The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, April 02, 1908, Image 4

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THEPROGRESS VAN WILHITE, editor and publisher. *>*' f E j IV<9 BV* . / Subscription $i oo Per Yr. Advertising Rates Furnished On Application. PiDltelKd €wry Chursdav. Entered a* necond-clani* matter, Novem ber 8, 1907, at the poatotfire at JaekHon, Ga. under act of Congrem of March •'!. 1879. JACKSON NO. 2 4 ‘Rough Rider” Wants a Correspondents Picnic Would Have Big Speakers and Brass Band to Furnish En tertainment, and People to Furnish Dinner. Mr. John Thaxton visited loved ones in West Butts on last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore went to Jackson shopping one day last week. Miss Beulah Hardy, of Atlanta, will visit her parents here Satur day and Sunday. Well we guess the election is over. We will have more room in the roads now. Mrs. Lucy Stewart and daugh ter, Miss Daisy, went to Jackson shopping last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nosworthy spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMichael. Misses Frank Bearden and Ed Funderburk took in the singing at Worthville last Sunday. Mr. Matt Maddox and family, visited Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Maddox a few days since. Miss Nettie Ray Pittman is spending this week in Jackson with relatives and friends. The many friends of Mr. T. E. Redman will be sorry to hear of his serious illness at his home. Mrs. Maggie B. Cole and Mrs. J. R. Comer went to Jackson shopping last Monday afternoon. Mr. Walter Collins of Macon, was up last Sunday with his wife and the family of Mr. John Mad dox. Mr. and Mrs. C. McClure of Stark, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Troy McClure Wednes day. Mrs. J. P. Maddox and Miss Clara Giles of Jackson, were guests of Mrs. J. L. Maddox last Thursday. Mrs. Trudie Biles and daugh ters, Misses Carrie and B6ssie, visited Mrs. Mamie McClure last Monday. Misses Nora Reeves and Cor nelia Hardy visited Mrs. L. D. Hoard at the Campground last Monday. Misses Jim Lane and Oxford Kitchens, of Monticello, spent last Sunday with Mrs. J. B. Thomas. The friends of Mrs. Carrie Col lins are glad to know she is able to be out again, after a few days indisposition. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Conner were guesls last Sunday of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMichael. Messrs. Charles Elliott and Wright Maddux went fishing last Satureay night. Just ask them what they caught, Mrs. H. W. Reeves, with Mis ses Nora and Inez, visited Mrs. Emma Maddox near the Camp ground last Wednesday. The many friends of Hon. Wm. Hodges will be glad to hear of his continued improvement and hope to see him out soon. Mr. Hope Maddox returned to Milledgeville last Sunday after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Maddox, a few days. The weather is fine, the woods are green, birds are singing sweetly, girls are all sweet— what more do you want to make you happy? Misses Ophelia Banks and May Boyd Mote were the guests of Miss Allie McMichael at her pretty country home last Satur day and Sunday. They say Mr. Troy Thomas has found himself anew hitching post Look out, old boy, we got an eye on you and know where that hitching post is, too. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Thomas and little daughter had a most pleasant visit to Mr. Thomas’ brother, Mr. Will, near Coving ton, last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. E. W. Carroll and chil dren of Augusta, who have been visiting the family of Hon. Wil liam Hodges, left Thursday for a visit to Atlanta , Conyers and Covington before returning home. Miss Bessie Kate Thomas had a most pleasant visit to the Mis ses Elder, of Macon, last Friday, Saturday and Monday. She was accompanied home by Miss Vir ginia Elder, of Macon, and Otis Waldrup, of Juliette. We have been reliablyjinformed that work will begin on the elec tric car line from Griffin via Jack son and Stark to the Ocmulgee river, where the electric plant will be built, damming up the Ocmulgee river in a swift place between two hills just above Pittman’s Ferry and in sight of No. 2, which will cost when com pleted—car line plant and all, between $40,000.00 and $50,00.00. Say, Mr, Editor, what about a correspondents’ picnic or barbe cue, whichever you might call it. I think it would be real nice to have one sometime during the coming summer, not too late nor too early, somewhere in the county at a suitable place for a picnic. Have a band if it would not cost too much, or if it cost too much, probably you could get up a snbscription to help out. Have ice cold lemonade and let everyone bring well-filled baskets and have a few good speakers to come and make speeches ap propriate to the occasion. We think if you could get up some thing of the kind it would be all all O. K. Would like to hear from you on the subject as well as other correspondents. [Good! Let’s hear from the other corres pondents.] SOUTH BUTTS Mr. J. B. Thaxton was in Jack son Monday. Spring has donnned her sum mer robes and everything looks lovely. Little Ethel Smith who has been quite sick, is rapidly im proving. A large crowd enjoyed a