The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, May 14, 1908, Image 5

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Local News. Miss Arden will go to Atlanta Friday to visit her aunt, Mrs. R. K. King at Inman Park, and will return Sunday night. Mr. B. B. Youmans, of College Park, was in Jackson Friday and Saturday of last week, with friends and relatives. Mr. Jim Pope, of Macon, and Mrs. Pope, of Flovilla, are spend ing this week with Mrs. F. M. Maddox on Second street. Miss Leila Hodges’ friends are glad to know she will spend her school vacation in Jackson. She is expected in two weeks. The families of D. N. Carmi chael, J. M. Leach and J. G. Car michael had an enjoyable fish fry at Flat Shoals Tusday. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson who have been visiting Mrs. B. F. Watkins returned Monday to their home in Troupe, Tex. Mrs. Emmett McCord who has been in Atlanta for several weeks came Wednesday night to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McCord. Mr. W. D. R. Norris returned Sunday to his home in Atlanta, after a week’s visit to friends to and relatives in Butts county. • 9 Dr. Byron has swapped off his noble horse, Henry Clay the horse that made him famous and the horse that made him rich. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gibson, of Georgetown, made a short visit to Jackson this week as the guest of Mrs. Sasnett on College street. Mrs. W. D. Gibson, of Fayette ville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bryant Thompson. "She left Monday for Flovilla to visit rel atives. Miss Julia Smith went to Jasper county Monday. During her ab sence the telephone exchange was operated by Miss Trudie Maddox. Mr. John Manley and Miss Em ma, of near Griffin, was in Jack son Saturday visiting the families of Messrs. Z. T. Buttrill and L. D. Watson. Mrs. Kimbell, of McDonough, was visiting Mrs. Finley the past week-end. She left Monday for Macon to visit her daughter, Mrs. Asa Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Carmichael attended religious services at England Chapel Sunday, and was entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Watkins. Mrs. L. P. Jamerson and An nette visited Saturday and Sun day at the home of Mr. P. R- Watkins. Mr. Jamerson went Saturday night to spend Sunday. There will be a singing at Pleasant View church at Fincher vilie next Sunday evening, May 17. Everybody invited to be there and take part in the music. The friends of Mrs. Bailey and Mr. W. C. Merritt sympathize with them in the death of their mother, Mrs. J. R. Merritt who died at Locust Grove on Sunday morning. Business and visiting cards a, specialty at the Progress office. ; Rev. Van Deventer left Tues day for Hot Springs, Ark., to attend the Southern Baptist con vention. During his absence, the Baptist pulpit will be filled by Rev. A. F. McMahon. Mr. D. N. Carmichael and Morrison Settles will leave soon for Denver, Col., to visit Mrs. Singleton and Slaton Carmichael. While in Denver Obe Carmichae. will join them for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Howie and chil dren arrived Sunday night from Charlotte, N. C., and were the guests of Mr. J. F. Maddox’s family, while their rooms with Mrs. Davis were being furnished. Mr. T. M. Allen with his son, Cooper, and daughter, Miss Car rie, arrived Friday night from Tampa Florida, and stopped over with the family of Mr. G. S. Hanes until Sunday morning, when they left for Birmingham. They will return to Jackson about July the first and will spend the summer with relatives. A number of Jackson young people drove to the Spring Sun day afternoon. Among them were, Misses Alma Gambrell, Stella Swanson, Minnie Brown ing, Maude Edwards, Alice Mae Hanes and Ada Sams; Messrs. Oscar and Troy Willis, Britton Edwards and Spivey, of Macon; Joe Edwards, Wade Watkins, Dillard Sams, Willie Lee Nutt, Jim Finley, Glenn Carreker and Linton Hopkins. FINCHERVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doaby spent last Sunday with the latter’s father. Mrs. Anna Mitchell spent Sun day with Mrs. Dovie Fincher. Mrs. Lizzie Mayo was the guest of her mother near Sandy Ridge, Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Lula Fineher spent Sat urday with Mrs. Joe Barnes of Woodstown. Mrs. Vic Gresham of Worth ville, was a visitor to Fincher ville Sunday school last Sunday. Mr. Tom Thurston and .Miss Bessie Thaxton, of Jackson, spent Sunday with Mrs. Dovie Fincher. Candidate Charlie Bartlett passed through Fincherville last Saturday, shaking hands. SOUTH BUTTS Hurrah for Hoke Smith! Mr. Roy Thaxton visited loved ones at home Sunday. Mr. J. B. Thaxton spent after noon with Mr. S. J. Smith. Miss Ethel Logue visited Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Goddard Sunday. A large crowd was present at the singing at Towaliga Sunday. The entertainment at Sandy Plains school house, was just fine. Miss Bertha Mangham was the guest of Miss Floride Smith Sunday. Rev. T. H. Vaughn spent last Saturday night with Mr. C. F. Carter. Mr. Carlton Allen a popular rural route carrier was visiting on No. 3 Sunday. Mrs J B. Thaxton and little