The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, July 09, 1908, Image 5

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PERSONAL AND LOCAL A little gossip about the doings of folks you know and don’t know For white rats call on Quigg Fletcher. Mr. Billie Mitchell of near Griffin, was in our midst Monday. Miss Ophelia Banks opened school at Old Bethel this week. Mrs. Park Newton is visiting homefolk at Newnan. Frank Wilder made a flying trip to Jackson Sunday evening. Miss Eva Sasnett is slowly improving from a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Marlin an nounce the birth of a son. Mr. E. C.* Robison and family, visited Judge Hammond Friday. Tom Thurston was a visitor to Fincherville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Howie were in Atlanta last week with relatives. All light colored calico going at 5c at H. G. Entrekin’s. Lamar Etheridge had as his guest Sunday, Mr. Sid Conner of Macon. Mrs. Emmie Adams enjoyed Sunday at the home of Mr. J. S. Carter. Tom Buttrill returned Monday from a visit of several days in- Atlanta. Messrs George Collier and Joe Wall were up from Indian Spring Monday. Miss Sue W T atts of Fiovilla, spent Monday with Miss Famine Mallett. . Webb Mason was in the hrst of the week on social business. Jack Carrie is able to be out again, but is still away from the Star Store. 1 R. A. Maddox spent several days recently in Atlanta and Chattanooga. Miss Gladys Houston of Atlan ta, is the pretty guest of Miss Eloise Meredith. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Buttrill spent Saturday night and Sunday at Indian Spring. Mrs. B. J. Banks left this week for a visit to her sister, M*.s. Wimpee at Rome. Mr3. J. W- Woodruff has been in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs. Verna Wright. Mr. Paul Baker, of Atlanta, spent Saturday with friends on Covington street. Miss Hattie Jones is spending two weeks with Miss Bern.ce Byars, at Juliette. A little girl has come to brighten the home or Mr. arr Mrs. L. L. Whitten. Miss Annie Crawford .is si home after a month’s visit to Maxcys and Birmingham. Ralph Turner came down iron* McDonough Sunday evening ana returned Monday morning. Miss Inez Stalsworth oi Atlan ta, cams Wednesday ana v.. with relatives for two \\ eeks. Mrs. C. W. Kinsman and nnne Ossie McCord arc at horns alter two wselm at Indira S ? j j - Mr. F. M. Maddox a:rd sister, Mrs. Nolen, have rcton*. n-om a visit to raiat: res m t v r - 'v-' b?eh ft the Empire Buggy Company, - two week’s vacation spent - Bamesville. After a vacation of 2 weeks, Miss Marie McMichael is back in the Star Store. Mr. and Mrs. Will Carter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hammond. Mrs. J. E. Hanna had with her Sunday her brother-in-law, Mr. Legette, of Leesburg, Fla. Mr. John Jones of Nashville Georgia, was circulating among friends on Third street Sunday. Miss Maggie Bell Thaxton left this week for Fincherville, to assist Miss Bessie in her school. Work has begun on Mr. Dave Watkins house which is located in the grove just beyond Pepper ton. Mrs. Mollie Godbold and child, of Valdosta, are spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Cop page. Miss Maggie Currie, one of the most popular salesladies of our town, is taking a month’s vaca tion. Mrs. John Thomas of Adel Ga. is at the home of her parents Mr. J. C. Gunn for a months visit. Miss Vashti Gilmore who has always been a popular visitor or Jackson, is with Miss Flossie Jinks. Mr. Walter Norris of the At lanta Journal, spent Sunday with the family of Mr. G. S. Hanes. Mrs. J. M. Walker of Atlanta, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Joyner, on Indian Spring street. Miss Lucile Elder has returned home, after a short stay in our town -Ss the guest ox Miss Pauline Maliett. Mr. and Mrs. Purdcrn of Sparks, who are at Indian Spring, are the guests of Miss Viola Slaughter. H. G. Entrekin has more real bargains than any store in Mid dle Georgia. Anna Mary Powers spent the week-end in Macon. Her i.ttie friend, Vivian Ivy, came home with her. Please place your order for ice before six o’clock. Conner & Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Jinks and Miss Lucy Goodman were guest Sunday of Mrs. McDowell in Atlanta. Mr. John Wood and son, Mr. Clinton of Montieeilo, spent Wed nesday with the family of Dr. J. E. Wood. The Hanna orchestra with Miss Ina McMichael as render, will r"ve a recital at Greys, Friday evening. k/cUUilCiitA , c*a^ iirst of the v/eel: from a short stay vrah friends in liar noavi lie and Atlanta. Mr. W. E. Cantrell of Emer t-v, c>,• ** . F-u*iw' : '.y n.ti v/iie, who is with ner mother, Mm. Susan Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Whit Collier and dauyh'w, of Birmingham, are at Rock CusiM, at Indian Spring with hornefoik. Mr. L. L. O’Kelly came up from 1 itoon &utnrd*iy, auu 5.