The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, January 23, 1908, Image 3

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This woman says that sick women should not fail to try Lydia E. Pinkhain’s Vegetable Compound as she did. Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lawrence St., Denver, Col., writes to Mrs. Pinkham: “1 was practically an invalid for six years, on account of female troubles. I underwent an operation by the doctor’s advice, but in a few months I was worse than before.- A friend, ad vised Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and it restored me to perfect health, such as I have not enjoyed in many years. Any woman suffering as I did with backache, bearing-down pains, and periodic pains, should not fail to use Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.” FACTS FOR SiCK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don’t you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Berlin’s patrolmen ere 1 to 340, Liverpool’s are 1 to 449, London’s 1 to 496 and Philadelphia has one patrolman for every 511 citizens. On Manhattan Island there is hut one policeman to ever 643 inhabitants. Something New Under the Sun. A lady in Illinois sent us 12c a year ago for our remarkable collection of vegetable and flower seeds and sold $37.76 worth therefrom, or made 314 per cent. That's new. Just send this notice with 12c and re ceive the most original seed and plant catalog published and 1 pkg. ‘‘Quick Quick” Carrot $ .10 1 pkg. Earliest Ripe Cabbage 10 1 pkg. Earliest Emerald Cucumber 15 1 pkg. La Crosse Market Lettuce 15 1 pkg. Early Dinner Onion 10 1 pkg. Strawberry Muskmelon 15 1 pkg. Thirteen Ray Radish .10 1,000 kernels gloriously beautiful flower seed 15 Total . .SI.OO Above is sufficient seed to grow 35 bu. of rarest vegetables and thousands of bril liant flowers and all is mailed to you POSTPAID FOR l'2c, or if you send. 16c, we will add a package of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower. John A. Salzer Seed Cos., La Crosse, Wis. A. C. L. A PUSHING LINES. A party of traveling men in a Chi cago hotel were one day boasting of ;the business dene by their respective firms, when one of the drummers isaid: “No house in the country, I am /proud to say, has more men and wo linen pushing its line of goods than imlne.” “What do you sell?” he was asked “Baby carriages!” shouted the drummer, as he fled from the room. A Texas Shooting Wonder. The World’s Records for wing shooting with a rifle were “smashed to flinders in San Antonio, Texas, recently by Adolph Topperwein. a native of the Lone State He shot for ten consecutive days at 2% inch wooden blocks thrown in tne air at a distance of 20 feet from him. missing only 4 out of the first 50,000 and but ■> out of 72,500. During bis shooting lie made runs of 14,540, 13,599, 13,292 and 13,:. 19 hits without missing. In doing this wonderful shooting he used only two .22 calibernfles- Winchester repeaters. His ammunition was of the smokeless powder variety made by the Winchester people and famed for i .s accuracy and cleanliness. There’s always room for several —at the bottom. " Itch cured in 30 minutes by VVoolford’s Sanitary Lotion, it ever fails. At u. =* Don’t blame the leap year maid for trying to make a name foi herself. f For Over Half a Century Brown’s Bronchial Troches[have .been unexcelled as a cure for hoarseness, coughs and sore throat. If a tourist from the other side ci the world should cross the Lnltea States in October he would be pr • foundly impressed by the corn The straight rows of shocks on immense farms in the west would.ex cite the traveler’s wonder as much as the rice fields of Japan, the tea tions cf Northern India, or the wht fields of the Nile astonish and de light the American who beholds tb ; for the first time.— Philade.pbia Pr*-*. WOMBN’3 WAYS. "The idea!” exclaimed Mrs. Kad ley, I wonder why that woman Is watching me so?” Probably, ’ replied her husband, she s trying to find out why you are staring at her. ’ —Philadelphia Press. FI TS, St. Vitus'Dance Nervous Diseases per manently cured by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Kestorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St.. Phila., Pa alas: too true. “After all,” said the optimist, “our neighbors turn out to be better than some of us seem to think them to be.” “Perhaps,” replied the pessimist, “but none of them will ever turn out to be as good as moat of us seem to think they ought to be.”—The Catho lic Standard and Times. Deafness Cannot Be Cored bylocalapplications as theycannot reach th# diseased portion of the ear." There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous liniDg of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed yon have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this t<ube re stored to its normal condition, healing will be destroyed forever. Nino cases out of ten are caused bycatarrh, which is nothingbut an inflamed condition of the mucous aoriaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for auy case of Dearness (caused bycatarrh) that ean notbecuredby Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F.J.Oh3NEy & Co.,Toledo,O. Sold by Druggists, Toe. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Divine Clamor Appreciated. The family were gathered In the library admiring a splendid thunder storm when the mother bethought herself of Dorothy alone in the nur sery. Fearing lest her little daugh ter should be awakened and feel afraid, she slipped away to reassure her. Pausing at the door, however, ip a vivid flash of lightning which il lumined the whole room, she saw her youngest olive-branch sitting straight up in bed. Her big brown eyes were glowing with excitement, and she clapped her chubby hands while she shouted encouragingly, “Bang it again, God! Bang it again!”—Brook lyn Life. Piles toured in 6 to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bdeeding or Protruding Piles in 6to 14 days or money refunded. 50cl BUTTING IN. ' “I want you to write me a play.” “What sort of a play?” “Well, we have seventeen special ties. Get me up enotlgh stuff to wedge ’em apart,”—Louisville Cour ier-Journal. ' ITCHING HUMOR ON BOY. His Hands were a Solid Mass, and Disease Spread All Over Body— Cured in 4 Days by Cuticurn. “One day we noticed that our little t>oy was all broken out with itching sores. We first noticed it on his little hands. His hands were not as bad then, and we didn’t think anything serious would result. But the next day we heard of the Cuticura Remedies being so good for itching sores. By this time the disease had spread all over his body, and h'is hands were nothing but a solid mass of this itching disease. I purchased a box of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment, and that night I took the Cuticura Soap and lukewarm water and washed him well. Then I,dried him and took the Cuticura Ointment and anointed him with it. I did this every evening and in four nights he was entirely cured. Mrs. Frank Donahue, 208 Fremont St., Kokomo, Ind., Sept. 16, 1907.” She: “Doctor said I must keep my monii'a shut, when in the cold air." He: “I’ll open the window im mediately.”—London Tit-Bits. Taylor’* Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mnllcn is Nature’s great reme dy--cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Con sumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO per bottle. BOOK SELLERS VS. BEER CEL LARS. “What were the best six sellers when you were in New York?” in quired the Indiana literary expert cf his prosaic neighbor. “I’m blamed if I know," was the latter’s reply. “As far as I can re member we only visited five of ’em, an’ I didn’t pay much attention to their location.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer. w rg Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens thegums, r educesi nllamma tion, allays pain,cures wind colic, a bottle Strange Gifts. Strange gifts are often seen at har vest festival services In many places of worship in Cornwall. Recently at a Wesleyan chapel in the central por tion cf the county there were, In ad dition to fruit and vegetables, bottles of jam, post of pickles and two chiDa figures. Such peculiar gifts as rab blt pies, bottles of herb beer and “marinated” fish are not unknown in the same district.—Home Notes. ggggggg Verily a Cool Thief. It takes a cool thief to steal a cake of ice, nevertheless there is one who has been operating this specialty in Overbrook successfully for the last tv. r o weeks. The mysterious disappear-* ance of their morning Ice caused con stant quarrels between housekeepers and icemen, and some of the latter, as a result, have been losing busi ness. The householders frequently declared that the iceman didn't leave the dally cakes, and he argued that he did, and contended that his cus tomers allowed it to “sit” and melt in the sun. The ice thief was de tected in the act yesterday morning by a milkman, who saw him lifting a eake from the step of a house near 62nd street and Westminster avenue, using a pair of tongs. “Drop it," yell ed the milkman. “Rats,” answered the thief, and he ran off with his booty at record speed. The milkman shouted and shied a bottle after the runner. It fell short of the cool thief, however, and crashed in the street. The lesidents have a good description of the thief and are on the hunt. —Philadelphia Record. Little William: “My father has charge of over twenty men.” Little Jimmy: “Huh, that’s noth ing! My father has charge over your father.” Little William: “Well, my father makes more money than your father. He doesn’t own the shop.”