The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, March 08, 1907, Image 3

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}s Disease Hereditary? | But now medical men are coming I round to the view that it is the per- I sonal history that is of primary im [ portance, or, in other words, that a I man’s own manner of life, his record of health and his circumstances Bhould be much more carefully con i lidered than the illnesses that his an cestors had died of. Dr. Rabagliati, a medical examiner for insurance com panies, iwho is well known in the I profession which he adorns, and of I high repute in the North of England, has devoted much thought to this question of heredity from a life in surance point of view. In his opinion It is not so much disease that is transmitted from one generation to another, but organization, or “hu manity,” as he expresses it. Any member of the human family may suf fer from any disease to which hu manity is subject, and when an in dividual so suffers it is the cause of the ailment that must be inquired into. Exposure to this or that set of conditions brings varying results. If the body is exposed to one set of conditions it will take on gout; if to another, consumption; if to a third, cancer, and so on.—P. T. O. of Lon don. Hams and Hams. It is a pleasure to converse with a man who knows good food—or is a crank on the subject. “You ask, ‘Why not trim off the fat?’ 1 Well, it is cost ing you 20 cents a pound. And when the fat is trimmed off what have you left? I know a man in the restaurant business in busy New York who sells several thousand pounds of fat every week at 2 cents a pound. It costs him on the average of 10 cents. Why doesn’t he make soap of it? Anybody can make soap. You can make ten pounds of the finest for 10 cents; it costs you 60 cents at wholesale. But the 1,000-pound hogs I have mention ed aren’t even fit for soap grease. Their fat is poison!” —New York Press. Dr. Hauthal, a Germant savant, has put forward a startling theory concern dng the remains of a gigantic sloths, related to the great magatherium and the mylodon, recently found in Pata gonia. In his opinion, these animals, whose race is now extinct, were kept in domesticated state by the prehis toric Patagonians. FITS, St. Vitus’ Dance:N ervous Diseases per manentlycured by Dr. Kline’s Great Iserve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld„i)lU Arch St.. Phila., Pa. The roan who kicks himself goes back on his best friend. CHILDREN TORTURED. Girl Had Running Sores From Ecze ma—Boy Tortured by Poison Oak —Both Cured by Cuticura. "Last year, after having my litijo girl treated by a very prominent physician for an obstinate case of eozema, I resorted to the Cuticura Remedies, and was so well pleased with the almost instantaneous re lief afforded that we discarded the phy sician’s prescription and relied entirely on the Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Pills. When we commenced with the Cuticura Remedies her feet and limbs were covered with unning sore*. In about six weeks we had her completely well, and there has been no recurrence of the trouble. “In July of this year a little boy in our family poisoned his hands and arms with poison oak, and in twenty-four hours his hands and arms were a mass of torturing sores. We used only the Cuticura Rem edies, washing his hands and arms with the Cuticura Soap, and anointing them with the Cuticura Ointment, and then gave him tjse Cuticura Resolvent, m about three weeks his hands and arms headed up. So we have lots of cause for feeling grateful for the Cuticura Remedies. We find that the Cuticura Remedies are a valuable household Standby, living as we do twelve miles from a doctor. Mrs. Lizzie Vincent Thomas, Fairmount, Walden’s Ridge, lean.. Oct. 13. 1905.” It’s easy to break a dollar bill, but difiicult to repair it. MAILS BY COMPANY, 41 S. FOIt-uOH ST., ATLANTA, r, A.. iivl lii.; i ityiiif! .few J\ Has.f adurtrs of ltd Cafes in Ait Kinds of MACH INERY AND SUPPLIES. Portable. Statioearj s*4 Traction Hellers. eJ Mills act Or a '-l 5 Vrooi-workinu and Shin f\ Mi,, lla.- .itie-v. Complete li*s oairied in mock. Write fe ea- Itvrue ;r. i. Addrv* all emumapa ‘i, .is to At ; nta. Oa. Vi e hare no connections in OpMffIELS LUTS m SHlSii E MiiCHlfiES AND Try<D, -“ Sl”* Oae of the Important Duties of Physicians and the Well-Informed of the World is to learn as to the relative standing 1 and reliability of the leading ma.nuiactur ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as o the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is we 1 known to physicians and the Well-Informed generally that the California Fig Cos., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character o its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of t m Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing, therefore we wash to call the attention of all who would enjoj r good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Cos. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method oi manufac ture, which is known to the California Fig’ Syrup Cos. only. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably kng.wn under the name of Syrup of Figs—and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-Informed of the w’orld to be the best of natura laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of—Syrup of Figs and Elixir oi Senna—as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless' it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when" purchasing, the full name of the Company California big Syrup Cos. plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Y ril P °j Figs—or by the full name—Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna—as—Syrup of bigs and Elixir of Senna —is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Cos. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C., that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June sotU, 1906. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. San Francisco, Cal. Louisville, Ky. U S. A. New York, N. Y. London, England. P UTNAM FADELESS DYES YB'nr tShT firs m Cherokee "Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein Retnndy for ill Vfjß IftV ij HI! \ n . /V A |J 0 I fnrfrnA aU Throat *nd Lung Troubles. Thoroughly tested Hrtj" If 1 1 ILuil O Coughs, Colds, LaCirippe tor au Druggiau. 25c, 6o a ti.oo. SWEET! BLOODHOUNDj CORN Brown & Williamson Tobacco Cos. W'NSTON-SALEN!. N. C. The Ordinal “Break Plug” Tobacco. The Only “Adver tised Brand" of North Carolina. Flue-Cured Tobacco Showing a GAIN EVERY YEAR since introduced. “IMITATED IN STYLE BUT NOT IN CHEW" W. L.• DOUGLASjfT'Y s3.o® AND $3.50 SHOES thjb would ffegte, m W- 20USLA8 till ?DGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUAkLEB AT ANV PRICE. UY S7J3FS FOR &/ERYBODY AT ALL PRICES i MLj* M at .30. Boys’ Shoe. *1„ . U : Vi to * 1.30. >4iM’ & <-hiWren’a m.VS to* ..•>• _, f \V ]/l>v (r hw stioas ire recognized by export judges of * f to bo best in cyio,‘fft and wear produood m t.iis couu try. Lao ‘ A part of t'*e shoe and every detail of the making w .ooke afK. SS.’SSS Ti mm Nw>. • Jte2BMSSSRSU mm w W. 1., tntiM sir'll ■■ ev-..ywlejv. t;ir. *v. \ iU.W 8 .<>r •* H ■‘•f- * i ~ .f„ ?' . 1 <>-„ YV r Sj. IHH (JhAM, Ilrocftf on.M aft*. Tost Color XyeloU ustJ < rchmvclv. Catalog >e>i Jw- * Rags Round Eyes - B3 The ills peculiar to women, take different forms. Some ladies suffer, every month, from dark ring3 round their eyes, blotches on their skin and tired feeling. Others suffer agonies of pain, that words can hardly express. Whatever the symptoms, remember there is one medicine that will go beyond mere symptoms, and act cn the cause of their troubles, the weakened womanly organs. ' Wine of Cardui Mrs. m. C. Austin, of Memphis, Term., writes: “For five (5) years 1 suffered with, every symptom of female disease, but after using the well-known Cardui Home Treatment, I was entirely wel” (,'nn r r I?*’ A f fF'T'T2 Write today for a free copy of valuable C4-p*t Illustrated Buck for Women, Ityou m 1 Med li V* J r* Ip Li jl r j I rlf leal A-J'.-ice. describe your cymploais, static* age. and reply will be sent ‘n plain seated envelope. T 7 sit 1 L \J J ft tm-im ~ 6 fc.6l. Ai( j res ,- Lines’ Advitory l)vpi., The C’lMtanoogj Aladid/ie Cos.. O uttanooaa, lean. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE CELEBRATED Barrett Stoves and Ranges AND TAKE NO “JUST AS GOOD.” They are the Only Slovss and Ranges on Earth, In Which the Heat Passes Entirely Around the Oven. MANUFACTURED UNDER COVERNMENT PATENTS BY THE ATLANTA STOVE WORKS, Atlanta, Ga. Make jour dealer order rou a.., or writs TmtAory for d.*crlptlve circular. NOT IN I TRUST CABBAGE Plants. CELERY Plants Kgmgj mm jB S*4*.:* <,? the iao( rt liable We uwi M3 name planta oL jlll ii*},/ oar i toou sand aero truck far pi I'lent. <’arefuliy nn'l £7s Wfckjtf/Sh* <Tj pa.-wed. Olery ready o firuc.. Lettuce, O don ad |v¥ r. |nj t:.,.eo TrudiW* t-ed,ced erpvH.H ratt-s ivl)...Ji. vh •n j\M Bin fte wfj) give us CO per cant frn* tWi r*r;hndi*e rat *v I rlcja: L;nau lota Kvu, OUl £n<i ii*rge jntfc-1. *> to *1.25 i-er ih-'jif "J, f O B. Mtg feaSAfr.-dW SjßifJfcJE-J*® uf-tib,S. ( Aldington White hplne cucumber Sec-J ‘iOcent*# per pound. f (j. !'•. fc. C. lire united fctai** Allied. turn! I^eiarti. ant h a hUhed in Kzi'fHlDfDUil LlAtlin OU OUr C/, tf teet all t ifldn of V’ jet t)l**s, ipe* ** * Cahlmstß. 6X^, ‘ ,7nl U A 'iS'LrTCM*CK>MPAKi•. T ] ]]]]]]]]]]] •i'. V *,• T*V‘' •y , ;• •, (uiiciira lli-mnA® ; I MEDICINAL in mm Mil ForPreserving,Purifying and Beautifying the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands. Cutlcura Soap combinM dcllcata medicinal and amol llent propertied derived from Cutlcura, the great Bl* Cure, with the purast of eaponaceoue ingredient*, ana tat moit refreshing of flower odor*. Sold throughout tht world. Depot* 1 London, 27 Charterhouse Sq.; Parti* A Hue de la Pnlxt Australia, K. Towns * Cos., Boston, T.S. A., 137 Columbu* At#.* PotUr Drug * Chafe Corp., Bolt Props. gSrS Thompson’s Eye Water (Atlo-’O7) Any fool can catch on, but it take* a wiso man to let go. ftMQLUtHT,SANAIT4VF: ANTIS \ ' t* A. Rkt PKSWINC . T V \<s***-* = 1 A.-T- \ l Yit/TV* - \ i AVINC ■'*:'!> -SM AMV'ia'rlK&. 5