The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, May 21, 1908, Image 7

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SOUTH BUTTS Miss Mattie Letson visited Miss Clara Ezelle Sunday. Little Ethel Smith was the guest of Nellie Thaxton Thursday. Mrs. S. J. Smith visited Mrs. j g. Thaxton Thursday after noon. Miss Floride Smith spent Thurs day afternoon with Miss Alice Thaxton. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McElroy visited relatives near High Falls Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Washing ton went to Jackson Thursday afternoon. Miss Fannie Ridgeway spent last Thursday night with Miss Ina Ridgeway. Miss Mary Lizzie Pettigrew was the guest of Miss Ophelia Smith Sunday. Misses Lillian and Carrie Car ter were guests of Miss Daisy Elliott Sunday. Misses Bertha and Nolie Mang ham entertained a few of their friends Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Flynt and children spent Saturday night and Sunday with her parents. Mr. John Thaxton of East Butts, visited loved ones at home Saturday and Sunday. The entertainment at Elgin school house was enjoyed by a large crowd Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perdue of North Butts, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thaxton Saturday. Mrs. C. R. Carter and Mrs. Bell Moore, with their children, spent Thursday with Mrs. J. B. Thaxton. The Saturday night prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mr. J. W. Flint this week, and , will be conducted by Mr. Edd Flynt. A large crowd attended the singing at Liberty Sunday after noon. Among the leaders were Messrs. J. T. Mayo, W. Wr Wil son, B. J. Banks, G. R. Ridgeway and Lucian Hammil. Farmer’s Daughter. S. W. BUTTS A large crowd attended church at Towaliga Sunday. Mr. A. Q. Taylor visited his brother, A. F. Taylor, Sunday. Miss Ida Davis is spending the week at Locust Giove with Miss Floy Davis. Mr. Marion Britton and Miss Bessie Letson attended Sunday school at England Chapel Sunday afternoon. Well, as it has been hot and dry and we have had a good rain, the cotton and the corn are look ing flourishing. Miss Clara Ezell gave to her many friends a singing Sunday night which was enjoyed to the [greatest extent. Messrs. Ed Flynt and Walter fhaxton spent part of the day ast Sunday with Messrs. G. C. ind J. C. McClendon. Mr. Grover Collins, of Spalding :ounty, was shaking hands with lis many friends around this section Sunday afternoon. We are always when Friday tomes so that we can get your valuable paper with the news ■rom all parts of the county. m Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick ■ave an ice cream festival Satur day night in honor of a few of their friends. The occasion was highly enjoyed by all. Mr. Lonnie Atkinson and sister, Susie, spent last Friday with their cousin, Mrs. L. M. Hale, . who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks. We are glad to report that she is able to be up again. A merry crowd enjoyed a fish ing trip to High Falls pond last Friday. Those present were: Misses Emma and Missie Davis, Ethel and Annie Lou Thompson, Bertha and Nolie Mangham, Messrs. Grover McClendon, Rob ert Grant, Clarence Grant, Ruen ton Washington, Art Cook and Harvey Thompson. Brown Eyes. PEPPERTON Mr. J. W. Thomas went to Griffin last Sunday. Mr. Sam Britt was a visitor to Atlanta last Thursday. Mrs. Minnie Lynch went to Jackson Saturday afternoon shop ping. Miss Pearl Britt visited rela tives in Forsyth last Friday and Saturday. Mr. John Maxwell, of Juliette spent Saturday night in Pepper ton with relatives. Mr. Sam Britt and Rev. C. W. Rowe went to Juliette Saturday to attend services. Mr. Henry Neal and Mr. Ho mer Floyd have gone to Griffin to make that their future home. The young people enjoyed themselves at an ice cream festi val at Mrs. Bennett’s last Satur day night. Those who went to Juliette from here Sunday were Mr. J. A. Evans and little Asa, Mrs. Clara Chappel and Minnie Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turner. Rev. Mr. Dodson, a Methodist minister, preached at Pepperton church, Sunday morning and night. He expects to begin a series of meetings on Monday, May 25. Mr. Randolph Harrison has re turned home after a week’s stay with friends in Pepperton. We were glad to see him able to walk on crutches after being in the cyclone that demolished his home. New Writer. KIMBELL ASSOCIATION AT GENERAL MEETING Program. The W. M. U. of Kimbell As sociation will meet Saturday, May 30, first day of General Meeting held at Macedonia. Devotional service—Mrs. W. R. Minter. General survey of the work of the W. M. U.— Mrs. C. R. Gresh am. W. M. U. Training School, Louisville, Ky., Miss Lucy Goodman. Margaret Home —Miss Anna Belle Watkins. Miss Perry’s work on Frontier —Mrs. J. H. Pope. Importance of Y. W. A. work among the young ladies—Miss Florence Etheridge. Sunbeam work-Mrs. A. F. McMahon. . . The importance of training children while young for the Master’s use.—Miss Susie Eth eridge. Open discussion on the work the Societies are doing. Every church is urged to send representatives. ' Miss Ruth Jinks, Supt. Announcement For Solicitor General. i To the voters of the Flint Circuit: j lam a candidate for Solicitor General lof file Flint Circuit, subject to the pri mary as may he ordered l*y the democratic executive committee. If elected, I propose to be Solicitor, and do my full duty, as I sec it, to the. best of my ability. Hoping 1 may have your support, and with assurances of esteem. I am, Yours truly, J. W. WISE. For Solicitor General. To the Voters of the Flint Circuit; I am a candidate for Solicitor General of the Flint Circuit, subcect to the primary tc be ordered by the State Democratic Ex ecutive Committe. 