The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, May 10, 1907, Image 1

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VOLUME 26. MORAL PERSONEL OF JACK SON AS SEENBY AN OBSERVER We recently had a sermon by Mr. Willingham on ‘‘taking the town (or Christ” which we felt was timely, and would do good. Would that our people would see the great necessity of taking a Bland for Christ, which would soon result in the taking of this community for Christ. But not only must our *church people take a stand, butmust be seen and felt by those who do not profess to beChrist tian. They must be living examples- Then when we come to elect people to office who are to administer our laws, see to it there is none elected who do not respect the laws of our lan d— men whose walk and life will impress ■people by their moral conduct and •conversation will be such that our boys could listen to, ond be impressed withjthe uprightness of the adminis trators of the law, and the justness of the laws of the land. Now could we say with pride that we have such officers who administer the laws of -Jackson? Well who are the men who have charge of the affairs of Jackson? Let us count up and see. Three dea oons of the Baptist Church, 1 deacor of the Presbyterian Church.. Well With that much said could we go fur ther and say with pride that they are living such lives as will impress the people for good and upright living? With four deacons on the council we have made a good start toward taking the town for Christ. But what are the qualifications of a deacon? Do these deaeons come up to the qunlifl eations? If they don’t then can the respective Churches where these dea cons come from do anything towards taking the town for Christ? Are their religious lives such that impress the people among whom they live for good, or does it have a bad influence, ana tend to drive people from Church and Christ? What think yon of them? Then if these four deacons’ lives are not what they should be, then what 'kind of influence do they have with the people of the town of Jackson? What kind of laws will they make? Will thelaws be just, or will they be corrupt? Will they enforce and re quire strict obedience to the laws, or not? If they don’t do this, then how can we take the town for Christ? Well what next? Our Mayor. What about his standing for Christ and good morals? Does his life im press people with whom he comes in touch with, as a man who stands for the up building of the morals of the boys and giils of Jackson? If this is not so, what should we do? Is he sc administering the laws of Jackson so as to impress the county tiiat|Jackson stands for somethinghigher than and nobler than a place of desecrating of the sabbath ba allowing various kinds of business carried on on the streets on Sunday such as we see as we go to Sunday school ans Church? Does the Mayor Marshall and Attorney of the city patronize these different busines ses themselves, thereby saying to our children as they pass around the bootblack on the sidewalk every Sunday morning shining shoes for the officers of the city of Jackson, that we stand for —what? The abolishing the observance of the Sabbath? Weil if this be the case can you expect any thing more of our boys to do just as bad or worse? By this example can we take this town for Christ, when drinking saloons a.: allowed open on Sunday, and 'll Mayor and other officers patror them, could we expect our boys to use bad language and listen t oaths and vulgar language u officers of the town? vi 1 better of than wc THE JACKSONIAN. BIG REVIVAL AT PEPPERTON. THIRTY FIVE ACCESSIONS. Avery interesting protract®!! meet ing was held at Pepperton Baptist Chuich by Rev. W, D. Oweus pas tor. Great interest was taken in the meeting all the way through. Large crowds came every night and men ana women who Lad'never taken any in terestin the meetings, came up and professed Christ as their personal sa vior . Homes were made happy. The grandest time of the meeting was 4th Sunday in ApTil which started with sunrise prayer meeting. 85 were addeed to the church 31 for Baptism and 4by letter. Baptism May 12 in afternoon. Down In Dixie. The project to establish a municipal electric light plant was defeated by the board of aldermen of Lynchburg, Va., on the recommendation of a spe cial committee appointed to investigate the matter. In Natchez, Miss., the citizens voted down a similar proposition. Ineapability of City Government. I am opposed to municipal owner ship because our city governments have not shown as yet any capacity for properly conducting their business. —Major Henry L. Hlgginson. Yestreen when to the trembling string The dance gaed through the lighted ha* To thee my fancy took Its wing. I sat, but neither heard nor saw, Though this was fair and that was braw And yon the toast of a’ the town. I sighed and said amang them a’, "Ye are nae Mary Morison.” Oh, Mary, canst thou wreck his peace Wha for thy sake would gladly dee? Or canst thou break that heart of hla Whase only fault Is loving thee? If love for love thou wilt not gle. At least be pity to me shown. A thought ungentle canna be The thought of. Marjr Morison. Horpiexing Associations. The frequent association of things be tween which there is no obvious con nection is always rather perplexing, says Barry Pain. Why do vegetarians generally believe In votes for women? Why are good chess players generally fond of coffee? Why have artists gen erally got pleasant voices? Why aro humorous writers mostly melancholy people? I suppose there is an explana tion if one could think it