The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, March 29, 1907, Image 5

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ICASTORIAi Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of— and has been made under his per fjP Sonal supervision since its infancy. ■GoCCSU'IZ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good.” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against. Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. CENUBNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Tie Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY &TRCCT, NEW YORK CITY. SOUTHERN RAILWAY OFFERS UNEXCELLED SERVICE North., South, East and West For rates, routes and schedules or any other* in formation, address, G. R, PETTSI, Trav. Pass, Agent, Macon Ga GREAT OFFERS THE JACKSONIAN QLCBBiHS LIST Jacksonian and JOURNAL $1.25 Jacksonian and Constitution 1.50 G. W. KINSMAN Carriage & Wagon Mfgr. Plantation Work in gen eral. Horseshoeing in a Specialists Hands. Work done with Dispatch and Ac curacy and on Shortest Not ice and at living prices FOR THE CASH. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE FOR JACKSON. Local L'assengt-r trains pass th Depot, at the times mentioned below. NORTH BOUND. No 17 6 41 A M No .7 9 :57A. M No. 15 2:32P. M, No. 9 8 :48 SOUTH BOUND. No IS 9 58 P M, No. 16 7 :38 A. M No. 8 3 :08 P. M No 10 8:08 ‘ Local News. Judge Curry spent Wednesday in Macon. Special Easter services at the Meth odist Church Sunday. The moi n ing sermon will be on the theme, “■“me Resurrection of the Body. Don’t forget the mass meeting at Stark Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Z. T. Buttrill and Joe Taylor Pittman are in Atlanta visiting rela tives. Dr. John Harper and wife were in Jackson Tuesday. Messrs D. F. Thaxton and Coi. O C. Ray spent W dnesday in “town.’. Rev. and Mrs, S. P. Wiggins spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Mr. J. W. P. Andrews of Stark has already planted his entire cotton crop. Mr. Will Sasnate of The Jackson ' Banking Cos. made a business trip to Locust Grove Wednesday. ; Book Sunday at Baptist Bible School next Sunday 9.3 U a. m. sharp Free Library to pupils opens 9a. m. every Sunday. Come and see. Henry Hendrick was down fro m Atlanta, Sunday to see his. Bother Mrs. Ida Hendrick. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Combs of A tint a are visiting Mrs. J. JH. McCall urn Mr. Asa Smith visited his father ii b'orsyth Sunday and founed himgreat y improved from his recent serious llness. The many friends of Mrs. J. 1. Hanna are glad to know that she ha.- returned from Florida and that her mother was sufficiently strong to ac company her home. Misses Mignon and Delana Lun quest are expected to spend the Easterholidays at home. Mr. Tom Atinkinson spent a few davs of last week in the city. Mercer Johnson is spending a few weeks with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnson. Misses Dollie McKibbon and Annie Nutt are attending the Bible Confer ence in Atlanta. Dr. Little of Macoa came up the first of the week to see his cousin. Miss Eva,Sass*t who is still quite ill. Kev. and Mrs-.C. Willinghan are in Atlanta to atiend the Bible Confer ence which convenes there this week, Mrs. Townley of Atlanta spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Nora King. Misses Lula and Ixie Ham have recovered from a genuine case cf Ger man measles. Willie Lee Nutt spent Sunday at home. The W. C. T. U. had charge of the exercises of the Sunday Schools of various churchs last Sunday. After appropriate songs and recitations re ports were read showing the work that had been accomplished by the W. C. T. U. of the city. Miss Sadie Carswell a pupil at Bes sie Tift College, has been the guest of her aunt Mrs. W. J. Wood. Mr. Shephard of Arlington was in town Sunday. Misses Cleo Carmichael and Ezra Morrison came over from Bessie Tift College to spend Saturday and Sun day with home folks. Mrs.Kufus McCord has returned from South Georgia where she attend ed several revivals conducted by her son Kev. Walsiein McCord. He re turned home with his mother and is now in Atlanta attending the Bible Conference Mr. Phlem Smith formerly with the local telephone exchange is now a full fledged car conductor in Atlan ta. Mr. Emmet Williams son of FI yd Williams was ki’led in a railroad ac cident in Macon this week. Mrs. S. O. Ham is in Atlanta the guest of her sister Mrs. W. H. Smith. Mr. Newt Maddox was in town Tues day. Mrs. NoraTownlee of Atlanta spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Nora Lane King. Mr. A. H- and Lee Smith spent Sunday with their father in Monroe Little Kimball had the mis fortune Sunday afternoon to fail from a tree and break his arm. Dr. and Mrs. R. A Franklin and Helen Smith spent last Zebu lot’. Mr. and Mre. J. B. Settles spent Sunday afternoon in the country with Mr. Settles mother. Mr. Rufus Smith spent several days last week with his father in Monroe County. Mr. Pack Watkins was mingling with his friends here Monday. Mr. Jack Burford and family was here Monday. Mr. Jobn Freeman from Atlanta came nown last Saturday to visit Mr Homer Maddox woo is seriously ill. Much local news is left out this week because of removal of The Jacksonian’s new quarters on 3rd st. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kfei te fen Boer ©? TRY <-:> Dr. (Mins’ Slock Powders They are the cheapest and Best that Money can buy, t They have proven to be just what they are advertised to be. They have given perfect satisfaction in every instance, and are always guaran.” teed, or money refunded. MADE BY Dr. J. B. WATKINS, SOLD EVERYWHERE. Jackson, Qa. / ..Tint.. \ f Job Printing j flt this Office^y Mr. W. T. Powers spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Dr. Steel was in from High Falls Tuesday. Mrs. L. L. Greer from Monroe county is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kelly this week. Mr. R. N. Etheridge visited the Gate City Monday and Tuesday. Mr. L. N. Woodward, A. M. Wat kins, C. L. Redman. J. L, Fincher, J. O. Gaston. H. G. Asbury and T. J Byars attended court in Atlanta Sat urday. GET ABOARD THE JACK SONIAN SPECIAL The Editor of The Jaoksanian his wife and staff of Correspondents are in receipt of coupon* for 10 days ad mission to the Jamestown Exposition which opens 26 of April and closes 30 November. It is said that, while not so elaborate, yet. the Jamestown Exposition will be of Greater interest to the American people than even that of Chicago, and will be quite as liberally attended. DEATK OF MRS. Wm MERIDETH! Funeral services were held over the remains of Mrs. Wm Merideth at Macedonia Saturday. Rev. W. O, Sharp officiating. Mr?. Merideth was vary oid having passed her Eightieth year, and was noted for her piety ard usefulness Officials Already Overloaded. A third general objection to govern ment agency rests on the principle of tiAjdivision of labor. Every additional nation undertaken by the govern ureilt is a fresh occupation imposed on a body already overcharged with duties. A natural consequence is that most things are ill done, much not done at all, because the government is not able to do it without delays which are fatal to its purpose; that the more troublesome and less showy of tbe functions undertaken are postponed and neglected, and an excuse is always ready for the neglect, while the heads of the administration have their minds so fully taken up with official detail, in however perfunctory a ■miner tip Ttn tended, that they bare m time er thought tp spar* frntummmmt ftowa MR. AND MRS. 0, A. POUND. Much lo the delight of Jackson society Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Found have arrived in the city for a three months stay. They bring with them the children and Mrs. Graves the mother of Mrs. Pound. In addition to being a pleasure to Jackson society, they will delight the goers to the M. E, Church with their rare talent as musician ana singers. Mr. Pound is now a district mana ger for R. G. Dun and Cos. Mrs. Pound vvilli her mother, are natives ot Grand Rapids Michigan. JACKSONIAN HONOR ROLL. New Subscribers R L. Alien C. B. Guun C. L. Maddox T. N. Parker Renewals Dr. J.R. Shannon Joseph Jolly H. L. Gray P. P. Johnson N. J. Thomas. J. B. Thomos. A 15-year- old negro boy named Buck Hugh criminal assaulted *yes ternan afternoon the little 4-year old daughter of John Daniels, who resid es about 10 miles from this place. The screams of tho child attracted the attention of die mother, and she went to her rescue. The mother then rang the farm bell, which called Mr. Daniels, who was working about a naif mile away , Mr. Daniels gave chase and captured tbe negro. He then brought him to Mc- Donough, and turned him over to the sheriff. BEHOLD A GRIM MONSTER. La Grippe is stalking abroad in the land, seeking whom he may devour. He comes like a demon of old, that the Saxon Beowulf wrote of as. stalk ing from our of the marshes ; his fiery eyes, claws and tail like a dragon, ond an immgnse mouth from which issues, as lie wills, fire and sleet. He i3 u grim monster who slezes upon high or lew. He has the strength of ten giants and the skill of a Jiu Jltsu wrestler, twisting the body and mak ing you writhe like the good old ser vants of the Spanish Inquisition. He stretches his victim on a rack and from his immense mouth he blows a vapor now hot that makes one think of a simoon from the desert of Sahara, the next breath you are one of Perry’s explorers, left stranded on the icy shores of the Arctic Bsa, and your vision is a mixture of polar bears and salamanders, hot gridirons and icy gales.—Ex. NIGGERS ARRAI6NED EOR CAR BEEAKNI. Quite a number of niggers were 1 Justice Court last Monday charj# with earhreakin*,. Among thenaat 1* ’ .AT ltiniti AM3.09 tut, II HU (•!< dictmeat, Karfela Oaeal and Berry discharged.