The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, May 31, 1907, Image 4

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The Jacksonian. esgL 1 .; ' - .. . 1 ~ ::: OFFICIAL ORGAN OF BUTTS CO. FMMcfl every TriCsy. S. E. ANDREWS, EDITOR. Subscription si‘oo Per Yr. Advertising Kates Furnished On Application. Entered at the Jackson (Ga.) Post Office as second class mail matter. I Grace—l hear that Charlie and Helen ihave made up their quarrel. Gussie— Only temporarily. They are going to he married soon. When a fishbone lodges In the throat, pressure ou the root of the tongue will induce vomiting, which will in many cases dislodge the bone. Every judge in Baden before he takes his seat on the bench is required by law to pass two weeks, like a com mon prisoner, In Jail. The principal causes of murder are those. In the order iu which they stand: Jealousy, drink, quarrels, revenge and robbery. In the Celestial empire, where hu man life is held decidedly cheap, the genius or demon of suicide is repre sented ns a 1 ester. I A son of the Emerald Isle on landing at a wharf in New York saw lying there a huge anchor. For three days he stood by watching the anchor. “What are you doing here?’’ asked a work man one day. “Sure, sor,” was the reply, “I want to see the man who cun handle that nick." f The beautiful colorings find perfumes of the various flowers have more ob ject than mere prettiness, ns the ex istence of the plant itself depends up on them. The colors and the per fumes attract the various Insects best fitted to bring about the cross fertiliza tion of the plants. Keep an old soft linen pocket hand kerchief to clean your spectacles with. If no •(>: sar.v they may be cleaned with n little ammonia water. Do not put them under your pillow at night ami be careful to keep the frames straight, otherwise the lens will not be true, ami the sight will suffer accordingly. A cow belonging to an English fann er die., suddenly and on being exam ined was found to have a long blanket pin liubedded in its heart. This pin, which was the cause of death, must have been picked up in its food and walked its way through the Internal organs. The v.ird “whir" is regarded by some pin > 'gists us a natural sym bol of the Idea % revolution. The German has ‘•wl’Tpn." to twist; the French Irr • “vicT," with the same meaning; the English have "veer" and “wear,’' the latter used with reference to the turning of a ship. Would Raisa tho Hid. A certain nine../.in in the mosque i had so harsh a voice that his call to ' prayer only kept the worshipers away from the service. The prince, who was the patron of ihe mosque, being tender hearted n.d not wishing to offend the man. gave him HI dinars to go some whe:e else, and the gift was gladly ao cepted.. ease time after the follow re turned to the prince and complained that ua Injustice had been done him by the smallness of the donation, “for," said he. "at the place where I now am they offered me 20 dinars to go somew here else, and I'll not accept it." "Oh," laughed the prince, "don’t ac cept It. for if you stay long they will be glad to offer you .*>01" London Chronicle. She Atked No Mors Questions. A kindly faced woman showed groat Interest iu going through the industrial home for b'h,vl ,-v . Seeing one sight loss man busily caning a chair .she said sympathetically: “1 dou't see how you men do that work at all." “That’s the way with us, madam." said the worker, cheerfully. “We don’t see how we do it ourselves.” To another blind man she said: “Do you close your eyes when you sleep?” The answer came quickly: “Oh, do, madam. We have a watch man that goes around and closes ’em for all of us nt iu o’clock.” The kindly faced woman asked no more questions.—Cleveland F’.alu I> :.i --cr. HOT SHOT Tom and Jerky. We now come to tho onerous (?) to.k of replying to “Subscriber”. Who re you “Subscriber, ’ any ow? When you thus cognomen yo r 8 It, I mo unable to locate you, >• you are eosconed safely iu the midst o,’ about 925 i Fdts, and rhe number is s’earl [y i ncro; sing with each issue of the Jacksonian. I don’t blame you. though for shooting from such dense forest of lull timber. If I did not, have any more “graj-matter” le ind me than you have; behind your pen T W n,-,1,J safrlv hide too Yon certainly did not consult, your boss Johnie. and submit to him, for inspecl ion , your article before you cut the cable and W, it get to the public. Jf you bad shown it to him he certainlv would have said : “My I For God'ssake don’t .In that. One of my over-zealo- s friends has already gotten in bd the ford and now if you write thai you will get in bf low the fall-. “Building up the town” has he? ■ Will you please t> 11 us what portion of the town he has built? It must be on the corner of Oblivion Street or Forgotten Avenue. He did erect a cheap b' ildit g for which he gets from the government $2-1,00 per month which is used as a post, office I think lam net cer'ain his tax