The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, December 09, 1920, Image 2

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LEGAL AimKiiMiULixid Application for Dismission GEORGIA Harrow county. When its. .lobe T. Williams, Exerutor of h--t Will and Testament of A. M. \V i liiins. d'-ecascd, represent* to the Ci. iTf it his ] ; turn duly filed and on !rr*>f on record. that he has fully ad aistored iff*- said c-tat-o. This is there |or< to cite till persons concerned. kin |r< ! and creditors, to show muse if any v cm:. vh\ -aid K>.**ntnr should not l.< d.-c harp- I from his administration. ~R , r r..ii\i letters of liismirston on tin hrsl Monday in January, 10"!. II H I Id. Ordinary. (, A .min,-. Vtty. Application for Guardianship GEORGIA Harrow county. To Ail Whom il May Concern: H. K Wood, having applied for guar dian-hip "f the person and property <>t Mereer Wood, Grover Wihkl arid Clow land Wo . ) i m r ehildrcn of S. E Wood lull n( aid county, doeoased. notice is given that aid application will be hoard al my office at ten o’clock A. M on the first Monday in January, next. Th t*!h day of December, 1020. ( 11. G. HII. 1.. Ordinary. (. A Johns Mty. Application lor Leave to Sell Land. GEOIMiIA Harrow county. M >s K. GoOrrison, Administrator of Estate of H. -I Giimson. deceased, late of aaid i*mintv of Harrow, having made application to me for leave to sell lands and other real estate belonging to the eitafe , f the said M .1. Garrison, dr ■ eased, this is therefore In cite till par ties inti-rested to show cause before me on the hrsl Monday in .Fsiruisiry, 1921. why this application should not be granted. This the tith day of December, 1920. Tl. (i. 1H1.1.. Ordinary . \ Application lor Twelve Months Support • iHOWOIA I'.arrm I'uunty. The apjiriiisoiM duly appointed to set a year’s Mippovt tor tile widow ol <j. VV. M’■ It, ir-n Id. late of snid eouhty <1 * * i rased, loivint; t-(ed \|ien i etui’ll.' sett ii. t; apart a said twelve month's support. This is to rite the next ot kin imd nil ercditoTs ot the mi id <l. V . Mi Donald that. 1 will pass upon the said returns at. the regular .In min ry term. It*— 1. ot ;he (hnirt id’ Or.linary ot Huirmv roue •;v, <•:< All pii'Me: eoneerned are re quued to sin.w eiiuse at that time. '! any they have, wliv the said returns shall not he made it .judgment of this I'onrt. This the dth day ot Deeeuilier. 3pep. H. Ci lIIM., Ordinnrw. Virtice ot Sale o 1 Personal Property: Estate of R. H. MrElroy. Deceased, t ■ E()R< ■I A Hr' rt'.it eimnly . 15y virtue of an Older of the Court o' Orilina of snid county, granted at the Oeeemtx r Term. 1020. Will tie si*lcl on the premises in Iho store on Railroad street in the Town ol Stathaif and before said store on Tues i ay. Di i , niher h'lst, l'.lL’C, within the lo al tiouis of sale the following proper ty of the lis Cate Of l: 11. I . Mr Kirov. .•*• easn .. 1 • w ' ' One surrey, one lot of farm tools, one 'ot oi shop tools, one stock ot Merehnn disc, consisting of dry goods, shoes, hard ware notiot.s and groceries. Alsti eer lain store fixtures, show rases,' safe, add mg machine, eic. Snid property will he offered lirst in 'ots and then in hulk as n whole and the highest and best hid accepted. Terms cosh. This De t'iU. 1020. MI'LL Ell Me HE ROY. Administrator. PETITION FOR CHARTER liRORO! \ HARROW COCNTV. To the Stipennr Court of said enmity: The petition of .i. t . Shielils, I.ester flam ell. J‘. K. Wilhunks. T. N. Sudd.-ith .1. Payi.r, llerseltcl Payne, W. 11. Voting. 11- 11. Shields. 1!. H Shields: 1.. 1,. Put r k Mid \V. .1. dunes of said count y and State of Georgia. respectful ly shows: First,Thut they desire for themselves, 1 heir associates and successors, to l>o incorporated an(l made a lody politic vndcr dir name and style of *Ouk Trove Gin t ompany,' tor the period of twett ty years. Second. Tim principal office of said • npany shall be in Harrow county, . or>ria. with l’ost Office address at Win <1 r, (.core a. but petitioners desire the right to establish brnneh offices within this state whenever the holders of a inn jonty of the stock may so determine. Third. The object of said oorpnrn ion is pecuniary gain to itself and its h:i reholders. Fourth. The business to be earned <e by said corporation ■- ti nt of a cot ton ginnery. P" 1 " cotton. 