Newspaper Page Text
man who fainted
h’H-eadlng a newspaper must have
an article that did not
K, e a typewriter as "a beautiful
woman,” suggests the Wash-
R post.
■ c , vit-ns'Dance -.Nervous Diseases per
tVvVured bv Ur. Klme’s Great Nerve
®,rer y #2 trial bottle and treatise free.
BBTs; Khne, Ld.,931 ArchSt„ Phila., Pa
pi n m the hand of a woman
ightier than a sword.
vears ago Allcock's Plasters were
to the public They are
p the world’s standard plasters,
a invention has been one of the
P t blessings imaginable and affords
inickest, cheapest and best means of
L and relief for certain ailments,
bas ever been discovered.
■ock’s are the original and genuine
8 plasters and are sold by druggists
ery part of the civilized world.
e good die young —especially good
baby tortured by itching.
Rash Covered Face and Feet—Would
Cry Until Tired Out —Speedy
Cure by Cuticura.
“My baby was about nine months old
when she had rash on her face and feet.
Her feet seemed to irritate her most, es
pecially nights. They would cause her to
ie broken of her rest, and sometimes she
would cry until she was tired out. I had
always used Cuticura Soap myself, and had
leard of so many cures by the Cuticura
iemedies that I thought I would give
hem a trial. The improvement was no
iceable in a few hours, and before I had
Bed one box of the Cuticura Ointment her
eet were well and have never troubled her
lince. I also used it to remove what is
mown as ‘cradle cap’ from her head, and
it worked like a charm, as it cleansed and
healed the scalp at the same time. Now
I keep Cuticura Ointment on hand in case
of any little rash or insect bites, as it
takes out th* inflammation at once. Per
haps this may be the means of helping
I other suffering babies. Mrs. Hattie Gur-
I ier, Thomaston, Me., June 9, 1906."
It’s better to believe all you see
! than half you hear.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething,softens thegums,reducesinflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle
Too many relatives spoil the leg
Msiuifadurers of and Dealers in All Kinds of
Portable, Stationary and Traction Engines. Boilers,
Saw Milla and Grist Mills. Wood-working and Shin
gle Mill Machinery. Complete line carried in stock.
Write for catalogue price*. Address all communica
tions to Atlanta. Ga. We have no connections in
Jacksonville. Fla.
The Uppermost Stand
ard of Highest Quality
Inserted *7 the United Statee Government
seed and erwn on the a** glands of
If BO bay your plant* from as. They are raised rair* plant* that are earlfer and
BouthCarelina, -which on.account of being - ' out socner witlftia oSnftw
hardier than those gronwn in the 1„ ’ j . T^P Tvne Y-logot -ld.. &§S££S!SiBIL!SS
Varet^s: Early -Tgraev WakefaM,. "JL'Jy and b£t *'* raWin
fiat Dutch All plants carefully counted ana t atsi ,2s per thousand; 10.000 and
Prtoes:il;M P” Lefttwe.
B Memretta S C The U, S. Agricultural Depart A. w' c w m h. to results of
2ifi2sStSitaktts vegetable* esgecajy S. C.
these experiments. Write o> u- * ——■
A ttTIFIt IA U Jkl U Bs> A ‘ *f^*7£ r jS P w *He'ta
a* relereuce o as-C j honeityiwiil do . h -
their own town t>y (ehicn. they ein earn V ®
SWO limb; made sdbcsally to order
mentif guajrau iee< lU)st you aWuMlj nonoone}
Address WINDSOItoHSO Voiding con dt., Chicago.
Fwox office* <>f tihe geoerai staff of
the German asmy have started for
Japan Cor !tv> years’ service Id the
Japanese army In order to study meth
ods of training., strategy and ether
matters. TStefie officers ha vs been
making espeoiaS pseparations far this
sarvlcs y 4 amoac otlfex things they
have taken a courts la
There are three critical stages in a
woman’s life which leave their mark
in her career. The first of these stages
is womanhood, or the change from a
care free girl to budding womanhood,
The second is motherhood, and the
third is Change of Life.
Perils sux-round each of these stages,
and most of the misery that comes
to women through ill health' dates
from one or another of these im
portant crises.
Women should remember that Lydia
£. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
made from native roots and herbs has
carried thousands of young girls over
the critical period of puberty, has
{(repared mothers for childbirth, and
n later years carried them safely
through the change of life moi-e suc
cessfully than any other remedy in
the world. Thousands of testimonials
from grateful persons, two of which
are here published, substantiate this
fact beyond contradiction.
Mrs. Geoi-ge Walters of Woodlawn,
111. writes i
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:—
“I feel it mv duty to tell you of the good
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
has done me in preparing for childbirth.
After suffering and losing my, children a
friend advised me to try your valuabie me
dicine, and the result was that I had very
little inconvenience, a quick recovery and
During its long record of more than thirty years its long list of
actual cures, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to
the respect and confidence of every fair minded person.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Makes Sick Women Well.
CABBAGE Plants, CELERY Plants vmpm
and all kinds of garden plants. Can now furnish all kinds of cabbage Kfjgjffiaj
X£>§' plants, gruwnin the open air and will stand great cold. Grown from IW‘rn3J|is|
vSwt* fr'J 1 seeds or the most reliable seedsmen. Wo use the same plants on
tfecaStii:.our thousand acre truck farm. Plants carefully counted and properly SbMbf jfljTß
packed. Celery ready last of liec. l ettuce, Onion.aud,Beet plants, same BmBG
Btime or earlier Reduced express rates pfomlsed.which, when effective I\M IIL'IS
MfmPfeslMfßKSwS will give us 60 per cent leas than merchandise ratesvPrPtcs: Small lots
$1.50 per thousand large lot SI.OO to $1.55 per'thousand. K. O. B. Meg-
S?****’ _ etlg<3 Arlington white spine Cucumber Seed 60 eents per pouud.