assessor value it at *1200.00 TTe also erected a carriage factory and built, the Oar niichee] Buggy which he sold for *IOO.OO and thev are now sold, so 1 understand, for *65.00, and. that ton, when material and wages have ad vanced about 40%. How do you explain thi u difference ‘' Subscriber?” Here is a margin < f *35 CO on each buggy. If the builders now get n pro fit, your ’ town-builder” got a profit and the difference in present prie of material and wages and the *35.00 too’ on each job. The build ms av now making nice profit and c'aim to m ike s yor.d buggv as fmn I > the market,. ‘ Subscriber” you should t-i'k with some of that, “large num her” lie furnished with einp’ovmoot and let them te l you wbv,t. wi>g>- thev received as compared v.> otln r wage payerr. With these ‘‘Subs"rib ec” can’t you see how it was ihn! his buggy exhibit “at th<* State Fair was ahead of anything there?” He orga nized anew bank did Fie? Wh’n i- read this* statement which you s* ioxouAXTi.Y made he must, hav<- fet' 1 hit Ilia MISGUIDED, DEIJTDM) hmi ri.i ?> DKp fiiends ‘ Fair Play ’ and ’‘Subscriber” were determined to make of him a venerial ulcer on ih> prsteria perennl margin of ttomui r cielism. What, “competing'' bunk du! you say he organized? The Firs), Nat ional? He you must men Yh> First National of Atlanta, or some wtn ro . Iso. Not. First. National i: surely. Why “Subscriber you must have been hor" on yester day, or else you have t o’ bved in the C'Uu' v f r tin* last fj'e war-. IIM sn.Y, "Su 'scriber,' . dm * .-.Hi k::o the people wll no tk> vi,u seriously when you make such t * lenient V “C'.bt ap im toy ! ' Uha' 1> von ca ! cheap money ? Do you all u cheap trier,ey to borrow *IOO 00 fm' 6 mouths and give your note for sllO. 0 1? if you lived in tv county where IN fact and kkaut, two or more banks and and business ano loam and you *IOO.OO f>r 6 months and charged you *1 *K! for the accomodation you would then Bivv they literally gave it to you. \V. 11, that is the state of affairs in many places. Now ‘ Subscriber” you call on John ie and ask him to relate to yon nil the circomstaies relating to he organisation of this ’ competing bit k of which yon refer. If he does not give them to you cull on Torn and Jerry and ho will give them to you. Remember I did not fin ish the txatrinaFon of ore of m> witnesses last week I am tiring of shucking nothings and I suggest that all you “Flunky Fridays get together and “resolute” that “whereas” etc your boss is a grfduate of the State University therefore lie “touch the pen and take caTe of himself in this controversy, O, how I wouik like to read his words. They would sound like one “speaking with authority.’’ You know, ‘ Subscriber,” he wrote once lf I lived in a slate top man sion worth *IBOOO.OO and a little board of tux assessors slandered its value bv assessing it at *6000.00 I cock up my feet ou t he front veranda, claw” tobacco, drink well wate* and smoke cent cigar and write a roast, every week for them kin or kin. I would roast Tom ard Jerry if tl.e hair slipped. Notice, GEORGIA. Butts County.— —*• All persons liavjilg’claims against the es t ite of Julia Red <liflg are requested to pre sent them within the time allowed by law and all persons ind< bted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. '1 his M ly 25, 1!I07 li. P. Bailer, Adm. Julia Redding, How to Stop Runaways. The policeman had stopped the run away very neatly. Now, though puff ing a little, lie was quite calm. “It’s nothing to stop a runaway.” he said as lie wiped his foam covered hands. “It is like jumping on or off a moving car—dead easy when you know how. What you want to do when you see a runaway tearing toward you is not to stand still, but to run all your might in the same way the nag's n-go lng. Then, when it catches up to you, you grab the bridle and keep a-run ning. Then you are not thrown, you are not trampled on, and in a minute or two the horse slows down. I’ve stopped a dozen runaways without an accident. It’s part of our training, and the policeman who would refuse to take n chance would be disgraced the same as a soldier who would refuse to fight.”—New I York Press. V/aked Him Up. “Faro!” Tho passenger gave no heed. “Fare, please!” Still was the passenger oblivious. “By the ejaculatory term ‘fare,’ ” said tire conductor. “I imply no refer ence to the state of the weather, the complexion of the admirable blond you observe in the contiguous seat, nor even to the quality of service vouch safed by this philanthropic corpora tion. I merely allude in a manner per haps lacking in delicacy, but not in conciseness, to the monetary obligation sot up by your presence in this ear and suggest that, without contempering your celerity with cunctation. you liquidate.” At this point the passenger emerged from his trance.