1 •tying cot ton nod cotton seed, storing and haul ng same, handling cotton seed metil and hulls, buying and selling the necessary ■nnnhinery, housing end land for the said business. Fifth. The enpitnl stock ot said cor (lorntion shall Im* Ten Thousand Dollars f$10,000.00) with the privilege of in creasing same to $25,000.00 by a major ity vote oi lire aiockuomers nuiu to be divider, into shares of One Hun dred Dollars ($100) each. Thirty-five hundred dollars of thin cap ital stock has been actually paid in. Hixth. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead and be im pleaded, to have and to use a common seal, to make all necessary by laws and regulations and to do other things that may be necessary for the successful car rying on of said business, to execute notes and bonds or mortgages ns evi dence of indebtedness incurred, or Which may be incurred, in the conduet of the affairs of the corporation and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed, or other foyn of loin, under existing laws. Seventh. They desire for said corpor ntion the power and authority to npplv for and accept amendments to its char ter of either form or substance by a vote of a majority of its stock outstand ing at the time. Eighth. Thev desire for the said eor porntion the right of renewal when and ns provided by the laws of Georgia and that it have nil such other rights, pow ers, privileges and immunities as are in culent to like incorporations or permis siblc under the laws of Georgin. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in corporated under the name and style aforesaid .with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth and as are now or may be hereafter, allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws (>f Georgin. W. H. QUARTER MAX Petitioners Attorney. GEORG I A—Harrow County. T. Gao. X. Bagwell, Clerk of Ihe Stipe rior Court for said County, do hereby certify that ih<‘ foregoing is a 1 rue and correct eopv of the application for char ter of “Oak Grove Giri Company” as the same appears on file in this office. Wtness nv official signature and the seal of said Court, this the 2t*d day of December, 1020. GEO. X. BAGWELL Clerk Superior Court, Harrow t 0., Ga. SALE NOTICE. OHORnIA Dai row county. On Snturilav, Deeetnher lk. IR2d, tit two o’cinek, P. M. I will, pursuant to iii! urdri granted hy the llononible An drew ,1. Cold), sell for reinvest lit that propert.v in tin* Pity of Winder an Ath ens street, known ns the Cynthia I-uP Irr home, now occupied by P. I'-. Ilron snn, beginning t a corner post on Ath ms street and running (two hundred ten feet with line of .1. P. Lay: thence one hundred forty five feet along line paral lel tii Athens street to rock corner; tliiiie. two hundred ten feet along line nf .1 \. Thompson to Athens street to rock corner; thence one hundred forty five feet along Athens street to begin ning corner. <hi said lot there is a good house with four rooms find other im provements and the -aid property will he offered for sale for cash or on terms of one third cash and remainder in one and two years, equal annual install ments, at. eight per cent interest. Hie tinder: igueil will receive private, bids and will reserve the right to offer said property at public outcry on the prem ise* on the date named. December Ik, IP2O, at 2 P. M. The saV will ])c on the premises in accordance with the court order subject to the confirmation of the court. Meantime, interested parties de siring a good home can see me and make inspection of the property. Po session will be given January tivst, 1!>2l. ,T. \V. CASPER, (lunrdinn, of Afrs. Cynthia Fuller. (I. A. .Tohns, , and C. Pratt. Attys. Snares in Credit Flan. Tt> n good plait to pay on: h. T people who Imagine they ore gm something for nothing generally i > doilh!i\—PhP'oh‘l 'hi'! P fiml Paraguay Cattle Land's. Paraguay contains some or i!.