Newspaper Page Text
Title df Property Passes Into
Other Hands and Name
Changes To Butts
County Pro
I > i *•
The Jacksonian comes to its read
ers with this issue under anew name
and new ownership. Accounts
will, of course, stand as they were and
aubscribers who heretofore received
The Jacksonian will hereafter be
greeted by The Butts County Progress.
The poet may have been correct
'when he said: “What’s in a name?
A rose with another name smells
just as sweet,” but he did not de
stroy that deep-rooted desire in the
iiuman mind for preferences.
This new name is our own prefer
ence and comes partly as a natural
(result of the variation in the tastes
and ideas of human beings, and part
ly because the new management
-would have it become synonomous
with What is best for the growth and
developement of everything and ev
erybody in the great old County of
The Jacksonian was bought be
cause wo believe in its future be
cause we believe in Butts County,
in the greatness of its people and the
'richness of its soil. Out of the scores
of other places in Georgia to which
wecoalu ..u gou.i, Jackson has been
selected, and we are going to try to
rise to the opportunity whose bright
■allurings have brought us in your
Having just arrived on the scene,
and having our “bearings” to acquire
in other words having to get star
ted, we are paiufully conscious of the
many faults ot the present issue but
.hope to improve with each issue.
May it grow iu the favor of the peo
ple and may the time come, as we in
tend for it to come, when The Prog
ress wll be welcomed in every home
in Butts County.
Birmingham, Ala., Ocfc. 29. The
■prohibition wave which swept through
.Jefferson county as expressed at the
polls Monday, carried withit a ma
jority that will probably reach 1,800
Jefferson has gone dry. One of the
greatest labor cities in the south has
decided to try prohibition, and upon
the experiment will depend the suc
cess of other Interested communities.
It was the most memorable day in
the history of the city, and the may
or, sheriff and all public officials are
determined to give it a fair trial.
Backed up by an aroused public senti
ment, they are going to do all possi
ble to eliminate whiskey from Jeffer
■son county.
Women and children, the greatest
power behind the movement, began
their work in the cold wind in the ear
ly morning yesterday, serving coffee
and tying ribbons on the voters as
they approach the polls. Many of
them congregated about the polling
places and talked to each individual
“Jefferson’s Going Ery!”wasthe
slogan of the prohibitionists, and
they did hot relax their efforts until
the polling booths had closed,
P'rmingham proper went “wet’ by
• 10 2 majority.
The first number of the lyceum
course will be presented at the school
auditorium Thursday night november
7th. This i3 one of the highest priced
attractions, and if all accounts are
true will'be a treat to those who are
Season tiekets can be had for $5 00.
Tickets will be delivered within the
next few days to those who have sign
ed for hem.
Very Truly,
W. R. Lanier.
Macon, Ga., October 28.—Because
he robbed two small boys of 75 cents
end attempted to rob a man of another
small amount, John Walker, a negro,
was lynched at Byron at an early
hour Sunday.
Byron is a small place in Houston
county and the story was brought
here by "passengers on the South
western train, which passed through
Byron this afternoon.
According to the passengers the ne
gro robbed the boys Saturday night
and was holding up a man when Mar
shal Tom Johnson appeared. The mar
shal ordered the negro to surrender,
but the latter drew a revolver and
tried to Kill the officer. A general
fight followed, in which several parties
were involved before the negro was
finally arrested and lodged in the sta
tion house.
Early in the morning, however, un
known parties stormed the prison in
which the negro was confined, drag
ged him from his cell and after carry
ing him a short distance riddled him
with bullets. The corpse was then
thrown on a log fire and partly burn
The half charred remains were ta
ken up today and viewed by a large
crowd of people.
The purchase of an IDEAL is not
an expense in any sense, but a means
of economy, as more money is expen
ded in every home duriDg the year
aud in every hotel and institution
within three months for items that
the machine will save, such as labor,
fuel, board for laundry help and the
extra wear on the goods laundered by
the old primitive method, than the
cost price of the machine, and with
ordinary care they will last 10 to 20
Just RembemberThls.
