The Jackson record. (Jackson, Butts County, Ga.) 18??-1907, January 18, 1907, Image 4

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Tfk JhoXSON RECORD. Official Organ of Butts County. 8. E. Ardrewe Editor and Publisher Subscri) don, SI.OO a year. Entered at the postoffice at Jacks >n 6a., pb second class mail matter. JACKSON. OA.. JAN. 18 ’<K>7 Editor .Tackflon Record ; As 1907 will be an off year in poli tlcH and onr ponl< generally will net be molested hv candidates, would it rot be a good time to haulier this monster, called the Southern Oil Trust v ’ "b is robbing the South of more v m ach than all other Trusts ' ■ and When we had our local Mill operated hr such men as Hon, W M Mnllett and Hon. Meade Hen driok our people were not oppressed Esther are now. They made fair ex changes with the farmers. Do the Oil Mills do this now? No, they nay the farmer fiOc for his seed and charge him $2!),00 for meal and $8 00 per ton for hulls. There is a remedy for this if we would applv it. What ig the reme dy? Why let the farmer* get together and build and operate their own mill. Do you think the farmera could build an Oil Mill? Why yes Did you never hear about the farmers of Butts Cos. building the largest brick ware house In the city of Jackon and it not cost- Jngthem one cent? Why how was that done? It was done on the Co-op eration plan, and this is how I hope for the farmnre to build an oil mill. Let each farmer take stock In the mill. He can par his stock with cotton •eed as he nald hiR stock in ware house br wieghing his cotton and you can readily see In a few years each countv In the South will be owning and ope rating an indlpendsnt oil mill and cant realize how er who paid for it.. The Oil Trusts are robbing each county of enough to build a mill and pay for Uln two years Don’t you think this worth saviny? We, the Southern farm •re know how produce. Dixie can make enough to feed and clothe the world, hut when that is said, all is said. We do not band our selves to gather so as to get just prices for what we produce The Oil Mills tell you that hull* and meal have advanced. Why have they advanced? the mate rial from which they are mad is cheap or than ever now. Who advanced tnoee prices . It war the Truet who put the price of seed down, it wae the Trust Now brother farmer are you going to stand by and let them put the price on both articles. So long aa you sub mit to it, so long will you be oppress ed In this way. T know I am a small gnat to be nabbing at such an ox: as the Oil Trust. Bat If every farmer in the Bouth unite together to fight him, we could soon out him to route, r hope to see in Butte County In a few years a Cotton Oil mill with this in scription. The Independent Oil Mill Cos. "tours Truly Evro Smith. P.S. With such men to help the far mers as J M.McMlchael ,J.M. Craw ford .E.L.and Frank Lawson, B.H. Mays. You will see something doing in r>utts County before another crop is harvested. Evan. Beat? The Music Cura. ‘‘To keep the body in tune,” writes M Mary Brown. 'JO Lafayette Place, Pough keepsie, N Y. ‘‘l take Dr. Kings New I.if pills. They ere the most reliable and plea ant laxative 1 have found.” nest for the Stomach, Liver aud Bowels. Uuarauteer kjr Hanna, druggist. 26c. So playfully he grabbed him And sat him in the chair. And Tommy, howling fiercely. Leaped right in the air. r Then, coming down not,gently, Still feeling that pin prtok. He saj'l it mournful language, “Grandpa, 'twas a mean tfkJfci** Then dear old loving grandpa Said, “r only wiatoed tv t That very ancient asLyiiigr, 'He that i-pjgiis last hryglui Vat.'" Pc*. CONDENSED STORIES. * When Bishop Potter Narrowly Escaped Arrest. Bishop Potter once came near be ing "pinched/’ as he gleefully told the members of the George Junior Republic association at their an nual meeting the other day. "It was mv first visit to the Re public/’ said the bishop, “and I was sitting on Miss Van Sanfoord’s veranda enjoying a cigar when a email lad appeared and said, ‘Very sorry, sir, but I’ve got to arrest you/ “ ‘l’m sorry, too/ said I. ‘What’s the matter?’ " ‘You’re smoking, and it is against the Ipw/ “ ‘Well, I’ll get my hat and go with you. I never resist the law/ “The youthful police officer hesi tated. “‘Well/ he said, after a second’s pause, ‘l’m not quite sure whether hhhhhhhh “iou’kb smoking, and rr is against this LAW." you’re within the limits of the Re public or not. I’d like to go off to 6ec first. If 1 do go will you run away ?’ “1 held up iny hand. ‘I swear T will stay right here till you get back.’ ‘‘Fortunately for me,” said the bishop, “he found I was outside the Republic limits. So he didn’t have to run me in. But it was a close call.” Expert Testimony. Rufus L. Griswold, the Cleveland educator, who holds that it is wrong to let children believe in Santa Claus, was arguing about his strange views at a dinner. “Why lie to children?” he asked. “Why let them believe in a myth? Whenever 1 hear mention of that loathed name of Santa Claus 1 think of a lunatic.” lie paused and smiled. Then he resumed: “Some years ago 1 attended a trial wherein ray brother was eon corned, a trial having to do with a lunatic asylum. “A witness was being examined as to the sanity of one of the in mates. “‘You hold that this inmate is insane, do you?’ a lawyer asked. “ ‘1 do,’ was the firm reply. “ ‘Why are you so sure?’ “ ‘The man,’ the witness said, ‘goes about asserting that he is San ta Claus.’ “ ‘And,’ said the lawyer, ‘you hold, do you, that when a man goes about asserting that he is Santa Claus it’s a clear proof of his insan ity?’ “ 1 do/ “ ‘Why?’ “ ‘Because,’ said the witness in a loud, indignant voice, ‘I happen to be Santa Claus myself/ ” Drink Fcr invalids. Take 'tale pieces of crusts of bread, the end pieces of the loaf, and toast them a nice dark brown. Care must be taken that they do not burn in the least, as that af fects the flavor. Put the browned crusts in a large pitcher and pour enough boiling water over to cover them; tever the pitcher closely and let steep until cold. Strain and swetn to tfste. This is also good warm with cream an'd sugar similar to coffee. _ , . _ Legal Advertisements. Sheriffs Sales. GEORGIA. Butts County.- will be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb. A. TANARUS) Iqo7, at public outery at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of Sale, to the highest bidder for cash, cer tain property , of which the following is a full and complete description 1 50 acres of land more or less, lying and being situate in said county and State, and hounded as follows viz : North by lands of .T . L. Barney west by lands of J. R. carmiehael, South by lands of .T F weaver estate, and Fast by lands of Barkley Bros, and Aisle TTeat.h' Paid property levied on as tlie property of w \ Mangbnw to satisfy an execution is sued from the county court of said G ountv in fa vof of B. c, Kinard and sou for tlx-use of Pavis Kinard and aeraint said w \ Maugham. Raid property being in the pos session of w FT Maugham at time of levy, and pointed out bv judge.'ras F. carmiehael A w T.ane and Lucian L Rav conns'll of plaintiff, written notice given the tenant in possession as required by law. This the 3Tst. davof Pei-. 190(5, W W Wir.sox Sheriff Butts ro. GEORG-TA. Butts County.— wil' he sold on the first Tuesday In Febru ary next, at Public outery at the oonr house, in said county, within the lagal hours of sales, t.o the highest, bidder for cash eertain nropet.v. of which the following :s a description : Two hundred acres of land more or less, in Butts Cos. Ga. in the eigbte district of originally Hen*v now Butts Cos., and in the 616t1i. Pis. G, M said county number lot'not known, but being the place whereon O, B. Knowls now re sides, Raid land bounded as follows :-Nort,h by land formerly belonging to L. c. Knowles deceased .East by lands formally belonging to L.C . Knowles deceased snd lands for merly belong'ng to .T..T, Buffington. South by lands of J. Tom Stewart, and west by land, formerly belonging to .T.c .Maddcx deceased et. al. Raid property levied on as tbatofO.B. Knowles and to satisfy one mortgage tifa issued 1 froin Butts Superior court, in favor of J,N Knowles Executor and Ad ministrntor of the estate of L. C Knowles deceased against, O.B,Knowles . Property pointed nut. n tifn and tenant in n ssessinn given written notice as required by law. Levy made Pee. sth, 100(5. This Jan. 2nd 1007. w. w, wilson Sheriff Butts co. Georgia Butts County will be sold before the court house door, between the legal hours of sale, on the Ist. Tuesday in February next, the following, described property towitt,. One depot build ing and land bn which the same is situated, lying and being in the town of .Tenkinsburg in Butts Cos. also one section housa and lot lying and being in the town of .renkinsburg in Butts eoufity, levied on as the property of the Southern Railway company, by vir tue of and to satisfy two tax fifa’s, issued bv the Tax collector of the .renkinsburg Pub lie. School district against the Southern Railway co., in favor of the jemcinsburg Public School district against said South ern Railway co. Property pointed out by Tax collector of said Public School District and inpossesion of Southern Railway o. at the time of levy." Written notice given de fendant as required by law. This :51st. day of Pee. 1906, w. w. wilson, ( Sheriff, Butts county. GKORGTA. Butts County. M i'.l Ksf old before the Court House door in the city