The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, January 30, 1908, Image 2

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HOUSE WORK Thousands of American women in our homes are daily sacrificing their lives to duty. In order to keen the home neat and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo. A female weakness or displacement is often brought on and they suffer in silence, drifting along from bad to worse, knowing Avell that they ought to have help to overcome the pains and aches which daily make life a burden. It is to these faithful women that LYDIA E.PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND comes as a boon and a blessing, as it did to Mrs. F. Ellsworth, or Mayville, N. Y., and to Mrs. W. P. Boyd, of Beaver Falls, Pa., who say: “I was not able to do my own work, owing to the female trouble from which I suffered. Lydia E. Piukham’s Vege table Compound helped me wonderfully, and I am so well that I can do as big a day’s work as I ever did. I wish every sick woman would try it. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands oi women who have Ireen troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, Eiriodic pains, backache, that bear g-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don’t you try it ? Mrs. Plnkhum invites all sick women to writ© her for advice. She lias guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Ear’y Charleston Larva Henderson’* F* r br Early Wfakcfleld Type Wakefield Succession Winning Statdt Summer I am located on one of the Sea Islands of South Carolina, our climate is mild, just euffleient cold to harden and cause plants to stand severe freezing after aattin* out in the colder sections. / guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. Express rates to all pomtsvery lots, tt Prices: 1.000 to 5,000 at $1.50; 5,000 to 9,000 at *1.25; 10,000 and over at SI.OO. Ifyiai prices on lirgt lots. Send your order* to F. W. TOWZjXia. Pioneer Plant Orowor lUtrnk Mki, Ymi't hind. 1 8. Martin'* Point. .C. It Oittntt Pteot. Msrth’i ML X. t. Plain Talks on Fertilizers How to Get the Greatest Possible Yield per Acre It is a well-known scientific fact that in order to produce the very greatest possible yield from any soil it must contain an actual excess over and above all demands that can possibly be made on it by the plants. Many farmers will feed their stock as much nourishing food as they can possibly assimi late, yet will starve their crops on the mistaken notion that they are “economizing” on fer tilizer. The experiences of farmers, government experts, and agricultur- Ealists every where confirm the fact that plants, like ani mals, need the fullest possible amount of nour ishment that | they can obtain if they are to be developed to the utmost. The economy in fertilizers is not in the amount used but in the ratio of quality to cost. Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers are the best in the world for the least money. More than one million tons were Nicotine Poisoning. Asked by a “Dally Mall" represen tative if fatal nicotine poisoning could follow excessive cigar smoking, a medical man said: "There Is only a most minute quan tity of nicotine In tobacco smoke. To get the poison from tobacco the leave* must be soaked in some liquid. In solution it Is a most deadly poison, and has been known to kill in three minutes. Men who smoke much ab sorb a little through the mouth, but easily acquire a tolerance to the poi son and suffer no marked evil results. “Fatal cases of nicotine poisoning from smoking are ahaost unknown. “A sailor died some years ago of nicotine poisoning foUovrtag the acci dental swallowing of hie pVug of to bacco. In anether fatal easo a moth er gave her ehlld a solution of tobac co juice as a remedy for some In teetlnal complaint.”—^London Daily Mall. UNCLE SAM’S WAT. Englishman (on Atlantic liner): “Well, old chap, we’ll soon be en gaged with those blarsted Yankee custom inspectors.” American: “You bet! And re member, old man, that the United States expects every man to pay his duty!”—Puck. THE COOK’S CONSIDERATION. Mrs. Wiggß: “Cook has broken only one dish today, dear.” Mr. Wlggs: “That’s better. How did it happen?” Mrs. Wlggs: “It was the last one.” —Judge. CUTICURA CURED FOUR. Southern Woman Suffered With Itch ing, Burning Hash—Three Little Babies Had Skin Troubles-—Calls Cuttcura Her Old Stand-by. “My baby had a running sore on his neck and nothing that I did for it took effect until I used Cuticura. My face was nearly full of tetter or some similar skin disease. It would itch and bum so that I could hardly stand it. Two cakes of Cuti cura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment cured me. Two years after it broke out on my hands and wrist. Sometimes I would go nearly crazy for it itched so badly. I went back to my old stand-by, that had never failed me—one set of Cuticura Rem edies did the work. One set also cured my uncle's baby, whose head was a cake of sores, and another baby who was in tbs same fix. Mrs. Lillie Wilcher, 770 Elev enth St., Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb. 16, '07.” Probably nothing makes a girl so angry as the failure of some other girl to notice the new engagement ring. sold to Southern farm ers last year; and every year the demand be comes greater. The best results in producing com, the good old stand-by crop of the South, follow the application of 200 to 300 pounds of the right gggggggg fertilizer. Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers will greatly “in crease your yields per acre’* of corn or any other crop, even on poor land —and the most wonderful results are produced through its use on good land. Write today to the nearest office of the Vir- ginia-Carolina Chemical Com- "dm* pany for a copy judiced informa tion for planters and farmers. VTR G INTI A-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. Richmond, Va. Durham, N. C. Norfolk, Va. _ Charleston, S. C. Columbia, S. C. - Baltimore Mil, ttttttttttt Atlanta, G.v Columbus, Ga. Savannah Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Team Shreveport, La. j §>yrup#ngs t Senna acts geotly yet prompt ly onthe bowels, cleanses me system effectually, assists one in overcoming Habitual constipation permanently. To get its beneficial ejects buy tHe genuine. Manuf act ured by tbe CALIFORNIA Pio Syrup Cos. SOLD BT LEADING DRUGGISTS-604 p^BOTTUL ■/‘Ze&e' Write at once and learn why we secure best positions, and best salaries for our graduates. The mines of the world employ 5- 000,000 persons, and more than one tblrd of them are in the British Em pire. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. Heads of sensible women are never thatched with dyes tresses. THIS MAN’S BACK ACHED FOR TWO YEARS. Cured by Minard’s Liniment after all else had failed —we want you to send a postal for a Free Bottle. Minard’s Liniment Mfg. Cos., Dear Sirs:— I write you these few lines to let you know that I thank you for your sample of Min ard’s Liniment sent me about a week and a half ago. I want to tell you that I have had the back ache nearly two years, and could not get anything to cure it until I looked in the paper and found your adver tisement. 1 had spent a good deal of money and did not get any satisfaction out of it. Now 1 will tell my friends and neighbors about your great remedy fof all aches and pains, for I am feeling O. K. now. You can publish my name anywhere you like and I will recommend Minard’s Liniment. Yours very truly, Joseph Perry, 33 Ingraham St., E. Providence, R. 1., Jan. 7, 1908. The above letter is one of many telling of wonderful cures by Minard’s Liniment, and we again offer to send a special bottle Free to all who send a postal to Minard’s Lini ment Mfg. Cos., So Framingham, Mass. Man grumbles most where he is treated best —at home. Stop That Cough before it becomes chronic. Get Brown's Bronchial Troches, the best preparation known for coughs. When troubles start they come like a string of beads Avery & Company SUCCESSORS TO AVERY & McMILLAN. 51-53 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga* —ALL KINDS OF— MACHINERY '-*& - Sfe!'fw ; Reliable Frick Engines. Boilers, all Sizes. Wheat Separators. BEST IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplied promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors. Full line Engines A Mill Supplies, send for free Catalogue. $150.00 BUYS The most complete Saw Mill built in the Southern States. Gainesville Iron Works, Gainesville, Ga. FITS, St. Vitus'Dance: Nervous Diseases per manently cured by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. 13 trial bottle and treatise free. l)r. H. R. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. It is easy for a man to have the courage of his convictions if his bank balance is large enough. Only One “Bromo Quinine” ~ That is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for the signature of E. W. Grove. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 250. A woman would rather break a $5 bill than a 10-cent dish. LICE IN POULTRY. Borax Spray a Safe Preventive Simple, Cheap, Harmless to Fowls. “20 Mule Team” Borax was a good thing to rid poultry of lice. I had used so much inflammable Lice killers that my Poultry Houses were regular fire traps. I gave my S. C. W. Leg horn house a good spraying just two months ago. Since 1 have caught several hens and I found no lice. I am rid of lice and shall continue to use “20 Mule Team” Be-?:: as a spray, also as a wash. (Signed) MRS. B. R. BUFFHAM, Ros well. New Mexico. ACCOUNTING FOR IT. “I understand that old Titewad gave you a cigar yesterday?” “Yes.” “I wonder how he came to do that?” “I guess he must have known what kind of cigar it was.” —Houston Post. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put to gether, ana until the last few years was sup posed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & (Jo., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con stitutional cure on the market. It is taken in ternally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hun dred dollars for any cased fails to cure. Send for circularsand testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney &. Cos., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by Druggists, 75e. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. The Original Lemon. If they haven’t the original “lem on” up in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, they come pretty near achiev ing that distinction. In one of the cases containing the Edward C. Moore collection of Oriental art ob jects there l; is a group of pieces of Venetian glassware consisting of cups and vases of various kinds and shapes. On the lower shelf of this case there is a large-sized and perfectly shaped representation of a lemon In bright lemon-colored glass that must repre sent some artisan’s idea of a joke, for it has nothing to do with the ordi nary sort of pieces those glass-blow ing shops turned out at that time. As it dates from the sixteenth cen tury, it certainly antedates any lem on known to the present day. It never will be handed out to any one, however. —New York Press. Paper