The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, May 24, 1907, Image 7

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SULPHUR BRINGS HEALTH. Hrffies the Blood and Clears Up the Complexion. Mg very body needs to take Sulphur at season. Nothing like it to purify the Kod, clear up the complexion and remove Biat tired feeling.” But the only way to it is in liquid form. Hancock’s Liquid taken internally is the best Spring ftepic. Applied externally Hancock’s Liquid HKlphur quickly cures Eczema, Tetter, and B Skin Diseases. Hancock’s, the ■kquid Sulphur Ointment, removes Pim | E* s, Blackheads and Sores, ana gives a ■Mautiful soft, velvety skin. Tour druggist ®Pd3ls it. It cured Edward D, Herring, ot Mrederick, Md., of a bad case of Eczema, he writes: “My face is as smooth as infant’s.” ■ All-about-Sulphur Booklet free,, if you Hancock Liquid Sulphur Cos., Balti- Hiore. I Don’t get into the habit of going Mround with your bristles up. WORN TO A SKELETON. kA Wonderful Restoration Caused a Sensation in a Pennsylvania Town. Mrs. Charles N. Preston, of Elk- Bland, Pa., says: “Three years ago I found that my house f work was becoming a burden. 1 tired eas- I ily, had no ambition I W ZPQ and was failing fast. h gr ws My complexion got M yellow, and 1 lost |Jj§L j over 50 pounds. My was terrible, and there was sugar | R in the kidney secre tions. My doctor kept me on a strict ; diet, but as his medicine was not helping me, I began using Doan’s Kidney Pills. They helped me at once, and soon all traces of sugar dis appearr"* i have regained my former .weight and am perfectly well.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y. Many a man takes a better half in a half-hearted manner. Spalding Official Base BaU Standard of tiie World, Si. 2 5 Each. Boys’ Official Base Ball, 75c. Each. SPALDING BASE BALL GOODS TOR BOVS. No. 3B Base BaU, <sc. No. GMB Bat, 50c. , No. XB Base Bah, 50c. No. 3X Bar., isc. No. 7B Base Bali, jfflc. No. axa Bat. l'Jc. No. 9B Base Bail, 10c. No. AB Mitt, SI.OO. No. XB Glove, SI.OO, No. AA Mitt, 50c. No. H Glove, 50c. No. ft Mitt, Jiftc. No. 13 Glove, iiftc. BAf-£ BALL UNIFORMS FOR 30Y8. No. 4 Quality, on team orders, <h.ouper .301-. No. 0 (Quality, on team orders, per Suiu. SPECIAL.—No. 0 quality, SI.OO per Suit. Our Special IVO. 0 Boy 's ITiuloroi consists of shirt, button front witn one felt n tror, in t>ize* up to £1 Inch cheat, padded pan is 111 sizes up to .JO Inch vraiac, peak cap, web bed, amt eirner main or sir. pel •lockings. ORDKK NOW'—UOn’T ,üBLA¥. New anse Bail Catalogue free i. any address. Mail Order Dept. A. G. G?ALD!!’JG & B^OS., 123 rJeiass.'.i St., Mcsw York. When You Want Pure | White Lead, Probably i -- iere | article of com .nerce subject- SjJIT” •- sentation as White Lead. Out of 18 brands of “White Lead recently analyzed by the Government Agricultural Experiment Station of Norttt Dakota, 5 contained absolutely no White Lead, 5 less than 15% of White Lead, and only 3 over 90% of White Lead. There is, however, a way to be cer tain of the purity and genuineness of the White Lead you huv, and that is to see that the you buy U-ars the Dutch Boy trade mark. This trace mark is a positive guarantee of abso lutely Pure White Lead made by the Old Dutch x s. Process. Jph) SEND FOR I ) BOOK l Ja-'SLJ •* A Talk on raint.” pivee valuable infer- x&vmQ mat ion on the paint •abject. S-nt free parked in upon reauoat. iein tM* mark. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY in whichever uf the fvlUnV’ 4no eitici is r.ear'st you : Kew York. Botnn. Buffalo, Cleveland. Cincinnati, Chicwro. 61-Bo"'f delpkia [John T. Lewi* A Bros. Cos.); 1 -tu ba*sh [National Lead dt Oil Oo.j POINTED QUERY. "If a man had an arm Ion'? enough to touch the sun and burn his hag* 'ers,” said the professor, be v,ou not feel the pain for '..CD." >' ears ‘ “4nd for how many thousand > e ~; would he he heard swearing about it. professor?” asked the anxious stuae- In the second row. —Judge. Land ef th Disappointed. A fine lot of navel oranges, tang erines, and grape fruit, which was raised at Monte Morelos, in the state of Nuevo Leon, was recently received in Chihuahua; also samples of lem ons, one of which weighed three pounds, and ripe olives of good sizo and quality.