The Jackson record. (Jackson, Butts County, Ga.) 18??-1907, January 25, 1907, Image 5

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..THIRTY - DAY ■ SALE .. Cowing U. Januanj 26, Only SOtDays pie in Mson. The times were so hard that the people could Buy All they waited at my sale before Christmas, and lam going to make prices lower than 1 did last year. Now on this last Thirty days, on this home run, Come into my store where a little money will go a long way and bless yoir homes with the things the family need and still have about all your money. SEE THESE PRICES, they are the sample of the way lam slaughter ing goods; Did you ever buy the following commodities for these pries* 800 yards heavy weight Canton Flan nel the regular price 8 cents Cos Now going at Percale, extra weight , regular L price 12£ cts ayd now going at” * Ladies, Shawls all wool, extra 2Ce large sizes, all goiDg at Now this farewell word: Don’t wait until the Sale is closed and then abuse yourself for not getting it while it was going on. . Come and get what you need, it is here, sanebody is going to get the goods, for ■ ■ i they must go. Come and get your share. —■— ■ VOU FRIEND: JACKSON, GA. SOUTHERN RAJ I,WAY SCHEDULE FOR .JACKSON. Local Passenger trains pass th Depot, at the fumes mentioned below. NORTH BOUND No 17 6 41 AM’ No .7 9:57A. M No. 15 2:32P. M , No. 9 8:48 *' SOUTH BOUND. No IS 9 58 P M, No. 16 7:38 A M No. 8 3:98 P. M No 10 >..8:08 “ AVfcgetable Preparationfor As -- || ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion.CheerFul- j ness and Rest. Contains neither | Opium,Morphine nor Mineral | KOT OTIC. u! Jdeape of OJd LrSAMJH PITCHER Pumpkin. Seed- v dlx.Sen.nn * J RockrUe Suite— I sbi K.W * \ { fiimSead- ClmfuA Sugar mieynen. rumr. ) A perfect Remedy forConslipa- j ITion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea " Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- \ ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of yEW YORK. tl== EXACT COPY C F WBAPP^. Large lot Mens Buckskin work ing gloves, for a pair Mens four in hand Silk Ties. IQc Now going at 4 Mens Negligee Shirts, all size* and col ors regular price 75 cents 2Qc Now going at A Poet's Meaning. Klopstock, the German poet whom his admirers rashly com pared to Milton, was once question ed at Gottingen as to the exact meaning of one of his stanzas. He read it over once or twice and then delivered this judgment: “I cannot remember what I meant when I wrote it, but I do remember that it was one of the finest things I ever wrote, and you cannot do better than devote your lives to the dis covery of its meaning.” CtSTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / t Signature 0f w and Jr hX Use \j For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA tmc oewTAun nsv tork err*. Change of Name. On February 22, The Jackson Keeord becomse THE JACKSONIAN. In changing the name of the paper it is our intention, by injecting new life, energy and hustle into the publi catiOD to give the County and town a first class paper. Our circulation at present far exceeds any other that oireuiates in Jackson’s trading territo ry and it is our purpose to double our present subscription list, thereby making The Jacksonian the only ad vertising medium worthy of the name. Our job shop will be up to date and our work will be guaranteed to please . We would ask as a spscial favor that you drop ia when you are in the city and tell us all the news of your community; and if you are behind with your subscription, call in and see how much behind you are, we do not need the money very baa and will not ask you to pay it until it suits I your convenience, but we may not have given you credit for your last payment so come and see. ' Wishing every man may make 10 j bales to the plow and get 12? for it we ! bid you God speed. Prevent Headache. Force them? No —aids them. Ra mons treatment of Liver Tills and Ton ie Pellets strengthens the liver and di gestive organs so that they do their