candy pulling given last" Wednesday night by Miss Lucile Caston. Miss Mary Lizzie Pettigrew visited Miss Ophelia Smith the past week. Miss Alice Maddox paid Miss Ada Johnson a very pleasant visit Saturday and Sunday. Miss Janie Lemons spent Fri day and Saturday with Miss Mattie Mae McElroy. Miss Lucia McElroy spent Fri day and Saturday with Miss Lucy Lemons on route No. 2. Messrs. Moses and Paul Byars spent Saturday and Sunday with friends and relatives in Pike county. Little Miss Marguerite Wash ington, of Jackson, spent the latter part of last week with Jewel Thaxton. Miss Quattlebaum, of Unadilla, will be the attractive guest of Misses Effie and Kate Thaxton in the summer. Mrs. Ida Bethel, of Jackson, and Mrs. Floyd, of Albany, gave Mr. W. W. Thaxton’s family a pleasant visit Monday. Messrs. Woodward and Atkin son, of North Butts were the guests of the Misses Carter near Jackson, Sunday afternoon. Miss Estelle Thaxton, who is attending a business college in Macon, spent a few days of last week with loved ones at home. Our Saturday night prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mr. C. R. Carter this week and will be conducted by Bryant Thaxton. The most enjoyable function of the season in this community was the quilting given by Mrs. Joe Caston on last Wednesday. A sumptous dinner was served at 12 o’clock and sixty-three persons enjoyed the repast, and did am ple justice to the occasion. This unselfish family know exactly how to entertain on these occas ions. Four quilts were finished up entirely, and the good dames left at five o’clock p. m., well satisfied with duties and pleas ures of the day. It is useless to attempt to give the names of the forturfete participants, as it would require too much time and space. Sufficient to say no one was slighted and on the whole, was frought with so much pleas ure we will hail with joy the approach of another like occasion. Misses Bertha and Nolie Man gham entertained a large crowd of their friends at a candy pull ing Saturday night. Farmer’s Daughter. Jackson post card views sold only by Jackson Soda & Frut company. tf WORTHVILLE Miss Virginia Elder will be with homefolds for a few days. We are glad to know that Mr. Henry Maddox is able to get among his friends again. Mr. Ambus Hendrick, of At lanta, was here with his friends this week. Messrs. J. M. Trapp and W. A. Wilson were the guests of Mr. F. M. Hodges Friday night Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White gave a few young folks a play Satur day night. Everybody behaved nicely and had a nice time. Mrs. P. A. Archer has returned to her home at the Holiness camp ground. She •has been vis ting her brother and family at Worthville. Miss Bessie Thaxton and her school, of Fincherville, visited Worthville Friday afternoon. Come again, we are glad to have you. There was a large crowd at the singing Sunday afternoon at Worthville, which all enjoyed very much. We were glad to have the sheriff with us; come again Mr. Wilson. Miss Virginia Elder, our school teacher at this place, had a debate at the school house Friday after noon. It was good for school boys and girls. After that Hon. Frank Z. Curry gave a nice talk on education. Miss Ella Cawthon gave her friends an entertainment last Wednesday night and those pres ent were Misses Virginia Elder, Lexie White, Pearl Townsend, Lillie Bell Washington, Janie Cawthon, Dovie and Lovie Mc- Donald; Messrs. Aubry Duke, Ben Kitchens, Chas. Hodges, Linnie and Rupert Washington, Walter and Geo. White, John Chambers, Will McDonald Cleve land and Hertell Aiken, Bug, Claude, and Fred Lofton, Tom Carr. Everybody had a lovely time. Blue Bells. You can’t beat Jamerson Drug Cos. when it comes to buying fresh Garden Seed. They have the kind you want—Landreth’s and Ferry’s. I) XTRAGOPD far' CLOTHES FOR BOYS fZ* Ederheimer, Stein & Cos. - Makers a list in your mind of AVI all the good qualities you want to find in the boys’ clothing you buy. Then come here and get more than you thought of-in an Xlragood suit. Good as it can be, stylish as it should be, lower priced than it ought to be. Sailor, Junior and Russian suits in many variations of style and fabric. Carefully tailored and trimmed. Also a large show ing of Norfolks and double-breasted suits. Jackson Mercantile Cos .; BETHEL ' Well, the farmers have re sumed their work after a week’s delay. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. King visit ed relatives at Sandy Ridge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Speer, of Locust Grove, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Crain Sunday. Misses Mae Boyd Mote, Dovie Perdue and Dilla Smith attended Sunday school at Cedar Rock Sunday. Mrs. H. M. Vaughn, Sr., en tertained last Saturday Mesdames J. 0. King, W. C. Stodgill and Leroy und L. J. McMichael. The Hon. C. G. Britt, better known as Same Britt, was in our district a few days ago and gave us a fine speech in regard to his candidacy Jackson Post Card Views sold only by Jackson Soda & Fruit Company. tf NOTICE. For Sale—My residence on North Oak street. I have also for sale or rent the residence of J. V. Smith on West avenue. tf J. T. SMITH, Jackson Post Card Views sold only by Jackson Soda & Fruit Comp ny.