his property in a reliable Insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to ihs peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith Reliable Glasses 1 t If you are thinking of obtaining glasses, please bear in mind that the financial and professional responsibility of those to whom you entrust the care of your eyes is of greatest impor tance. Ours is a complete organization, devoted exclusively to the scientific examination of eyes and the fitting and grind ing of proper glasses, all for one reasonable charge. Optometrist J. C. Duggan Optician I 53 West Mitchell Street, Near New Terminal Station. TIirKSHAY, NOV. 11, 1920. Men’s Suits $60.00 Men's Schloss Bros. Suits — $38.50 $50.00 Men’s Schloss Bros. Suits— -32.50 $40.00 Men's Schloss Suits — 27.50 $35.00 Men's Schloss Bros. Suits — 24.00 $30.00 Men s All Wool Suits— -18.75 $25.00 Men’s All Wool Suits — 16.50 $20.00 Men s All Wool Suit— -12.50 BOY’S SUITS Sizes 3 to 553.75 $3.75 and $4.95 Sizes !! to 20 $ 7.50 Boys Suits at 5.25 SIO.OO Boys Suits for $7.35 $12.00 Boys Suits for $8.45