The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, January 02, 1907, Image 2

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Modern Farm Methods As Applied in the South. Notes of Interest to Planter, Fruit Grower and Stockman Trouble in Securing a Stand of Clover T. H. W., Franklin, T(pnn., writes: What is the causa of land becoming "clover sick?” Land has been in .Wheat for a number of years. What Constituents of commercial fertilizer •nd proportion would you recom mend? The soil is deep, loose, sandy clay sub-soil. What are the relative natural values of rye and red clover': Would cowpeas preceding the seed ing to clover enhance the chances of taking? Answer: The cause of the land be coming “clover sirk” may be due to one of several things, chief among which is the poverty of the soil in one or more of the essential ele ments of plant food. Some claims are now being advanced that the trouble is due to a specific organism found in certain soils. Just how im portant this claim is can not be stat ed at the present time, and if the trouble is altogether due to organ isms it is likely that some remedy can be found sooner or later for the trouble. For example, they may starve to death like many of the use ul forms of bacteria if clover is not grown on tho land for several years, and undoubtedly the failure to rotate crops is one of the causes of tho so-called clover sickness. The plant food of tho soil must be kept In equilibrium, and tho one cropping •ystem which Is so often followed on eur farms causes Borne of the neces sary elements of plant food to be ex hausted before others. To secure a Stand of clover In your section, it. will first be necessary to supply tho soil with an abundance of vegetable mat ter, and for this purpose there is nothing better than the cowpea. Then, •n application of at least 300 pounds of high-grade acid phosphate with 100 pounds of muriate of potash should be applied ns a top dressing and worked in with a harrow before •ending tho wheat and clover. Only • thin seeding of wheat should be used if tho clover Is sown in the fall. Liming the land will also bene fit It. From 1000 to 2000 pounds per acre is not too much to use. The lime may be scattered over the sur face with a fertilizer distributor or by means of a manure spreader. The lime should be applied as a top dressing and harrowed in, say ten days or two weeks before sowing the wheat and clover. There is much poor clover seed on the market and It is important to test it and make (Certain that it is of a good quality before seeding. Doep and thorough tillage, heavy fertilization, judicious crop rotation, and the use of plenti ful supplies of farmyard manure will •ome aLi nearly Insuring a successful •tand of clover as any other known practice of the present, day. Wo have •eldom failed to securo a good stand of red clovor when we could top dress the land liberally with well rotted farmyard raanuro. The dearth of farmyard manure on many of our lamps is ono reason why so much difficulty Is experienced In obtaining clover at tho present time. Red clover is a legume and has the power of gathering atmospheric nitrogen through the bacteria which live in the nodules growing on Us roots under normal conditions. A good growth of red clover turned under would add anywhere from seventy five to 100, or possibly 125 pounds of nitrogen to an acre of land. It would depend a good deal on the vigor of the growth made by the clover and the season. Rye, on the other hand, would add nitrogen (o the soil gath ered directly from the air. The one Crop, therefore, is far more valuable thau the other, though they would both provide a largo bulk of organic matter which would have a decided Influence on changing the mechanical condition of tho soil. Rye makes #n excellent winter cover for the land, and if plowed under early in the spring and followed by cow peas cut for hay or plowed under would help to bring the land in good condition for the fall seeding of clover and wheat. —Professor A. M. Soule. Teach Breeding. We look with admiration upon our achievements in stock breeding. What has been accomplished along (his line adds millions annually to the wealth of our people. Every farmer, though he raise only a few pigs and a colt and a calf an nually, sees that these inherit the best blood of their kind at his com mand. If Uncle Sera's nieces and nephews could only boast such nrui- , grees as the swine and cattle of our land, we would Indeed be a mighty people. But, apparently the quality of our posterity is of no cone- :u. Anything will do. However, the elimination urf scrub stock, physically, intellectually and morally, from the human race is u hopeless proposition—there’s no money in It —so I’ll pass on to peach breeding. There are two ways in which great improvements may be accomplished in this work. The more simple of these is through bud variation, which is the parent of individuality in trees. Take an orchard of any given va riety. Ninety odd per cent, of those trees will show no characteristics that are not typical of that variety, but an occasional tree will be found that stands head and shoulders above its fellows In the number of good quali ties to its credit, while a few others will be notorious for their lack of them. This is the product of bud variation, and by using these prize winning trees in each generation for budding material, what may not be accomplished? Asa matter of fact, however, nurserymen usually use the prodigal trees for propagating wood. The reason 'a obvious; to use the best would be more expensive and they must meet competition. The other method is by breeding, pure and simple. Control the pollina tion in certain blossoms of the varie ties you wish to cross. The seedling from this cross will usually show characteristics of both parents. It may be inferior to both or it may sur pass them. This method is slow and tedious and the reward uncertain, but when it does come it may be a Washington or a Roosevelt—who knows?