1 will appreciate all support given me, and. if elected will discharge the duties of the office to the best of mv ability. K. M. SMITH. McDonough, Ga , Jan. 1,1908. For Solicitor General. I am a candidate for Solicitor General of the Flint Circuit, and will he grateful for your vote and support J. M. Strickland Griffin, Ga. For state Treasurer. To the people of Georgia:—l am candl didnte for treasurer of tills state snbject to the action of the democratic party ut Its next primary. In making this announce ment 1 confidently refer to my long service in this department of the state government, covering a period of more than tKi years, looking after the fluanclal interests of this state and the interests of the depositors In the various banks to the entire satisfaction ofthe people ns sufficient guarantee that the duties pertaining to this important trust will be well and faithfully performed if again placed In my charge. I honestly solicit the support of t he voters of Ilutts county. WILLIAM J. SPEER. For Congress. To the voters of the Sixth Tongresslonßl District:—l am a candidate for Congress subject to the Democratic nomination. Before the election—the dnte of which has not been llxed—l would like to grasp the hand and speak face to face with each voter In the district, but this will hardly be pos sible. Hence, I shall endeavor to reach the voters and make known my platform—my views on public questions—through the medium of letters, the newspapers and pub lic addresses. Whereof I speak I will be glad to have my distinguished opponent meet me In joint debate; and shall invite him to do so. Believing in a clean election and an hon est ballot,l am opposed to the use of money, whiskey, or any other thing for the purpose of purchasing votes; and believe the Ex ecutive Committee should refuso declare as the nominee anyone who secures a majority by such practices. I shall keep an itemized statement of my campaign expenses subject at all times to public Inspection. Not counting the Republican regime Just after the war, and when there was a Repub lican Congressman whose home was in Ma con, Bibb county has had—with the excep tion of two years—the Congressman con tinuously for over a third of aeentury. Hon. j. H. Blount was in congress twenty years and Judge Bartlett, at the expiration of the present term of office, will have served fourteen years, making a grand total of thirty-four years for only two men and both from Bibb county. Is it not about time for Bibb to divide honors with tne other counties of the dis trict? Very Respectfully, O. H. B. BLOOD WORTH. For Congress. To the voters of the Sixth Congressional District:—l am ft candidate for re-election to Con gross subject to the Democratic Pri mary to be held on the 4th of June. It has been my constant aim and ambition to serve faithfully the people of the Sixth District, and I think my record In Congress, of which I Invite the closest scrut iny,‘will demonstrate that I have and ine so. Always at my post of duty, I have ever defended my party and my people. If returned to Congress. I pledge the peo ple of my District the same steadfast ad herence to tne principle#of Democracy that has marked my record In the past, and the same prompt and faithful attention that I have at all times striven to give to the re quests and needs of my constituents. The prospects for a Democratic House in the next Congress are more favorable than they have been for many years, and In the event our Party should succeed In the fall elections, my long experience In Congress would enable me to render iny constituents and the country more efficient service t han has been possible In a Republican House. Feeling deeply grateful for your confi dence in the past, I ask your support In the coming primary. Respectfully Yours, C. L. BARTLETT, Designs Copyrights Ac. ?..2ntTr>n probably patentable. Communion. Uo,u . ricti y SESdSlftfil. HAHOBOOf on lent*free. oW Meney for MKmHnjr^tenta. Patents taken through iluun * Cos. recelye special notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. Darsest clr- MUNN &Cos. 38,8r0a,,w ”*’ New York Branch OOcaT W BU Washington. D. C. ! BOTH SAFE ■ There’s no reason why the in surance policy should be con ; fined to to the man. We make it possible for both men and women. It protects each. ! GOOD POLICIES ARE 9ESIRABLE t —— > and we give you the kind that ; are right and reasonoble. Let us talk family protection to you. ! GEO. CARMICHAEL, Agt. \ ATLANTA HOME INSURANCE CO. ; JACKSON, GEORGIA. - , Bailey & Jonesi Can accommodate you to your satisfac tion if you need anything furnished by a ; * Livery Stable Their material is first-class and their prices are as good as you can find anywhere. Give Hem a call ana see NOTICE I am a Candidate for Your kL., iisiiibe Health If you want to sell your real estate I can find you a buyer, or I keep chasing for one. Try me. JAMBS WARTHEN Crum Building. ' Jackson, Georgia For first-class Job Printing—Progress Job Office. Machine Shop W. I. WAGNER, Proprietor Machinery erected and repaired; Pipe Fitting, Plumbing, Electric Wiring; Automobiles and Gasoline Engines Repaired. WANTED: Scrap Iron,Brass, Copper,Lead