Newspaper Page Text
I 'Will sing you a song of a reaper; his
tireless scythe lie swings,
With the clover blooms around him ly
ing in broken rings;
The air grows faint and heavy with the
weight of their perfumed breath.
And their rosy hues fade out beneath the
unsparing hand of death.
I will sing you a song of a reaper; he
moves o’er the uplands brown,
And wherever his sickle flashes the
ranks of the corn fall down;
Yesterday tall and stately It stood In
its ripened pride—
To-day it is lying helpless and bound on
the bare hillside.
I will sing you a song of a reaper; through
the forest his ax-stroke rings.
Where stand the oaks which braved the
storms through the reigns of a hun
dred kings; , . „
Deep have the great roots clasped the
earth, the grand heads seek the sky.
But puny man has doomed them, *nu
beneath his hand they die.
I will sing you a song of a reaper; his
sickle hath no man seen,
We hear not his step on the upland, nor
down on the meadows green;
But he ever moves among us, tnrougn
the city and forest deep.
And they whom ids finger touches in si
lence his secret keep.
But tile corn which bowed down to the
reaper, and the fragrant grass laid
Fed the hungry kine and their master
when the north winds brought the
snow. „ . .
And the trees which the wind and light
ning had spared these many years
Have made a dwelling-place lor man,
where he rests, securp from tears.
And the Master hath sent fort* l the
reaper who gathers the fair and
dear, , . ,
He will add them to His treasure, which
He keeps to His hand anear;
And no more than the corn or the clover,
or the stately forest tree.
Can we tell where He will use them
but the Master holds the key.
—Ninette M. Lowater, in Youth’s Com
Out In the country where the south
western mountains throw their shad
ows on the plains you may hear this
story of Wolf Ranch.
Wolf Ranch was the property of
“Dad” Perkins, first name long since
passed out of everybody’s memory save
possibly that of Dad himself. Perkins
had a charming daughter, Phoebe, who
lived with him and kept the ranch
house sweet and orderly. Phoebe was
pretty, and the boys of all the country
round knew it, if she didn't.
A young man came out of the East
and took up quarters at Dad Perkins
ranch. He was hi* and handsome, and
when he wasn’t shooting in the moun
tains he was talking to Phoebe Perkins
of books and poetry and all sort of
things, which made the girl believe he
wus of a different mold than the ranch
The New Yorker gave up hunting af
ter a while and stayed about the ranch,
and the hours that he was not with
Phoebe were not many. The New York
er talked to the ranch girl of the de
lights of city life and of the pleasures
that awaited her there if she would
but go with him. The New Yorker
wasn’t an honest man.
There was a sheep herder named
George Wilson on Dad Perkins’ ranch.
The herder had loved Phoebe in his
own way for a year. He knew that
the girl was not for him any more
than the stars that looked down at him
when he kept his sheepfold vigil.
George Wilson had eyes in his head.
He had seen more than any one else
of the attentions that the New Yorker
was paying Phoebe.
Wilson alternated with another herd
er in the matter of his nights on duty
with the flocks. When not on guard
he stayed at the ranchhouse. The
New Yorker and Phoebe sometimes sat
under the wide reuching roof of the
porch after the mountains had shut
out the sun and the shadows filled the
valley. One night they sat there and
spoke in low tones. The girl said: "1
must not go.”
Then there followed some words ot
There was a movement back of them.
The New Yorker drew apart from the
girl and turned. George Wilson was
standing just back of him. He looked
at the New Yorker and said:
"You asked me the other day while
we were hunting why this place is
called Wolf Ranch. 1 expect to leave
here tomorrow to take a place on an
other ranch maaiv miles away, and to
night I will tell you why this is called
Wolf Ranch.