—Modern Mexico. FITS, St. Vitus’Da nee: Nervous Diseases per maneatly cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. S3 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,631 Arch St., Phila., Pa WHAT HE WANTED. Mr. Hayrix (in swell restaurant): “Kin I git my dinner here, mister?” Waiter: “Certainly, sir. Will you have table d’hote or ala carte?” Mr. Hayrix: “Well, yow may gimme a leetle of both—an’ be shore an’ ,put plenty uv gravy on it.” — Chicago News. CALLS HIS CURE A MIRACLE. Tortured by Terrible, Dry Eruptions —Too Disfigured to Leave House —Cuticura Cured Him. “Ever since the time 1 grew into man hood I have been suffering from a dry erup tion which at times appeared very exten sively, and at other times, but to a limited degree, on my body. I consulted a number of medical men without result, and last January I was affected with a terrible eruption on my hands, scalp, and face, which was so bad that I could not even leave the house, so I finally resorted to the Cuticura Remedies. So far they represent an outlay of only a few dollars and I am completely restored to health, while for merly Iliad spent dollars upon dollars on doctors, remedies and ointments without getting cured. The Cuticura Remedies rep resent a perfect miracle. Henry E. Kamp ing, 633 Eagle Ave., New York, N. Y., Feb. 16 and Mar 15. 1906.” REAL ORIGIN OF THE TUXEDO. “They are beginning to wear Tux edo coats in Texas,” says a New> York paper. “Beginning.” is good! Don’t you know, man, that the Tuxedo coat was invented in Texas when a cowboy had the tails shot off his clawhama mer coat? —Denver Republican. Your Passing B 8 Pennsylvania Tobacco Profits. The tobacco farmers of Lancaster county turned a pre-tty penny last year. During laat week the leaf to bacco packers resumed active buying of what remains of the 1906 crop, estimated at 3,000 cases, and paid the prices which they declared they would not pay—l 4to 1C cents a pound. At these prices -the entire crop will re alize $4,000,000. —Philadelphia Record. REAL SAPIENCE. Mrs. Watkyns: “Which do you prefer, Mr. Wylkins, blondes or bru uettes?’’ Mr. Wylkyns: “It depends on which I am with.”— flojnerville Jour nal. Dogs of the St. Bernard strain tracked out a number of the people buried under a enowsli-de at Gejsen ser, Norway, hi which 13 persons per ished. The animals dragged several of the victims .to nieces of safety. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'B Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. After turning to rubber Lot’s wife turned to salt. To improve the general health, take Gar field Tea dairy for a time; it purifies the blood, eradicates rheumatism and many chronic ailments, ami keeps the health good! Garfield Tea is made of herbs: it is guaranteed under tiro Pure Food and Drugs Law. Garfield Tea Cos., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fortune tellers are fortune swell c-rs —for themselves. The Alaska Packers Association are about to introduce the Argo Red Sal mon in this market. They are the largest salmon canners in the world, employing an army of 7500 men, with a fleet of over sixty vessels, and the Argo is the choicest red salmon packed. It is caught in the icy waters of Bering Sea. The flesh la very Arm, W a beautiful red color and delicious flavor. A lot of unnecessary sympathy is wasted on old bachelors and spins ters. __ fffff ON THE MENU. Waitress (handing stodgy-looking steak): “And what will you have to follow, sir?” American Customer: “Indigestion,, I guess!”—Punch. King Edward has decided to grant the widow of Sir William Howard Russell, the war correspondent, a suite of rooms in Hampton Court Palace. To be on good terms with human nature, Be Well! Garfield Tea purifies tlie blood, eradicates disease, regulates the digestive organs and brings Good Health! Manufac tured by Garlield Tea Cos., Brooklyn, N. V fSold by druggists. Courtship is the juicy grape and marriage the appendicitis. C CRESCENT ANTISEPTIC GREATEST HEALER KNOWN TO SCIENCE. IfJI Non Poisonous, Non Irritating. Allays Inflammation nd stop- Ta pain from anv cause. As strong as carbolic acid and as harmless as i/J sweet milk. Cures hums instantly; cures old and chronic sores; Jkf j cures sores and inflammation from any cause on man or beast. For fl-jy fowls—cures cholera, sore head and roup. Satisfaction positively Forß sll FlrstcJSl by CItF.MGENT (IHIWICAI, CO.. Kt. Worth, 'imi BE BLAMED IF HE WOULDN'T. Watchman: “la It true that yer left the gunpowder factory ’cos yer thought it was dangerous, mate?’’ Mike: “Dangerous, is it? Whoi if I wo3 there now 1 should ’ave been dead long ago.”—The Sketch. H. H. Gheek’s, of Atlanta, Ga., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in t ie world. See their liberal offer in advertise ment in another eoiumn of this paper. No man ever found this world a weary piace who had a worthy work to do. * Because ©Mhos* ugly, griilly. gray haira. Use ** CA CREOLE” HAIR RESTORER. <rlc®, Ei.OO, retail. SWEET! BLOODHOUND \ CORN JUICY 1 [BREAD fffffffffffffff Brown & Williamson Tobacco Cos. _VV I N6TO N-SALE M. The Original “Break Plug” Tobacco. The Only “Adver tised Brand" of North Carolina! Flue-Cured Toba.cco Showing a CAIN EVERY YEAR since introduced. “IMITATED IN STYLE SUtNQT m CHEW” Women’s troubles throw a cloud over their lives, which neglect may cause to become permanent. Make yours Into a passing shadow by taking a medicine that acts directly on your womanly organs, the dis order of which has caused your womanly troubles. The right remedy for you, when you have headache, backache, nervous spells, dragging pains, irregular functions etc., is Mrs. R. H. Lawson, of Spwtt, Ala,, writes: I suffered with female troubles for 12 years; tried 4 doctors; they did no good, so I took Wine of Cardul. 