The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, December 16, 1920, Image 2

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LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Application for Dismission GEORGIA —Borrow county. Whereas, Jobe T. Williams, Executor df the last Will and Testament of A. M. Williams, deceased, represents to tho < !ourt in his petition duly tiled and cn ti red on record, that he has fully ad ministered the said (-state. This is there fore to eftc all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cuuse it uny they can, why said Executor should not tie discharged from his oitminiulrnnon, rtnd receive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in January, 1921. 11, (i. HILL Ordinary, t • A. Johns, Atty. Application for Guardianship GEORGIA Harrow county. To All W hom it May Concern: 11. E. Wood, lairing applied for gimr • lan ship ■■ tin- pi'isnn and property of Mercer \Vm<d, (Inner Wood and Clove land Woo-' i :inoi children of S. E .Wood late of s.-iid count', deceased, notice is given th-u -uid Mpplication will 1)C heard at my olfice at t**n o’clock A. M. on lie first Monday in .lanuary, next. M h tit-1 j ilny of Dim rtnher, 1920. H (;. 1111.1,, Ordinary. (1. A. Johns Atty. Application lot Leave to Sell Land. GEORGIA Barrow county. Mns- I',, (iafiii son, Administrator of 1*1h• ;ito nt 11. J. (iurri.-on, deceased, late of oiid c.unify of Harrow, having made npplii a!ion to lin lor leave to sell lauds and other real estate belonging to the ustnn nt the sai l 11. J. tiarrisnil, do censeii. Ih• - -then inro to cite all par tic- interested to show cause before me mi the first Monday in January, 1921, win tlii- application should not he granted. Jin lln titli day of December. 1920. II (i. HILT., Ordinary. Application for Twelve Months Support. GFoflGiV ltafrnv county. The iipprnisers duly appointed to set apart a vear's support fnr the widow of G W*. Mi Dniiald, Ini' of said I'otinty (le ceased, liming Hied their returns setting apart a sad twelve months support. M'liis is to cite the next of kin and nil creditors of the said G. W. ATcDonuhl that I will pass upon the said returns at Ihe regular January term, 1921. of tin ((Mir! ot Ordinary of Burrow eoun tv, (ia. VII parties concerned me re quired to show cause at that lime, if nnv they have, why the said returns shall noi be made a -judgment of this {■•nil. This tin- full day nf December, 3920. H. (1. HILL. Onliuarw. SHERIFFS SALE (, ; ;< IRI II \ Ba now count> . Will )>,• sold hcfnre tin* court KAnsr dour of said county, witliiu the lentil | l( ,ms of sale, on the tirst 1 uesdnv in .l.iuiuiv, 1:1 the follot.v ill j; property tm\ it.: Olio black, dehorned milch coo and Ctilf. Stud property le\ied on as the prop Cl t v el and. 1 . Htn cell by virtue of a moilgnge ti f. iissued front the Buperior i ooi't of Itarrow county. Georgia. in lit \or of .1. A. t argyle against said J. I'. l*oi roll und Mild to Mit’sfy said It tu. Tins Uccenibci itlt. Hf’tl. 11. (). CAMP, Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE GEORGIA Harrow county. Will be sold before tbe court house door of said county "ii the Hint Tuesday iit .laiumiv, l!2l, between ihc lcgiil .hours ol -tic the following property, 4c tv11: Om bay horse mnle about fen year* old, weight about I"'H gonads. jsaid properly levied oti its the prop ci tv of (',. \. Wit II- under und by virtue '<■ it mortgage fi fa. issued from the Sit pciior I'ourt of stud county of Burrow in l'avoi id L. K. Riggers against said <• A. Walls, and sold to satisfy said !i. ta. Th s tltc Ttli day ol December. .IPL’ii. It. O. t’iiinp, sheriff. Notice of Sale ol Personal Property: . Estate of R. H. McElroy. Deceased. GDOKttIA Itairow enmity. liv virtue of nu Clrder of the Court o' t triUnitry of mid county, {jiunted at the J 1 4-i.i'ocr i iTiii, 1920. ,Vill lie sold on the premises in the iS'ore on Rniln nd street in the Town of St at hum and before said store on Tues day. lleeeinlier "Ist, within the le pal h.mrs of sale the following proper ty of the listate of 11. 11. I'. M.-F.lroy, deeoayed. to-wit: One stf rfev, one lot of tat in tools, one lot of shop tools, otto stotk of Motehan disi *, .