The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, May 28, 1908, Image 4

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JACKSON NO. 2 Hon. L. L. Tyson was at Stark last Tuesday. Mr. Morton Vickers went to Jackson last Tuesday. Hon. J. 0. Gaston was down at Stark last Tuesday on business. More hands and teams arrived last Tuesday to work on the rail road. Mrs. Persons is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. L. Thomas, this week. Mr. Castelaw, of Locust Grove, the Watkins stock food agent, was at Stark last Tuesday. Messrs. Jas. McKibben and Hubbard, of Locust Grove, were at Stark on business last Tuesday. Hello, Fred. You must have been hustling Sunday to beat the other fellow to his hitching post. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cawthon visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Duke, at Stark last Saturday and Sun day. Mr. J. C. Moore moved this week to the river from Pepper ton to work on the railroad and dam. Mrs. Holston and family, of Monticello, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Crain, Sat urday. No. 2’s good patrons will take notice that Rough Rider will not ride Saturday. See, let me rest one day. Some people are so busy going to see the dam works on the Oc mulgee they almost forget to go to church on Sunday. Mrs. Huff returned to her home in Jasper county Saturday, after a two week’s visit with he daughter, Mrs. Funderburk. Among the visitors to see the dam Sunday afternoon was Miss Daisy Stewart, Fred McDowel, Lillie Mae Stewart, Dewitt Pitt man, Essie Funderburke, Dana and Gladys Hodges. Mr. Will Guess, while out plow ing a little fool Montana mule from Texas, had a thrilling ex perience with a monster ten-foot black coach whip snake. The snake wrapped one end of itself around the plow stock, the other around Mr. Guess’ legs, the mule pulling the plow and the snake pulling Mr. Guess. Just ask him who did the hardest pulling and whipping, hftnself, the mule or > the snake. WQRTHVILLE Mrs. Joe Hammond is spending this week in Atlanta. Miss Rosa McKinley spent Mon day in Jackson shopping. Miss Dilla Smith, of Jenkins burg, visited here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mason spent Tuesday in Jackson shopping. Miss Lexie White spent Mon day night with relatives in Jack son. Miss Pearl Townsend made a business trip to Jackson Satur day. Judge G. W. White made a business trip to Jackson this week. Mr. Morgan Castelaw of Locust Grove, spent Monday night in our town. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gray syent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maddox. Misses Florence and Lucie Sinj£- lev of Stark, visited Miss Lexie White Sunday. Judge Whaley and family, of Covintrton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pope. Mr. Robert Grant Saturday night with Messrs Linnie and Rupert Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun Stodg hill. of Cedar Rock spent Sunday with relatives at this place. Miss Pearl Benson entertained the young people of this place very pleasantly Thursday night in honor of Miss Virginia Elder, of Macon, and Miss Trudie Mad dox, of Jackson. FLOVILLA Miss Lucy Goodrum returned from Villa Rica Tuesday. Miss May Moore left Monday for Cork to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pope. Miss Annis Gilmore, of Jack son, spent one day recently with her grandmother, Mrs. C. A. Og den. Miss Kate Morgan, one of For syth’s popular young ladies, is visiting Misses Mattie and Agnes Duffy. Miss Clara Bryant returned Tuesday from several weeks stay with her sister, Mrs. Walter B. Brown, at Warthen. Miss Bessie White returned from Monticello Sunday, after a most delightful visit to her sister, Mrs. John Dozier Persons. Mr. Att Maddux and Miss Pearl Gardner, Mr. Eidson Smith and Miss Dorcas Greer attended the commencement exercises in Jackson Monday night. The younger set were most de lightfully entertained Monday evening at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Webb Bryant, the occasion being in celebration of the birthday of their daughter, Miss Agnes Bryant, who is one of Flo villa’s most popular young ladies. FLOVILLA NO. 1 Mr. J. D. Moss was a promi nent visitor to Jackson last Saturday. Messrs R. E. Lavender and J. D. Thomas spent last Saturday in Jackson. Rev. W. G. Cooper, of Juliette, was the guest of Mr. Wilson Smith last Saturday. Mr.. Enimett Ross, of Dames Ferry, spent last Sunday with his father, J. T. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tyler, of Eula, spent last Sunday with Mrs. R. G. Lavender. