The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, November 01, 1907, Image 8

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BIG FIRE THREATENED .AT “OIL MILL SUNDAY AT NOON. Ths fir* *l*rm occasioned some lit tle excitement Sunday at noon when It waa learned that the fire waa in the neighborhood of the oil mill. Sever al aoorea of people flocked to the oene to learn that a email blaze was burning in the oil mill's hull house which adjoins nearby. The struc ture was of wood and the probability of a big fire was quite apparent when the volunteer boys arrived with their hose. All trace of the fire was rapidly ex tinguished. R. F. D. 2. f The Old Stork came last week and brought Mr. aDd Mrs. John D. Thom as al2 lb girl to brighten their home. Mrs Homer Maddox is real sick at ibis writing, we are sorry to state. Mr. F. H Lee spent last Monday S-A/y. If you think you are entitled to the best, call on us and get it. We don’t carry shoddy stuff, and don’t propose to do a shoddy business, but will always carry the best of everything in our line as cheap as can be Sold. Everything guaranteed from prices down. Our motto, “A square deal to all.” KINARD & CLARK PHONE 60. JACKSON MARBLE CO. When in need of a monument to mark the spot where you have laid YOUR LOVED ONE Come to our yard and let us show you some of the lovely designs that we have made for you. Our work is of the best, and our prices are right. JACKSON MARBLE CO. CASTORIA Tbe Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and w-hioh has f>een in use for over 90 years, has borne the oignatnre of— and has been made under his per- Sonal supervision since its infancy. J-ccccAcA* Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, .Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tbe Children’s Panacea —Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS yj Bears the Signature of The KM You Me Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. VMS OCNTAUII COMPANY. YT MURRAY A TRY FT, WWttM C is Atlanta on busloess. Wo under stand he will move his family to At lanta right away. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Maddox will soon move his family to Fiovilla where they will live in the future. The Misses Jones of Stark, with Messrs. L. A. Maddox and Dave l'horntcn of Jackson visited Miss Ber nice Byars of Juliette last Sunday. We think every body must have gone to the show last Mondav as there was’nt anybody at home. BUSTER BROWN. • - - - - - For Guardianship. GEORGIA, Butta County.— To all whom it may concern: W. M. Taylor, having applied for Guar dianship of the persons an property of Von Taylor, and Madge Taylor, minor children ofE.C. Adams, late of pike County, de ceased, Notice is given t -at said applica tion will be heard at my office at ten o’clock a.m. on the first Monday in Novem her next. This Oct. 7-1907. J. H. HAM. Ordinary. Two Pianos Free! $12,500 in Other Prizes 0 First Prize $460 Kimball Piano Second Prize $350 Kimball Piano A CONTEST OF SKILL COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. GET BUSY. EVERY READER OF THIS NOTICE HAB AN OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A FINE KIMBALL PIANO FREE OF COST, OR A SUBSTANTIAL PAYMENT TOWARDS ONE. HOW MANY CORRECT WORDS CAN YOU COMPILE FROM THE LET TERS USED TN SPELLING THESE THREE WORDS “The Kimball Piano” ■ jl. a m /r\ yrrvrtt at.t, piano s.beolatoly fraa to the person sending- ns the highest First Pri ut <■ consci woma. _ . M . .6. ** *- *-. TrrarwAT.T. FLIKO absolutely free to the next highest list of corraot Second Prize—s3so w it . _ . *ro the nest live highest lists will be awarded CXSHT2TXOATES OP CBEDXT for Other Prizes— Tc the next live highest lists will be a..... clod SIOO Certificates. To the next five highest lists will he awarded $95 Certificates. To the next five highest lists will be awarded S9O Certificates. To the next five highest lists will be awarded SBS Certificates. To the next five highest lists will be awarded SBO Certificates. To the next five high est lists will he awarded $75 Certificates. Pollovring 1 those in groups of five eaoh of the next five highest lists will be awarded Certificates for One Dollar lees than the preceding prize, until the entire $13,500 shall have been distributed. RULES AND CONDITIONS OF CONTEST. Lints must reach our office or bear post date not later than No 'ember 16th, 1907. Webster’s International Dictionary to be authority for all words. Do not use foreign words, proper names or names of persons, towns or places. Do not use a letter more times In forming a word than It appears in the words, 'The Kimball Plano. Words spelled the same, but having different meanings, can be used but once. T t>w _ . vmt nf .ip r,rises of eaua.l value will be given. No one connected with the piano business ln> any way C 4, Dillon c'i STLmust Sot -or. th.n . c.rUHc.t. .IM on h. .. f,kl I '°r'j .tea tantmuet'*^loaka” Hat alphabetically and cumber words and must All out, sign and attach coupon to list. L!*te not made alphabetically or numbered, or unaccompanied by signed coupon will be subject to re- JeCtl< £he winners of the prizes will be determined by three judges, two of whom will be prominent citizens of Atlanta, the other a representative of W. W. Kimball Cos. , EXAMPLE SHOWING HOW LIST SHOULD BE MADE. ABB K X * * MHO F , * . * 3 Flk 7 Hat In U Kill IS Lap IS Main 17 Net 19 Oak 21 Pet 2 tie 5 let £ l Hot 1C Ink 12 Kiln 14 Lot 16 Mink IS Not 20-One 22 Pit. IMPORTANT FEATURES The reason for this grand free distribution of prizes is simply to advertise the Kimball Piano. The W. W. Kimball Cos., the largest manufacturers of pianos in the world, desiring to impress the name, “Kimball,” indelibly upon the minds of all who may now or at some future time- need a piano, makes this great offer. It Is the custom these days with many manufacturers to spend large sums yearly in expen sive magazine advertising. The Kimball Cos. prefer to advertise their pianos in a more direct way, going straight to the people, through their dealers and offering these prizes. The adver tising results are thus obtained for the Kimball piano and the people benefit to the extent of thousands of dollars. The W. W. Kimball Cos. was one of the first to establish the one-price system. Kimball pianos are sold the world over at a uniform price. They are always marked in plain figures at their lowest selling price. Purchasers of Kimball pianos always have the as surance that they get value received, their dollar going Just as far as any other’s. They are also assured of & genuine reduction to the full amount their certificates may call for. Kimball pianos are sold on the easy payment plan if so desired. NOTICE TO CONTESTANTS This contest is conducted through the Wester Music Cos., 64 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga, and is the only one we will hsld in this state. The prizes issued to the winners will be redeemable only by the Wester Music Cos. J, x.. COTTER, Manager Advertising Dept, W. W. Kimball Cos. OUT, FILL OUT AND ATTACH THIS COUPON TO YOUR LIST OF WORDS THE WESTER MUSIC CO., (Contest Dept.) Atlanta, Ga. I herewith submit a list containing ..........words subject to rules and conditions governing Contest Name .. • < No. U, Street Town ... ... * * ‘.7 State*... t . I Peachtree THE WESTER MUSIC GO. Al T rA ' If you buy your oysters of us you will get oysters. We sell oysters at 40c per quart and then if you want soup we will give you soup. J. B. Edwards & Son. It is rumored that John D. Eocke feller has succeeded in tracing his lineage to a French baron of the year 150 A. D. Uhlike most people of such noble decent. Jonn D. is not living on the money the baron stole.—Ex. Subscribe for The Progress. There is no spectacle more distaste-' ful than a trimmer —a fellow split to the shoulders in the endeavor to straddle both sides of every question, and to belong to both parties at the same time.—Ex. Subscribe for The Progress,