“It has been so known only for two
years. There were not many wolves in
this section; in fact, there had been
none for years, until one came—a big
gray, hungry fellow, who fattened
nightly on the fold. Our dogs were of
no service. The wolf was too smart
for them. He had a hunger for lambs,
and he was shrewd enough to find a
way to get his meal. He tried poison
and spring guns, but we could do
nothing with that wolf. He knew his
•wolfish business, and knew It well
from the wolfs standpoint.
"1 said our dogs were no good. There
was something about that wolf that
made them fear. I had a dog at the
home of my father miles away. The
men said; ’This is no wolf; it's a
devil. Your dog will be no better than
the rest.’
“But I know my dog. 1 brougnt nun
to the fold. For five nights we lay and
watched together, but saw no wolf,
and yet during the time three lambs
were lost.
“On the sixth night I lay on the
ground looking down into a corner of
the fold. The moon was full, and it
was almost as light as day. In the
corner of the fold where I was looking
was a motherless lamb. My dog—Jim,
I called him—was at my side.
“I watched until my eyes ached, but
finally I saw a shadow over beyond.
Then the shadow took shape, for on
a mound in the moonlight I saw a wolf
the biggest so far as we know that this
valley ever held. I knew then wlty
our dogs had gone back on us, but I
still believed in Jim.
“Jim saw the wolf when I saw him,
and his hair went up like bristles. That
dog crawled away from me to the ene
my. He know that this wolf was af
ter that poor little motherless lamb,
and to save that lamb he would try.”
As Wilson went on with his story
he moved toward the New Yorker.
Even in the gloom of the nigßt the
Eastern man could see the sheep herd
er’s eyes gleam, and there was some
thing cold at his heart.
“I just stayed and watched,” said
Wilson. “Jim went on and on. The
wolf had his head up. He had located
the lamb. What cared he for a dog?
He had seen our dogs turn tail and
“Jim kept on crawling. It was noth
ing but a crawl. The wolf was very
near the lamb.”
As Wilson said this he was standing
as though ready to spring. He was
carried away with his story.
“The wolf came nearer the lamb, and
Jim got nearer, too. The wolf made
one spring and Jim met him in mid
air. In a second he had this wolf
monster by the throat and had killed
“Jim saved that lamb, and he killed
the wolf. That’s why this is called
Wolf Ranch.”
The next morning at daybreak the
New Yorker was striking back over the
trail to the nearest railroad station. —
Chicago Post.
Sort of Man Who Would Embody De
mands of One Flock.
“So you are not satisfied with your
present minister?” asks the stranger.
"Is he lacking in spiritual strength?”
“No, but he is too old,” explains one
of the congregation.
“We want a young man,” says an
“We want a good mixer,” asserts
“A man who is not too strict about
things," suggests another.
"One who doesn't frown on smok
ing, for instance,” adds another.
“Or an occasional highball,” speci
fics another.
“Or a game of bridge, or hearts, or
poker,” itemizes another.
“Or a Sunday ball game,” mentions
“He must know the latest stories,”
declares another.
“And the latest slang,” says anoth
“He must not oppose theatres and
dancing,” from another.
“And he mustn’t claim that flirting
is always wrong,” is the voice of an
"He must dress attractively,” ob
serves another.
“I see, gentlemen,” the visitor
speaks, interrupting a torrent of fur
ther specifications. “I see. You can
not help being dissatisfied with the
old man who now holds your pulpit.
He is a preacher. You don't want a
preacher. You want a man who is a
mixer and a talker and a story-teller
and a card-player and a smoker and
a sport and a dancer and a good dress
er—or one who fills Borne of these re
quirements and doesn't object if you
fill the others. I know the man you
want, but you can’t get him.”
“Who is he?” asks the leading dea
“He's a commercial traveler, and
because he is all that you say your
preacher should be he gets as much
salary in a week as you pay your min
ister in three months.” —Life.
Subjective Drowning.
The dentist's chair was tipped so
far back that escape for the village
seamstress, a lady of remarkable con
versational ability, was impossible.