—A. J. Miller, Evergreen, Ala. Sheep on Every Farm. The time is ripe, or nearly ripe, says Wallace's Farmer, for the In troduction of a flock on every farm. Farmers are now coming to the point when they can fence and cross-fence their farms with woven wire, thus enabling them to feed their sheep over the whole farm instead of con fining them to a permanent pasture. The permanent pasture very soon becomes sheep-sick, and the farmer becomes discouraged. However, with sheep-tight fences he can use his sheep on the stubble fields or on the aftermath of the meadows, and he can fatten his lambs In the cornfield to the benefit both of the lambs and cornfield. There is more money for the amount Invested in sheep than in any other kind of live stock we know of. Sheep are high now; the probability Is that they will continue high. Sheep may be lower than they are now—probably will be—but we do not expect to live long enough to see sheep sell at the low price preva lent ten years ago. Even then, how ever, they were profitable. We will never have clean farms until we in troduce sheep husbandry. With the exception of thistles, mullen and cockle-burs in their mature stage, sheep will eat every kind of weed that, we know of on the farm, and profit by the eating of it. A prop erly fenced farm with a hundred sheep will never be badly infested with weeds. Therefore, once more we say, keep a few sheep. Don’t buy many, for two reasons. They are high now, and the sheep busi ness is one that must be learned— not from books or papers, but from actual experience in keeping sheep. A flock of twenty-five will increase faster than the average man’s knowl edge of how to keep them. Honesty in Racking and Selling. While farmers have as much busi ness honesty as any class of men, there are some who are pot above de ception when it comes n. packing and selling certain kinds of produce. The mixing of bad eggs with good ones, putting small potatoes and apples in the middle of the barrel and sell ing old roosters and hens for young fowls, are practices far too common. They do not pay in the long run. A farmer soon gets a reputation for his products, and whether it be good or bad depends entirely on himself. The reason that some men have no trouble in selling their fruit, vege tables. poultry and dairy products at top market prices, or above, is large ly the care which they take in grad ing and packing. Some of their neighbors would get less money for the same goods if they carried the load to town, for they have been known in the past to !:? indifferent or dishonest in their methods. If you have an old hen, sell her as such. Then, wren you go to town with young fow ls yon will have no trouble in selling them for what they are. The great difficulty in working up a private trade among city and town people is due to the deception which many farmers and pedlers have prac tised on them in tho past.—3l. W. Swope, Todd. Teun. C r uany has nearly one-half of ,hj breweries of die world. COFFIN HELD BEARDED BODY Revelation on Opening Druce Grave in London By Authorities. SOLUTION OF MYSTERY Fairy Tale of Perjured Witnesses is Ex ploded After Ten Years of Legal Proceedings-Buried in 1864. The body of Thomas Charles Druce, in High Gate, cemetery, London, was exhumed Monday morning, just forty three years to a day after its burial. The cofiin was found to contain the remains of a human body, thus ex ploding the romantic tale told by Rob ert C. Caldwell and bthers during the recint hearing of the Druce perjury case that it contained a roll of lead. The official statement given out by the home office and others officially present at the exhumation seems ef fectively to prove that the body burled in 1864 was actually that T. C. Druce. The authorized statement follows: “The coffin opened and found to con tain the body of an aged bearded man; the plate on the coffin bore the name of Thomas Charles Druce.” The scene at High Gate cemetery when the vault was opened was re markable. All the entrances to the cemetery were surrounded by cordons of police. Only those persons who had passes from the home office were ad mitted to the grounds. George Hol lamby Druce, who claims he is the rightful heir to the Portland duke dom and to its vast estate, tried un successfully twice to get into the cem etery. The operation began at daybreak Monday with the removal of the too most coffins in the vault containing the bodiew of a wife and a son of T. C. Druce. It was nearly 11:30 before the coffin was brought ready for open ing and inspection. The top was quickly unscrewed and the inner cas