The Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 19??-1921, December 23, 1920, Image 2

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LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Application for Di-uni ..iou GEORGIA Borrow county. \Vl)i rc!i'. Jobe T. Yt'UUam*, Lxecvtor of tie ln-f Will and Testament of A. M. William*. deceased, repn.s#ni- to the Oo.irt in lii* petition duly tiled Had on tciod on record, that ho ho- fully ad r.uaiitered the said estate. This is there 10 o to-1 it<- all person* concert; :1, kin rlr’il and creditors, to show emise If any tb-y can, why said Executor *i,n.ild no* he discharged from his administration, irn.j receive letters ol' Distniivsioii on th-r first Monday in Jnntmry, 1021. H. (1. lIIM. Ordinary. <l. A .foil 11**. Atty. Application for Guardianship GI.ORGJA Barrow county. 't o All Whom it May Concern: 11. I!. Wood, having applied tor gnar di. .11 ship of the pn ioi und properly ot Ai< • Wood, Grover Wood and Clove ■laioi Wood ivinor children of N. E .Wood dale of said county, deceased, not o e i.- *v.n that said applieation will lxi th.iird ut my office id ten o'clock A VI. <.: Ihc first Monday in .January, next. *1! • f4 li day of l.Hvefnlje.r, If'2o. 11. G. HUX. Ordinary. <i A. John- Atty. Application loi Grave to Kell Land- Ot,i HGI A— Burrow county. 11ms 11. GhGii sou, "Vdiiiinistnitei ot J- (ate of H. J. Garrison, de. cased, late 4>: . dd county of Harrow, having made application to me mt leave to sell lands tic. other real estate belonging to th f i;, <■ of the ;-aill I! *l. (>a rrison, de Ci ... ltd, this is there, te to cite ell put 1 . interested to shoe rau. o before tut 0;, the first Mon dot in .fun city, It'-l, v.hy this application should uni lx planted. 'J'his Mu- tdh day ■.] lHiCinHer, J'lyti. 11. G. II M .1., Oidinuiy Application for Twelve Months Support, ly >KGI A— Bui roy i amity Tlw ifpi'itu.-crs duly appointed to set mni t u year’s support for the widow ot < Vf. Mi Doi a Id, lute of s:i id county de - >■<], having tiled theit returns sotting Mi. t It suid t welxe months support. This is to cite the ne>.t of kin nod nil 4 Te. dors of 'he said <l. W. McJVoiald tliai I will pass upon the said returns t ; the regular .lunuury term, U'Jl, ot tin- Court ot Ordinary ol Barrow conn iv, (in A1 f parties eoneeyned are re • I ill ‘<l to show ranee at tluit time, il 4,r.y (he liuii'. ili\ the said returns •dial not be i.uufl a judgment ot this fomt. rills the Gill day of December. JiKKI, It. G. HIU.. Ordimirw. SHERIFFS SALE GEORGIA Hairo" county. Will be sold before the court house d,t Ot 'lt'd eouuty, within the legal I'Ouis lit stile, on the first Piuyda\ in atu.rv. 11*21 the follol.i iuft property tnvvil. On blue!., dehorned mileli nm and cti If .s>ujd property levied on us the prop , r ty of .1. V. Burrell by virtue of u inorigugc ti fa. issued from the Superior I'.ont of Marrow county, Georgia, in fa Mir ot .1 A. Carp,vie against said .1. I’, l’orrell and sold to satisfy said li ta. This December 7th. ItfJf' l . II p i AM M. Sheriff SHERIFFS SALE LI.Oh’GI.V Hu now county Will Im* sold before tho courl house, door oi nui<i county on tin* Hint Tuesday in .lynmin, HUM, between llu: hours of .-sit- the following property, to wit: One bay hor**e mule about ten years oi*!, weight about .1000 pounds. Said property levied ’on us the prop ,rt\ <.f (t. A Walls under and hy virtue of u mortgage ii fa. issued from the Su perior Court of said county or Harrow it! favor of 1.. hi. trigger' agiiinst suid (i. A. Walls, and sold to satisfy said fi. fa. This the Till day of December, JP2O. If. O. Camp, Sheriff. Notice of Sale of Personal Property: H rate ol R 11. McElroy, Deceased. GEORGIA Hmrow rountv. Hy \ irtin* of tin Order <>t tin t'otirt o' t ••,I'inty. . ran (ml at the t courber I ornr, 10:1*). Will 1m sold Oil thi* premises in the ,- ore on Kutlroad street in the Town of Star bum and Ix't ore sa id store on I ties ,• *, v , i le. eudx’i List." lfe’ii, within the le ,;Hl hours of sal.