Wads of absorbent cotton were tucked
beneath her tongue, some patent ap
pliance held her jaws apart, and all
the lower half of her countenance ex
cept one back tooth was concealed un
der a decidedly damp rubber dam. The
patient’s mouth was full of water,
speech was impossible, and the poor,
naturally talkative lady was suffering
agonies of discomfort.
The engrossed dentist paid no heed
to her squirmings nor to the appeal in
her eyes. Fortunately, however, the
patient's hands were free. Groping
in the reticule that hung from her
belt, she brought forth paper and pen
cil and wrote:
"Help! Help! I'm drowning.”—
Youth's Companion.
Not a child is working in any cigar
factory in New England
Georgia Cullings
Curtailed items of Interest
Gathered at Random.
Crack Regiment for Jamestown.
Announcement is made from James
town exposition headquarters that the
Fifth Georgia Regiment will encamp
at the exposition trout June 9 to 17,
going direct trom Atlanta under com
mand of Col. C. L. Anderson.
* * *
Negro Given Respite.
A respite until March Ist has been
given to Andrew Bell, colored, who
tv as to have been nanged in Dublin
last Friday, by Governor Terrell. Bell
bad been convicted of the murder ot
another negro.
* * •
Requisition Honored.
Governor xiarris of Ohio has lion
ored a requisition from Governor Ter
rell lor the exxtradition ot Royal Dil
ger, under arrest in Cincinnati. Dil
ger is accused of stealing diamonds
at Atlanta on January 22. Z. E. Ro
wen, the Georgia agent, started at
once for Cincinnati to secure his
* * *
Charters Granted.
Secretary of State Philip Cook has
granted the following charters;
Bank of Senoia, Ga., $25,0(H) capi
tal; C. P. Phillips, W. J. Estes and
other incorporators.
The Farmers’ Mutual Insurance As
sociation of Gordon county, a mutual
lire insurance company, J. L. Hurt,
F. L. Hicks and others incorporators.
* * *
Brother Thinks Moore Guilty.
The preliminary hearing of Tom
Moore for the murder of his brother,
John, last ween, was postponed inde
finitely at Waynesboro. It developed
that his brother, A. H. Moore, believes
Tom guilty of the murder and that
the murdered man carried $6,000 in
surance, instead of $3,000, and that
was probaWy the motive for the mur
* * •
Reappointed State Depositories.
Governor Terrell has re-appointed
the following banks as state deposi
tories :
The Farmers’ Bank of Pelham,
Douglasville Bank, Baxley Banking
Company and Bank of Louisville for
periods of four years from date; the
National Exchange Bank, Augusta, for
tour years from February 27, aim the
Dublin Banking Company for four
years from March 25.
■* * *
New Ship for Fleet.
Another steamship has been added
to the Atlanta fleet by which Atlanta’s
facilities as the greatest inland sea
port in the country will be much bet
President H. M. Atkinson, of the
Brunswick Steamship Company, or
dcied the chartering of a steamship
for the new service which has just
been established between the Georgia
port and the Cuban metropolis and the
“Flora” was secured in New York
Citv The new ship was built in Nor
* *
Bucket-Shop Bill to Be Tested.
The applicability of tile Boykin an
ti-bucketshop bill to the present mar
ket exchanges, which have been in
operation in Atlanta since January i,
when the Boykin law became opera
tive, will be tested when Solicitor Gen
eral Hill will present the officers,
agents and employes of the Atlanta
commercial exchange, the Atlanta
board of trade aud C. N. Anderson,
a broker, to the grand jury on the
charge of having violated the piovis
ions of that; bill, which seeks to ab
solutely prohibit speculation in market
products on a margin, actual delivery
not being contemplated in the con
* * *
Governor After Delinquents.
