The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, June 04, 1908, Image 7

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B. Y. P. U, WILL GATHER AT GAINESVILLE JUNE 23-25 Baptist Young People of Georgia Will be in Convention Interesting Program. What promises to be one of the greatest gatherings of the Bap tist Young People of Georgia, will be held in Gainesville, June 23-25, inclusive. It will be the Fourteenth Annual Convention of the B. Y. P. U., and will bring together a large number of workers and a more brilliant array of speakers than has marked any of the previous State Conventions. __ Mr. Jno. E. Howell, of Moul trie, Chairman of the Program Committee, has issued the follow ing outline of what will be a very interesting program, and an nounces a number of speakers: Key woid: “Enlargement. ” Subject: The Masters Voice- Matt. 28:18-28. Shall we heed it? The Preparation— (a) The Sa cred Literary Course, (b) The Conquest Missionary Course. (c) The Bible Reader Course. (and) The Devotional Course, (e) The Junior Course. The Opportunity of the hour— “ Lift up your eyes and look upon the fields”—(a) State Mis sions. (b) Home Missions, (c) Foreign Missions. Shall we give our lives? What Shall be the Measure of Our Financial Aid? Achievement and Outlook of Georgia B. Y. P. U. Conventional Sermon. Speakers:—Dr. R. J. Willing ham, Richmond; Dr. J. M. Frost, Nashville; Dr. B, D. Gray, Dr. J.; J. Bennett, Dr. John F. Purser, I Mr. L. A. Witherspoon, Jr., At lanta; Dr. E. J. Forrester, Dr. Rich, Macon; Dr. Robert Van Deventer, Jackson; Dr. J. D. Chapman, Valdosta; Dr. A. C. Cree, Griffin; Hon. Cliff Walker, Monroe; Mr. W. W. Brooks, Rome. The strongest array of speak ers of wide reputation. FLOVILLA Mr. Clem Towles, of Cork, was a recent visitor to Flovilla. Miss Alice Thompson left last week for a visit to friends in McDonough. Mr. R. F. Phillips, of Monti cello, visited friends in Flovilla Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pope, of Cork, were the guests of Mrs. Web Bryant Tuesday. Miss Alice F. Smith left Tues day for Macon to visit her broth er, Mr. John R. L. Smith. Mrs. D. K. Foster, of Milledge ville, spent the week-end with her son, Mr. G. 0. Ernest. Mr. Ivy Roundtree, of Swains boro, Ga., was fhe guest of friends in Flovilla Sunday. Quite a large delegation at tended the bar convention held at Indian Spring last week. There will be a match game of ball between Flovilla and Stark Saturday on the Flovilla diamond. Mrs. W. J. Partridge has re turned home from several • days visit to friends in the Gate City. Miss Sallie Mae Ball, who has been the guest of Miss Willie Terrell, has returned to her home in Jackson. Misses Laura and Alice Smith spent the week-end in McDon ough visiting their sister, Mrs. Tom Brown. Mr. Dent Terrell; of Coving ton, spent the week-end in Flo villa his parents, Mr. and ! Mrs: R. J. Terrell. Miss Pauline Mallett, of Jack son, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Mote Watts, has returned home, Miss Mariamne Dozier, who has been a pupil at Wesleyan, reached home Thursday to spend her summer vacation. Miss Lucy Goodman, of Jack son, spent several days of last week in Flovilla as the guest of Miss Bessie Bloodworth. Mrs. Arthur Wall and children returned home Sunday night from a week’s visit to relatives at Macon and Milledgeville. Mr. G. C. Thaxton, of Jackson, has accepted a position with Dr. A. F. White and will be glad to have his friends call on him there. , Miss Willie Terrell will leave soon for Eastman, Ga., where she will be the guest of Misses Fannie Kate and Emma George Persons. Mr. and Mrs. Hall Turner, of Winder, Ga., Miss Adel Nutt and Mr. Willie Lee Nutt of Jackson, visited Dr. and Mrs. J. Mote Watts Sunday. Miss Ruth Duffy will entertain the younger set, at her home, Wednesday evening from 8 to 11 —the occasion being in celebra tion of her birthday. Mrs. Lucy Dozier Douglas’ re cital on Friday evening last, at her home, was a rare treat to lovers of music. Her pupils showed excellent training and reflected much credit on their skilled teacher, The parlors and hall were decorated with palms and vases of bright red gladiolas were placed on the cabinets .and mantels. A delicious ice course was served after the recital. Quite a large number of invited guests enjoyed the following in teresting program: Vaillance polka, Bellak-Primo, Marilu Ter rell. Secondo —Nellie Scott Mil len. Ahilomel-Kunkel Willie Smith. Route-en-train, Ketterer —Olive Millen. Petite