of .raoKson on the First Tuesday ink ebruary next, the following property to witt :50 acres of land more or less, lying and being in the 615th district G M Potts Co.and bounded as follows {On the North by lands of Harris Bros. On the East bv lands of Will Foster. South, by land of .t T. Kim bell. West by Binds of P.W. McLendon. Said fifn being issued from Justice Court, of Spaulding county, of 1001 district G . M . in favor of TT .Varner against F. T.Kim bell. also two fifa’s issued .from 615th district <5 .M. Butts county Georgia in favor of Atlan ta Guano company against. F. T. Kimbell. Property pointed out by Plaintiffs Attorney, written notice given tenant in possession as required by law. Levy made by -\v. M. Bledsoe.'Deputy Sheriff. This Jan. 3rd 1907. w.w.wilson Sheriff B.c. THE END OF THE WORLD of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe, o Rear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when he began taking Electric Bitters. He v\ ritts ; “Two years ago Kidney trouble caused me great suffering, which I would never have surviyed had I not taken Elec tric Bitters. They also ci red me of General Debility. Sure cure for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney complaints, Blood dis eases, Headache, Dizzim-s and weakness or bodily decline. Price 50c. Guaranteed bv Hanna Drug Cos. Ordinary’s OitHiicss* For Administration. Georjia Butts county. To All whom It May concern. A- C, Millen having in proper form, applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administra tion on the estate of Plienie Shaw col, late of said county, this is to cite all and singu lar the creditors and next of kin of Plienie Shaw to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why Permanent Adminis tration rliould not be granted to A. 0. Mil len on Phenie Shaws estate, witness my hand ami official signature, this 7 day of January 1907. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. For Dismission. Georgia, Butts County,- Whereas J.M.Gaston and Mrs Elizabeth Cole Administrator De Bonis Non, of J. p.Cole represents, to the Court in his pet; Thin, duly tiled amUentered on record, that he has fully administered J n cole's estate. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and ci editors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Admiuis trator should not be discharged from his Administration and receive letters of dis mission. on the first Monday in February, 1907. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. For Administration De Bonis Non. Georgia, Butts County. To All whom it May Concern: •James F.carmicliael having in proper form applied to me for Letters of 'Adminis tration De Boni* Non, to be issued to Clerk of Superior Court, on the estate of Mrs. E. S . Jane Harxness late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors]and next of kin of Mrs.E.S. Jane Harkness, [to he and appear at iuy’office wiihin the time allowed by law, and show cause if any they can why Administration jDe Bonis Non should not he granted to clerk Superior court on Mrs, E.S.Jane Harkness’ estate, witness my hand and official signature this 7tli dayiof Jan. 1907. J. H. HAM. Ordinary, Public Sale under Power of Attorney. Georgia, Butts Connty, Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a deed to secure the herinafter named debt, executed by Byron W. Mills to the Scottish A merican Mortgage Company Limited dated the first day of December 1903 and recorded in tie office of clerk of the Superior Court of Butts COnnty in deed book S.Bagß 436-7 and which said deed and hereinafter named notes evidencing the amount of prin cipal, interest and attorneys fees the ein contained was by the said The Scottish American Mortgage Com pany, by tho request and with the knowledge and consent of the said Byron W,Mills, duly transfered as signed and quit claimed on the 3rd day of January 1906 to the undersign ed W.J.Wood, said transfer assign ment and quit claim title being al3o duly rocordedin the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of BattsCounty in deed book “V” page 83 the under signed will aell at public outcry, at the Courthouse door in said County in the city of Jackson during the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash,on the first Tuesday in February 1907, the following property lying and being situate in said County and State *owit: One farm containing ninety three acres (98) more or less in the 6lsth District G. M, of Butts County Ga. and bound as follows; North by land3 of Henry Benton and J C,Combs, East by lands of J. H, Mills,South by lands of J H.Mills and M.M. Mills and West by lands of Robert Woodward and public road, for the purpose of paying certain promissory notes tor sums as