■onsistinti of dry goods, shoes, hard Mure, notions and groceries. Also eer ] 1a• n store lixtures, show eases, safe, add i' p inaehine, ete. Said property will l>e offeied first in lots and then in bulk as a whole and flu- highest and best bid incepted. Terms eusli. Tb s Dec. firb. 1920. PETITION FOR CHARTER GEORGIA- BARROW COUNTY. To the Huperior Court of said county: The petition of J. C. Shields, Lester Harwell, T. K. Wilbanks, T. N. Huddath J. C. Payne, Herachcl Payne, W. E. Yonng, E. H. Shields, It. H. Hhields; L. IL. Potriek and W. J. Jone of said county and State of Georgia, respectful ly shows: First. That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be incorporated and made a body politic under the name and style of ‘Oak Trove Gin Company,’ for the period of twen ty years. Second. The principal office of said company shall bo in Barrow county, Georgia, with Post Office address at Win der,' Georgia, but petitioners desire the right to establish branch offices within this state whenever the holders of a ma jority of the stock may' so determine. Third. The. object of said corpora tion is pecuniary gain to itself and its shareholders. Fourth. The business to be carried on by said corporation is tliut of a cot toil ginnery, ginning cotton, buying cot ton and cotton seed, storing and haul ing Home, handling cotton seed meal and hulls, buying and selling the necessary machinery, housing and land for the said business. Fifth. The capital stock of said cor-1 poration shall be Ten Thousand Dollais ($10,000.00) with the privilege of in creasing same to $25,000.00 by a major ity vote of the stockholders said stock to lie divided into shares of One Hun dred Dollars (*100) each. Thirty-five hundred dollars of this cap ital stock has been actually paid in. Sixth. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead itnd be iin pleaded, to have and ta use a common seal, to make all necessary by-laws and regulations and to do other things that may be necessary for the successful cat rying on of said business, to execute notes und bonds or mortgages as evi dence of indebtedness Incurred, or Which may be incurred, in the conduct of the affairs of the corporation and to secure the sanie by mortgage, security deed, or other form of lein, under existing laws. < Seventh. They desire for said oorpor ation the power and authority to apply for nnd accept amendments to its char j ter of either form or substance by a vote of s majority of its stock outstand ing at the time. Eighth.. They desire for the snid cor potation the right of renewal when and | as provided by the laws of Georgia and j that it have nil such other rights, pow ers, privileges and immunities ns are in- j cident to like incorporations or permis sible under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in-| corpornted under the name nnd style aforesaid .with the powers, privileges and immunities heroin set forth nnd as are now or. rnnv he hereafter, allowed a corporation of similar character under j tire laws of Georgia. W. H. QI T ARTERMAN Petitioners Attorney. GEORGIA- Burrow County. T. Geo. N. Bagwell, Glerk of t.e Stipe- 1 rior Court for said County, ru. hereby | certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for char ter of “Oak Grove Gin Company” as th** same appears on file in this office. Witness my official signature and the seal of snid Court, this tiro 2nd day of December, 1020. GEO. N. BAGWELL Clerk Superior Court, Barrow Cos., On. SALE NOTICE. GEORGIA Barrow county. On Saturday. December IS. I!>2U, at two o’clock. I* M. 1 will, pursuant to an order grunted by the Honorable An drew .1. Cobb, sell for reinvestment that; property in the Gity ot Winder on Ath or street, known a- tin' Cynthia I ul ler home, now occupied by E E. Rron siiii. beginning t*l a corner post on Ata ri's street and running tVvo hundred ten feel with line of .1. B. I.av: thence one hundred forty tix o feet along line parat- 1,1 to Athens dreef to rock corner; thence two hundred ten feet along lino of and \ Thotnp-uii to Athens street to eorrn i: them c one hundred forty live feet along \thens street to begin niiig r..rni i. On sui.l lot there is a good i house with four moms and other ini pro\ einents and the said property n-itt lie offered for sale for cash or on terms of one third cash and remainder in one and two years, equal annual instnll ji-ioiits. at eight per cent interest. The undersigned will rereive prnnte bida and will reserve the right to offer said property at publo- outcry on the prem ises nu the date named, December I s . IdL'o, at - P. M. The sti'e will be on the promises in ueconlniice with the eourt order subject to the oonfirnuitton of the eourt. Meantime, interested parties de s'l-'ng a good home can see me ntid make irspeetiou of the property. Vo session will be given .btnnary first. 