ing of lead cut open. There was no need for the dictum of the eminent surgeon, Augustus J. Pep per, to assure all present that human remains lay in the coffin. The Druce vault has thus given up its secret after ten years of legal pro ceedings which have cost a considera ble fortune. A large part of this mon ey was obtained from servant girls and other workers who were induced to buy shares in a company formed to prosecute the claims of George Hol lamby Druce against the estate of the duke of Portland, which produces an annual income of $750,000. The charge of perjury against Her bert Druce is effectively disposed of, and those persons who have sworn to the placing of lead instead of a hu man body in the coffin have been dis credited. A New York dispatch says: Robert C. Caldwell, whose testimony as a wit ness in the Druce case led to the reopening of the grave of T. C. Druce, Is now at the home of his daughter at New Brighton, Staten Island. He is under $.',000 bond to answer to a charge of perjury, preferred by the Brit ish authorities in connection with the story he told in , the London court. Caldwell was afftSted when he arrived from Europe. December 21. Caldwell’s story of the alleged dual personality of the duke of Portland was the real sensation of one of the most remarkable legal eases which has ever engaged the attention of the British courts. The reopening of the Druce (grave was undertaken as a final effort of the government to prove that Caldwell’s testimony was “wil ful and corrupt perjury.” Caldwell’s story was to the effect that the duke of Portland and T. C. Druce, a London storekeeper, were one and the same. He had known - the duke of FortMiid under both names, he said, and at the request of the duke had arranged a pretended death and mock funeral of Druce, so that his dual personality c.,uld be buried CATHOLIC PARADERS STONED. Free Thinkers n Cuban Province Inaugu rate Incipient Riot. Tn Sail Antonio de los Banos, Ha vana province, the Catholics were pa rading a few days ago, carrying images of the virgin saint. Antonio, as pa tron saint, when Free Thinkers stoned them, shouting. “Death to priests!” ‘Down with .the Catholic religion!” The Catholics, who numbered 4,000, resisted. Three children in the proces sion were the only ones hurt. The Free Thinkers were finally dispersed by the police. STILL GREAT EXPERT. Doctor Dies of Lockjaw After Staking His Reputation That Disease Would Be Fatal. By dying Thursday night of lockjaw, Dr. Joseph Plesen of Chicago justified his own expert opinion, and he will be regarded as having been infallible In regard to lockjaw—the one disease of which he had made a special study and In his treatment of which he had won his reputation. Had Dr. Pieten lived, a blow would have been dealt to his reputation as a tetanus expert and he would no longer have been regarded as infallible by his brother physicians’ For Dr. Piesen had diagnosed his own case and declared that he would die, and his death justi fied his diagno: is. At the Ch.cag > Baptist hospital, where Dr. Pi .-sea was being treated, he indicated by signs to the attend ing physicians that he realized that the attack was lockjaw from which he was suli'e.ii.g w..u.d prove fatal, and he begged tlum to end his life with a drug. The surgeons about him, inured as they were to the su..erlngs of others, hesitated before the dumb appeals of this man of science, probably more skilled in the effects of the disease which had seized him than any other man in this country, and then turned away, for fear that they might grant his wish. Before the verdict of the dying man on his own life, they were silenced, for there could have been no higher au thority than his opinion. When he found that the law, writ ten and unwritten, would net permit his fellow's to end his sufferings, Dr Piesen resigned himself to the cars of the nurse. He heard his physi cians say that if he lived another day there was hope for him. He shook his head. They pretended not to no tice and left him in the charge of a nurse, W'ith soothing lotions to quiet his pain. Aud Thursday night death came to justify the opinion of Dr. Piesen. On Christmas Eve, while arranging a Christmas tree for his children in his home, Dr. Piesen was suddenly stricken with acute lockjaw. The in jury which brought on tetatus was a compound fracture of the nose, sus tained a week ago. Dr. Piesen was going through a dark passageway lead ing from his laboratory to another part of the establishment when he fell down a short flight of stairs and struck his nose on a board. The hurt caused an abrasion of the skin and the germs of tetanus infected it. He diagnosed his own case and, fore seeing death, directed his family to send him to a hospital;* he then sent for a lawyer and made his will. INDIANA PULLS FOR FAIRBANKS. Biennial Love Feast of Republicans Held at Indianapolis. Resolutions were adopted unani mously Thursday in Indianapolis at the biennial love feast of Indiana re publicans urging the nomination of Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks for the presidency. The resolutions were introduced by Governor J. Frank Man ly and were adopted with a round of cheers by the thousand and more act ive party workers of, the state who were present. ACCOUNTS SOLD AT AUCTION. Claim