The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, April 30, 1908, Image 6

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Machine Shop W. I. WAGNER, Proprietor Machinery erected and repaired; Pipe Fitting, Plumbing, Electric Wiring; Automobiles and Gasoline Engines Repaired. WANTED: Scrap Iron, Brass,Copper,Lead ifj I —',*j DO NOT OVER-LOOK ( THE GASOLINE ENGINE You make a mistake if you think you can run your = farm economically or profitably without a gasoline engine. = Do not overlook the possibilities of a gasoline engine for farm use. A gasoline engine will furnish power to do the hundred and one little jobs about your farm which make farm work drudgery if hand, wind or horse power is used. The gasoline engine is so reliable, so simple, so safe, and so economical to operate that you can not afford to over look it Of all the gasoline engines on the market the I. H. C. engine stands first because it is designed by men EE who understand the requirements of a practical and cheap EE igg q farm power. H|, a. | J. H. C. engines are made in sizes EE ~ '■ from 1 to 25 horse power in vertical or Jp i 1 i horizontal stationary and portable types, fcaa I We k ave one th a t fit your needs. Call •wB I on us and we will gladly explain. |J_J| For sale by CARTER & WATKINS 6ENERAL MEETING AT MACEDONIA MAY 22 From Hay 22 Through May 23, Meeting Will Be Held at Macedonia Church. The Program Follows. Devotional services, 9:30 a. m., by S. J. King. 10:30 a. m.— General Meeting Organized. 11:00 A. M.— lntroductory Ser mon by T. H. Vaughn. Afternoon services devoted to discussion of queries.. “Our Mission Work at Home and Abroad and the way to secure the best results”—A.M. Pace. Query —The Christian Index— W. H. Arnold. SATURKAY MORNING. 9:00 A. M.— Devotional services by C. E. Rowe. 10:00 a. m.— Query—ls Doc trinal preaching on the decrease in our churches, and if so, why? Dr. Robt. Van Deventer. 11 a. m.— Preaching. Afternoon—Devoted to the in quiry of the spiritual condition of the churches. SUNDAY MORNING. 10 o'clock—Sunday School lec ture by F. S. {Etheridge. 11 o’clock—Preaching. (Signed) T. H. Vaughn, W. O. Sharp, W. H. Arnold, Committee. Don’t Forget the BIG LOT SALE “PARKLAND” Friday, HAY Bth, at 10 O’clock THE WORK PROGRESSING ON AGRICULTURAL HALL • The work on the new agricul tural hall on the campus of the University of Georgia is progres sing rapidly now and the contrac tors hope Within the next month to have it covered with the roof. The work is now proceeding on the walls of the third story and those who are competent to judge say it is going to be a most dura ble and handsome structure. Chairman L. G. Hardman, of the building committee of the board of trustees, visited Athens yes terday for the purpose of inspect ing the building and attending to other matters connected with the board of trustees. It is practically certain that this building will be in readiness for occupancy at the opening of the University next September, when it is confidently expected there will be an increase of not less than one hundred to one hun dred and fifty in the department of agriculture. This is by far the largest and most pretentious building on the University cam pus and will cost one hundred thousand dollars exclusive of equipment. Athens Banner. MONEY TO LOAN. $20,000 to- loan on Butts county farms at 7 per cent. Come quick if you need money. T. J. DEMPSEY, Jackson, Ga. PROFESSOR PARK’S LECTURE POSTPONED TO FRIDAY MAY 8 Prof. R. E. Park, of the Uni versity, will not deliver his lec ture in Jackson next Friday night as was announced in last week’s Progress. Augusta has Prof. Park billed for an address before the Augus ta Teachers Association on May 2, the day following next Friday when it was stated he would lec ture in Jackson. Prof. Park says he never prom ised to appear in Jackson next Friday night, but the following Friday night, May 8. Somebody got the dates tangled up and The Progress published the tangled date just as we received it. Anyway, Prof. Park will be here Friday night May 8, and wc should all hear him. A PLEA FOR ONE COMHIS SIONER In the recent primary held in Carroll county, there was printed on the ticket ‘ ‘For one commis sioner,” “Against one commis sioner.” For oite commissioner received 1509 votes, and against one commissioner received" 784 votes. Said commissioner is to be a competent man, elected by the people at a fair salary, and put under a sufficient bond. He shall have charge of all roads and bridges and shall devote his whole time to the same. How about one commissioner for Butts county. Voter. SOME FACTS FOR THE SANE The earnings of the Georgia, Southern and Florida railway since July 1, of last year have been twelve thousand three hun dred dollars in excess of the cor responding period of the year before. The year before it will be re called, was a record-breaker in the history of railroad earnings and in general prosperity. To have exceeded that record is a strong indication that the state of Georgia is not going to the bow-wows. At a time when political agi tators, in order to serve their own selfish end, even at the ex pense of the best interests of the state, are attempting to convey the impression that we are in the low grounds of calamity, it is just as well to keep facts like these before the intelligent peo ple of Georgia.—Fitzgerald En terprise. TYBEE SEASON SOON BEGINS “The good old summer time” is right on us and the people are thinking of where they will spend the hot summer months. Tybee Island, “where ocean breezes blow,” located on the coast just out from Savannah, will this year be converted into a small Coney Island. Attractions of all kinds are being installed and with its cool artesion water and refreshing breezes no better place can be selected for a few days or a few weeks stay. The Cable Co.’s pianos and organs lead everywhere. Sold by Jacob T. Mayo. tfx A Careful Reading WE HAVE EVERYTHING at hand that a thoroughly equipped druggist should have. We have plenty of fine, fresh drugs, plenty of good help, and plenty of time to give your prescription careful reading and careful compounding so as to insure the best results. HANNA DRUG CO. MEMORIALS ♦ D We furnish chaste and harmonious designs in marbles of various kinds, in imperishable granite, and in red, gray or white marble. We will be glad to make sketches and submit estimates on any desired monumental work - Jackson piaible Cos. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Tybee by the Sea GEORGIA’S GREATEST SEASIDE RESORT Offers the greatest attractions for a Summer Outing, Fishing, Boating, Dancing, Surf Bathing, Skating, Bowling, and many other forms of amusements HOTEL TYBEE Under new management has been thoroughly over hauled, and refurnished and is new throughout Splendid orchestra, Fine Artesian Water Fresh Fish and other Sea Food. STUBBS & KEEN, Proprietors. Also The New Pulaski, Savannah.