When It comeß to labor-Baving de
vices in any line, it pays to get the
best. The cost may be greater in
the beginning, but it is cheaper in the
end. The IDEAL is cheaper at the
price at which it is universally sold
than any other machine would be as
a gift. Why? Because it pays for
itsself in the saving of time, fuel and
clothing. Other machines don’t do
For Sale By
W.L. Whitehead.
will visit McDonough
Through the efforts of Congressmen
Adamson, Griggs Livingston and Lee,
and Commiabioner of Agriculture
Hudson, the farmers of Georgia will
have daring the next few months the
opportunity to secure, free of cost,
the personal advice of agricultural ex
perts who ate doing their work under
the direct supervlaion of the United
Btates department of agriculture.
One of the best known agricultural
specialists in the south E. Gentry,
who has been in the service of the
government for many years, has been
assigned to Georgia by the farmers’
cotton and co-operative section of the
national agricultural department,
and is now in Atlanta preparing to
tuke up his work among the farmers
of the state.
G. M. Davis, state lecturer of the
Farmers, Union has been secured by
Mr. Gentry as his assistant, and in
addition six sub-assistants will at
once be appointed. While the Far
mers’Union has no connection with
this co-operate in the efforts of the
efforts of the experts to raise the
standard of farming In Georgia.
The appointments already made by
Messrs. Gentry and Davis are a9 fol
lows :
Cedartown, Ga. —October 29.
Rockmart, Ga. —October 80.
Caitersville, Ga. —October 81.
Marietta, Ga.—November 1.
Decatur, Ga. —November 2J
V. - , ) ("a —N. vemhcr 4.
Fairburn, Ga. —November 6.
McDonough , Ga. —November 8.
The editor of the Messenger has
suggested that I write a few words in
regard to forest fires. The sugges
tion is a timely one ; for in the fall
months the woods are very liable to
take fire. The trees arecpsting their
foliage; and the dead leaves, mixed
with the browned grass and herbage,
under the influence of the long, sun
shiny fall days become very inflam
mable. The woods should be protec
ted from fire at all times: but duriDg
the fall mouths special care should
be exercised,
The reason why the woods ought to
be protected from fire, is that fire is
the greatest enemy of the woods.
Some people contend that a fire
running through the woods does no
narm ; but they are mistaken. Even
a light fire does a great deal of harm.
Fire consumes the leaves and other
litter that would decay and enrich
the soil. Fire injures the roots that
that are near enough to the surface
to get scorched. Fire kills the bark
at the base of the tree, which weak
ens the tree and makes it more liable
to disease. Sometimes these fire
scars grow over aud dissapear; but
they are still iu the wood, and when
the tree is cut it may be necessary
to butt off a portion of the bottom
log on account of the defect caused
by the fire scar.
In some sections of the state the
practice of burning the woods to im
prove the pasturage prevails. It is
true that burning often improve
pasturage: but it does so at the ex
pense of the woods. When the in
jury to the young growth and soil is
taken into account, the gain is over
balenced by the loss. It would be
cheaper In the long run to seed down
a tract of cleared land and make a
first pa':' ire out of it, and keep
the fire out of the woods.
One feature of this burning for
It ia understood that Messrs. Park
Newton and George Carmichael will
soon resign as captain and filrst-lleu
tenant, respectively, of the Jackson
Military Company.
It seems widely recognized that
these young men have done splendid
service in holding the company with
in the strict requirements of |the Dick
Bill and their resignation will be re
Military companies exist in many
cities over the state. They are
reooganized as serviceable orgnlza
tions instead of a hurt to any com
munity, and their existence represents
the progress and up-to-dateness which
should be going on in each town.
Other young men are being consid
ered to fill the vacant places caused
by the resigning officers.
pasture is the liability of destroying
other peoples property. The fences
on the old home farm in Bartow conn
ty where I grew up, were burned up
sevoral times within my recolection
by neighbors who were burning to
improve pasture. The practice is a
wasteful one to the owner and dan
gerous to his neighbor, and it ought
to be abandoned.
A fire in the woods ought to be re
garded as a public calamity. Every
body ough to turn out and help fight
it. Everybody ought to do his share
to prevent its recurrence.
Professor of Foresty
in University of Georgia.
Athens, Ga.
‘ Hold your cotton for 15 cents.
