The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, November 01, 1907, Image 7

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ifi FORATABLE AND STATIONARY Engines AND BOILERS J*w, Lath and (jhimrie Mills. Injectors, Pumps and Fittings, Wood Saws, gDhtrera, Shafts. Pulleys, Belting, Gasoline Engines. t*HGE STOCK LOMBARD, fsudj/, and Soiiar Works and Supply Star*, AUGUSTA. GA. Can’t/m WogkjyipY Feel billons f Oo a splitting headache! A. Paint all over your f HICKS- £~7 avow.® *™ | OAw/b Dispels all aches IvQfi and pains immediately. 8 Bocalar Sizes, 25e and SOc. - All B BEANS AS~FOOD~ Have Great Value —Will Figure More as Meat Figures Less. This country raised 5.0G4.844 bush els of beans in 1900 and devoted 453,- 867 acres to their cultivation. That is at the rate of a little over eleven bushels to the acre, or a little less than the average yield for wheat the country over. New York state raises more beans than any other state ex cept Michigan, and California is third In the list. Roughly speaking, New York’s beans belt is the western half of the state. Here as In Michigan beans have partly taken the place of wheat as a staple crop. They have proved more remunerative and they have had the additional recommendation of improv ing the fertility of the soil through their ability to gather nitrogen from the air. Asa paper prepared by L. C. Corbett for the Department of Agriculture remarks, it is the bean's peculiar distinction to provide food for both man and soil. That makes It Invaluable in a scheme of crop rota tion. To the average American, beans mean string or snap beans, plucked when green from the small garden or canned in their green state. Thus produced they yield largely, as much as 200 bushels to the acre, the price ranging from $1 to $5 a bushel, ac cording to the season and nearness to a market. Yet the bean means some thing more. Certain varieties, like the cowpca, are valuable for grain, for hay, as good as alfalfa, and for green manuring unsurpassed. The kidney, the marrow bean and the pea are prime, foods in their dry state. Like other of the ancient crops of mankind, the bean requires more hand labor than the more recent food staples. In the advance of farm science, however, satisfactory harvest ers and thrashers have been devised. As an item of diet in this country beans will figure more as meat figures' less, and the annual production is Bure to be much enlarged.—Roches ter Democrat and Chronicle. Manual Training. “We want an education that shall develop the whole man —all his in tellectual, moral and physical powers should be drawn out and trained and fitted for doing good service in the battle of life. We want wise head3, but also skilled hands. There is a growing demand not only for men of knowledge, but for men of skill in every department of human activity. The tendency, then, in modern educa tion should be toward the practical. We must have less work and more of the shop and the garden; more of valuable time should be given to work relating to the anticipated occupation of life, and less to non-essentials. In the city schools, manual training, botany, economics, bookkeeping, sten ography and typewriting can he studied. In the country schools a knowledge of gardening, agriculture and animal industry should be added to the so-called higher studies. Cal vin M. Woodward, St. Louis. ’ Deafness Cannot Ce Cured bvlocal applications as theycannot reach the SSe&sed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube m in flamed you have a rumbling sou nd or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely Closed Deafness is the rc:-<ult, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and thi3 tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Ninetases oat of ten ar*caased bvcatarrii. which is ncthmgout an Inflamed condit’o-i of the mucous sun aces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused byca tarrh) tha t can not be curedby Ball's < ton-h CureSendfor circulars free. F.J.Ohehet & Co.,Toledo. O. Take llall’B°^ifmil y Pills for constipation. A PRIVILEGED CLASS. savs he thinks that there ought to be a privileged class in this 60 ‘‘Reilly,” exclaimed Miss Cayenne. “I didn’t know before that Mr. 81. pins had purchased a motor car - Washington St"-” FITS, St Vitus'D&nee :Ne rvoas Diseasas per manently cured by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve aestorer. F2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr- H. L. Kline, Lu,,131 Arch St„ Phila., Pd. DIFFERENT. "He took mo to the opera.” “Wasn't that grand?” “No, qomic.”