on Knickerbocker Trust Cos., Brings Sixty Cents on the Doliar. A depositor's account of si,i4S in the Knickerbocker Trust company, at New York, which suspended during the recent financial depression, was sold at auction Thursday for S6BB, 60 cents on the dollar. The sale was made at a weekly auction of stocks and bonds. Last week an account of SIO,OOO bid was made by the owner at 66 cents on the dollar. At the age of 21 most men are too young to realize that they don't know it all. NIGHT RIDERS IN A PANIC. Kentucky Authorities Promise to Make it Extremely Hot for Them- A special term of the Christian coun ty, Kentucky, circuit court has been ordered for the purpose of rigidly in vestigating the recent raid of night riders on Hopkinsville when about $200,000 worth of property was destroy ed and the local authorities and state administration have made it plain that neither effort nor cost will be spared to track down and put in the peniten tiary every one of the masked riders. The activity of the state and local authorities has caused a panic among the night riders and their friends. NAVY STIRRED BY WRANGLE Between Admiral Brownson and Surgeon-General Rixie. DEFI IS SHOWN TEDDY Brownson Refused to Transmit Order of President Assigning Dcctir to Com mand of hospital bhip. A Washington special says: Not since the days pivcening the passage of the personnel law ten years ago has the feeling bet., ten the line and staff of the navy be.n so acute as it is just now, as the result of the re fusal of Admiral Brownson to trans in it orders from his superior officer, the president of the Ln.ud States, as signing a naval surgeon to command a vessel in the navy. In the of the personnel act, it was Mr. Roosevelt, then assistant sec retary of the navy, who acted the part of the pacificator and succeeded in bringing the two warring factions to gether in support of the legislation which for a decade past, though a makeshift, has served to maintain peace between the two factions in tho navy. In the present instance, how ever, the of the president to reconcile the surgeons and the line of ficers has failed, and it is probable that the whole controversy will be heard on its merits in congress. This is much deprecated by conservative offi cers in both line and staff, as like ly to prove prejudicial to the navy’s interest as a whole, for they believe that In order to succeed in securing from congress the four great battle ships, the cruisers, scouts and subma rines which form a part of the year’s naval estimates, in addition to secur ing legislation that will better the lot of naval officers personally, the navy must present a united front, which cannot be done if just at the begin ning of a session, line and staff are to engage in strife. Through the published statement of Surgeon General R.ixey, the merits of the doctors’ side of the case in this in stance have been clearly set forth. Line officers believe c,that in common fair ness they should have a hearing. But they are in an embarrassing position in that respect. Admiral Brownson preceded his resignation by a cold, clear and logical presentation of tho reasons why he-objected to command a naval ship, even if the vessel were exclusively devoted to hospital uses. That statement was submitted to the president, and, notwithstanding the staff has had its say in print, applica tions at the white house for this let ter are met with refusal. Now it is clearly impossible for Admiral Brown son or any of his line officers to make public a copy of the letter without incurring the event of a courtmartial on charges of disrespect toward their superior officer, the president of the United States. So they can only look for a change in the executive mind or for the congressional investigation which will develop all the facts. It may be stated in the absence ot the text of Admiral Brownson's let ter that his objection to the execution of the president’s order to place a surgeon in command of the hospital ship Relief was twofold. In the first place, like every line officer, lie be lieved that the subordination of any line officer, no matter how low in grade, to a staff officer on shipboard, was bad policy and subversive of na val discipline. But a stronger objec tion in his mind was that the pro posed action was clearly illegal inas much as it is forbidden by law or na val regulation to assign a staff officer to command a ship. It is only fair to the staff to state that this is de batable ground and that it would not be difficult to construe the naval laws and regulations in either way. So it is not to be doubted that whan the sub ject comes before congress for consid eration the lawyers in that body will find material to support either conten tion. GUILTY COUPLE MAKE ESCAPE. Erring Parson Cooke and Floretta Whaley Elude Officers at ’Frisco. Rev. Jere Knode Cooke, formerly pastor of the fashionable St. Georga church, at Hempstead. Long Island, and Floretta Whaley, the 17-year-okl heiress with whom he eloped sight months ago. deserting a wife to whom he had been manic and for nine years, stole away Monday from the little flat which they had oc upied at 1199 Green street in San Francisco, where they we re discovered Sunday, living uuder the name of taking with them their baby boy born two months ago.J*