*■ host tattle lands in the world, although those resources have not yet been ad equately developed. The ret uhll■ now contains about -1.000.kD0 head of cuttle. His Headquarters. A small feather pillow which nestled in r glass the historical nut scum ■ rented especial interest among the vlsitort*. ‘‘l don’t see anything tin tistinl about that pillow,” remarked r girl, turning to the guide. “It’s n very rnlunble pillow," replied the guide "Tlmt is Washington’s original head quarters."—The G'rls’ Circle. . Fitting Expiring Sentiments. To Vespasian is nttrlbu.ed ns an et plring sentiment, "An emperor should die stmujfng!" which seems to hn*e appealed to two sixteenth-century Eng lish bishops— Wonlton, whose last ut terance is recorded us. “A bishop ought to die on his tegs," ami f.owell who declared, “A bishop should dir preaching/ No Detriment. Toast —1 see that blond typewriter of yours chews gum. Crimsonheak—Yes, I've noticed that. “And don't you think It Interferes with her work?" “By no means. I had our before het who didn’t chew ri" ■< and fi.-*- "ellln U qclte us ten! THE BARROW TIMES WINDER, GEORGIA. A CARD OP THANKS We cannot With words express our deep and heartfelt gratitude to our many friends for their no ble and tender expression of their love and sympathy during the ill ness and death of our dear hus band and father. We wish to thank our many friends for their tender regards shown in the beautiful floral re membance. We also thank Drs. Randolph and Almond for their medical aid. We shall never be able to repay the generous service renderd, but j will kep the memory of it as an imperishable posession. With appreciative hearts we are Mrs. T. A. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. |W. <l. Smith, dr.. Alr. and Mrs. Fai l Yeanwood, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gun ter, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fowler, Miss Yillie and Air. Millie Fou ler. Almost a Story. Mrs. Budd Pettyjohn Insisted theta was either a bear or an I. 'V. AV. in their cellar true day recently, and th family went out armed to investigate, but found only n on If that had found a place among the fruit jars and pickles.—Coiumbus Dispatch. Letter*. It la estimated that about two-thlrdf >f nil the letters curried by the postal service of the world are written, sent o and read by English-speaking peo ple. i " . Time to Watch Them. The sagacious old New York ITer <ld says there is no gallantry in poli tics. Oh, yes, there Is, but when the politicians begin to net with gallantry the elm rices are they are getting ready to bamboozle you or slit you In the back. —Houston Post. Electrized Cropt. Experiments carried out in 1010 on a farm in Dumfries to demonstrate the effect of overhead discharge of elec tricity plltiit growth gave some re markable results. The tests -■ ere car ried out on a field of oats, and the elec trified area of one acre go- e an in creased ; leld of 873 pound.- <> r grain or -I!) per cent, over the two alf acre.- unelectrified, while the straw y',e’.i!e' un lnt 1 reuse of 88 per cent Was Very Weak “After the birth of my baby 1 had a back-set,” writes Mrs. Mattie Cross white, of Glade Spring, Va. “1 was very ill; thought 1 was going to die. 1 was so weak 1 couldn’t raise my head to get a drink of water. 1 took . . . medicine, yet 1 didn’t get any better. I was constipated and very weak, getting worse and worse. 1 sent for Cardui.” TAKE '' ' - ■ j iJa UfiG LJ VJ i The Woman’s Tonic “I found after one bot tle of Cardui 1 was im proving, ’* adds Mrs. Cross white. “Six bot tles of Cardui and ... I was cured, yes, I can say they were a God-send to me. 1 believe 1 would have died, had it not been for Cardui.” Cardui has been found beneficial in many thousands of other cases of womanly trou bles. If you feel the need of a good, strengthen ing tonic, why not try Cardui? It may be just what you need. All Druggists J.7S imFfitoiuixAL LARDS W. L. MATTHEWS Physician and Suurgeon Suite 410 Winder Nat. Bank Bids. Office Hours 10 to 12 A. M. and 1 to 4 P. M. Residence Phone No. 213. Office rhone No. 13. DR. E. R. HARRIS Suite 301-2 Winder National Bank Building Tel. Office 154 —Res. 336. DR. J. H. MOORE Graduate Licensed Veterinarian Office Over City Pharmacy. Office Phone 62J. Res. Phone 69. Winder, Ga. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS IN BARROW COUNTY For rates and terms M. D. IRWIN Lawrenceville, Ga. CLERKS, (Men, women) over 17, for Postal Mail Service. $125 For free particulars of examina tion, write .T. Leonard, (former civ il Sen-ice Examiner) 595 Equita >le Bldg., Washington, D. C. Ask your druggist for KORNZ OFF, and if he can’t supply you, write .J. L. Crocker, Vienna, Ga. 8t S. A. L. Railway. No. 29 will arrive 7.15 PM No. 17 will arrive .8.42 AM No. 11 will arrive .6.24 AM No 30 will arrive .9.15 AM No. 6 will arrive 2.35 PM No. 5 will arrive 3.00 PM No. 18 will arrive. 7.15 PM No. 12 will arrive 11.07 PM CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GAINESVILLE MIDLAND No. 14 Northbound due 9:30 AM. Daily (Mixed) Except Sunday. No. 5 Southbound due 11:00 AM. Daily. No. 8 Northbound due 1:33 PM. Daily. No. 13 Southbound due 5:45 PM. Daily (Mixed) Except Sunday. No. 6 Southbound due 8:02 PM. Sunday Only No. 7 Southbound due 4:23 PM. RAG RUG WEAVING—Send 2 pounds or rags one inch wide for 27x54 inch rug and one dollar to 285 Greenwood Avc. Atlanta.4tpd Showing Value <f rc rtlllzatlon. The talue of fertilization Is shown >y som< results obtained by the Ohio 'xperirnent station. There was se ■uroil from The fertilized soil :in aver age yield per acre of 61 bushels of orn, 211V6 bushels of wheat mid 3.920 pounds of clover hay. Unfertilized 'and adjoining has yielded 40(4 bush 'is of corn, il bushels of wheat and 1.517 pounds of hay tier acre. I rs (’i t r~-^ 1 3 ' T^iii lIV 7 * 5 JN&^I 3 ' 3 |^L,f GARRISON & PATRICK Jewelers Winder, Ga. A tine line of watches Clocks and Jewelry; Expeist Repairing of all Kinds Done in a First Class Manner. I*o THE PUBLIC From this date and until farther lotice we will sell wood and coal for cash on delivery only.—Peo ples Fuel Cos., by E. C. Hill, Mgr. This Nov. 22d, 1920. 4t-pd. SB INSURANCE Your neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago, and cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US®* anl lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of y< ur home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection oat it gives, to ihs peace or mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith Reliable Glasses If you are thinking of obtaining glasses, please bear in mind that the financial and professional responsibility of those to whom you entrust th v care of your eyes is of greatest impor tance. Ours is a complete organization, devoted exclusively to the scientific examination of eyes and the fitting and grind ing of proper glasses, all for one reasonable charge. Optometrist j, c. Duggan Opto®" 53 West Mitchell Street, Near New Terminal Station. SHIELD BTLYND F/ TSVVELL - WEARF WELL < ’CvSftv'? Y om s ’ C° m f or L Satisfaction Rj J \JL depend largely off your clothes Let I '( \ us help you to good looks, comfort and k l\ \\ satisfaction, which are built into “Shield Brand" Clothes for men and young men. l\ yl\\ They have the reputation behind them, J plus our guarantee fully backed by the warm) makers //i] 'PA“jW New styles in a variety of patterns just If / 'in-come and look them over now. j I FOR J- W. SUMMEROUR by MEATS REDUCED Effective now we will sell Meats at the following. re duced prices: Steak, the best, at 3 )c lb. Sausage, at 30c lb. Perk Sausage, at 35c lb. Stew Meat, at 15c lb. Pork Roast, at 35c lb. Beef Roast, at 25c lb. Kingans Breakfast Bacon, 60c bx Weiners, at 25c lb. Swift Premium Ham 50c lb. Mince Ham, at 30c lb Belona Sausage, at 30c lb. All link Pork Sausage, at 30c lb. The above goods are the best that can be bought. Western Steaks. SAVE THE DIFFERENCE D. 0. Carrington Candler St. Winder Phone 105 "When Cheaper Meats Are Sold. “Red-Head” Sells them THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9,1920 EARN MONEY during spare time it Lome. Men needed in every (ommunity to re-silver mirrors. Full information by address P. O. Box 281, Bufod, Ga.