* the following proper iv of the Estate of ii. H. I MeElrov, del I u.-ed. to wit: One surrev, one lot ol farm tools, one lot ut shov tools, one stoek of Mondial) dise, , a stating • t dry goods, shoes, hard ware. notieiHb and groceries. Also cer tain st,e. tiviures, show uses, *!ifc, add tug ntbchtne, ute. Said property will be offered first in lots and then iu bulk as a whole and tie highest and best bid accepted. PETITION FOR CHARTER GEORGIA- BAH ROW COUNTV. To the Superior Court of suid county: The petition of .Shields, I.ester Harwell, T. K. Wilbanks, T. N. Huddath J. C. I’ayne, Uc-rschel I’ayne, W. h.'. Voting, E. H. Shields, K. H. Shields; L. L. Patrick acid W. J. .Tones of sanl county and State of Georgia, respectful ly shows: First. That they desire for themselves, their imoeintoe Bad successors, to bo neorpr.iated and made a body politic under the nan <• und stylo of ‘Oak Trove Gin Company,’ for the period of twen ty years. Second. TLe principal office of said coin pony shall be in Barrow county, Georg.u, with rout Office address at Win cter, Georgia, but petitioners dcoiro the right to establish branch offices within this state whenever the holders of a nat i ,rjty of the stock may so determine. Third. The object of suid corpora tion is pecuniary pain to itself and its shareholders. Fourth. Tlie business to bo carried on by suid corporation is 1 hut of a cot ton ginnery, ginning cotton, buying cot ton and cotton seed, storing und haul ing Kui.e, handling cotton need meal and hulls, buying and selling the necessary machinery, housing uud land lor the said business. • Fifth. The capital stock of sard cor poration shall be Ten Thousand Dollars l#10,000.00) with the privilege of in creaeing sa-rofl to $20,000.00 by a major ity. vote of tin' stockholder* said stock to l,e divided into shares of One Hun dred foliars ($100) each. Thirty use hundred dollars of this clip Hal stock hail been actually paid in. Sixth. Petitioner* desire the right to ut) and bo sued, to plead and b im pleaded, to huso and to use a common seal, to make all nceessdxy by-laws and regulations and to do other things that •may lie accessary for the successful car rying on of said business, to execute miles nud bonds or niortgtiges as evi dence of indebtedness incurred, or which may be incurred, in the conduct, ot tho affairs of the corporation and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed, or other form of leiu, under existing laws. Seventh. They desire for said correl ation the power und authority to apply for and accept nincndments to its char tor of either form or substance ly a vote of a majority of its stock outstued ing at the time. Eighth. They desire for the said cor potation tho ripht of renewal when and ns provided by the laws of Georgia and that it have nil such other rights, pow ers, privileges and immunities ns are in cident to like incorporations or permis sible under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in corpornted under the name and style aforesaid .with the powers, privileges a nil immunities heroin set forth and ns are now or nitty be hereafter, allowed n corporation of similur character under the laws of Georgia. \V. Ib QUARTERN! AN Petitioners Attorney. GEORGIA Barrow county. I, Geo. X. Bagwell, Clerk of t.c Kupe nor Court for said County, o‘. hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of tho application for char ter of “Oak Grove Gin Company” as the sumo appears on file in this office. Witness, my official signature and the sen! of snid Court, this the Had day of December, 1020. GEO. NT. BAGWELI. Clerk Superior Court, Burrow Cos.. On. SALE NOTICE GEORGIA Burrow county. On Saturday, lVcember IS, l'C-h, at two o’clock, At. I will, pursuant to nn order granted by the Honorable An dteu .T. fol'h, sell for reinvestment that property in the City of Winder on Ath oils street. Known ns the Cynthia Vul lei home, now occupied by F. E. Hrou son, beginning ut a corner post on Ath ers street ami running ttwo hundred ten f,s t with line of .1. B. Lay; thence one hundred forty live feet along line paral lel to \ thins street to roek theni i tun hundred ten feet along lino of .1. A Thompson to Athens street to roek corner: ihence one hundred forty five feet along Athens street to begin ning corner. On said lot there is a good house with four rooms and other im provements and the said property will be offered for sale for rush or on terms of one thiid cash and remainder in one and two years, equal annual install men's. at eight per cent interest. The undersigned will receive private bids 'and will reserve the right to offer said property ut public outcry on tho prem ises on the date named. December Id. 1P"0, at P. M. The sa'e will be on the premises in aeeordttnce with the court order subject to the confirmation of the court. Meantime, interested parties de -tring a good home eun see me uud make inspection of the property. Po session will l*e given January first, 11)21. J, W, CARDER, Guardian. THE BARROW TIMES, WINDER. GEORGIA. PETITION FOH CHARTER. State of Georgia, Burrow county. To the Superior Court of said vounty: The petition of W. E. Autry, J. H. House and 11. A. Carithcrs, all of said county of Barrow and state of Georgia, respectfully shows to the Court the fol lowing: That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be incor porated and made a body politic under the name and style of AUTRY, HOUSE COMPANY for the period of twenty years. o The principal office of said company shall be in the City of Winder State and county aforesaid, but petitioners desire the right to establish branch offices within this State or elsewhere, whenev er the holders of a majority of the stock may by vote so determine. TUo object of said corporation is pe cuniary gain to itself and its sharehold ers. i •— 4— • The business to be carried on by said corporation is that of a general mercan tile business in the City of Winder, and petitioners in the conduct thereof de sire to buy und sell goods, kvares and merchandise, dry goods, groceries, grains feed muffs, clothing, shoes, and any and all other articles usually kept and sold in such an establishment, cotton, corn, produce of all kinds and other like arti cles of trade, and to make contracts, borrow money, loan money, to buy and nodi real estate, to sue and be sued and to do any and all of the acts that may be necessary or desirable >*i the conduct of the affairs of the said corporation and its business. The capital stock of the said corpora tion shall bo TWENTY FIVE THOU SAND DOLLARS ($23,000.00), to be di vided into shares of the par value of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) each, but petitioners desire the right by vote of the holders of the majority of tho said stock outstanding at any time to increase the said capital stock to any sum not cxccediug ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, ($100,000.00) and with a like right and privilege at any time by a majority vote of the hold ers of the outstanding capital stock to reduce tho capital stock down to any sum not under the original capital stock of twenty-live thousand dollars ($25,000; Petitioners desire the right to have and use a common seal, to make all nec essary or desirable hy-laws and regula tious, to execute notes, bonds, mortga res or other evidences of indebtedness incurred or to be incurred in the con duct of tho affairs of the corporation und to secure the same by deed or any other lorn of lien under the laws of Georgia and to do nil tho things that may be necessary for the successful op eration of the affairs of the company. —7— Petitioners desire for said corporation the power and authority to apply for and accept amendments to its charter either of form or substance by a vote of the majority holders of the stock ot aay time outstanding and also the pow er and authority at any time by a two thirds vote of the stock outstanding nt any time to wind up its affairs, liqui elate and discontinue its business. — B — desire for the said corpor ation the right of renewal * hen and as is provided by laws of Georgia, and that it have all such other rights, powers, privileges and immunities ns are inci dent to like corporations or ns are per mitted under the laws of the Rate of Georgia now existing or to be enacted. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in corporated under the name and style aforesaid with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and os nro now, or may hereafter bp, allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws of the Htate of Georgia. This the Pith (lay of December, IMO. G. A. JOHNS. J. C. PRATT, Attorneys for Petitioners. Winder, Georgia. GEORGIA--- Harrow county. Office of the Clerk of Huperior Court. 1, George A'. Bagwell, Clerk of Bar vow Superior Court, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct ,-opy of the application for charter ns the same appears of tile in this office, tiled on December 16, 1920. This the 16th day of December, 1920. GEORGE N. BAGWELL, Clerk of Superior Court Barrow county. Paper Clothing. Paper clothing has long been known, sometimes for Its cusssedness, but re* cently there was discovered a method of waterproofing cloth mads from wood pulp which greatly Increases th llfu of the garment. Sutue paper cloth t brittle but there Is one variety known to the Japunese which will withstand i7,000 foidiugi without breaking. Alioost a Story. Mrs. r.ttchl Pettyjohn Insisted th*r was either a best" or an I. 'V. W. in their •■ellnr one day recently, and tb family went out armed to Investigate, -tail—foil nn ottbr n calf that had found PROFESSIONAL CARDS W. L. MATTHEWS Physician and Sutirgeon Suite -110 Winder Nat. Hank BldK. Office 110111-8 10 to 12 A. M, and 1 to 4 P. M. Residence Phone No. 213. Office Phone No. 13. DR. E. R. HARRIS Suite 301-2 Winder National Hank Building Tel. Office 151—He.s. 336. DR. J. H. MOORE Graduate licensed Veterinarian Office Over City Pharmacy. Office Phone 62J. Res. Phone G 9. Winder, Ga. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS IN BARROW COUNTY For rates and terms M. D. IRWIN Lawrenceville, Ga. CLERKS, (Men, women) over 17, for Postal Mail Service. sl2T> For free particular of examina tion, write J. Leonard, (former civ il Service Examiner) 595 Equita ble Bldg., Washington, P. ('. S. A. L. Railway. No. 29 will arrive 7.15 FM No. 17 will arrive .8.42 AM No. 11 will arrive .6.24 AM No 30 will arrive 015 AM No, 6 will arrive 2.35 PM No. 5 will arrive 3.00 PM No. 18 will arrive 7.15 PM No. 12 will arrive 11.07 PM CHANGE OF SCHEDULE GAINESVILLE MIDLAND \o. 14 Northbound due 9:00 AM. Daily (Mixed) Except Sunday. No. 5 ..Southbound due 11:00 AM. Daily. No. 8 Northbound due 1:33 PM. Daily. \ T o. 13 Southbound due 4:05 PM. Daily (Mixed) Except Sunday. No. 6 Southbound due 8:02 PM. Sunday Only No. 7 Southbound due 4:23 PM. TEACHER WANTED. The trustees ol! Central school want to contract with a teacher, (preferably first grade) to teach a six months school for 1921. ,T. \V. CASPER, 0. W. STEED, W. L. HARRIS, 'Winder, Rt, 1. Trustees. In Everyday Life. ft 1 well t< remember that xoek “to things are rare. Colors of 3ardfns. The fresh sardine Is a beantlfu! Hr rte fish. The arnica on Its back are b iridescent blue-green, the exact tint which the sea so often takes, while be neath the scnles there shows up the most wonderful peacock blue. There are bars on Us back and sides when ii first cornea out of the water like tltoa* on the mackerel, hut they seem to fade and disappear the moment It la exposeu to the air. The rest of its body is pure silver. Notable Sayings. In William iHitin Howell's novel, "The Quality of Mercy” the dying anf Vpentnnt defaulter Nortlnvtck etc claims ‘‘That's good!