out. this be true, then how can we take the town for Christ? There are of fices kept open in Jackson on Sunday and God and those who visit them only know what is done there on Sun day. What can we expect to become of the bo/s who are te take the places of the men who now fill these places of honor? Well we have just such men in of fice as we want. They are elecfel by the voters of Jackson. Then who is to blame if our laws are not properly administered? The people of course. Then how can we take this town for Christ? Repent every one of us. and get right with God, and by our Godly work, acts and conversation, impress sinners that we stand for right, and we will have no sidewalk bio kaded with bootblacks and open places of business on Sunday. Our officers will be Godfearing men, and their walks will be such that men will respect the laws through respect of the officers vrho administer the laws, and not from fear of be ing punished for violating the law, and breaking that commandment which says, “remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.” We insist that we turn anew leaf, that those who profess to be Christ ians live right, that our four deacons who are on council live right and do fright; that our Mayor set an example fore our people by a right life; \t our Marrshall live such a life little boy can at any time their conversation which will to respect the law through 'Lthe marshall, Then we will \yn for Christ. What say JACKSON, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, MAY loth 1907. NOTICE. Many complaints are prevelent a bout the subscription price paid last year for the Journal, Cultivator, Home and Farm and Constitution and not turned over to the publishers. All parties who are being presented with bills for tflese papers, who have paid for same, are requested to meet at the office of The Jacksonian on Saturday the 18th inst. at 8 o’clock p. m. for the purpose of taking such steps as may be deemed best in the premises. This Bth of May 1907. J. H. Ezell. HUDSON'S VIEWS ON IMMIGRATION Says We Cannot Get Sufficient Amount of Labor FROM THE NORTH AND WEST After Carefully Considering the situ ation, He Declares that We Must Turn Our Attention to Foreign Countries for Laborers. Atlanta, Ga., March 24th, 1807. Extracts from a Recent Speech Made by T. G. Hudson, Commissioner of Agriculture. "The legislature, realizing the Im portance of advertising her resources and encouraging Immigrants Into our state, passed an act in the year 1894 making the commissioner of agricul ture ex-offlcio Immigration commis sioner. Believing it to be the duty of every officer tfi faithfully and fearlessly perform the duties imposed upon him law, I have tried to the best of my ability to conform to what I believed to bo my duty as prescribed by this law. I have collected and arranged In system atic order information as to the min eral, geological, agricultural, horti cultural, timber and fishing resources of the state, and have distributed them In various ways throughout the United States and foreign countries. Demand for Labor. “The appropriation for carrying on this work 1 find to be totally Inade quate. However, 1 have endeavored to stretch it out and make it go as far as possible. Nearly every mail to my office brings requests from farmers, dairymen, fruit growers and manufacturers, urging me to help them procure labor necessary to carry on their work. Some farmers de sire tenants, but the majority of them desire farm laborers. I have done all I could to secure help for them, but on account of limited means have been unable to do very much for them. I have corresponded with bu reaus, societies and organizations, having for their purposes the sending, In and furnishing to different states desirable immigrants. My efforts have mainly been directed to the east, north and northwest, believing that If possible, should get our help from those sections. The great ad vantage to their favor, it seemed to be, was that they were accustomed to our habits and speak our language. The greatest trouble we have had to encounter, they consider the low wages offered here in Georgia, com pared to what they get for 'their labor iin the east, north and northwest. I find it is hard to get them' to fully realize the great advantage we have to offer them In the way of cleap liv ing, in comparison to -what it costs them to live in their sections. After carefully looking over the situation from every standpoint, I ant convinced that it will no’t be possible to get sufficient amount of labor from the sections above mentioned, and that we must turn our attention to for eign countries. A large per cent of the farm laborers have left the farm and gone to the cities and public works, where wages are much higher than the farmers are able to pay. Cotton Too Cheap. “A great many people seem to think 10 cents or 11 cents per pound a fair price for cotton. It was a few years f.g'„ T -hut-it is. cot now. Ervemhiux LTaf*ehTers fnto the production of cot ton Is Increased from 100 to 200 per cent in price. The farmers, there fore, will not bo able to offer suffi cient high wages to attract any con siderable number of laborers to the farm. The laborer on the farm can live for one-half of what It costs him to live In the city, vet It Is very hard to get him to realize this. He Is rather attracted by the amount he gets by the month or day than the amount he can lay up by cheap living. The tenant system will come nearer catching the foreigner than the wage system. The amount he realizes for Ills wages under the tenant or crop per system