Governor Terrell has written to the
three delinquent tax collectors and
six delinquent receivers asking for an
explanation as to why their bonds
have not bteu filed with the comp
troller general in accordance with the
law which requires that they be filed
on or before January 1 following their
election. Unless the ooada aim forth
coming the governor will shortly Is
sue rules in each case giving then
a short time within which, to re
spond, in lieu of which their offices
will be declared vacant and now
elections called.
m, * *
Preacher in the Toils.
R. L. Mann was placed in jail at
Balnbridge a few days ago to await
trial on a charge of stealing brass
from the Stuart Lumber Company at
Brinson and from the waterworks
plant at Donalsonville.
Mann was arrested at Donalsonville
after a search warrant had been serv
ed 'and about 500 pounds of brass
found in his possession ready for
shipment. Part of this was identified
as that stolen from the locomotives of
the Sluart Lumber Company.
Mann professes to be a Holiness
preacher and also claims to be a
• • *
Educators to Visit Cornell,
The trustees of the state agricultu
ral college at Athens will visit Cor
nell University at Ithica, N. Y., for the
purpose of securing plans lor the new
agricultural institution of Georgia.
Among those who vill make the
trip will be Chancellor David C. Bar
row' ,of the University of Georgia, and
Colonel Thomas G. Hudson, commis
sioner of the state department of agri
culture. While in New York Chancel
lor Barrow will deliver an address
before the meeting of the alumni of
Cornell University.
The trustees will probably be away
a week or ten days and during that
time will study carefully the methods
which are used by the university at
Ithaca. As far as practicable these
methods will be adapted to the policy
of the state agricultural college.
* •* #
State Looks Like a Winner.
From all indications it appears that
the state will win its suit against
the Tennessee Copper Company, in
which it seeks to prevent the escape
of sulphurous fumes that have dam
aged so much property in the neigh
borhood of Ducktown, according to a
statement by Attorney General Hart.
The final disposition of this case,
which if won by the state will estab
lish anew precedent in the courts,
will he heard February 25th, in the
United States supreme court. Volum
ious evidence has been taken in the
case and the testimony of experts will
fill three thousand printed pages.
* * *
Paying Out Pension Fund.
State Treasurer It. E. Park is pay
ing out the state pension lund at the
rate of something like $50,000 a day,
and the entire $925,000 will have been
paid out upon Pension Commissioner
Lindsey’s warrants by the latter part
of February.
The state will probably lack $20,-
000 of paying the total pensions.
From the number of pensioners who
have already filed their claims and
are drawing their pensions, the ap
propriation of $860,000 will be with
drawn before the last counties can re
ceive their pro rata shares. It is
thought that the deficit will proba
bly include three counties, and the
state will be placed in an embarrass
ing position similar to that of last
Unless the state can borrow the
money the pensioners of the last coun
ties will be compelled to wait for
their pensions until after the legis
lature meets and appropriates an
amount sufficient to cover the de
* * *
For Georgia Rivers and Harbors.
The riyer and harbor appropriation
bill reported to' he house by the
committee on rivers and harbors will
carry an appropriation aggregating
$83,466,138. Of this sum $34,631,612 is
appropriated cash to be available be
tween July 1, 1907, and July 1, 1908,
and $-18,834,526 is authorized for con
tinuing contracts, no time limit being
fixed as to when it shall be expended.
This bill is a record-breaker in size,
exceeding by many millions the
amount allowed for river and harbor
improvements in any congress. The
Georgia items in the bill are:
v-.a\ auuati, s3<A*,ooy casn, and $700,-
••'0 continuing; Brunswick harbor,
l;-l6.650 cash and $350/00 continuing;
Cumberland scun-1, Georgia a„d Flor
ida. $75,000; Savannah v;yer below
Augusta, S2<).OW; Oconee, Altamaha
;:d Ocmnlcce rivers, $60,000; inheie
■water rout' between Savannah, Ga.,
and Fcrnanriina, Fla, $30,000; Skidda
way narrows, $35,000: Flint river. $25,-
uOO: Chattahn.che river, Georgia and
Alabama, below Columbus, $150,060;
Coosa river, Georgia and Alabama,
Young Man Mho Stole $90,000 from an
Atlanta Bank is Ketused a Pardon.