—Bohem ian. CHRONIG RHEUMATISM STIFFNESS Are Speedily Relieved by a Hot Bath and Rubbing with the Antiseptic, Soothing, Penetrating, Stainless CLEAN TO USE rm harp’s IHnimehTJ And grateful letters from sufferers all ovei the world, prove that this treatment leads 1 to permanent, cure when all else has failed. Get it to day. 2 r >c. at, all Druggists. Sent postpaid on receipt of pried if your dealer does not carry . it. fcfin ard’s Liniment Mfg. Cos., South Fram ingham, Mass. Light SAW MILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES, SAWS ANP SUPPLIES, STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. _ * <| Side Centre' AtlaS Engines LARGE STOCK LOMBARD Foundry. Mtshine and Boiler Work* and olore, AUGUSTA. GA. “Shall we let Eddie Into our pirate gang. Bill?” “Naw. He wouldn’t make a good pirate—he’s a sissy.” “He Is?” “Sure. He paid to git into the football game las’ Saturday."—Den ver Post. WORK WEAKENS THE KIDNEYS. The Experience of Mr. Woods is the Experience of Thousands of Others. Bernard P. Woods, of Jackson Street, Lonaconing, Md., says: “Hard work and heavy lift ing weakened my kidneys. I was tired every morning and my limbs stiff and sore. Dizzy spells and headaches were frequent, and the kidney secretions much disordered. This continued for fifteen years and until I began using Doan’s Kidney Pills. Then I im proved steadily until cured, and nat urally I recommend them strongly.” Sold by all dealers, 50 cents a box. Foster-MUburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y. Jesse L. Livermore, the plunger, who cleaned up $3,000,000 In Wall street, and now has 300,000 bales of cotton, is only 28. Ten years ago he was marking prices on the board of a Boston broker’s office. Habitual Constipation flay be permanently am-come proper personal cjjovts with lire assistance of the one truly Wat ivc remedy, Syrup a|ligs an dlU'uirojSe nna, which eWaMeft one to jorm regular habits daily -tfolhot assistance to na ture tnay be gradually dispensed with when no longer needed astliebestoj? remedies, when required, arc to assist nature and net to supplant the natur al junctions, which must depend ulti mately upon proper nourishment, proper efforts, and right living generally. To get its beneficial effects, always buy the genuine ixir°f Senna * _ . manufactured t>y the California Fig Syrup Cos. only SOLD BY ALL LEAD INC DRUGGISTS one size only, regular price oO? i>- Bottle ■ill e m Thompson’s Eye Water ■BOTAHH /raSSsßra in tl l eJ ’ same soil - with the same seed, labor and farm expenses, gives from Two to Three Times the Yield of jg|3 POTATOES J , Facts '"are better than any amount of talk. If you wartt of the facts, let us send you our FreeL ßook, •** Profitable Farming.’ It gives the certified reports of a great number ,of .experi ments made by'farmers. It is brimful of scientific, practical; money-making information. Write for it to-day I .’ Address • ■ - •■/tf' GERMAN KAL| WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New YoHc Chicago—Monadnock Building Atlanta, 0a.—1224 Candler Building NO MORE MUSTARD BLASTERS TO BLISTER the Scientific and modern external counter-irritant. "j sb " 'in, . ■ ■"*"*" * 1 Capsicum-Vaseline. ; i|| I 1 EXTRACT OF -THE CAYENNE r ,1 If- -J 1 PEPPER PLANT TAKEN ..'l| i•.. I DIRECTLY IN VASELINE I 1 B DON’T WAIT TILL THE PAINTjJ < COMES-KEEP A TUBE HANDY , v A QUICK, SURE, SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIR,—PRICE 15c. —ln COLLAPSIBLE TUBES MADE OF PURE TIN—AT ALL DRUCCISTS AND DEALERS. OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. Itwill6top the toothache at once, and relieve Head ache and Sciatica. We recommend tt as the best and safest external counter irritant known also as an external remedy for pains in the cjtes* and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we ciaim for It, and it will be found to be Invaluable In the household and for children. Once used no family will be without It. Many-people say “ft is the best of all your preparations.” Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. Send your address and wa will mall our Vasellna Booklet describing our preparations whloh will Intereat you. 17 State St. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. New York City Vgff Curb or Splint mm T Slg JJ W I/ixvirrveivt If penetrates and relieves pain very W® quickly- needs very little rubbing -and does no! leave a scar or blemish. An antiseptic remedy for thrush, fistula and any abscess. PRICE 25i. 501 Zt $ |.OO SloortsTreofise on Horses. Cattle. Hogs ond Poultry* Sent Free ■nnßaßHnnannKßnraiwmraiiJnMMaMHß Oh! Papa don't forget to buy • bottle of CHENEY’S EXPECTO RANT for your little girl. You can buy It at any Drag Store and you know it never fafld to cure my Croup and Cough. liTYears [a is a lunii time for on article to remain fii on the market and retain Its rep utation for reliability. 1 Johnson s J * Mo^]imment| Established in 1810, holds thin reoord. I Takttti Internally on suggr It ha no **!**** H in curing coughs, cold*, croup, oolic, vc* ■ 2ft e., three time* ns much ftOc. All aeitlor*- ■ I. S. JOHNSON Xr CO.. Ponton, Maas. J (At4'oß)