>-x.t Suit lay wiui Ins v/iit*, WuO m o*, die heme of her parents, Copl and Mrs. L. D. Watson. Mr. Faulkner and daughter of Monticello, spent Sunday with Mr. J. T. Goodman’s family on Covington street. Mr. O’Neal Lamar came down from Atlanta Sunday with Thorn ton Buchanan, and enjoyed the day in our town. Mr. Mercer Johnson returned Monday to his home, after a pleasant stay with his parents on Mulberry street. Mr. Lucian Duke came up from Fort Gaines Saturday night to spend Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Nancy Duke. Mr. and Mrs. Lib Jamerson and little daughter, had a pleas ant visit Sunday and Monday to relatives in Macon. Misses C'Lo Carmichael and Jane Stanfield will join an Atlan ta party Friday, for a week’s pleasure trip to St. Simons. Representative S. H. Mays came home to enjoy the fourth with his family, and returned to Atlanta Monday morning. Bert Jinks took a pleasure trip to Idlewyle and Dublin, last week. He returned Monday looking bright and cheerful. Clarence and Sara Plunkett, who have been visiting relatives in Atlanta for the past three weeks, have returned home. Nice lot latest style, straw hats at H: G. Entrekin’s, 50 per cent discount. Mrs. 'Duncan, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Lanier, for several months, left Monday for Dublin to visit relatives. Miss Neil Bryant of Atlanta, is one of the attractive visitors in our tov/n. She is being enter tained by Miss Ina McMiciwei. Mrs. Verna Wright c.nd child ren with Mrs. J. N. Woodruff of McDonough, have returned from an outing at the camp ground. Misses r icy and Cas&ue iviuclik-* V'/iLii .di. jC. -.j . .vt' r * had a nice visit to Miss Eva Mason in Ilenry county Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corey,.of Bangor Maine, who are spending some time at the Wigwam, visit ed Miss Hattie Buttrill recently. Mrs. J. W. Crum had a severe, attack of acute indigestion Tues day. Her friends are glad to know that she is now improving. Mr. and Mrs. Will MaLaier of Griffin, are visiting Mr. and Mr . Joe Leach. Mr. MaLaier is thinking of locating in Jackson. Miss Nina Harris went to'At lanta Monday and was accompan ied home by Sara Hocten, wl o visited in Jackson until Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boswdrth came down from Atlanta Friday night and remained over nr,Cl Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. E. Wood. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Franklin : r/r a* piCciSani, v i<,it -jj •.-i.-. ~Ol iver's relative.!! m LamnsVido iwcrr. Thursday or iast, to Mon jy of this week. , Mrs. Two ?’.;i -i an 4 jrt' hand delightfully at tea Monday even ing, Mr. and Ck ytor’ M-d -t.'tevvs of Atlanta, Mirs Hattie and T. 11. Buttrill. Big lot sample shirt: at If. G. Entrekin's, 50 nor cent dbcoir-.L Pam isol.n rtpiC'.-'i.ivC'i sun at El jin Sundr y. Ihu: eays the dr is fi - hut it is not i thought *y many that Paul goer st for the drive. [ * r ■ < LOG G..n.pie hats at ii. G. La* trekin’s; some of them worth $2, choice 75c. BANKING SERVICE Banks are becoming more and more the custo dians of the funds of the people of both large and small meaijs. This is due to a wider appreciation of the valf^ of banking service as its usefulness Is extended and its methods become better known/ 7 In the case of The Firsb National Bank THE BEST Service is assured. Its officers aim in every way to protect the interests of its patrons, making use of every means of precaution. Its up-to-date system of accuracy, promptness and the same careful attention to large or small depositors. It is a safe Bank, it is the Bank for all the people— rich and poor, men, women and children. If you have any banking business to transact, come to The Finft National Bank OF JACKSON. When you are hot and tired and need a little* rest aiid refreshment drop in and enjoy the breeette iron* our fans and drink a glass of our “Cold, Sparkling Soda.” Don’t forget too that we are serving delicious Cream, and our., many customers, “that we con sider goott judges” say—“lT’S THE BEST fN TOWN” —and that pleases us very much, be a “satisfied customer is our best advertise ment,” Drop in and we will do our best to ;n.i •* you ha •‘jNrr.JNe. . ’ Jamtef son Drug Cos. NUNN ALLY’S CANDY ALWAYS FRESH Yopng-Man : If you are looking for the best and neatest buggy on the market BU Y TICE! CARMICHAEL THEY ARE BUILT IN ONE GRADE ONLY AND ARE EQUIPPED WITH GENUINE ' “A Grade Wheels” AND OTHER MATERIALS THE BEST THAT MONEY WILL BUY. m Bas* is Nona too Oood for You BUY A “CARMICHAEL” • 9i’ LmtvrJLar -* *mn-iv4 /-v wtwin - *9>*. tom .nMHMaMuci i raaiw ■TTm iTiww h(J .. > ►'G.A £j}\j I* V IP *k l ?!ff k 1 p R Iff n fill ¥ it L/jjEiC ou, Georgia