follows ; The tirst for the sum of Five Hun dred Dollars and due December first 1908 with interest thereou at the rate of seven and one half per cent per annum which amount of interest is represented by certain coupon inter est notes being three and each fortho sum of Thirty Seven and a half Dol lars and each bearing date Dec. Ist, 1903 and becoming due respectively Dec. Ist. 1906, Dec. Ist. 1907, and Dee. Ist. 1908. One note for the sum of six hundred and ten dollars dated Dee. Ist. 1905 and due Dec. 1 1906, which said last note includes Ihe same amount of the original princi pal due Dec. 1 1908 and the addition al sura of one hurdrpd n r d ten dol lars of money advanced to Byron W. Mills in payment of cost of the trans fer ;..:d r Ato himself. One note for the sum of one hundred and fifty dol lars dated Jan 16*11 1906 and due Jan. Ist. 1907. A™d the other for $27. 50 dated May 29 1906 and due Nov. 1 1906. Each of the three last named notes bearing interest at. 8 per cent per annum from date and all of which said several sums represented by the three last named nrtes excent the o riginal principal included i tne first of last, named three,were advancments made after the transfer t.o me of the title to said lands by and under an agreement with the maker made pri or to th* time of said transfer that I should hold said t ; (le as security for the original prmcinn! ar.d subsequent advancements, interest Attorneys fee and CO*' 1 . Th ■ t '-aid Bvron W. Mills made as 1 ■ f i h? original bon* tract, the cor'd i cm > b->t if default was made in the prompt pa .r ment of either or anv of the Coupon Interest, cote on the day same became due, then and in that event the holder or transferee or assignee of the original contract could at his option declare the origi nal principal and all interest notes due. Now default, having been made in the payment of th? interest note being daied Doc.lst 1903 and due Dec. Ist 1906 for the sum of Thirty Seven and and and one half dollars I,W .J. Wood elect to declare the entire principal, interest and all subsequent advance ments due as well ae Attorneys fees in the event any unsuccessful defense is made to these proceedings. The total amount of principal due on said notes is now $785. The total amount of interest due to the date of these proceedings tawitiDec. Istl90& is $57.80 The total amount of Attor neys fees due is SB4 53 which amount of Attorneys fees will be due onlv and provided an unsuccessful plea is filed to these proceedings, together with the cost of these proceedings as pro vided in said deed. After the payment of the above ennumerated sums to gether with future interest due there on the balance of the proceeds of said sale if any will be turned over to the said Byron W. Mills as provided by the terms of said deed. The above de scribed property will be sold for the purpose of paving the debt to secure which the deed was given and all ad vancements made subsequent thereto as above set forth. A deed to the pur chaser wili be made by the undersign ed in terms of said contract. This the Ist. day of December 1906. W. J. Wood. Guardlan Sale. GEORGIA, Butts County. By virtue of an order regnrally granted By the court of Ordinarp of Monroe Couuty Ga. will be sold before the House •loor in the oit.v of Jackson Butts County Ga. on the first Tuesdan in February 1007 ■ the following described property to wit : A one fortliundivided interest in Fifty acres of land lying in the 614th District G. M : in said Countv one mile south of Indian Springs Reserve bounded as follows: on the north by lands of Np<l Head and the Forsyth and Griffin Public Road, on the AVest and South by lands of ,T. \V; Wright on the East by pnbll" road leading to For syth sold as the property of my "Ward, J. "\\ arren Hunt., and for the benefit "of ‘my Ward: Terms cash. This January )ind 1607. •T. W. Hunt, Guardian for J. Warren Hunt. Citation, It. is ordered that Citation be run in tha - ackson Record the legal organ for Butts County, four weeks.before the granting of an order to sell tlie one half undivided in terest in some property owned by Mrs. Myrtle Robertson containing one hundred and'forty acres more or less in Butts Cos. Ga bounded as follows: North by lands of I Mrs - O F.Williams, East by the Ogletree Place, South by the County line between Butts and Monroe Counties. West by Joe Bell and also one half acre in Monroe Cos. known as the Geo. Garner half acre, the sale being for the purpose of division, and reim estruent of tlie proceed 6 in property that will bring in more dividend Mrs. Robertson being a minor The property is now occupied by Tom Thornton. This 14th day of Jan,1907, A E,J,Reagan. JudgeF.O.C.S- RraßlniiEfan fciakea Kidneys and Bladder Right .