depends entirely upon the amount of skill, energy ami science he applies to the cultivation of his crops. Of course, the seasons have a great deal to do with the production of his crops, but, thanks to an all-wise God, he never allow‘B us to have a fam ine In our state. If we do our .part, we make*fairly good crops every year. New Method* Advocated. “I would advise the farmers not to depend entirely upon the Immigrants to relieve them of the labor condi tion in Georgia, but insist that they should change their method of farm ing. They should first put all the land that They have on the farm which they can not hope to produce crops on at a profit In pasture. To fence this land and do nothing more would be worse than folly. He should sod It with bermuda and other grasses, and thereby make a pasture that would furnish something for his cat tle to graze upon the year round. "Second. He should diversify his craps and Increase heavily the crops that are profitable, yet require so much less labor to grow than cotton. Suoh crops as corn, peas, hay, sor ghum, truck of all kind. He should ale© raise hie horses and mules. It is Mediess to argue as to whether (file method of farming will pay or not. A great many of our farmere have adopted this plan and they have all prospered. "Tbljd. He should secure for this farm all the improved machinery nec essary to cultivate his crops. Farm ing with Improved machinery Is no longer an experiment, but has been demonstrated by hundreds of farmers to be absolutely practical. They have long since discarded the old methods of farming in all. the states except a few In the Souts. When the farmers adopt these Improved methods they will not need more than 75 per cent of the labor now required to make their crops. Should Exercise Precaution. “We should try to Increase our labor by bringing into our state a class of sturdy and industrious laborers. Do not open your gates to the riff-raff of the earth, but do all you possibly can to bring the honest and Industri ous laboring class to our state. I have numerous requests from people living In south Georgia for home-seek ers, stating that they have large tracts of land that are fertile and suited to all crops .grown In our state, and that they desire to cut It up in small tracts and sell to parties desir ing homes. We should spare np*.time VERY LOW RATES TO NORFOLK Va. and Return Account Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Season, sixt> day and fifteen day tickets on sale daily com** mencingApril 19th, to and including November 30, 1907. Very low rates will also be made for Hilitary and Brass Bands in uniform attending the Exposition Stop Overs will be allowed on season, sixty day and fifteen day tickets same as on Summer tourist tickets. For full and complete information call on Ticket Agents South ern Railway, or write J. C. LUSK, Dist., Pass., Agt., Atlanta Ga, nor expense 'ln "advising some schenW to furnish to 'this class of our cltlzeilj. such people as they desire. Sureljj no one who will stop to think will ob<M Ject to the bringing Into our state $ good class of people, who desire buy laud, build homes, and thereby, add to our wealth and prosperity. t occasionally run across a man whet ,says to me that he does not detlfA that the foreigners be brought la and! settled upon the uncultivated and developed lands of our state, becauaii he la afraid It will bring about an ovffl production of cotton. I have InquiretL Into the customs and habits of thoMH we have already among us on the far A and find that the foreigner doe* not take to cotton growing, but Instead raises grain, hay, oats, groundpeai* strawberries and Irish (potatoes. I* fact, he grows everything to the ax elusion of cotton. This Is natural as he has never been accustomed tot the growing of cotton, and does knovfi something of growing other crope<j and he soon learns they require SOI much less labor and are more neratiVe than growing cotton. if seems to me that instead of a he will fill a long-felt want by sKw< lng those articles we so much QecdJ and yet have been so hard to get oup native people to grow. Factory Labor Scarce, "Labor in the factories la scarce. I find, after carefully Inqulf-, lng Into the mill situation, they haV© had to let at least one-tenth of theif spindles remain idle on account ot their being unable to secure suffi cient labor to operate them. The mill operators are dependent upon th© whites of our state for their labor,) and they have not been able to secure a sufficiency In the state to keep their spindles going, and are prevented by, the federal laws from going into for eign countries to obtain them. Oeorn gta, secu.e this help. What will you and about It? 1 say, go and get It. Bom© of our good frlendß say, “Are you not afraid of these people coming to your state and sowing seed of dlsconf among the laborers we have already with us?" My friends, In the Saif they have hauled our raw cotton hun-* dreds of miles to their mills and wltlj| this labor we are now seeking to tain have grown rich, and every lim terest In their section Is In a ous condition. Why should hot th! mills In the center of the cotton nelfUJ with This same labor, become Cf|n more prosperous than tßey, and ft* the mills become prosperous eo every other interest In our state come prosprous?” SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE FOR JACKSON. Local Passenger train* pass th) Depot, at the times mentioned below* ,) NORTH BOUND. No .7 9 :57A. M- No. 15 2:82P. M. No. 9 8:48 “ tv SOUTH BOUND. No. 10 7:38 A. H. No. 8 8:08 P. M. No 10 8:08 ‘ NUMBER is>