The Jacksonian. (Jackson, Ga.) 1907-1907, September 06, 1907, Image 7

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Mmxtwmi THE WET WEATHER : comfort and is ($pfV4V PROTECTION eiforded by a fpM !■ */A Sloeri / \ ’ \ Clean-Light I I I M Durable I 'ted Guaranteed | : &®fe Waterpr0 ° f I |MSrNjf7?> r*V) *3*59 Everywhere j A J TOWER CO BOSTO* U 4 A 3 TUwt ft UN*DIA*I to U"' T fO TOAO*t*T' CM U Changes in Street Phrases. In connection with the changes of fashionable street phrases, a corres pondent of the London Chronicle re calls from a song book, dating far back in the nineteeenth century, a comic song, in the singer com plained that, just as he had got used to one inquiry—“Does your mother know you’re out?” if memory serves— it suddenly changed, and “now every little blackguard boy cries ‘Tell me, ■who’s your hatter?’” It is remark able to note the persistence of the hat among catch phrases. “Who’s your hatter?" reappeared in much later times as “Where did you get that hat?” At another period the wearer of a white hat was greeted with “Who stole the donkey?” And the "shocking bad hat” time must also be reckoned. "I’ll eat my hat” and "My hat!” as an improvement upon "My conscience!” seem to be perman ent tributes to the hat’s importance In the order of things. Dog Wins Battle With Snake. Although he does not possess much beauty, nor has he ever won any prizes at a dog show, Yellow, a small collie owned by Joshua Fenimore, is a ter ror to snakes. Before Yellow came to live in the country the Fenimore farm was overrun with snakes. The do-g soon began to dispute the posses sion cl? the farm with the reptiles and seemed to know the poisonous ones from the less harmful and would crush out their live# by seizing them back of the head and shaking them as he would a rat Yesterday afternoon Yellow had what almost was his last fight with a seven-foot blacksnake. While the farm hands stood by, unable to rend er assistance, the dog managed to get such a hold that he could not be fang ed, and maintained it for twenty min utes, while the snake fought fiercely. Finally it was killed by the dog.— Beverly (N. J.) Dispatch to Phila delphia Record. MALSBY COMPANY, 41 8. FORSYTH 8T„ ATLANTA, GA.. Manufacturer! of and Dealers in ill! finds of MACH INERY AND SUPPLIES. Portable. Stationary and Traction Engine*. Boiler*, Haw Mill* and Qri3t Mill*. Wood working and Shin gle Mill Machinery. Complete line carried in stock. Write for catalogue prices. Address all communica tion* to Atlanta. Ga. We have no connections in Jacksonville, f’l%. mn ibb aievansaa u amnawram *i :j r and a :| STAIiDARDoFTHE SOVTII] i j^ocuss^l : * LAID * 1 j 1 US. GOVERNMENT- INSPECTION g Sffi-sovfflEßM-amoßoitdSs ! INEiHfcIK-Sffl^H/Uf-MLWR-MWOKItWS ■ tin it ao an ■■•Biaiosti nicii u e HE LIVED THERE. “You venture into Wall street occa sionally?” said the lamb. “My case,” answered the magnate, “is different fncm yours. I don’t dare venture out of it for fear of what they would do in my absence.” —V ash ington Star. THE WITTY HOUSEWIFE. “Lady,” began the wandered, “kin I chop some wood fur you?” “No, thank you,” replied the up-to date housewife; “we cook and heat entirely by electricity.” “Nothing’ I kin do to git a bite to eat?” “Yes, if you care to peel the shocks from the electrffc wires I'll allow you to eat the currents."—Harper s Week ly. FITS, St. \ itus’Dance Diseases per manently cured by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $3 trial bottle and treatise frea Ur. H. R. Kline, Ld.JKil Arch St.. Phila,, Pa. There is an average of fifteen foreign automobiles coming to New York city every week. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children teething.softens thegums, reduces'nflamma tion. allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bot tie The more a man blow s the less like ly he is to come to blows. MOTHERHOOD The first requisite of a good mother is good health, and the ex perience of maternity should not be approached without careful physical preparation, as a woman who is in good physical condition transmits to her children the blessings of a good constitution. Preparation for healthy mater nit\' is accomplished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from native roots and herbs, more successfully than by any other medicine because it gives tone and strength to the entire feminine organism, curing displacements, ul ceration and inflammation, and the result is less suffering 1 and more children healthy at birth. For more than thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’sVegetable Compound has been the standby of American mothers in preparing for childbirth. NotewhatMrs JamesChester,of427 \V. 35th St., New York says in this letter:—Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-“I wish every expectant mother knew about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. A neighbor who had learned of its great value at this trying period of a woman's life urged me to try it and I did so, and I cannot sav enough in regard to the good it did me. I recovered quickly and am in the best of health now.” Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is certainly a successful j i remedy for the peculiar weaknesses and ailments of women. It has cured almost every form of Female Complaints, Dragging Sensa- j tions. Weak Bade. Falling and Displacements. Inflammation, Ulcera- f tions and Organic Diseases of Women and is invaluable in preparing for j Childbirth and during the Change of Life. j Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to I I write Mi's. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is f-ee. For Womanly Pains I To Obtain Relief from the pains, that assail women, try Wine of Cardui, 1 the well-known, successful remedy, for womanly ills. Everybody knows that Cardui is a pure, harmless. | vegetable extract, containing ingredients of special I curative powers over the womanly organs. In popular use, for over 50 years, it has benefited over a million sick women, and has proven itself i indeed “Woman’s Relief.” Mrs. Minnie Lambe, of Lebanon Junction, Ky., writes: “Cardui has done me more good than all the doctors’ medicines ever did for me. I had pains in I my head, shoulders, arms, sides, back, joints, bad Take CARDUI .. I fepiCHIM. TONIC K, \ $ AI b„_ Standard for 46 years: leave* no bad effects H S / ¥ y n Cures On IIS like quinine; pleasant to take; children like It, H / M w W ... seldom fall* to make permanent cure. W _ ja A,B Guaranteed under Food and Drug* Act of June If vk VOLfR jW Malarial Fevers 30, 190 G. At your druggist*; or sent prepaid 9 CHILLS Af . on receipt of price. =-< Jr 50c and SI ARTHUR PETER & CO., fien'lAgt*. loul>llle. Ky. fi Many a man’s good intentions are due to the headache next morning. RED EYES Need prompt treatment with Leonardi’s Gulden Eye Lotion, or mey’Uget bloodshot and sore, i-fconurai sis tne eye lotion that cures inflammation without pain in one day. Decline to lake any nut “Leonardi’s.” lv makes strong eyes, truarauteed or mon ey relunded. .druggists seii it at 25 cts. or lorwurtled piepaitt on receipt of pries by b. U. Leonardi x Cos., iumpa, ria. Only a woman is capable of trans forming a yawn into a smile. ggggggggggg Thompson’s Eye W ater A man seldom dees much good in ! the world until he stops trying to do harm. POST CARDS. Twelve sent for 10 cts. Wholesale prices also quoted. GEO. i*l. HPAItKH, Macon, Ga. No matter how much a man’s