Polka, Beliak—Lucile Moxley. Die Lus tige Wittwe, Frank Lehar, Arr Danmark —Annice Barnes. Hap py New Year March, Watson — Marilu Terrell. Meditation, Mor rison—Jewel Smith. Nippono Intermezzo Lincoln Annie Reid Maddux. Valse in Eb, Dur and—Lurline Lawson. A Ray of Sunshine, LeDuc —Nellie Scott Millen. Pure as Snow, Lange— Rosa Greer. Florizelle Valse, Ducelle - Lois Allen. Silvery Waves, Wyman Olive Millen. Chapel in the Mountains, Wilson —Lurline Lawson. Duet, Flem ish Dance, Bonheur-Primo—Jew el Smith, Secondo—Willie Smith. WEST BUTTS Bro. Hamil was with friends at England Chapel Sunday. Dept. Sheriff Stroud has the best field of cotton on No. 7. Messrs D. N. Carmichael and J. M. Leach were in West Butts Sunday. Mr. Daniel Brooks was among thfe visitors at England Chapel Sunday. Mrs. L. L. Britton paid her daughter, Mrs A. F. Taylor, a visit Sunday. Messrs Ed Flint and Richard Pettigrew were in our vicinity Sunday night. Messrs. L. L. Britton and W. F. Stroud attended the singing at McDonough Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Maddex were guests of Mr. A. F. Tay lor and family Sunday. A crowd of young people from England Chapel held a picnic at Indian Spring Saturday. Mr. L. M. Grant gave the young people a singing Sunday night at which a very large crowd was present. There is going to be a Bible class organized at England Chapel, and we expect all the old people to attend. Farmer Boy. JACKSON NO. 2 Our Flovilla correspondent has asked what has become of our correspondents picnic. Nothing has become of it, only we just havn’t had it yet. But just watch for it—we are going to have it. He suggested that our friend Mr. B. TANARUS, Deason would let us hold the picnic in the grove near his house where the Maddox’s hold their reunions. Yes, he will let us have it there and will as sist us in any way he can to have it there or anywhere else we want to have it. Let’s hear from all the correspondents and the edit or in regard to the time and place of our picnic. I’ll go any where, any time you may want to. Here’s to the Editor of The Progress—its correspondents and their picnic. MONEY TO LOAN. $20,000 to loan on Butts county farms at 7 per cent. Come quick if you need money. T. J. DEMPSEY, Jackson, Ga. [ TEVENS f To: Trap cr Field a STEVENS r cr double barrel CIICTGUIT is Ideal. Low in Price —in Quality —(rood cun value r>‘ t ;Trou;;h! I/Icde in standard r: auj:'., l-r.~‘.hs, v/eirhts, etc.— sr ITatnrncrlesS Styles. E7~V~H3 CIIOTC-UNS '::sot straight and strong ' -rr lot lord for 130-pamlllni- I -.ivo i.oru -ftrs 1 tr*tod Catilo* dtscrtb -1-lpui‘ir-d rood* Hrr- ir.-; ent!r output. ; vLa. .' 2 i yen <i n not Ha* attractive cover -9 t.iip (Ji'oct, i.n color*. Mailed for Icrpro-* prepaid, cnon 5 c*nt* in stamp* to r;* eipt cl Catalog ?*7 postage. l-p-4 •. L— <l J- STEVENS ■ <? ARMS & TOOL CO. . • v I\ O. Box 4098. t 'Ni n Chicopee Falls Mass . andI 1 1 1 H A Money Maker for Agents “THE OLD WORLD AND ITS WAYS” BY William Jennings Bryan 576 Imperial Octavo Pages. 251 Superb Engravings from pho tographs taken by Col. Bryan. Recounting his trip around the world and his visits to all nations. Greatest book of travel ever written. Most successful seller of this generation. FOUR editions In four months. The agent's harvest. Write at once for “Teriitory’’and“ Agent’s Outfit." Agent’s Outfit Free.— Send fifty cents to cover cost of mail ing and handling. Address THE Thompson Publishing Cos. St. Louis, Missouri. A Happy Family When you fix upon having a good Insurance policy, your mind is at rrest, your wife is touched by your thought, and even the baby sees there’s something of importance going on and joins in the general good feeling. That’s the best thing aboutapolcy--it’s the one settled, safe investment in this world of trade changes. See me. GEO. CARMICHAEL JACKSON, GEORGIA Y oung Man If you are looking for the and neatest buggy on the market BTXTT THE CARMICHAEL THEY ARE BUILT IN ONE GRADE ONLY AND ARE EQUIPPED WITH GENUINE “A. Grade Wheels” AND OTHER MATERIALS THE BEST THAT MONEY WILL BUY. The Best is None too Good for You BUY A “CARMICHAEL” FOR SALE BY mibieh Goranm Jackson, Georgia For first-class Job Printing—Progress Job Office. NOTICE a— wmmmmmmmmam wmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam I am a Candidate for Your SuJHIIIKE Health If you want to sell your real estate I can find you a buyer, or I keep chasing for one. Try me. .. , - ‘ ■!■' I ' 1 - 1 1-L - ■=- .'■= ' JAMBS EARTHEN Crum Building. Jackson, Georgia