The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, June 04, 1908, Image 4

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Local News. Quigg Fletcher, a student at Johns Hopkins, arrived Tuesday morning to spend the Summer with the home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Plunkett are expected in the city in a few days to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Maddox on 2nd street. Miss Kate Head passed through Jackson Tuesday en route to At lanta, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Beckham. BLUDWINE—it's something good. Wanted.- A young lady tele phone operator. Work nine hours pec day. Apply to J. G. Ward, Jackson, Ga. Miss Willie Mae Carswell, of Macon, came Monday evening to be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Woods, for a few days. Mrs. J. L. Bryant who has been visiting Mrs. Jim Watson, left Friday for Iron Spring to visit Mrs. Homer Maddox. Miss Leila Hodges came Wed desday from Forsyth, and will spend the summer with her sis ter, Mrs. R. N. Etheridge. Misses Mary and Rosa Newton will leave Friday for Nevvnan, and will remain over until after the Powell-Newton marriage. Mrs. Nora King, a popular saleslady of the New York Store, will leave next week for a visit to her nephew in Birmingham. S. M. Pope went to Atlanta Sunday to meet his daughter, Mrs. White Jamerson and baby, who will spend the summer here. Call Central -she knows the right number. Mrs. S. 0. Ham left Tuesday for a ten day’s stay with her sister, Mrs. J. R. Gunn, in Mad ison. who is in very feeble health. Mrs. Verna Wright moved Monday into ''the home she re cently purchased from Mrs. Dixie McKibben on East Third street. • S. B. Kinard and Jim Kinard have rented a furnished summer home near Towaliga where their families will spend most of the Summer. Rev. A. F. McMahon, who has been slightly indisposed for sev eral days, will be able to fill his regular appointment at Indian Spring Sunday. Messrs. R. R. Wilson, W. J. Davenport, Sid Wheeler and Dr. Connell came over from Eaton ton to be present at the Daniel- MclCibben wedding. Old papers for sale at The Progress office. 20 cents per hundred. The friends of H. L. Daughtry are s ( " v "y to learn of his indispo sition. lie was taken sick Fri day,'and on Monday went to the Springs for recuperation. The man' re of Miss Lillian Daniel to Mr. Tom McKibben took place Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Daniel iii i.u.eDonough, • It‘s the time of yeafr for music. Get a “Chicago. Cottage” organ or a piano from J. T. Mayo, and get in the swim. Mrs. R. A- Maddox who has been in Cochran for the past two months will return to Jackson the last of the week and will occupy rooms with Mrs. Lutie Smith on Second street. More “Chicago Cottage” or gans have been sold than any other make. They give perfect satisfaction. Sold by J. T. Mayo. i Mrs. A. G. Hitchens and Miss Rosebud, leave the first of next week for the summer. Mrs. Hitchens will be in Atlanta with her daughers, while Miss Rose bud will visit Miss Naomi Neal at White Springs Florida. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Merritt of Jenkinsburg, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. J. Bailey on the corner of Second and Covington streets. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Bailey and children, who also visited Atlanta before their return home. The families of Messrs. J. H. McKibben, S. P. Nichols, Bluma Carmichael, Mrs. Mary Ann Mc- Kibben, Mrs. Rose Carmichael, Miss Rosa Newton, George and Robert Carmichael went to Mc- Donough Wednesday to attend the Daniel-McKibben marriage. LOST. A gold signet ring, let- C inscribed on it. Return to Luther'Joyner and receive re ward. ~ Mrs. Boon Harkness, who has the reputation of being a fine gardner, presented Miss Eloise Pound with one of the finest onions that was ever seen in this community. It measured 17 1-2 inches in circumference, of the silver skin variety and perfectly delicious to the taste. STARK Miss Mervyn Jones and Mrs. Hope McClure went to Jackson Wednesday shopping. Miss Ruth Jinks who has been the guest of Mrs. Ghitta.Cobk, went Monday to the home of Mr. Mac Watkins. Misses Deedie and Pauline McClure and Miss Estelle Thorn ton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. S. E. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Hillyard Wyatt and children, of East Point, re turned home Wednesday after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wyatt. Mrs. Bammie Reeves, who re cently had a partial stroke of paralysis, is spending this week at Flovilla under treatment of Dr. White. Quite a number from Jackson attended the general meeting here Saturday, among which was our editor. Come again, Mr. Ed itor. we were all glad to have you. EPWORTH LEAGUE ENTER TAINED The monthly social meeting of the Epworth League was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Dempsey Friday evening last. About fifty guests were present to enjoy the hospitality of the host and hostess and the interest ing program which their daugh ter, Miss Ernestine,had arranged. The music rendered by Miss Hanes’ orchestra was the feature of the evening’s enjoyment. In harmony, smoothness, and other essentials of good music, the orchestra was perfect and de served the hearty applause with which each selection was greeted from the numerous guests present. Miss Dempsey rendered beauti fully Schubert's serenade as vocal solo, and Misses Stanley and Gilmore pleased the guests with recitations. Delicious peach flaVored cream and Nabisco wa fers were the refreshments served. WORTHVILLE She bowed her shoulders, fair As light laden with Summer’s golden boon. Her limbs with rippling robes were dight; For coronet she wore the moon. I asked her name, and from the fields and solitudes A thousand echoes answered, “June.” i Mr. M. Grey made a business trip to Jackson Friday. Mr. Ed King and family of Newton, spent with Mrs. W. E. Grey. Mr. Tom Cawthon of Iron Spring, was in our town Wed nesday. Messrs Edd Cawthon and Wal ter White, spent Saturday at Stark. Miss Pearl Townsend visited relatives at Conyers Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Matt Potts of Newton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Potts last week. Mr. J. W. Lofton had the mis fortune to lose a fine mule Satur day night. Messrs Auby and Claude Duke of Stark, were in our town Sat urday night. Byron Gresham and George White Jr., went to Jackson Sun day afternoon. Mr. Earnest Pace of Cedar Rock, made a business trip to Worthville Friday. Miss Ella Cawthon of Fincher vilie, visited her sister, Mrs. W. J. White last week. Mr. Morris Wright of Jackson, spent last week with his grand- Tnother, Mrs. Ann Benson. Rev. Dodson of Forest Park, will preach here next Sunday afternoon. Everybody invited. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Maddox entertained a few of their friends very pleasantly Tuesday night. Misses Gertrude Maddox and Dovie McDonald attended the singing in McDonough Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maddox spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart near Pittman’s Ferry. Misses Lillie Bell Washington and Lizzie Hammond spent Sat urday night with Miss Pearl Benson. If you know of any one that has bees to rob. just call on Ohas. H. He seems to understand the business fairly well. • The ice cream party given by Mr. and Mrs. Jess Stone Satur day night proved to be one of the most pleasant social affairs of the season. Worthville was well represent ed at Fincherville Sunday after noon. Among the number were: Misses Pearl Benson, Lillie Bell Washingvon, Leila Stodghill, Ella Cawthon. Messrs Cleveland Aiken, W. J. Lofton, Linpie Washington, John Chambers, Clias. Hodges, Walter White, Rupert Washington, Raymond Ciiambei’o and i-iirtcii Aincn. Superior Food Produces Do you ever &op to think of the effetft of using cheap Vine gar? We buy our . Gder Vinegar wir Hum from H. J. Heinz Cos., a concern that sells no cider, but puts the whole of the first pressing of the apples, and only that, into Cider Vinegar. Their vinegar is Strictly pure, of fine flavor, and we offer it and guarantee its quality with perfedt confi dence. We also sell Heinz Pure Pickling Vinegar, the best for all general pickling purposes. It will pay you to trade where you can find the best goods and always at reasonable prices S. H. Thornton Banking on Paint dfp^| The practicalpainter says, I you can “bank" on V Patton’s Sun-Proof Paint ft jV because it saves the cost of at least one painting every five years. The painter “banks" on it because it gives him_a By reputation. Paiton’s Sun-Proof pTjjfl? . Paint /* Is made In exact proportions—of the most durable mater ials — zinc, lead and silica —perfectly mixed by improved machinery. It is the best spreading-, longest wearing paint, and has the most brilliant and lasting colors. Get a beau tiful color card and full|information from * in* urn so. /r —— „ m* mm W 3*%! TOW W&T JMnA a Every bill for painting, covering, re- I .zk 'VFM? P a * rin £ and replacing your roof is a tax \ ( v y NiOy you can avoid if you use v*' R/ J ” W ASBEST °S ROOFING ■ lh is the only “Fully-paid Non-assessable” Ro °fi !! g on the market. Made of Asbestos, an 1'^ indestructible, fire-resisting mineral and not affected by rust or rot or the action of acids, chemical Jm Jgf fumes, ga3es or heat and cold. Requires no coating or painting to preserve it and is, therefore, the “Cheapest per-Year” roofing. Asbestosire is an Asbestos Siding for buildings and is the most economical, durable and easily applied siding known. Ash for semples arid prices. H.W. JOHNS-MANVILLE CO. - DEPT. R. 5 ICO WiLLIAiW STREET, NEW YORK CITY