—Cleveland Flala Dealer. BABY IN TERRIBLE STATE. Awful Humor Pat tug Away Face— Body a Mass of Sores—Outicura Cures In Two Weeks. "My little daughter broke out all over her body with a humor, and we uaed every thing recommended, but without results. I called in three doctors, but she continued to grow*worse. Her bod* ~as a mass of sores, ' and her little face was being eaten away. Her ears looked as if they would drop off. Neighbors advised me to get Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and before I had used half of the cake of Soap and box of Ointment the -sores had all healed, and my little one’* face and body were as elear as a new-born babe’s. I would Dot he without it again if it cost five dollars, instead of seventy-/ five cents. Mrs. George J. Steese. 701 Co burn St., Akron. Ohio, Aug. 30, 1905." New York has 67,000.000.000 gal lons of water stored away in its moun- j tain reservoir. Girlhood to' Womanhood Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound j' ELLEN M. OLSON The responsibility for a daughter’s future largely rests with the mother. The right influence and the infor mation which is of vital interest to the daughter imparted at the proper time has not only saved the life but insured the success of many a beau tiful girl. When a girl’s thoughts become sluggish, with headache, dizziness or a disposition to sleep, pains in back or lower limbs, eyes dim, desire for solitude; when she is a mystery to herself and friends, her mother should come to her aid, and remem ber that Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vege table Compound, made from native roots and herbs, will at this time prepare the system for the coming change, and start this trying period in a young girl’s life without pain or irregularities. It has been thus depended upon for two generations. Hundreds of letters from young girls and their mothers, expressing gratitude for what Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound has done for them, are constantly being re ceived. Miss Ellon M. Olson, of 417 N. East St., Kewanee, 111. writes:— Dear Mi's. Pinkharu: — “I have had the best doctors in our town for my sickness and they all thought tbnt an operation was necessary. I had headache, No other remedy has such a record of actual cures of female ills. Thousands of women residing in every part of the Lnited States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia K. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and what it has done for them. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound; a Woman’s Remedy for Woman’s Ills. i t iiiiflPß— epwbuwl THE MAN WHO SWEARS BY| IKE FiSH BRAND SLICKER | rf is the titan who \ has tried to get the same service out of some = V* > other make Clean • Light - Durablo Guaranteed Waterproof and Sold Everywhere at S3OO ILIVSTBATCD CAULOd f sec ros rat ,y- jrtx.D.,*— NAUTICAL. W T inks —That medical gentleman hovering over the bar reminds me so of my nautical experience. Dinks-rßecause he is half sea* over? Winks —No, no; not so crude as that. Because the bartender Is put ting the schooner into the dry doc.— Judge. NO TOADYISM. “We have no toadyism in America." “No?" “No; we cal’, it respect for the of flea,”— -Pittsburg Post. iEreole Will Restore those Gray (fairs- Rats and the Plague. It Is now an accepted fact by bac teriologists and other authorities In India that future efforts to stay tho ravages of the plague must first and foremost be concentrated upon the ex termination of the rata. What a gi gantic—one might almost write super human-task this will be any one who has the slightest acquaintance with India will realize. Calcutta. Bombay,, Poona and, Indeed, every town and | village from north to south and from east to west, swarm with rats, which multiply at an alarming rate. Much may be done, of