The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, July 09, 1908, Image 4

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THEPROGRESS * VAN WILHITE, EDXTOB AND PUBLISHER. Subscription $i oo Per Yr. Advertising Kates Furnished On Application. Published €wrv Churttoy. Entered an necoml-rlHsi* inattor, Novain tmr H, 1007, at the pontoftieeat Jackson, Gu. miller act of Conjjreas of March t. 1579. TELEPHONE NUMBER 166 Local News. If it’s a suit of clothes you need, don’t fail to go to H. G. Entrekin’s. He can save you at least 33 per cent on any kind of ready-made clothing. Miss Mervin Jones who has been visiting Miss Estelle Thorn ton, has returned to her home in Stark. Miss Thornton went with her for days visit. Rev. A. F. McMahon and wife, left Friday of last week fora visit to relatives in Griffin, Zebu lon and Hampton. They will re turn the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jace Maddox and little Thelma, returned Sunday from a visit to Mrs. Ed. Cole at Iron Spring. While there they had a fishing picnic on the river. When you come to Jackson, be sure and go to H. G. Entrekin’s, Brown Cos. ’s old stand. He can show you mere good bargains than you have ever found in one store. Miss Julia Smith will leave Sat urday for Monticello, and will be away for two weeks. This is the first vacation she has had for two years, and her friends wish her a happy time. Miss Ruth Lamar, who is visit ing her aunt, Mrs. F. S. Ether idge, was hostess Monday even ing at a most enjoyable trail party. Tempting refreshments were served. The Safety of Your Money v The absolute assurance of being able to get at ANY time, being the first and prime requisite when you place it in a Lsuik wiiy not keep it in the oldest AND STRONGEST bank financially in this section? Keep it where you can be in personal to ; f hv. .'ui the men who care for it: keep it where you know it is loaned to home people aoJ can be used in helping to make a crop in Butte and surrounding counties and --a u:e un building of ybur home and v*cimiy; ke.p it where, in case of need, you can get it quickly. THIS BANK affords yc*u this safety and offers you the model'll conveniences for the cate o! y oar business alfairs and inteiests. We star be pleased to have YOU open an account with us—NOW. - Jackson Banking Cos. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Mrs. A. H. Smith and Helen; retumeefMonday from a visit to' Mrs. Harold Griffiin of Griffin. They were accompanied home by Miss Evelyn Hunt, who will be with them several days. Mrs. T. M. Furlow very pleas antly entertained her Sunday School class Tuesday afternoon. The children thoroughly enjoyed games on the lawn, and ices and cakes were daintily served. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mat thews and children returned home Thesday. They were accompanied by Mrs. L. D. Wat son and little Anna Dawn, who will visit them several days. Mrs. Emma Mailett and Mrs. A. H. Smith lett Wednesday for Wrightsville Beach. Misses Pau line Mailett, Lucile Elder and Tally Jolly contemplate leaving Saturday for this delightful resort. Mrs. R. R. McCord, Mrs. Guy Coleman and Miss Fredna Allen returned Monday evening from Jonesboro, where they have been attending the meeting of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Thompson and Miss Minnie Browning, went to visit relatives near Forsyth this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp son returned Wednesday, while Miss Minnie remained over a few days longer. Wednesday afternoon of last week, Miss Eloise Meredith gave an al fresco party in honor of her guest, Miss Gladys Houston of Atlanta. The invited guests were entertained by games and con tests. An ice course was served. In last week’s paper, it was elated that Miss Ernestine Dem psey would study voice while in New York. We wish to correct this. She has accepted'the chair of English in the col lege, and is at the Columbian University studying during the summer. • , Miss Saliie Mae Fletcher was the gracious hostess of the Tues day morning club complimentary to Miss Ruth Lamar,of Americus. Progressive trail was the game played. In “The Family Tree” contest Miss Exie Ham drew the prize. A salad course was served which concluded the morning’s pleasure. 3000 yds 10 and 15c lawn, choice. 7c. H. G. Entrekin. GRAND EXCURSION TO THE SEASHORE —I I" MU——■ I Southern Railway Wednesday, July 15, 1908 Special Train will leave Jackson 6:34 A. M., and tickets will be sold for this train only, at the following rates: \ Jackson to Brunswick and return, $3.25 “ Cumberland “ 3.50 “ St. Simon’s “ , 3.50 “ Jacksonville “ 3.75 “ Pablo Beach “ 3.75 “ Atlantic Beach “ 4.25 Tickets limited to return on any train’ u'p to and including train leaving Brunswick 6:35 P. M., and Jacksonville 7:55 July 18. Don’t miss this opportunity to visit the Seashore' at a very low cost. For further information see Ticket Agent or write, G. R. PETTIT, Traveling Passenger Agent, . Macon, Georgia How about buying $1.50 for 75c. You can do this at H. G. Entrekin’s. How about that cream order for eiM'ertahnnents or for dir-nc? desert? ißtng 10 and £-v; “the best’ ’ and delivered prom:;tiy too. Jamerson Drug Cos. The young men of the town entertained in a delightful man ner Tuesday evening „rt the 'Buchanan Hotel; • ’•complim :ntary td“ the young ladies and their guests. The house was prettily decorated with growing plants. As the guests arrived they were served with punch by Miss Willie Thornton. Progressive Conver sation was the feature of. the evening. Ices and cakes were served to forty guests. The Cable Co.’s PIANOS: Mason Conover Kingsberry Schubert Wellington Schulenburg ORGANS: v * Chicago Cottage Mason & Har.;iin • • '• SOLD BY Jacob T. Mayo, Jackson, Georgia. T. J. DEMPSEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Jackson ----- Georgia Y, A. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Jackson, Georgia. Longest e:;per!enc:d lawyer at the Jackson bar. DR. J. E. WOODS Physician end .Surgeon. Office upstairs in Crum build ing. Residence phone, 163; office phone, 137-J. . .W. E. WATKINS : LAWYER •J&tksoh - • - Geosgia Practice in all Courts, both State a m V Fetferal Oiiiee i.i Rank Hail west'aide public square. 7• ,l Vinegar . r . I•: r . . •••■*' " ,X * 1 •: r • Vinegar, may be vinegar, or it may be some thing eise; and due regard for health demands care in the purchase of this article of universal consumption. Perhaps a so-called vinegar, composed of acetic acid and water may not be called strictly poisinous, but to use it is to treat the delicate lining, of one’s stomach rather harshly, to say the least, while its strong metallic taste destroys the flavor of everything to which it is applied. Or if it is doctored with tannic or sulphuric acid to improve its flavor, then it is doubly dangerous because more deceitful. It would seem, therefore, that one’s only safe-guard is to Purchase a Reliable Brand From a Reliable Grocer 1 refund full purchase price if any pack age of Heinz Vinegars proves, unsatisfactory —.a——a—r—at—a——■ ■ ■■■ni * ■ —i u -■ —: vl,- > .... .jcvn* S. H. Thornton FOR JOB PRINTING-PROGRESS JOB OFFICE. NOTICE. To Tax Defaulters: Aik those who fail to make their tax re turns in the next ten .days, will be doubled and placed on. the de faulters list: Take notice. • G. E. McMxckael, T. C. B. C. July 3, 190S. . .. .