The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, July 09, 1908, Image 8

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The Jackson Mercantile Co.'s Good Bye Sale Goes Merrily; On ; 4 ' r T'i£ . * V p . ~,.„w ! . v . • f I '■■■ c ■...*•■- - k - ’ ;! '' ." ~,M V , , .:..■* ! - ■'"' ' ’ £*** ■* , •!. U h j 'i'U , •:. * ■.' • I • I .I, , -|,| I —II I~— ■■' I ,|.l—M*——I ■■! I III! ~ -r . ■■■,'■■ '-" "■ , , '•■ ’ , ' ■ ' ''„ ..•: >;■■'• . - • t, •*'..* PEOPLE who know good values say we are selling goods cheaper than they have ever been sold in Jackson. Our sales up to present show largest increase of any Special Sale we’ve ever had. , Never a cause without a reason. Towit, “More Goods for Same Money; “Same Goods for Less Money.” Be wise—come and get your share. ..... . , -'•• r\ :•'* ■ •' *' ■ " V ‘ * • ' •. ..'V* . ? --• " ;i Ai ' ■ „.L - . '■ . V . 9 • ‘ * c * . “v. • * J v*. - I, ,rm.iTm— ri■■■ i. mm~ armn -rt-r_.fn.jni ■ -j—rr ******-*:*■■ m ' wtn,ammammmm ™ ,ir \ * _ _ . , . ’ V *. ■ YOURS TO PLEASE, Proprietors The Star Store, Jackson, Ga. COUNTY CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tgybi visited hero Sunday. _ Miss. Lynn Heflin is o.i the sick list this week. . Mr. W. S. Henley is very fee ble at this writing. Miss Olive Laing, of Atlanta, is visiting Miss Mitt Wall of near here. Mrs. EsteWe Mills, of Atlanta, is visiting her brother, Mr. W. P. Wall. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chastain an nounce the arrival of a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bell are visiting the latter’s sister. Mrs. B. N. Barron, Jr., of Griffin. Miss Mollie Hammock attended the singing near McDonough Saturday. Miss Emmie Clements opened her school at Henley school house Monday. After 3 week’s visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Henley. Mrs. James Clark has returned to her home at Macon. There was a good many from around here that spent last Sat urday at Indian Spring. Reader. Mr. Cullen Thaxton who has a responsible position at Taber nilla Panama, is expected to arrive in Jackson about August the 15, and will visit his parents for several weeks. In the early fall Mr. Thaxton and Miss Fran cis Noble, of Atlanta, will be married and will take a trip through the east and Canada be fore returning to Panama. You will find the best of meats at Conner & Crawfod's market. The Jackson Banking Com pany began paying to its stock hoi ticca on We an os lay, July $oO 000. 00, lr ci. :g 100 pereer. t. dividend on >tr. mock. T;;..3 bank \r >*, organised in 1883 wikis2s.o Ji. GO capitd and; in KOI was in . -cosed to $50,000. ■ 00. Snice that t no it has con tinuously paid dividends every year of from 8 to 10 per cent, and , laid aside an additional sur plus which now is nearly $60.000- 00. Including the present divi dend, the bard: has paid cut $142- 000.00 to the stockholders during j die past 10 years. Mr.F. 8. Edieridge has been! President and Mr. A. H. Smith Vice President during this time. Capt. L. D. Watson was Cashier ten years, Mr. F. S. Cater \vas % Cashier two years, and Mr. R. P. Sasnett, the present Cashier has served the bank ten years, the last eight years as Cashier. After paying out this dividend of 100 percent. The Jack con Banking Company wili then have a surplus cf nearly $9,000.- 00 and the $50,000 00. The above record is a sufficient guarantee that they will enjoy the confidence of the community to an increased extent, and we dc net doubt that the future has in store for it a greater usefulness than ever before. Mrs. I. M. Ball md Miss Scdlie Mae, entertained a few friends at tea Monday evening. The dining table was prettily decora ted, and for a centerpiece a large bowl of sweet pens around which was grouped fruits, presented a pretty picture. A most tempt ing menu was served. • These in vited were Misses Lillian, Carrie and Annie Carter, Eioise Pound and Prof. W. P. Thomas. Phone 136 and get your ice. FOR SALE. Five room cottage now building in Parkland. New, convenient and cheap. SIOOO.OO terms. I cell farms and city property. Will find you a buyer if price is reasonable. No sale, no .expense. Try me. JAMES WARTHEN. P. S.— I have a few more of the Matchless Pen Policies left and can fit you with the safest insur ance at lowest cost. Our soda water pleases the most fastidious. Jam arson Drug Cos. Daily pullman service Macon, Ga., to Asheville, N. C. and the “Land of the Sky,” via Southern -Rail way. Leave Macon 5:00 p. m. arrive at Asheville 7:10 a. m. For informa tion, reservations etc., ad dress G. R. Pettit, Trav. Pass. Agt. Macon, Ga. BATHS HOT AND COLD AT Whitten's Barber Shop 25 CENTS EACH OET TICKETS FOR FIVE BATHS FOR 81.00 WE DO FIRST CLASS BARBER WORK Ladies, bring the little children and we will show them special attention. L. L. Whitten Jackson, Georgia We are now ready for the sale of lots in i Douglass Heights NEAR HOLINESS CAMP GROUND. We are offering every other lot in about 110 beautiful lots Every one who purchases a lot helps to create value. Therefore, we will give half interest in an adjoining lot to those who buy a lot. Then, later on We will sell at audtion these joint ownership lots Any purchaser who desires to purchase the lot in which he has half interest can do so prior to the auction by paying half what their other lot cost. -i iirrii——■ n—l i ■ —i ■ i■! im—Ha ■mi i—r—■ T'tTW IVTQ Ten dollars cash; fifteen dollars first a. J2/IVIVIC3 day of September; one-third of the balance, October 15th; one-third, December Ist, and one-third, January Ist, next. i ■■■■!■ Mir ——r———hi —ra— — nr— i—m-nr>wt——n———r-n— m— —nrt FOR PARTICULARS CALL ON W. F. or S.P. Smith