own work and fortifies your constitu tion against future trouble. Entire Teatment 25 cents—Hanna Drug Cos. Another Drug Store for Jackson. Dr. J.A. Jarrell is fitting up his office building on the East side of the square for the purpose of installing a fully equipped and up to date Drug Store. Then She Got Fnrfoaii. Bhe—Here we’ve been married just one month, and now you no longer love me. He—But. my dear— She—Don’t try to explain. I’m not blind. You made a mistake. You ojghl to have married some silly, stupid woman. He—But, dearest. I’ve done my best. Mens Fur Hats. 1 test style, CQc Now going at... v/ Boys Hats regular pice 50 cents IQc Now going at t/ 1 Ladies and Msns Rtiber Over iflc Shoes Now go|g at Our Pulpit, This ia the victory that oyer coneth the world, even on faith.” 1 John 5-4. .1 we are letting the world hinder usfrom seeing, loving and holding conmunlcation with, and serving our Qol, then the world is conquering us. Jf the world is but the ladder upon whch you climb into chooscn com minion with God and attain a clearer vison of the divine nature, a deeper lovj to God and for humanity and a nure perfect consideration to the seivice of God then you have the vie tory over the world. '.'o overcome the world is to have it beieath your foot and stand upon it an! reach up to God. Our heavenly Father give us power to lay hold of the world and place it at our feet and to stand on upon it, so w*cun see thee better and serve thee in a more accepted way and do more toV/less the world and lift up our fall en brother. This we ak in Jesus * nane. Amen. lay Live One Hundred Years. The’for living a full century are excellent in the ease of Mrs Jennie Duncan of Hayesville, Me. now 70 years old. She writes “‘Electric Bitters cured me of Cbron’ ic Despepsia of 20 year stanidng, and mad me feel as welland strongas a younggirl ,’e Electric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver diseases, Blood disorders, General Pebili ‘yand bodily weekness- Sold on a guaran tee at Hanna Drug Cos. A Lesson In Etiquette. Priscilla had, unknown to her mother, paid a visit to one of her small friends, and on her return Mrs. Parsons was disturbed to note the goiled dress her child wore. “Priscilla, do you see that big spot ? What do you suppose Mrs. Blakeslee thought of such a dirty dress ?” she asked. “I don’t know,” wa3 Priscilla’s prompt reply. “If Mrs. Blakeslee saw it she was too polite to mention it.”—Harper’s Weekly, Mens Suits in great vßrities All Wool the regular price $9 00 Ladies and Gents heavy weight Hose, Now going at 4 pr Large lot of Ladies and Gentlemens Umbrellas, regular price 7Cc SI.OO Now going at w Ulant Ad Column. ONE CENT A WORD. If you have anything for sale, of rent, if you want to buy anything, or want any help; the Want Column of Thb Record is tin* place to put a small ad for only one cent a word. WANTED. —Peas and Corn. We buy Peas and Corn and will pry mar ket price. Rail Road Warehouse. FOR SALE.—Eight shares in the Jackson Creamery for sale cull on or address L. L Greer. 4t Heats the Music Cure. “To keep tin; body in tune,’’ writes M, Mary brown, 20 Lafayette Place, Pough keepsie, N Y. “I lid e I r. Kings .New Lif pills. They ere the most reliable tuid plea ant laxative, 1 have found.” Best for the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Gunranteer by Hanna, druggist. 25c. WOOD’S SEEDS 4 Bliss Triumph Seed Potatoes are one of the most popular kinds with truckers all through the Houth. They are extra early, pro lific, fine appearance, and are largcdy sold in northern markets as “Bermuda Potatoes” at high prices. We have a large stock of this potato, extra fine quality, both Maine and Second Crop Seed. Wo are the largest dealers in Seed Potatoes in the South, and offer all of the best and most pro ductive kinds. W rite for prices. Wood’s Descriptive Catalogue gives full information about Seed Potatoes and all Farm and Gar den Seeds. Mailed free on re quest. T. W. WOufj & SONS, Leadsmen, * Richmond, Va.