course, in the erec tion of new buildings to see that these are as rat-proof as' human skill and Ingenuity can make-them, and this is something that is being impressed most carefully upon every local build ing authority in the dependency at the present time —London Telegraph. ANOTHER EASTERN PERIL. Mrs. Dashaway: “Yes, while we were In Egypt we Tisited the pyra mids. They were literally covered with hieroglyphics.” Mrs. Newrich: "Ugh! Wasn't you afraid sofhe of 'em would git on you?" —Philadelphia Record. CLARA ETtIARMIWABTER. sidcacho, and my feet wore so sore I could hardly stand. I took two bottles of Lydia E. Piukham’s Vegetable Compound when my periods were established and now I am perfectly well. Mama savs she wont be without your inedieme in tne house. I have told one girl what Lydia E. Piukham* Vegetable Compound hus done for me and she is taking it now.” Miss Clara E. Darrnstarlter, of 458 Breckenridge St..Buffalo,N.Y.,writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkhnm : “For about a year, except during the past few months, I suffered with severe pains every month, with backaches and headaches. I had the blues so bad that 1 was in despair. It is a pleasure to tell you that Lydia E. Pinkluuu's Vegetable Compound baa cured me. The change in my appearance is won derful and I desire that this good may come to every sufferer. Any one desiring to know further details may write to mo and I shall be glad to give them.” If you know of any young girl who is sick and needs motherly advice, ask her to address Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., and tell her every detail of her symptoms, and to keep nothing back. She will receive advice abso lutely free, from a source that has no rival in the experience of woman’s ills, and it will, if followed, put her on the right road to a strong, healthy and happy womanhood. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs cures where others fail. MALSBY COMPANY, 41 S. rOB>VTB ST., ATLANTA, OA., Manufacturers if and Dealers in ill lindi tf MAC HINERY AND SUPPLIES. Portabla. Stationer? and Traction Kngines. 801 l era Saw Mllia and Oriat Mill*. Wood-working and Shin •la Mill Machinery. Oomplata Una carriad in stock Writ* for catalogue prloae. Addi >aa all oonmnnloa •, u to Atlanta. Ga. Wa Lava ao connections le Aadtuoordla. Fla. The smaller a man is the more noise he makes a3 he goes through this world. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens thegums, red ucesinflamma tion, allays pain,cures wind colic, 25c a bottle THE PLACE. He: "I cannot, simply cannot, get close enough to you.” She; ‘Then let’e go out for a ride In a Broadway car.”—Life. %_ , 1 l&U iXj€*S&Z --| Doctoi’a recommend it in their prescrip- I 2 tions. It cures constipation and indi- I gestion. Leaves none of the bad effects ] of calomel and other violent remedies. Valuable ap a tonic. Cures stomach and liver troubles with nature’s remedies. 1 Helps every age and sex. Hundreds testify to its worth. W. D. | Thomas, of Boaz, Ala., says: “The fact | that lam alive and well today, I believe ! to be due to the use of Nubian Tea.” All dealers sell it. Manufactured by SPENCER MEDICINE COMPANY Chattanooga, Tenn. MnTC|COpApIjCDC WAMTPn ! ’ rom tkit Inrtltttte bfor* nxt Mtirch. This Itiß J I LLLU ilHr il LllO if Mil ILU *xcliiklyv Telegraph Institute, nor a BusiiiMi Ool* | lege. In chnrKO of ex-rnilwny official*. KntAhliaked Year*. Main line* of L A N. R. R. in Sohool-rooms. Position* paying W 0 ner month anti Bp ward absolutely gnarnnta4 m wm'ii our gruduatow under a SIOO Guaranty Kond. You con work for o> pxuviiaatf. Write for Catalog. NATIONAL TBLKUKAPH INSTITUTK, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. L. DOUGLAS A $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES JBBBL jr=£oSHOES FOR EVERY MEMBER afojS?' TCTL THE FAMILY, AT ALL PRICES. W*** aRSr • t&EsA $23,000 j Ml*. mk 1 Wfipn 'a $3 A $3.30 mhoom nC wwmm (tiian any other manufacturer. THE REASON W. L. Douglas shoos are worn by more people in all walks oft ife than any other mukais bcratis* of their /wßjyJWr excellent style, e nay-fit ling, and superior wealing qualities. r l he selection oftholeathern and other materials for each part JT of the shoe and every detail of the making i slooked after by >s./ vfMr $ the most complete organiratioi of superintendents, foremen and - : y skilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid in the mWwAY ahoei ndustrv, and whose workmanship cannot be excelled. If I could take yout nto mylarae factories at Brockton .Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes arc made, you would then understand why they hold thoirghapo, fit better, ni wear onger an<l are of greater value tha*i any other make. My $4.00 and $6.00 O/LT EDGE Shoe* cannot be ecu*Hod at any price. CAUTION 1 The genuine have W. L. Douglaa name and price stamped on bottom. Take No Substitute, jtsk your dealer for W.L. Douglas shoes. If he cannot supply you, send direct tof actory. Shoe* sent everywhere by mail. Catalog free. W. L. Dongle*, Brockton, Mesa. ntersmith!s MLiU TONIC A . ii. Standard for 46 years: leaves no bad effects j Chills hke quinine; pleasent to take; children like It, „„ ** eetdom tails to mtk* permanent oure. Guaranteed under Food and Druge Act of lone I Feverß 30, 1906. At your druggletet or sent prepaid . on reoelpt ot price. r>d $1 ARTHUR PtTEff A CO., Oen’l Agte, Louisville, Ky. CRESCENT ANTISEPTIC £Sf GREATEST HEALER KNOWN TO SCIENCE. gB K2C Non Poisonous, Non Irritating. Allnye Inilamnikuon and atop. HffilL f 4 pam from any enuue. As strong an carbolic acid and an harmleea a. WBa L. 4 sweet milk. C'uren burn, instantly; cures old and chronic sorea; cures sores and inflammation from any cause on man or beaat. For fowls —-cures cholera, sore head and roup. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. For Sals by-all VlritrC,uw> Dealer.. Ufsd. by LHEStKST CHEMICAL CO., ku. Worth, ’J'iiaa CUM3E3D ND-EVERBEARINQ 1907 lIIiCOKU APRIL 20 TO JULY 4TH. fill' 1 A Marvel of hoiiotr, SluTand IlirH Froilnctl vane-. Stock limit. ,1 t'L, e.\. 80V NOW. j/lant EAK. "IT fw * J.Y an'l have bar r las JO pill |v p Wnh nert Spring- Hood for 1 „\l 1 now cutaloauu and booklet , 'iJ Ip "How to Beautify Homo." M \ o THE CUMBERUKO NURSERIES, JT iisunl ***' TO MEASURE VALUE ON EARTH f\ON'T bur your nt I J suit ofclclhes un dtr mnr clrcum itancrs until you have cut cut tWie pdvertlao ment <ZL moiled It to ua. Wo will then wad you ABSOLUTELY FREE our samples of cloth, measurement blank mid tape lino, a a a Wo aunuhciura alt our own clothing and sail direct to the wearer end • Ire you a better suit of dailies et a smelter •rlce the* mnr Arm lr the Vn lied Steles. Wa •ere you the retailers store rant, hie pro At. the salary he pare tor his ao teamen and other •*- petaesa. Our traits ere of the highest order ter style, trimmings, make end wearing qualities. Any men who fails to send lor ear samples will be les ln£ good hard money out of his own WE OUABANTee TO I'LEASfi VOU OR RETURN VOUR MONEY CHM-RFUULV Trie m \ jAwt iuu,lat„ <nM W awmudM vk-t (sad win r-uc fetatrat. Klkrlu Daa'tto.r-wtuta^sr Regent Woolen Mill* Cos. Sent. No. lu. ft* sirlils Tfeompson’s Eye Water * (At44-’O7) „ J 1 ’ / STAR Sate ronimpAß&EASYKmKe _ IT HAS NO EQUAL 97 Years Ila a long tint* for an article to remain on the market and retain Ita rep utation for reliability. I Johnson’s 1 Afio^finiment Established la 1810, holds thie reoord. Teknn internally on sugar it has no equal In on ring coughs, colds, croup, colic, etc. J4c., time times as much Hue. All dealers. 1. 8. JOHNSON & CO , Poston, Mass. nflßCm To convince any Sir■ ■YK n woman that Pa*- Pw| Ikpr Ijan [flag title Antlaaiptlc still gr* BH Si Improve her health ti n 0 K„„, VL—. and do all wo claim ■ ■m HS EEHH f„ r It, Wo will send her absolutely free a large trial box of Faxtlne with book of instruc tions and genuine testimonials, bond your name Mid address on 8 postal card. DAYTIME^" 1 ,?. rAA I HVtgi^ fectlons, such as aasal catarrh, pelvic catarrh and Inflammation caused by femi nine ills; sore eyes, sore throat and mouth, by direct local treatment. Its cur ative power over these troubles U extra ordinary and gives Immediate Thousands of women are using ana rec ommending It every day. 80 cents at druggists or by mall. Remember, however, IT <;<>BTS VOU NOTHIKG TO TRY IT. TIIK K. PAXTON CO., Boston, Maas.