funer al cost3 it saves him a lot of money j afterward. Because of those ugly, griyily. gray halr. Ur “ LA CREOLE” HAIR RESTORER. Poes, H.OC, retail. DOCTORS PRESCRIBE SULPHUR. Cut Sulphur Should Be Used in Liquid Form Only. “Hnncock’s Liquid Sulphur is the most wonderful remedy for Eczema I have ever known,’’ writes Dr W W. Leake, of Or lando, Fla., who was cured of a ease of years' standing. Dr. W. A. Heard, of Maitland, Fla., was cured of Eczema after lie had suffered for thirty years, and says: “Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur is the finest remedy for all Skin troubles l have ever used or prescribed." Doctors everywhere prescribe it, but they say Sulphur should be used in liquid form only, as it is iu Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. Druggists sell it. Booklet free, if you write Hancock Liquid Sulphur Cos.. Balti more. It cures all Skin and Scalp Diseases, if used iu connection with the wonderful Hancock s Liquid Sulphur Ointment. When there isn’t anything else wrong with a woman her shoes hurt. <*<"j CHE3IEB j i Increases the Size and Improves the Quality of Onions 8 < It gives them finer flavor and increases their nour- k ishing qualities. It is Nature’s fattening food for ■ pjjpjp' T > or . °“ r on Ik GERMAN KALI WORKS I /l\>@B^' WSTLI J 111 93 Nassau Street. New York li’iAf I "Pl_J l"11 IT* ▼T.I B n * (UH Monmtnock Building. Chicago BjW ■■ ** "JU ■ nrSTA E U 1 J\X Candier liuildlnKl Atlanta, Oa. nriTA CLJ U ■ A\!3 I I ImM A'd<trc*iinf'A<'e nearest jrou VSV P” U I ■ ■ nTCI CGDADUEDQ \A/AMTCn From thl " ,nHtltuto before Mit March. ThUlnw* I LLLUnArnLnO WAHIIU rxcl.iaiToTalegruih lu.tltuU.nol aßu.lom.ool. logo. In charge of ex-vnllvray official*. Kstablifthed Twenty-one Year*. Main lino* of L. I N. K. K. in Schoolroom*. Position* paying StH) per month and upward absolutely guaranteed 11 , ii our graduates under a 1120 Guaranty Bond. You run vr-thk for your o*pfO*i. Writ# for Catalog. N ATION AI. TKI.LCti K A fit INS I’ITIITH. lncinimti. Ohio- SC&S: SOUTHERN COLLEGE OF PHARMACY “fiKs£ Kali session October to April; Spring Session. April to Octohflr. Largest Pharmacy school South Drug Store in the College. Free Hooks, saving $2) book expense. Large new building and Kquipnwnt, three Laboratories. Pemaiul for our graduates exceed* supply. Tuition SB4 per session. Address W. It. FKEEMAN. Secretary, 03 Lackio St ,At Ittnta, Os. ANDREW COLLEGE ’CUTHBERT, GEORGIA. ESTABLISHED MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS. A high grade oollege for girls and young ladies, offering superior advantages for regulaf and special courses Highest point above sea level in South (ieorgta. Perfect health record Climate ideal. Has a great history and numbers among its alumnae some of the aoblet* women in Georgia and the South. Next session opens Sept IH. Address REV. J. W. MALONE, President, Cuthbart, Ca. NACOOCHEE INSTITUTE, SA G U A TEE ’ Buj*crior health report. Mont beautiful spot in the eta’ie. Telephone communication. Coeducational. Christian. The PROFANE and those who DRINK not Admitted. Moral* of the community excellent. Good board from S* to $lO per month. Course of Mtudy: Mu sic, Literary. Art and Klooution. Full fncultv. Graduate* and BPKOIA LISTS. Opening Bept. <1,190T. Write for catalogue today. J.T. WADK, Pres. #>. D. McPH AI l. f V.Prcn. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OK KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY LKXINCiTO.V KY. auarded Prof .Smith at World' $ Fair book-keeping, Short-baud Type* —■ ■ ■ *—•Wrifnu; mill Telegraphy taught. Siiua tioii*. ti s.iuau-h feepive Kv. ri'ivfrsltv diiiloniN. /irgm war, adiirens. Wll.lil I# K, SMITH I’fi'i't. I.c.