making in Japan has been very active for the last year or go. New companies have been formed, and old ones enlarged. Most Jap anese mills use steam for motive pow er, and' nearly all the machinery used is of American make. The most extravagant of monarchs In the matter of sea palaces is not, as one might suppose, the German Emperor, but the Czar of Russia, who owns no fewer than five steam yachts. CUBS’ FOOD " They Thrive On Grape-Nuts. •*■-■*=** - _ -t Healthy babies don’t cry, and th© well-nourished baby that is fed on Grape-Nuts is never a crying baby. Many babies who cannot take any other food relish the perfect food, Grape-Nuts, and get well. “My little baby was given up by three doctors, who said that the con densed milk on which I had fed her had ruined the child's stomach. One of the doctors told me that the only thing to do would be to try Grape- Nuts, so I got some and prepared it as follows: I soaked 1% tablespoon fuls in one pint of cold water for half an hour, then I strained off the liquid and mixed 12 teaspoonfuls of this strained Grape-Nuts juice with six teaspoonfuls of rich milk, put in a pinch of salt and a little sugar, warmed it and gave it to baby every two hours. “In this simple, easy way I saved baby’s life and have built her up to a strong, healthy child, rosy and laugh ing. The food must certainly be per fect to have such a wonderful effect as this. I can truthfully say I think it is the best food in the world to raise delicate babies on, and is also a delicious, healthful food for grown ups, as we have discovered in our family.’’ Grape-Nuts is equally valuable to the strong, healthy man or woman. It stands for the true theory of health. “There’s a Reason.” Read “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs. CLUBS USED ON ARMY OF IDLE Po! ce and “Unemployed” Paraders Have Clash in Chicago* BROKEN HEADS RESULT Crowd Was Only Routed When Leader Was Knocked Down and Placed Under ArmL An attempt of the socialists to bring about a “march of the unemployed’* through the down-town streets of Chi cago Thursday, resulted In two sharp fights with the police, in which the would-be marchers were routed after a number of men had been clubbed. Dr. Benjamin L. Reitman, the originator of the plan to march through the streets, and two of his followers were arrested. For several days Reitman, who is a socialist, had been making announce ments of his intention to hold a pa rade of “hoboes” and “unemployed,” despite the warning given him by Chief of Police Shipp that no march through the streets would be permit ted. Reitman, however, continued to defy the authorities and Wednesday night thousands of circulars were dis tributed through the downtown saloons aad lodging house district calling on all the men out of work to assemble at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon on the lake front. The chief of police early in the day reiterated his state ment that the march would not be permitted and directed that all the police force be held in reserve at the various stations. At a few minutes before 2 o’clock a crowd commenced to gather on Michi gan avenue in front of the Art Insti tute and in a few minutes a column w’hich was really a series of bunches of four and five, and, headed by Reit man, they started west on Adams street. The marchers proper did not number more than 200 at any time, but many hundreds of people followed them along the sidewalks and added to the confusion. After marching a block west on Adams street, Rsltman countermarch ed to Michigan avenue, passed north to Madison street and then marched west two squares on Madison street. Here he encountered a strong squad of police, who, after a command to disband had been disregarded, ordered his men to charge the marchers. The police came on a run and the column was instantly broken up. Several men were knocked down and the police, not attempting to make arrests, used their clubs freely in quickening the foot steps of the fleeing “unemployed.” Followed closely by the officers, the marchers darted into the crowd of shoppers along State street and seve ral women were pushed to the side walk during the confusion. No ar rests were made and nobody was se riously injured, although the police dealt vigorous thumps with their clubs on the backs of the marchers. A number of the marchers, after get ting away from the police, went south on State street, aiming to form an other column as they went. At State street and Jackson boulevard they had formed the semblance of another pa,* rade and, taking the middle of the street, they marched along, six abreast. Just before reaching Clark street they were met by another detachment of police. Another order to disperse met with no response, the marchers at tempting to shoulder their way along. The police instantly charged, swing ing their clubs right and left. The marchers fled wildly, some run ning in the doorway of the Union League Club, while others sought safe ty in the postoffica building. Others turned south into Clark street, but were quickly captured and placed un der arrest. BANK REFUSES TO PAY INTEREST- State National at New Orleans is Due louisiana Sum of SIO,OOO. Governor Blanchard of Louisiana an nounced Friday night that the Stats National bank of New Orleans has re fused to pay the state interest due on state money deposited with the bank during 1907. The amount due is a little over SIO,OOO. The bank’s refusal was based on the recent withdrawal of the state fund3 amounting to about $200,000 after di rectors of the bank had recommended that it go out of business.