A Washington dispatch says: G.
Hallman Sims, who was sentenced to
six years in the Atlanta federal pris
on for embezzling ninety thousand
dollars from the Capital City National
Bank of Atlanta, while he was a clerk
in that institution, has been denied a
Advance for < *ix*v thousand.
The sixty thousand textile workers
of Philadelphia have been virtually
assured an increase in wages of 10
to 15 per cent. This announcement is
made by the Upholstery Manufactur
ing company. The increase affects all
branches of the trade.
Zettlei? House,
The best SI.OO a day house
in the city.
253 Fourth Street, MACON, GA
Mm. 4. L. Zettler, Proprietress
Do not be deceived by those who ad
vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for
$20.00. This kind of a machine car
be bought from us or any of our
dealers from $15.00 to SIB.OO
The Feed determines the strength or
weakness of Sewing Machines. The
Double Feed combined with other
strong points makes the New Home
the best Sewing Machine to buy.
we manufacture and prices before purchasing
28 Union Sq. N. Y., Chicago, 111., Atlanta, Ga.,
tt, Louis, Mo., Dallas, Tex., San Francisco, Gal
roa sale by
United States Senator from Michigan and
termer Secretary of Wor is No More.
United States Senator Russell A.
Alger of Michigan died suddenly at
his residence in Washington at 8:45
o'clock Thursday morning, following
an acute attack of oedema of the
lungs, with which he was stricken
shortly after 8 o’clock.
Senator Alger attended the sessicr.
of the senate Wednesday and remain
ed in the senate chamber until about
4 o’clock, listening to the debate on
the Brownsville affair.
Senator Alger is survived by his
widow and five children.
When the president was informed of
Senator Alger’s death, he addressed
a note of condolence to Mrs. Alger and
accompanied it with a floral offering.
The formal announcement of (Sena
tor Alger’s death was made to the
army by Secretary Taft in the follow
ing order;
“The secretary of war announce?
with deep sorrow the death of Horn
Russell Alexander Alger, which oc
curred on the 24th instant at his res
idence in this city.
“General Alger was secretary of
war during the administration of Pres
ident McKinley from March 5, 1897,
to August 1, 1899, a period during,
which the administration of the war
department was brought into promi
nence through its activity of the war
with Spain, and the military opera
tions in the Philippines that succeeded
“Mr. Alger was patriotic, earnest
and devoted to the interests of the
army, and especially considerate of
the welfare of the enlisted men. He
was a gen tie, kindly man, with great
confidence in his friends and associ
ates and was much beloved by his
subordinates. He was the subject of
unjust criticism because of the lack of
pieparedness for war when war came,
although for this he was in no wise
responsible. His record as a soldier
in the civil war was long, useful and
highly honorable.
“Asa mark of respect to his mem
ory it is ordered that all flags at
the military posts be displayed at half
staff on the day of the funeral.”
The senate and house both adjourn
ed when Senator Alger’s death was
Tennesseean In'.roducrs Resolution Com
mending President’s *ctn n.
Kepresentative Sims, of Tennessee,,
wants the house to get squarely on
record in favor of the president for
his action in dismissing the negro
troops. Ke said in the house Satur
day that by a unanimous vote of the
Tennessee legislature the president’s
course was endorsed and he had there
lore introduced a joint resolution com
mending the president in his position,
in view of the resolution passed by
the senate, neither admitting :.or de
nying the president’s authority, be
thought it proper that the house
should express
Measure Passed in South Carolina Senate
to Do Away with ivil.
The South Carolina senate hasp
passed a bill providing for the abol
ishment of bucket shops l n the state.
The same bill passed the house last
year, but was killed in the senate. The
vote was more than two to one in
favor of the bill.