F, u. Meggetts, S. C. The United States Agricultural Department
has establishedan Experimental Station on our farms, to test all Windsor vegetables,espe
cially Cabbages. The results of these experiments we will be pleased to give you at anr time.
Tours respectfully K- II- BLITCH COMPANY, MEUGETTI, S. C-
as UM
Dortt Suffer
evil lon<3 from toothache
or rheumatism
1 viivinveivt
kills the peari quiets the
nerves evnd induces sleep
At edl dealers, Price 25c 50c 6 HOO
Dr Edtrl S. Sloeurv, Bos+ot\,MauSSsU.S,A.
Exeltensent is usfel*ss. If you can’t
afford ho pay the pres out prices for
ceai just keep cool, advtsss the In
dianapolis Nfe-ws.
You Look Prematurely Old
as healthy a child as can ho found anywhere.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
is a blessing to ail expectant mothers.”
Mrs, Elva Barber Edwards, of
Cathlamet, Wash., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:—
“I want to tell you how Lydia E. Fink
ham’s Vegetable Compound carried me
through the critical period of the Change of
Life without any trouble whatever, also
cured me of a very severe female weakness,
I cannot say enough in praise of what your
medicine has done for me.”
What Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Walters and
Mrs. Edwards it will do for other wo
men in their condition. Every suf
fering woman in the United States
is asked to accept the following in
vitation. It is free, will bring you
health and may sav% your life,
Mrs. Pinkham’s Invitation to Women.
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs.
Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the
symptoms given, the trouble may be
located and the quickest and surest
way of recovery advised. Out of her
vast volume of experience in treating
female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably
has the very knowledge that will
help your case. Her advice is free
and helpful.
SirS Itapson’s Eye Water
JUT? "*? w i**enrod to 5H orders .for my Celebrated
CABBAGE VIKUTB inunuy Quantity desired.
EARTjV JERSEY WAKEFIELD -Karlies* and best
*uro a©u(ior>atmaiJ 4) pul
CHARLESTON WAJ FFIELD -About ten days later
Ihan iaarly Jen**/”*, aseoja sure headed of fine eize.
Prices f. o. b. here, paokeJ in l&ht t>6xes:
500 for Si.o3. 1,000 to 5.00 ) at ©1.50 per M 5.000 to 10.000 at 91.35 per H
Special Quantities. All order* • ‘lippel 0- O. D. When not accompanied by remittance.
9ffl. Young’s Island, S. C.
Wilariwß-^xil^gignte^Bdfaster c*lot#tbg any other dye. Obc K*. package colors aUflbers. riM-y UjqlrailA wftter hotter than any ..tbei i| H Yno . M
apart. Wflt. lor tree nuoAteP-tfow to U%k, MaacttaßUMSs OoS.r; JI4.UUOJ& ftttlHJ CO., On tun y ille/iti i oworT
ll©C TfiVl ft o*o of Sweet Gum and Mullein
UVL in f Lull 5 Coughs, Colds, LaCrippe ?" So?°:& 7 t?Sg
* sc*w a ei those ugly, griuiy. crag naive. Uee “ LACfiiM.r MAtK RESTORER, Or ice. tKOO, reutu
Cabbage Plants!
Barrett Stoves and Ranges
They are the Only Stoves and Ranges on Earth, in Which the Heat
Passes Entirely Around the Oven.
Make your dealer order you one, or write factory for descriptive circular.
These illustration*
f. \vl show the variations in size
5 between a strong, vigorous cot
f( V- ’ ton plant—the result of fertilization
and plants unfertilixed and In consequence suffering from Cotton Blight.
This and other interesting experiments are described in our books, “Cotton
Culture” and “Profltabla Farming”—free to any one interested. Written
by experts, and full of valuable suggestions which, followed out. will insure
belter and bigger crops and larger profits. Write for them to-day.
New York—93 Nassau Street, if Atlanta, 05.—1224 Candler Building
g£g£l| gH H SIMJf do I take Cardui”? writes Mrs.
pliLfg J e l emma Mullins of Qdessa, W.
ilillf 6n§ S Va. “Because, after suffering
Pi II I for severa * y ears female
trouble, and trying different doc
tors and medicines without obtaini-ng relief, I at last
found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my
ills, and can recommend it above all others for female
Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache,
periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata
menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women
suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure
vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject
to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited
over a million who used to suffer as you do.
At every drug store, in SI.OO bottles.
describing fully all your symptoms
and we will send you Free Advice
Hi plain sealed envelope. Ladies*
Advisory D*pt.j The Chattanooga
Medicine Cos., CJiattar.ooga. Tenn.
J 9
SUCCESSION—Be*t known euro heading variety of
r large flat cabbage, later than Charioaton Wakefleldt
Those pJanVH re from the very besttestoAaeed* anzl
grown in the open air and wiD stand severecoM with
out inj.dfy. All are Ailed from the na/ne i
that lam using for my extensive cabbage farow. at
iefactkjn guaranteed.
or Sore Muscles due to Col6s,
Strains or Khoumatisoi
will haye the inflammation that rauses the
lameneKH qmckiy rcmove'l by first bathing
with hot water, then rubbing on briskly
Ita won.iepfnl to dcr.tror paia ha*
auutr. it fimioug aiuue J!)W
?5c., three fiuwg tut unuh s<Ki. All dealer*.
I. 8- JUBNSON & CO., Bouton, Hw.