1 have taken 18 bottles, feel greatly relieved and am better than In 20 years.” Sold by all reliable druggists, in SI.OO bottles. Try it. Uf>2TiS Si? A I PT'TTi-* O Write today for a free copy of valuable 64-pg* Illustrated Book for Women. If yo-j need Medical Sails S L (LJ.P /w I L 5 I IIWI Advice, describe your symptoms, statin* ago, and ivply will l>e sent lin plain! sealed envelope. ** ‘ * Address: Ladies Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine O)., Chattanooga, Tenn. 'Cur e s - Failure to digest the food properly causes Sick Headache, Dizziness, Foul Breath, Bad Taato, Etc., the Liver becomjs inactive and the Brwjl3 dag up with waste matter that should not be allowed to remain in the System. Dr. Mozley’s LEMON ELIXIR will promptly correct the distress of Dyspepsia, and tone up and assist the System to digest food that is most trying on the Stomach. It has cured some of the worst case.) on record, and thousands of people have no fear of Dyspepsia while a battlof Lemon Elixir is near at hand. I have taken Dr. Mozley’e Isoinon Elixir for more than twenty-five yearn, and do not hf-Hitnte to *ay that it hart no equal ax a laxative and funeral tonic, ft ha* alway# kept my appetite hearty and I oat anything 1 want, knowing that a done of Lemon Elixir will prevent any unpleasant 1 am now % ye are old aai am in Hpiendid health, which I know in due in a larxe metMure to !>-. Yf jxlcy’* Lemon Klixif. MKH. K. W KKITJI. 570 Bpring Ht., Atlanta. Ga. 50c nd SI.OO bottles. At All druggists. “One Dose Will Convince” Life’s riqhes are in fins dust of daily kindnesses rather than in the great nuggets of public charity. " . HICKS’ Sf? MPIiBIKE CURES ALU ACHES And Nrvsne .i TriMheMftMn HAmt, <or X" /?. OFFERED WORTHY //fo YOUNC people t/C'/O' yOmatterhow limited / l \ your means or <V.uca IflffyTPVllV-liJI. Ail'll ><!fi * lion, it you wish a training and good position, write today for Our Great Half-Rate Offer. Success, Inde pendence and provable FORTUNE guaran teed. Don’t delay—write today. GA.-ALA. BUS. COLLEGE, MACON, GA. Dropsys Removes all swelling in 8 toco ctftjrs; effects a permanent curv in 3010 60 day*. Trial treatment given free. Nothinffcan be fairer Write Dr. H. 11. Green's Sons. SpfcClalUtS. Box b Atlanta, w Our hTndrtome catalog of Kugi Cxr- IU JL ret, j.lnoleu n* an 1 Lace Curtain t B lliu-t-nte i Ht natura: co.ora *ent ftee g 8 on ifijued. I wiiishowyoii How .ou ca*i vv ; con every do oar rou perfd for Ku?‘, Carpet’s,<eum, Cur tain*, s3tc. Buy direct from ihe munu a t have all intcrm diatc proma. Write a ronta u> and ■-©cel our XiILSJi MKO. CO., oept. .\, 9d k’lfcn Ave., New York. (At2l-’O7) Avery & Company SUCCESSORS TO avery & McMillan, (11-53 6onth Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. —ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Reliable Frick Engines. Boilers, all Sixes. Wheat Separators. BEST IMPROVED SAW HILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplied promptly. Shingls Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors. Full line Engines A Mill Supplies. Send for free Catalogue. Light SAW MILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES, SAWS AND SUPPLIES. STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Try LOMBARD, WOOD, IRON AND STEEL ALL KINDS OF BBATING AND MILL SUPPLIES Lombard Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works L Supply Sire AUGUSTA. GA. NOT IN A TRUST Telegraphy jlo poßltlon. Shorthand HeST BooKKeepingj main wiittM hum 5 Telegraphy, ItIHOVUH Itlll.lHMi FIVE BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE to ix’ y one who will n<l a list of nme and aild-e-rea of I* y or giria who will likely go ofT to college thl* year or next. Pot ooya and ifirle on separate liet. J. W. IJKEHuN, (Mention thi* paper.) Meridian, Mis*. Arc You ZTupturodl wny not iuive tt t ■■ red r Head at once letter or postal, w/ih your addree and p luclpai (acta. We will loan ;r at T -atuioiit', wit bout routt* yon, that will giro loiiii dime relief from ti/e eff* • or cumbersome mol daiiKtro'is tniswi Wo also send our free Uoo on rl/e “Cause, Care and Cur* of Rupture." This explains bow you may be Ea. 11l ely Cured by smell cost, by lli licruiat flcuier Cos., 4 'tit W. 8, Brie, Pa,