ones, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Flint. Mr. M. D. Garr and Miss Nina were guests of Miss Fannie Ridgeway Sunday afternoon Mrs. Mary A. Barnes and daughter, Miss Alice, visited Mr. and Mis. J. W. Flint Sunday. Miss Grady Flint entertained at her home last Sunday Misses Mary Pettigrew and Alice Thax ton. Miss Estelle Gilmore of Jack son, spent the week-end with Misses Minnie and Annie Ham mond. Misses McKibben and Sandifer were the guests of Misses Ophelia and Floride Smith Saturday night and Sunday, The prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mr. J. B. Thaxton’s next Saturday night. Everybody is invited. Mrs. J. D. Aiken’s many griends are glad to know that she came home Saturday from Atlan ta, where she spent the last month in the hospital. There will be preaching and Sunday school at Towaliga next Sunday morning, and Sunday school and singing at Liberty in the afternoon. Farmer’s Daughter. JACKSON NO- 2 Mr. John Thaxton is on the sick list this week. Miss Beulah Hardy is expected home soon from Atlanta. Mrs. Maggie Cole was on the sick list the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hodges, went to Jackson shopping Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Moss visit ed Mr. T. J. Giles’ family in Jackson Sunday. Mr. Walter Collins of Macon, was up to see his wife and little daughter Sunday. Mr. H. H. Maddox of Milledge ville, spent a few days last week with dear ones at home. Messrs. Auby and Claude Duke leave a blue streak behind, going to Fincherville on Sundays. Misses Allie and Susie Mc- Michael spent last Sunday with Mrs. T. B. Conner on No. 4. Rev. Britt of the Camp Ground, preached to a large crowd at Pleasant Grove Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maddox of Flovilla, were guests of Mr. Chas. L. Maddox and family Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Maddox of Henry county, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Maddox Sunday. Misses Cornelia Hardy and Nora Reeves spent the night with Mrs. Tom Cawthon Satur day night. Miss Nannie Gilmore and her attractive guest, Miss Wright of Locust Grove, were shopping in Jackson Monday. Stark and Worthville crossed bats on the Stark diamond last Saturday. The score was five to three, in favor of Worthville. Iron Spring will soon have a railroad, which we think will be worth a great deal in the way of enhancing the value of property. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cawthon visited the latter’s parents Sun day, with Miss Maggie Fae Duke, who returned with them to re sume her music studies under Mrs. Barber. Mr. Quinn, with the Conti nental Gin Company of Atlanta, visited Iron Spring Union Satur day night for the purpose of sel ling them a ginning outfit, which we think will be in operation by next fall. A crew of about one hundred THE FIRST thing to consider in depositing money in a bank is SECURITY. The capital and surplus are the depositors protection fund. The NATIONAL government superintends and examines this tfenk., Our stockholders and directors are responsible, well-to-do farmers and business men. This BANK has since its organization served the banking pub lie faithfully, working for your welfare as well as its own. The best service possible is none too good for our country customers and the people of JACKSON men, with 50 or 60 fine mules ar rived last Tuesday morning to begin grading the railroad, and also a tram-road to the river be low the Ferry, for the purpose of hauling sand to build the dam. Rough Rider. PEANUT HUNT Rev. Van DeVenter entertained the “Sunbeams” and a few in vited guests at an enjoyable peanut hut at Harkness’ woods Saturday afternoon from two to five. After the hunt, the children entered, with much delight into a number of merry games. A most tempting picnic lunch was spread late in the afternoon. The Progress phone, 166. A Careful Reading WE HAVE EVERYTHING at hand that a thoroughly equipped druggist should have. We have plenty of fine, fresh drugs, plenty of good help, and plenty of time to give your prescription careful reading and careful compounding so as to insure the best results. HANNA DRUG CO. J. E. Edwards The Bicycle Repairer Repairs Bicycles, Graphophones Phonographs, Umbrellas, Sew ing Machines, Novelties, Etc. , Sharpens Meat Saws, Wood Saws, Scissors, Knives, Lawn Mow ers, Etc. * Sells Bicycle Sundries and Supplies. Puts Rubber Tires on Baby Carriages. Guarantees his work. Do not send your repair work away *when you can have it done here and saving, at least, express charges. CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank our friends in Jackson, Butts county and elsewhere, for their kindness to our little Lester during all his young life, and especially for, their sympathy and loving minis trations just before his departure for the house of many mansions. We thank his colored friends who loved him, whose heart went out to them. Our sorrow is great,but we are resigned to the will of our Heavenly Father, and we con fidently expect to see our darling again. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Smith. The Cable Co.’s pianos and organs lead everywhere. Sold by Jacob T. Mayo. tfx