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bray, of Juliette, spent last Saturday with the family of Mr. J. T. Ross. ' Mrs. N. J. Thomas spent Sat urday and Sunday at McDonough with her brother, Dr. G. J. Smith. Miss Vera Treadwell returned to her home last Sunday after a week’s stay with her sister, Mrs. Evan Smith. We just want to say, “Hurrah, for Hon. 0. H. B. Bloodworth.” We have thought for a number of years that he would make a good congressman, and since hearing him speak in Jackson last Sat urday, we know we were right in our opinion of him. Bill. COL. STRICKLAND TO THE VOTERS. To the .voters of the Flint Cir cuit: In my announcement for Solicitor-General of the Flint Cir cuit a short time ago, I stated my i>olicy would be to run a clean campaign, and it would be a clean victory or a clean defeat. I have not whispered in private anything whatever but what I have spoken in public. I believe in clean politics and shall without a single reflection persue this policy to the end. From assurance of support I have*received from the good peo ple over the circuit I believe that I will win the race. The friends that I have made in the race are a host and my old ones have been as true as steel. I only ask that those who do not know me investigate my record in the past. While going to Mercer, during vacations I taught school. When I finished I was appointed secretai yto Congressman Bart lett. Resigning from this posi tion, I then purchased and edited No. 5709 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF fi First National Bank ** OF JACKSON, GEORGIA, Q Tat the close of business May 14, 1908. M RESOURCES Loans and Discounts --- $ B }’s-9 79 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured h If U. S. Bonds to secure circulation o,wu uu Premiums on U. S. Bonds. 360 00 ** Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 6,468 66 II Due from National Banks (not reserve agents). 1,772 95 r Due from State Banks and Bankers 1,000 00 Due from approved reserve agents 1 Tin £1 14 B Checks and other cash items L4IO 51 II Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents... 66 1 1 4 V Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz. : Snecie $ 3,964 2o Legal-tender notes 1,092 00 5,056 25 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer 1(5 per cent circulation) 400 00 TOTAL $ 109,019 11 LIABILITIES V* Capital stock paid in $ 30,000 00 |J L Surplus fund 10’222 22 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid. 2,723 32 1J National Bank Notes outstanding 8,000 00 > Due to other National Banks 3,027 76 Dividends unpaid 30 00 Individual deposits subject to check 28,758 27 I Time certificates of deposit 10,127 31 Cashier’s checks outstanding 300 00 A. Notes and bills rediscounted 1 6,052 45 Bills payable, including certificates of deposit for money borrowed 10,000 00 TP T TOTAL $ 109,019 11 State of Georgia, County of Butts, ss: I, A. Homer Carmichael, Cashier of the above-named v bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to If the best of my knowledge and belief. YA. HOMER CARMICHAEL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of Mav 1908. J. W. CARMICHAEL, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: JAS. F. CARMICHAEL W. A. NEWTON J. H. CARMICHAEL Directors. The Fir si National Bank OF JACKSON the Thomaston Times. While editing the paper in 1899 I was appointed a supervisor of the U. S. Census, then sold the paper, and removed to Griffin to engage in the practice of my profession. Two grand juries, Spalding and Pike, have recommended me for the office to which I aspire, and I respectfully refer the voters to the Griffin Bar, the largest in the circuit, or any banker, merchant or manufacturer of my home. If elected I will enter the office with a deep conviction of its im portance, duties and responsibili ties. and give the people the best service of my humble capacity. Sincerely, J. M. Strickland. BATIJS HOT AND COLD AT Whitten's Barber Shop 25 CENTS EACH GET TICKETS FOR FIVE BATHS FOR 81.00 WE DO FIRST CLASS BARBER WORK Ladies, bring the little boy and we will show him special atten tion. L. L. Whitten Jackson, Georgia STRENGTH Our soda water pleases the most fastidious. Jamerson Drug Cos. The Rabbit’s Foot Some people depend on luck to secure good values. Others come here and get the best. Some stores offer you lucky things some days; here you get the best on the market every day. It isn’t luck but business judgment makes this possible. S. H. Thornton Old papers for sale at The Progress office. 20 cents per hundred.