—Columbus Dispatch. Tres Fountain. An extraordinary curiosity is to bo seen in the Swiss village of Gunten. on Lake Thun. It takes the form of a nat ural tree fountain, the water flowing continuously from a spout high up in the tree. About twenty years ago the water from a spring was conducted through a shaft, and the supply pipe was directed through the cut trunk of a young poplar tree which was rammed in the ground. After a short time the trunk rooted, branches followed, and now there is a splendid top growth. Friendship. Friendship Is a vase which when it is flawed by boat or violence or acci dent may as well be broken at once. It never can be trusted after. The more graceful and ornamental it was the more clearly do we discern the hopelessness of restoring it to Its former state. Coarse stoues, if they are fractured, may be cemented again; precious ones, never.—Landor. Greet Laughers. The giant laughers have been men— Shakespeare and Rabelais. I do not regard Cervantes and Sterne as laugh ers. They are smilers. They are not Jolly roarers and guffawers. They are not fat, rotund, jovial hilarities. They are thin. lean, ironic smiles. A smile Is a diluted laugh. Sterne is a diluted Rabelais.—James Douglas in M. A. I\ —■** T ■ Customs of Brittany. Brittany alone, of all the provinces of France, seems to have preserved its types anil individuality. To be Breton is by no means to be French. The old men to this day shatter in the Celtic tongue. The Breton mother when not nt work in the fields sits In the door of her cottage plying the distaff and recit ing the old legends and quaint folk songs to the white coifed baby beside her. The Breton woman still wears the costume of her mothers before her and Is satisfied in it OASTOniA. Bear, the YSU Haw AIWW 80l Sgutan ✓ of /wvSrvwv CASTORIAI The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and teen in use for over 30 years, has borne (signature of /? and has been made tinder his per /jFsonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against. Experiment* What is CASTORSA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething 1 Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea —The Mother’s Friend. CENUBNE CASTORSA ALWAYS The Kind Yon Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MUfIRAY & TWEET, KCW YORK CITY. TRY Dr. CUatkins’ Stock Powders -<e* -i** -W'*i They are the cheapest and Best that Money can buy. They have proven to be just what they are advertised to be. They have given perfect satisfaction in every instance, and are always gucran“ teed, or money refunded. I MADE EY Dr. J. B. WATKINS, SOLD EVERYWHERE. Jackson, Ga. Tho Men of the West. * In the broad west work, even the humblest—raising a roof, making the desert blossom—has almost the thrill of creation, as all necessary work has if one can isolate it* enough to see clearly its dignity. So, there, do the strong, kindly men stand out—clean, refreshing as the air of their high pla teaus, solid and reassuring as the mountains from which they have taken strength. They are ours, these men. and their generations yet unborn. In their presence one may puff aside the talk of graft and selfishness, the music hall cynicism that Yankee Doodle has become Yankee boodle. This is our country—these our people. It is good now and then to get down to the ground.—Outing Magazine. Colors or Lakes. Some lakes are distinctly blue. Others present various shades of green, so that iiv some cases they are hardly dis tinguishable from the level, grass cov ered banks. A few are almost black. The lake of Geneva is azure hued. Both Lake Constance and the lake of Lucerne are green. The color of the Mediterranean has been called Indigo. The lake of Brienz is greenish yellow, and Its neighbor. Lake Thun, is blue. Putting Something In It. An Irishman who had started pho tography went into a shop to purchase a small bottle in which to mix some of his solutions. Seeing one he want ed, he asked how much it would be. “Well,” said the chemist, “it will be twopence as it is, but if you want any thing in it I won’t charge you for the bottle.” “Faith, sor." said Pat, “til*® put a cork in it” -Loudon Queen. ATTENTION ALL This is the season of the year when your buggy ught to be repaired, tint. ;epainted, JUST 1-iMif NEW. A* so, the time to H<ve ycur itecu shod for FIFTY CENIS, when paid in cash. 1 HiS i DO. Ail work dene in my shops, is done with dispatch and, an accuracy only attained by an EXPERIENCE COVER ING TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. Not six years scouting, or scuf fling about. Every thing guar anteed, and at lively prices. The old reliable, Q. W. KiNSHAN. No Insult Intended. A London exquisite had gone into a west end restaurant and w ns? far from pleased with the way in which his or der was filled. “Do you call that a veal cutlet?” ho demanded of the waiter. “Why. such a cutlet as that is an insult to every self respecting calf in the British em pire.” The waiter bung his head for a mo ment, but recovered himself and said in a tone of respectful apology: “I really didn’t intemd to insult y o% sir!”—London Answers.