It’s worth it; and it is being held
too.” said President 0. S. Barrett, of
the National Farmers Union, Tues
day morning. ‘ Look at the receipts.
‘‘There is no reason for selling cot
ton below the minimum of 15 cents
fixed by the cotton organizations,”
he continued. ‘‘The bankers, most of
them, are standing by the planters
and the South has plenty of money
to hold the crop until it brings the
price fixed.
‘‘See what Texas is doing. You
know what a big proportion of the
worlds crop is raised in that state.
Texas is not selling cotton now, but
is holding it for 15 cents.”
In every county in the cotton grow
ing territory where the union is or
ganized a meeting will be held on Nov
ember 9, and here the planters will be
shown exactly the situation. It is
shown that the New York Exchange
has sold cotton to the spinners for de
livery in November and the succeed
ing mouths at prices far below the
minimum demanded by the planters,
aud they must deliver the goods when
called for or pay the difference. There
has not been enough cotton delivered
to run the mills according to the best
information, and it is believed that
the planters can demand 15 cents and
get it, if they will hold out for that
For Choice cut flowers of
all kinds for Receptions,
Weddings, Funerals, etc.,
telephone, telegraph or
Idle-Hour "Nurseries,
44-i2t ’ Macon, Ga.
... .
National President Charles 8. Bart*
lett of'the Farmer* Union, baa issued
the following address to the cottoß
growers, urging them to hold for the
15-oents minimum set by the Union:
"To the Members of the Farmers
Union Throughout the Colton Belt:
Now is the time for a strong pull, for
a pull altogether. Do not let another
bale of cotton go on the market. Ev
ery county and parish union in the
ootton belt le hereby called to meet
on Saturday, November 9, at 10 o’*
olook a. no.
‘‘Where it Is thought best, invite
non nnion farmers and all others that
are interested in obtaining the mini*
mum to meet with you in the after*
noon. The dumpers have about all
■old and a firm stand at this time
will win the victory.
“The New York exchange has sold
cotton to our customers, and spinnerf
for delivery November, December,
January and February at a price far
below our minimum and must deliver
the goods or put the cash. The only
thing for the farmers to do to put
them out of business absolutely Is to
hold every bale of cotton out of their
bands. There has not been enough
cotton delivered in the last sixty
day to run the mills for this period
by 400,000 boles.
O;. , t . .*■ p , Fr'?r the
regißtrv book of the University of
Georgia, containing the names of four
hundred and seventy-two students
this session, the following figures as to
religious beliefs are taken :
MethodUts 108; Baptists 182; Prei*
byterian 06; Catholic 7; Hebrdw 20;
Episcopalian 20; scattering 59.
In connection with the expression
of the religious beliefs of the stu*
dents of the University of Georgia, It
may bo remarked in passing that nev
er before in the history of the institu
tion has there been a more marked
attention paid to religious affairs by
the Btudents.
In no respect is this more apparent
than In the interest taken In the Bun
day-schools of the city by both facul
ty and student body. In the Baptist
Sunday-school Prof. 8. V. Sanford
has a class of students numbering
more than sixty members; in the
Methodist Sunday-school Profs. R.
E. Park and J. 8. Stewart have class
es with more than fifty students as
members; in the Presbyterian Sun
day-school Prof. Hooper has a large
students; Chancellor David
C. Barrow is superintendent of the
First Methodist Bunday-school: Prof.
J, F. Hart is superintendent Of the
Presbyterian Sunday-school; Prof. C.
M. Strahan is prominent in the Epis
copal Buuday-school and other mem
bers of the faculty are attendants up
on the various Sunday-schools of the
city. Dr. Koplowitz, rabbi of the Jew
ish congregation here, also a membef
of the faculty, takes charge of the
instruction of the twenty Hebrew
students. —Savannah News.
There will be preaching at Antioch
Church next Sunday morning and
night, the Saturday meeting being o*
mitted. The pastor, E, Everett Hol
lingsworth, who has been ill for two
months with typhoid fever, has r#
covered and expects to occupy the
Now we are going to see what we
shall see. Will the cotton growers be
able and willing to hold their cotton
until the cotton spinners are willing
ito .v for It at 15c a pound? We
1 trust >.