The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, April 09, 1908, Image 8

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SHOES! SHOES! SHOES Our is larger and more complete this season than ever. “Nuff sed.” You know we are the leaders of fine footwear—sole agents for the following: 1100 styles to seledt from] “Queen Quality” Krippendorf & Detman Heywood’s Men’s Shoes $3.50 to $5.00 - Celebrated J. P. Smith’s Brown Shoe Co.’s Shoes for children. BUSTER. BROWN |Qirls,Misse rmi nppM Give us a look Jackson Mercantile Company Don’t faill to attend the illus trated lecture Friday night on the Panama canal and Cuba. Something special. All school children 25c; adults 50c. Panama lecture Friday night at auditorium. Illustrated with moving pictures. Don’t miss it. 25 and 50 cents. We have a few more those beautiful oxidized home savings bank in which to deposit your savings—ask the cashier about them. Jackson Banking Cos. 4-6-2 t Save your money for a rainy day. The Jackson Banking Cos. will pay you interest if left 6 or 12 months. 4-2?-3t LOST. Between the Indian Spring and the Baptist church at Jackson, an overcoat, silk lined, belonging tc Dr. Van Deventer, fell from a buggy. The finder will be re warded if he return it to the owner. 001 H|!| SPLiI Ready for the Stove Delivered Free. After once buying your wood this way you will be convinced that it is more satisfactory and MUCH CHEAPER Send me your orders. Oiiis Woodward, The Wood Yard, - Jackson, Ga. To Have Titles Made Under Bond For Title. GEORGIA. Butts County. The Jackson Mercantile Com pany, transferee having made application to require titles to be executed to them to certain land described in a bond for title thereto attached purporting to be signed by J. R. Wright, late of said county, deceased, the said application alleging that said land has been fully paid for, all parties concerned are hereby no tified that said application will be heard before the Court of Or dinary for said county on the 4th day of May, 1908. This April 8, 1908. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. Strayed from my house several days ago, one hog with white feet and white spot in face. Weight about 130 pounds. Last heard of near McCord’s Mill. Will give reward for-information as to its whereabouts. R. W. Mays. NOTICE. For Sale—My residence on North Oak street. I 'liave also for sale or rent the residence of J. V. Smith on West avenue, tf J. T. SMITH, NOTICE TO PATRONS I take this means of informing the public that I have added an other chair to my shop, and hav ing a strictly first class assistant with me, I can assure you the best work. We make a specialty of all the work which comes under our directions. Also, a suitable place for mothers to bring their children. A call will convince you. Bank Building Barber Shop, A. F. Erichsen. Banking on Paint Thepracticalpainter says, j you can "bank” on g t Patton's Sun-Proof Paint- fl XjA | V because it saves the cost 1 of at least one painting every five years.. The painter ‘‘banks” on it f| because it gives him_a jgjgg||g&y ill Patton's M9m f Sun-Proof pi Ilf Paint /* Is made in exact proportions—of the most durable mater ials — zinc, lead and silica —perfectly mixed by improved machinery. It is the best spreading, longest wearing paint, and has the most brilliant and lasting colors. Get a beau tiful color card and full|information from Jackson Lumber Company!! Plain Talks on Fertilizers 0 How to Get the Greatest Possible Yield per Acre It is a well-known scientific fact that in order to produce the very greatest possible yield from any soil it must contain an actual excess over and above all demands that can possibly be made on it by the plants. Many farmers will feed their stock as much nourishing food as they can possibly assimi late, yet will starve their crops on the mistaken notion that they are “economizing” cn fer tilizer. The experiences of farmers, government experts, gggggggggggg developed to the utmost. The economy in .fertilizers is not in the amount used but in the ratio of quality to cost. Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers are the best in the world for the least money. More than one million tons were 'V DO NOT OVER-LOOK | THE GASOLINE ENGINE == You make a mistake if you think you can run your EE farm economically or profitably without a gasoline engine. EE Do not overlook the possibilities of a gasoline engine for EE farm use. A gasoline engine will furnish power to do the = hundred and one little jobs about your farm which make EE farm work drudgery if hand, wind or horse power is used. The gasoline engine is so reliable, so simple, so safe, and EE so economical to operate that you can not afford to over- EE look it Of all the gasoline engines on the market, the I. H. C. engine stands first because it is designed by men EE who understand the requirements of a practical and cheap H jpg eg farm power. JL L tt C engines are made in sizes = ~ p| from Ito 25 horse power in vertical or i horizontal stationary and portable types. \ 111 l We have one that will fit your needs. Call* on us and we will gladly explain. | 15 For sale by CARTER & WATK NS I biofk ptltp: * and agricultur alists every where confirm the fact that plants, like ani mals, need the fullest possible amount cf nour ishment that they can obtain if they are to be ggggggggggg sold to Southern farm ers last year; and every year the demand be comes greater. The best results in producing corn, the good old stand-by crop of the South, follow the application of 200 to *BOO pounds cf the right fertilizer. Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers will greatly “in crease your yields per acre” of corn or any other crop, even on poor land —and the most wonderful results are produced through its use on good land. Write today to the nearest office of the Vir ginia-Carolina Chemical Com pany for a copy of their latest Year Book or Almanac, a large ISO-page book of the most valu able and unpre judiced informa- tion for planters and farmers. Vine INTA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. Richmond, Va. Durham, N. C.' Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C. Columbia, S. C. Baltimore Md., , Atlanta. Ga Columbus, Ga. Savannah. Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Tenn. Shreveport, La. • :ygggggggggggggg-""