1921. ,1. W. CASPKH, Guard inn. of Mrs. Cynthia Fuller. r * T„hn. * ff T THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER, GEORGIA. STATE TUMID 10 AID CITY PEOPLE Facts of Vital Interest to Everybody in Georgia Bonded Debt of State And Counties May Exceed $150,000,000.00 The Constitution of Georgia impose* restrictions on the debt creating au thority of the State, its counties and municipalities. These restriction* were decreed for the protection of ths property owner, the wage earner and the farmer, against the plausible schemer whose smooth words and half truths might cajole the public into lending the public credit to disastrous ventures. In their wisdom the framers of the Constitution knew that public administration of private business was never successful. There fore they wrote into the Constitution a restriction that the State might not j issue bonds except for state purposes; 1 that cities and towns and counties should not exceed what they fixed as safe limits in incurring debt; and when bonds were issued such a per centage of voters should authorise them as would without any doubt dis close the sentiment of the people. Not Equaled By Carpet-Baggers Now, to help the Municipal League of Georgia, raid the Treasury of ths State, all of these restrictions must b swept aside and Georgia and its towns and counties must plunge into unre strained and unrestricted bond issues, amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars. The total amount of ths bonds authorized by the negro legisla tures in reconstruction days was but a bagatelle when compared with this proposed raid on the Treasury of ths State, and the arguments put forth at that time in favor of these bonds were no less plausible than are now ad vanced by the gentleman who writes the literature of the Municipal Leagu* of Georgia. It is of no concern to the promoters of this project that in order to protect the people of Georgia from being multced by this bond issuing process, many of the issues of Reconstruction Days were repudiated and are still unpaid. The total bonded debt of Georgia is now $6,818,202.00. If these hills be came laws the bonded debt of the State and its counties and towns would soon be over $160,000,000.00. The interest on this debt would be not less than $7,600,000.00 every year. Huge Taxes To Benefit Cities Only people IMnff in the larger cities and towns would get either serv ice or reduced rates, but every home, every farm, every business man and every wage earner must pay ths in terest and any deficit in operations Is it fair to the farmer that his property and his earnings should he mortgaged to enable the residents of ths larger cities to ride on street cars at less than the rides cost? Is it fair to the farmer that his home should be mortgaged to provide electric lights in the brilliant homes of the dwellers in large cities? Is it fair to the people who live out side the larger cities that they should be taxed to provide gas at less than cost to cook the food of the fashions- ' ble folk living in the cities? This is exaetly what thess bills will result in if they become laws. NOW—THE USER PAYS THE vosr. „ HOUSE RENT FREE! 1 want a colored man and wife to move lx*loro Xmas. Good nppor unity for right parties.—A. It. da cobs. Mules and Horses for Sale.—l will sell my mules and horses next Saturday at two o’clock 1\ M. be ore flu* court house door to the hi'diest bidder. Be on hand.—N. i . IT. Simmons. TO THE PUBLIC From litis date and until farther mticc we will sell wood and coal for cash on delivery only.—Peo ples Fuel Go., by K. 0. Hill. Mgr. This \ov. 221, 1920. 4t-pd. HAG RI G WEAVING -Send 2 jpoumls or rags one inch wide toi 1*27x54 inch rug and one dollar to '285 Greenwood Ave. Atlnnt.4tjKl Bank Vice-President % Tells How Ziron Iron Tonic Helped His Daughter After Operation for Appendicitis. A ('TEH any serious Illness, the first thing you notice when you begin to get around le your lack of strength aud euergy—a tired, weak feeling. The sooner you get your strength back the better. The thing to do is to eat plenty of good, nourishing food, get all the fresh air you can, exercise conservatively, and take Ziron Iron Tonic three times a day. Your doctor will tell you this Is PROFESSIONAL CARDS W. L. MATTHEWS Physician and Suurgeon Suite 410 Winder Nat. Bank Bldg. (Mice Hours 10 to 12 A. M. and 1 to 4 P. M. Residence Phone No. 213. Office Phone No. 13. D£. E. R. HARRIS • Suite 301-2 Winder National Bank Building Tel. Office 154—Res. 33b. DR. J. H. MOORE Graduate Licensed Veterinarian Office Over City Pharmacy. Office Phone 62J. Res. Phone G 9. Winder, Ga. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS IN BARROW COUNTY For rates and terms M. D. IRWIN Lawrenceville, Ga. CLERKS, (Men, women) over 17, for Postal Mail Service, $125 For free particulars of examina tion, write J. Leonard, (former civ il Service Examiner) 595 Equita ble Bldg., Washington, D. C. S. A. L. Railway. No. 29 will arrive 7.15 P.M No. 17 will arrive .8.42 AM No. 11 will arrive 6 24 AM No 30 will arrive 9.15 AM No. (> will arrive 2.35 PM No. 5 will arrive 3.00 PM No. 18 will arrive 7.15 PM No. 12 will arrive 11.07 PM CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GAINESVILLE MIDLAND No. 11 Northbound duo 9:00 AM. Daily (Mixed) Excep- Sunday. No. 5 Southbound due 11 :00 AM. Daily. No. 8 North bound due 1 :33 PM. Daily. No. 13 Southbound due 4:05 PM. Daily (Mixed) Except Sunday. No. 6 Southbound due 8:02 PM. Sunday Ouly No. 7 Southbound due 4:23 PM. wy&S?-' 1 * Mr Jl s i llSSlj J HOT WATER QUICK, AND PLENTY OP IT. That is the service offered by the reservoir on the Cop per-Glad Malleable Range. Here is the best reservoir ever built—a part of the “World’s Greatest Range.” This reservoir has a large • aparity. The large contact, plate makes the heating of the water a simple matter. A cam arrangement on bot tom of reservoir makes it pos sible to regulate the heat of the water. This device is one of the many patented feat ures on the Gopper-Clad. Gome in and let us show von the others. SMITH HARDWARE CO. Head thi* letter from Mr. J. B. Kelly, vice-president of the FI rat National Bank. Graceville, Fla.: “My daughter had been ht bad health since last April. She was operated on for appendicitis. She has been taking Ziron for two weeks. Her appetite is better than It has been. Her nerves are better, and she says she feels better ... I know that Ziron Is good for weak and feeble people.” Ziron Is a scientific, reconstructive tonic, prepared from valuable strength building ingredients, for weak people with thin blood. PniggiMa soil Ziron - • w INSURANCE Your neighbor’* borne burned only a few days or months ago, cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with us anl Ue down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man Insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that It gives, to ibs peace of mind and the care of his loved ones.. Kilgore, Radford & SmittP Reliable Glasses If you are thinking of obtaining glasses, please bear in mind that the financial and professional responsibility of those to whom you entrust the care of your eyes is of greatest impor tance. Ours is a complete organization, devoted exclusively to the scientific examination of eyes and the fitting and grind ing of proper glasses, all for one reasonable charge. Optometrist J, 0. Duggan °P (ician 53 West Mitchell Street, Near New Terminal Station. \ \ satisfaction, which are built into “Shield , ' r \ Brand” Clothes for men and young men. \ U|\j They have the reputation behind them, \ Ik—i plus our guarantee.fully backed by the l / luMsagg/ makers." 1/7/1/ TSsijy New styles in a variety of patterns just 1 1HI n-*come and look them over now. J I IFOR ~ J. W. SUMMEROUR kL^lr wk&s 1L fOo ahead —with that New Edison ia a before-the-war vakia for Xmas. You can! Lat fbr an mftor-thm-wor ua explain how to uae dollar. Its price ia up lea* the Budget Plan to pay than 15% tince 1914. for it. The New Ed won Part of this ia war tax. SMITH HARDWARE CO. Winder, Oa. <TKe NEW EDISON EVER BILIOUS? Charleston, Miss.—Mrs. R. V. Heins, of this place, says: “l have never had to use very much medicine, because if I felt headache, dizziness, or colds, bad taste in the mouth, which conies from torpid liver, I would take a dose or more of Black-Draught, and it would straighten me out and make me feel as good as new. We have used in our family for years THEDFORD’S BUCK-DRAUGHT and it certainly is the best liver medicine 1 ever saw. it has not only saved me money, it has helped keep my system in shape, and has never weakened me as so many physics do. I recommend it to my friends and am glad to do so.” Black-Draught is the old, reliable liver medicine which you have doubtless heard much about. When you feel badly all over, stomach not right, bad taste in your mouth, bilious, or have a headache, try Thedford's Black-Draught At all Druggists. Always Insist on the Genuine! 1.77 THURSDAY, DEC. 36, 1920.