The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, April 05, 1907, Image 7

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CURED OF GRAVEL. Not a Single Stone Has Formed Since Using Doan’s Kidney Pills. J. D. Daughtrey, music publisher, ot Suffolk, Va., says: “During two or S three years that I had kidney trouble I passed about 2 pounds of gravel and sandy sediment in the urine. I haven’t passed a stone since using Doan’s Kidney Pills, however, and that was three years ago. I used to suffer the most acute agony during a gravel attack, and had the other usual symptoms of kidney trou bles lassitude, headache, pain in the back, urinary disorders, rheu matic pain, etc. I have a box con taining 14 gravel stones that I passed, but that is not one-quarter of the whole number. I consider Doan’s Kidney Pills a fine kidney tonic.’’ Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y. The churches are the Portuguese polling places and votes in Portugal are cast nowhere else. A . HICKS* £* CAPO DINE tgJjfjllf ALL ACHES ® And Nervousness ■NfeSef-gjaP frl*' bot:l !sr, Atiruj tarc WET? You may be able to '/\v v ' along without a / )V tyfi f fl{U# Vtc waterproof suit oT\- OR SLICKER v k I But can you afford to? ' If! *f THESE GARMENTS ARE If Jl GUARANTEED WATERPROOF II /J UGHT-COMFORTABI.E-DURABLE LOW IN PRICE .SOLD BY ALL RELIABLE DEALERS „ A. J TOWER CO BOSTON USA ?°> TOWER CANAQIAN CO LIMITED. TORONTO CAN. Flattery catches silly people, out disagreeable candor never catches anybody. Plan for Good Health! Take Garfield Tea nov/; it regulates the liver and kidneys, overcomes constipation, purifies the blood aud eradicates disease. It is made wholly of Herbs. Some people think that it’s nevei too late to mend a matrimonial mis take by applying for a divorce. SEVNPARD of TiS SOUTH HOGLESS LARD • VS. GOVERNMENT- INSPECTION CO' NfWTO!RK-SA r ANNAII-ATLANTANB-/OKIBVfiS SUCCESS IN THE STOCK MARKET. Our boot glTes details. Free. Write for It. JOHN A. BOAIf D.HAN & CO., Stock Brokers. No. S3 Broadway, Now York City, N. Y. (Atl4-’O7) PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Dolor most- goods brighter and faater colors than any other dye. One 10c. package colors all fibers. They dye In cold water better than .vny other dye. You can tso any garment without ripping apart. Write for tree booklet—How to L>.ve, Bleach and Mix Colors. OION It OK IlKliU CO., Ilalasvllle, Missouri MALSBY COMPANY, ; tB. FOK'VTH ST.. ATLANTA, GA.. j Manufacturers of and Dealers in Ail Rinds of MACH i N E RY AND SUPPLIES. Portable, Stationary and 'Traction Engine*. Boiler*, Saw Mill* and Grist Mill*. Wood-working and Shin gle Mill Machinery. Complete line earrietf In stock. WgitaJor cnteiogne price*. Address all communica tion* to Atlanta. Ga. We have no connection* in Jacksonville. Pis. Light SAW MILLS im AND SHINGLE MACHINES, SAWS AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND GASO-LIN E ENGINES. Try LOMBARD, A 'SL S E3SB CONCRETE BLOCKS, Make ycnf ownont! cSuceo*s Hollo*.' 1 Machine. Pins WfL'l t —l n' o-w*. ~ "I nrA rb)V. Atli tor ciro ~n i [lSH&ei2£3l KEROULES tf EG. CO., ' *~-2K,<aS31 pgpr *- 4 1, et v rravitLr_ioeA__ A—UBti i mmmri THE SPHINX. How Old l the Sphinx?—No One Knows. The great Sphinx of Ghizeh bears no inscription by which we can tell its date. In ISIG Ceviglia, who in modern times was the first to clear away the sand, found between its paws a stele of the reign of Thothmes IV., and, therefore, is was believed that the Sphinx was carved by that monarch. But in 185S the excavation of Mariette uncovered a stele bear ing the name of Cheops, on which is a reference to the Sphinx. The in scription is evidently of a late per iod but is supposed to be an exact copy of an ancient carving, and the translation seemed to place the Sphinx earlier than the Pyramids, and consequently to prove it the most ancient piece of work in the world. Still there remained four lines carved on the base which could not be read, ,but M. Daresay has now deciphered them, and it appears that the inscrip tion is in two parts. In the earlier lines there is no mention of the Sphinx, but the lines which date from the Persian occupation mention the repair of the Sphinx. There is, there fore, nothing by which we can tell the date of the monument, and the only evidence we have is the head dress of the Colossus. Its hood is ornamented behind with three bands, a large one between two smaller bands. Now this is a fashion which only existed toward the end of the twelfth dynasty in the reigns of Usur tesen 111. and Amenemhat 111. As this family showed much zeal for the god Harmaklin, whose portrait the ‘Sphinx is, it is probable that the monument is the work of Amenemhet 111. —Lon- don Globe. Art Uncertain Obituary. A Georgia man wrote the following on an oak slab which marks a sup posed grave in a meadow: "This spot is sacred to the memory of a faithful animal, a white mule, bora ten years before the Civil War and went through that war on a rush from Bull Run to Lee’s surrender. We ain’t certain thjit the mule died here, but when last seen the faithful critter was grazing on this identical spot and trying to kick a lightning flash back to the clouds.” —Atlanta Constitution. KEEP YOUR EYE ON BRIDGEPORT. The best manufacturing city on the Tennessee River. Cheap fuel, oheap raw material, low freight rates. These conditions wilt make a great oity. buy lots now. 1000 lots for sale at SIOO each. THIS BEATS ANY GOLD MINING SCHEME. Invest in Southern Real Estate that will insure good returns. Included In these lots at SIOO each ($lO Cash, sls in fifteen days and $25 per month) are: One four-story Office Building which cost $70,000. One double house, 16 rooms, which cost $7,000. One seven-room house which cost $2,500. Five five-room cottages, each cost $1,200. Bridgeport, Alabama, is a growing city. This is the best Real Estate proposition yot. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, NO LOTS SOLD TO NEGROES. i a. j. Mcßride, ( Sales Agent for Bridgeport Lots. 318 EMPIRE BUILDING, ATLANTA, GA. E 5 111 ] PS up an assured Income—we show yon “w 1 a— Irf how. Make from S3OO to S3OOO a year at home. Particulars free. Address : The Buckland Cos., 830 Broad St., Newark, N. <J. A True Story Here follows the true story of the sufferings of Mrs. H. C Larson, a beautiful society lady of Olds, lowa., who tells with the aid of the Cardui Home Treatment, she was able to re lieve herself of all her womanly troubles and ailments. “What I say for Wine of Cardui,” she writes, “I say truth fully, and I could say a great deal more for it than I have. Be fore I had ever heard of Wine of Cardui, I had been a sufferer from female troubles for eight (8) years. My doctor could only relieve me at times. I also received a fall, causing several da ! placements, which added greatly to my suffering. “The doctors wanted to perform an operation, but I could Relieves Women’s Troubles a kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk IwL / Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of v' com F e^ve a^e when of ample character it places its fortunate The Well Informed of the World. A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the >\\ w/Jjr highest excellence in any field of human effort. ‘\ V M A Knowledge of Form*, Knowledge of Functions and Know!- Sr edge of Product* are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health J when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup I Jm wl of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Cos., is an ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and . fis gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of 'll T ■ V# Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component Jflff j! 'j Iff A Part* and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the J3 Uj Ijj II world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first / IfJ[ / ffiwjjjW/i and best of family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known M under the name or —Syrup of Fig 3 and ha3 attained to world- A flFk wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians < nr _jk an d the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have // V* adopted the more elaborate name of —Syrup of Figs and F.lixir of Senna —as more fully descriptive of the remedy, .W , but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter |< t \ y’/tf .■ ,‘jn name of— Syrup of Figs —and to get its beneficial Mllj ljl |l \\ \a j/M effects, always note, when purchasing the full Mr J; i ( y \-.\ jjj | name of the Company California Fig Syrup JZ IV | \w 1 ffi W 'wN I^^sKalscoSP 1 1 & LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK,NYM | SSrS Thompson’s Eye Water M by Choosin, Your Fertilizer H'!*'Vi|f I Mvfl You’ll get a Timothy crop like that in the right- Bk IfivwS hand picture, if you choose a poor fertilizer. You’ll „Cl get a crop like that at the left, even if the soil is poor, ' j „ ■ provided you choose a fertilizer containing 8% of ■ Ml POTASH .Jt To find how to ret the best result* from growing trrami -*ObI and other crops, write for^theV‘ Partner'* Guide. Sent tree, / ■ New York—93 Nassau St., or Atlanta. G*.—1224 Casdtar Bldf. j**&*®fc** CABBAGE Plants, CELERY Plants ' 'y\S- and all klndsof Harden plant*. Can now furnish all kinds of cabbage (R2i Rtflw/zfct /•-. plants, go wn In the opei air mid will stand smut cold brown from wlTprJiiralJ £eod of the moat reliable tteodriuen. We use the same pInJUMOn ym '"£o23t *■(2 (*x ibouMiud acre truck lairn. Pinuu carefully counted and properly BjaM /pfW packed. I eicr* ready last • 1 Dec. lettuce, u ka and Hart plants, name I’JtM'Hlwfß IWiRWViPe time or earlier Hedt cod exprev* rales promised which, when effective [M j fiiyß will give u* eo per cent lea* than nitrobar.dlae rate* Price*: Hntat) iota KvlyJwM atzATt.yLe *],;bperthouiiaud lurge lot SI.IJO to SI.!S tor lh- uaand, k O b. Mr*- nftjilMMl SSmS&fgKy. utna,b. C Arllnatt n\v Idle .-pine fiictimber reeo tib oents jer pound. aBIIIMB y, i , j eaai its, 8. C. 'lhc Lulled at*tee Agricultural Dojartinent kaa established *n KxperlUJeDial btallon on ou farnia, to teat all klorlaof ve>getatil,, cape dallv Cabbages Iho results of Inane experiments we will lie plea*ed to ttle yon at any rime. 7 l,lur.iMl*dfu„j A H BLITCH COIIPAN Y. MCttdliTTl, I. • not stand the thoughts of that, and I finally began to take Wine of Cardui. Since I began I have used a great deal of it, about 15 bottles, but now I am well, and suffer no pain or other female discomfort. All thanks to you and to your wonderful medicine, Cardui, woman’s relief and blessing. Whenever anyone says anything to me about female troubles, my reply is alwaysi *try Wine of Caidui. It did wonders for me and will do the same for you.’” You can get Cardui at your druggist’s, in $1 bottles. Try it. It may be just what you need for your troubles. W rite today for a free copy of vamamo 64-paae illnstratad VRKK BOOK 110011 for Women, If you need Medical Adrice. descrifS _ _ Tour symptom*. statiriKage. and reply will be sent in plain FOR LADIES Tu