*’ ns the hand cuffs are placed upon bis wrltffv, ''Time fios! Bid Clifford com,’ to me!” or ders Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon. In "The House of Seven Guides," taking from his vest pocket the watch which he tvus never to replace. Fitting Expiring Sentiments. To Vespasian Is attributed as an ex piring sentiment, “An erofieror should die standing!" which wonts to have appealed to two sixteenth-century Eng lish bishops—Woolton, whose last ut terance is recorded as. *'A bishop ought to die on his legs.” and Sewell, who declared, “A bishop shou’d die preaching." Courtesies of the Match. fnere were the usual courtesies a to precedence In the use of the rn*tA "It's very English," said Ute tnan Ut the corner. “In Scandinavia yon ran tell the nationality of s man by the way he lights his cigarette. A Bwed* strikes a match, uses It and throws M away. A Pane uses the match first and then offer* It to you. The Norwe gian strikes a match, offers It to his ■■>—*’l ' tl Ol TORNADO INSURANCE Your neighbor’s homo burned only a few days or months ago, and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US *ul lie down at night with a clear conscience? and a poaceful mind. Don't DELAY. It u*ay rueun tho loss of your home. Any man cun build a home once. A WISE man insula his property in a reliable Insurance company so thut when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to ihs peace of mind and the '-are of hia loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith a Reliable Glasses If you are thinking of obtaining glasses, please be< r tr in mind that the financial and professional responsibility of those to whom you entrust the care of your eyes is of greatest impor tance. Ours Lj a complete organization, devoted exclusively to the scientific examination of eyes and the fitting and grind ing of proper glasses, nil for one rcasonablS charge. Optometrist J. Q, Duggan Optician 53 West Mitchell Street, Near New Terminal Station. I you in town? It*s here! You of the Golden Age of Fur- J Every New Edison is a 17 model* English, 8 genuine period cabinet. French and Itoliaa See these ■ Each design is taken directly furniture aristocrats before 8 from some masterpiece out you buy. j (g) SMITH HARDWARE CO. 7Ke MEW EDISON dm j \ wfcV i 1 *• depend largely diryour clothes Let S jp” I \ us help you to good looks, comfort and I I 1\ \ satisfaction, which are built Into "Shield f 'f Tl Wl V Brand” Clothes for men and young men. ■ V 1 i/LU They have the reputation behind them, W V | plus our guarantee fully backed by the I y/i New styles in a variety of patterns just I I ;ij in—corneamt | ~~ J. W. SUMMEROUR | IS YOUR HEALTH GRADUALLY SLIPPING? Interesting Experience of a Texas Laely Who Declares That if More Women Knew About Car dpi They Would Be Spared Much Sickness and Worry. Navasola, Texas.—-Mrs. W. M. Peden, of this place, relates the following interest ing account of how sne recovered her strength, having realized that she was actually losing her health: "Health is the greatest thing in the world, and when you feel that gradually clipping away from you, you certainly sit up and take notice. That is what 1 did some time ago wlien 1 found myself in a very nervous, run-down condition of health. I was sotired and felt so lifeless I could hardly go at all. "I was just no account for work. I would get a bucket of water and would feel 90 weak l would have to set it down before 1 felt like 1 could lift it to the shelf. In this condition, of course, to do even ray housework was a task almost im possible to accomplish. . . . nervous and easily upset. THIikSDAY, DEC. 23, lf2o. 1 couWn’t rest well at night and was . . • just lifeless. "1 heard of Cardui and after reading I decided 1 lwd some female trouble that was pulling mrdown. 1 sent for Cardui and began it. . . "In a very short while after 1 began the Cardui Home Treatment 1 saw an im j provement and it wasn’t long until I was all right—good appetite, splendid rest* and much stronger so that 1 easily did injj house work. "Later 1 took a bottle of Cardui as tonic. I can recommend Cardui * ly do so, for if more women knew, il" would save a great deal ol worry and sickness.” The enthusiastic praise of thousands ol other women who have found Cardui belpful should convince you that it II worth trying. All druggists sell it k ‘