\lnglon, Ky GIM repairs '-‘.I lya SAWS, RIBS, Bri'.t!” Twine, Babbit, &c., fr any mak< of Gin CNGIMCS, BOILERS and PRESSES *• and Repairs for samt*. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, In jectors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings, tight Saw, Shing" . ard lath Mills, Gasoline Engines Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AMD SLIPPH COMPANY, Augusta. Gu. , cramping spells In my stomach, and bearing-down pains, at my periods, till I just almost died. “I wrote you for advice, although I thought there was no medicine that could help me. On your f advice I began to take Cardui, and it has done wonders for me. Now all those pains are relieved and I am much better. “I feel that I owe my life to Cardui, and 1 have advised all my suffering lady friends to use it. The mothers around here are giving it to their daughters, and “^“Sn D J?W. 8 my friends say it helps them so much.” |TrjT<n DAAY Write for Free 64-yajre Book for Women. If yon need Ad> JF JTLEIiCIj DVA/i\ vice, describe symptoms, ated rig age and we will reply la n/vn t a TYTCO plain sealed envelope. Addr-sr,: I.idle* Advisory Dept. JF \JS\ hrLUIJbSi The Chattanooga Medicine Cos., Chattanooga, Tenn. W. L. DOUGLAS A $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES jraflHL FOB EVERY MEMBER OF , THE FAMILY, AT ALL PRICES. '* ’A* £9S nfifU (To anjr one who can prove W. I- Mf MA ) Dougina doom not make (i •-*## m£ Jrak J more Mon'a s£t & ithooa Mr/jR-.,.. neMrarH 'than any othor ntanufucU/r cr. ® t ®6 THK HfIiVSON W. TANARUS,. liouglus kliocd itre worn bvn, 1 '*■_■. In nil waikeof life than any other make, U hues r wu, M ymaW excellent style. oa-yiitt iiig, ami ► • 11.*•■!• • r •.• arii g■; .1 - •••<. HW The selection of the leathers am! other material. I irt Bv of the shoe, and every detail of the making l looked i y Tjjfii • V %uj the most coinpleteorgai.lzstloii of > o| < rintendeiitu ...d “‘'''£'9 skilled shoemakers, who receive the higlmst ; in <j '4/ shoe industry, and whoso workmanship cannot be <•? Ti■ if I cOuM take you Into my large factories at firooi to ; , ".I 3/ and snow yon lio\/car'-fully W. I,. r lto i(f|as slioi • :,i ■ • .<j V# would then understand why they mdd their shape. . '- 'Sr *o^ wear looser and are of greater vu! m tiiau a: y olm , r I ■■ My $4 Clif Edno and S/I Gold rinnd Shoea ncruiof ho ntjualled at any prtco. CAUTION? "lie genuine have \V. 1,, ft • ;da* nata 1 .r; j •Liuii>e<l on liottom. Take No Substitute.. Ask your dealer for W. 1,. |>,■■!■/.. ■ • If h cannot supply you, send direct to factory. Shoes sent every ■ imro hv i,::o! t.:.i V/.L. Double*. Brockton. Msm. CRESCENT ANTISEPTIC jam greatest healer known to science. Non Poisonous, Non Irritating. Allays Inflammation and stops A / r 5 pain from any cause. As strong as carbolic acid and as harmless ae BjelL s'; <1 rw'eet milk. Cures burns instantly; cures old and chronic sores; cures sores and inflammation from any cause on man or beast. For fowls-cures cholera, sore head and roup. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. fnr Bth by >ll TlntCuwiiiutxn. Mfgd. by CRKMAIENT l iIKUICtI, t’O,, Ft. W.rtk, Txm XT* n pma in kkkkkknck to A. JOHN K. DICELY S Old Reliable EYE WATER It cure* tore eye* and granulated lid*. It xtrengtheu* neitk eye*. It tx>o!t anti ■oothe* a wore eye. It refreehe* and Htrengthena a tired aya. It don’t, hurt when appl lied. It feel* good"~ohlldreit don't dread 11 The. tienuine nlw.ty* enciotied in a red folding box. Avoid imir.ut.ion* or RnmethinLi recommended Jn*t aa good. For ohronlo sore eye lida, atie* and dieneed condition of root* of eye luulw**, i*e Dickey's Old Reliable Bye Salve. At all store* or by mall 2ucts. DICK BY DKITGCO. Horn 50# Hrlgtol. Tann. (At3o-’O7)