The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, July 23, 1908, Image 1

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BUTTS COUNTY PROGRESS VOLUME 28 FLO VILLA Mr. Loviek Ball of Atlanta, visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Mamie Ward of Macon, is the guest of Miss Alice Smith. Mrs. W. 0. Sharp returned Monday from a visit to Milner. Mrs. I. G. Scott of Eatonton, is the guest of Mrs. R. L. Allen. Miss Mabelle Smith of Cork, was the guest of friends recently. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Mayo an nounce the birth of a daughter. Mr. Sherman Britt of Macon, visited friends in Flovilla Sun day. Mr. John Phinizee of High Falls was a recent visitor to Flo villa. Mr. Claude Bowles of Jackson, visited Mr. Charlie Ingram recently. * Mr. M. Fleming Smith has re turned from a short trip to South Georgia. Mrs. S..A. Norris of Macon, is visiting her nephew, Mr. J. T. Edwards. Mrs. J. L. Bryant has returned from a visit to Mrs. J. L. Watson of Jackson. Miss Ruby Mann of Jonesboro, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. L. Lawson. Miss Mattie Wall of Milledge ville, is the guest of her brother, Mr. Artur Wall. Mr. J. C. Maddox’s many friends will regret to know that he is quite sick. Miss Lola Harris of Covington, arrived Saturday for several days visit to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Graves of Macon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Millen. Mr. Walker W. Preston left Tuesday for Forsyth to visit friends for several days. Miss Dorcas Greer returned Sautrday from a visit to Mrs. Archie Graves of Macon. Mrs. 0. D. Smith and little daughter, Evelyn, are visiting relatives in Jones county. Mr. and Mrs. Lavosia Maddox ] °f Dublin, visited friends in Flo . villa and Jackson recently. Miss Manche Stanton of Win der, arrived Monday to be the ?uest of Miss Maud Smith. Rev. Z. M. Leverette of For syth, passed through Floviila Tuesday enroute to Locust Grove. _ Rev. M. L. Harris left Monday for Jenkinsburg, to assist the pastor there in a protracted meeting. Capt. and Mrs. W. F. Smith and children, Jewel, Dave and W iliie, spent the week-end in Jones county. Mrs. Raymond Setzer and little .Laughter, Bernice, of Henry county, are guests of Mr. J. A;. Barnes’ family. Miss Bessie Partridge of Atlan ta. who has been the attractive guest of Mrs. W. -j. Partridge for two weeks, left Monday for Be .* cross to be a guest of Maw Hoyle Skinner, at a house party, i JACKSON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1808 Miss Lucy Goodman has re turned to her home in Jackson, after a week's visit to Miss Bes sie Blcoodworth. Mr. C. B. Beall left last week for Lake Park, Ga., where he has accepted a position with the G. S. & F. railway. Miss Lucile Elder returned Tuesday from a most delightful stay of two weeks at Wrights ville Beach, N. C. Mr. John Crow of Jackson ville, arrived Monday, and will be the guest of relatives and friends for some time. The yearly reunion of the Smith family will be held Satur day the 25th at the home of Mr. R. Van Smith at Cork.. Mrs. Tom Rhodes of Mcßae, has returned from a visit to Mc- Donough, and is with her par ents, Capt. and Mrs. W. F. Smith. SOUTH BUTTS Miss Daisy Thomas visited Misr Clara Ezelle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Flynt visited the latter’s parents Sun day. Miss Mary Lizzie Pettigrew visited Miss Ophelia Smith Sun day. Miss Ina Ridgeway was the guest of Miss Alice Thaxton Sun day. Mr. Sam Smith of Atlanta, en joyed Monday with loved ones at home. Miss Fannie spent part of last week in Atlanta with her uncle, Rev. Rolfe Hunt. Misses Bertha and Nolie Mang ham entertained a few of their friends Sunday. The singing given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thaxton Saturday night was highlg en joyed. The Thaxtons cordially invite their many friends to come to Liberty next Wednesday, and enjoy the reunion with them. Farmer’s Daughter. COUNTY CORNERS The farmers would sure appre ciate a rain in this part of the county. Mrs. Freeman of Floviila, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. M. Apple. Mrs. Laurence and children, of Locust Grove, are visiting her parents. Miss Lynn Heflin attended ser vices at England’s Chapel Sun day night. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bell ana children, attended services at Ringgold Sunday. Mr. Tom Hammock' has re turned from a pleasant trip to Jacksonville, r la. Am ir those who attended the barbecue at Mr. Clarks Sat urday were Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Heflin an 1 Mbs Lynn; Mr. ana Mrs. C. W. Bell; air. ana W. S. Henley; Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt and ..Irs. fcaiLc KEADEK. WORTHViLLE Miss Lena White is spending the week in Atlanta. Mr. Ed Lawson was .up from Flo villa Tuesday. Misses Mary and Eliza Fincher of Cedar Rock, visited here Sun day. Mr. Obe Hendrick was down from Forest Park the first of the week. Mrs. Will Gresham spent last week with her son in Jackson ville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White spent Sunday with Mrs. Harrison Cawthon. Mrs. Bell Hendrick and Mrs. Lucy Wilson of Jackson, spent Sunday with Mrs. W, E. Grey. Mrs. Effie Smith and Mrs. S. L. Lofton are spending this week with relatives in Green county. Mr. Bernard Stodghill of At lanta, spent Saturday and Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stodghill. The Worthville people seem to be very much in love with Indian Spring this season. They have had two picnics there already, and say they are going again Saturday week. riiSSIONARY CAMPAIGN. Mrs. Gunter, State Missionary of W. M. U. will be with the fol lowing churches of the Kimbell Association for the next 10 days, accompanied by Assoeiatio'nal Superintendent, Miss Ruth Jinks. We cordially invite all the wo men and children within bounds of the Association to attend one or more of the churches and hear Mrs, Gunter. If you are inter ested in missions we want you to come, if not, we urge you to come and we will have programs to suit you. Tuesday 21, 9:30 a. m. Towal iga. Wednesday, Rocky Creek. Thursday 8:00 a. m. Paron. Thursday 3:30 p. m. Mt. Ver non. Friday 9;00 a. m. New Fellow ship. Friday 4:00 p. m. Indian Spring. Saturday 10 a. m. Moores Chapel. Saturday 3:00 p. m. Macedonia. Sunday 4:00 p. m. Worthvillc. Monday 5:00 p. m. Jackson. Monday 8:00 p. m. Pepperton. Tuesday County Line Wednesday Philippi. Floviila will meet with Indian Spring. Miss Ruth Jinks. TO THE PUBLIC. Having sold my Drug Store to Mr. C. Whitehurst, I wish to thank my friends and customers for their liberal patronage, and can assure them that I treated them honest and fair, as I would lik ,to be treated. I wish to say that th e who ire in debt the Hanna Drug Con puny can ; rill nt the same old stand and pay their account to Mr. Dave McMichael. J. T ].J Invna. F oil iTA....n. kji.. - oo.n nouse modern, convenient, new, on 1„ _ _ if , lc.l i 4 J w ciL U DU ... , J AMES W AP.THEN. Five limes Each Year We publish for your inspection, and the inspection of the U. S. Comp troller of the Cur rency, a full and complete state ment of our con dition. These statements are right off our books, just as they stand, sworn to, and certified by our Cashier and Directors, and we never know until they are called for what day’s busi ness we shall pub lish. i Every statement we have published has shown CONSERVATISM STRENGTH anil PROGRESS We invite your attention to these statements —and invite your ac count to the Bank that makes them. State of Georgia, County of Butts County, r, s. I, A. Homer Carmichael, Cashier of the above-named bank, :b solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. HOMER CARMICHAEL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to be- Correct—Attest: fore me, this 21st day of July, Jas. F. Carmichael 1908. J. W. Carmichael, J. E. Hanna Notary Public. J. H. Carmichael The National Bank OI JACKSON. MRS. ETHERIDGE ENTERTAINS The party given on Tuesday evening by Mrs. R. N. Etheridge complimentary to her Sunday School clans and Mass Kate Stephens of Forsy.h, Was one of the most enjoyable occasions of the seasons. The rooms and hall were deco rated with quantities of Pau Neyron roses arranged in tall vases and y.iriiiwerc.i placed throughout the house. A pyra mid or • ilms and ferns formed a picturesque back ground for the table which held the punch bow’. Punch was served by Misses Sara Louise Furlow and Sylvia Lyons, who looked sweet in white and pink frock-. Miss Stephens was much admie I in a dainty dress of white, wkh p ; ’ riblnns, giv ing a soft tone to her brunette beauty. A number of merry games were pb vj.i ], arter which ices and cakes were served. About forty guests enjoy; 1 the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Etheridge. Report of the Condition of The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Jackson, Georgia, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JULY 15, 1908 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $ 85,107 04 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 563 79 U. S. Bonds to secure circu lation 8,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 360 00 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures! 6,468 33 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 4,648 77 Due from State Banks and Bankers 770 91 Due from approved reserve agents 4,296 48 Checks and other cash items. 142 31 Notes of other National Banks 62 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 65 40 Specie 4,313.55 Legal-tender notes 2,500 00 6,813 55 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. (5 per cent circula’n) 400 00 Total $117,098 53 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $30,000 00 Surplus fund__ ... 6,000 00 Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid in- , 847 87 National Bank Notes out i standing 8,000 00 Due to other National Banks 289 36 Dividends unpaid 30 00 Individual deposits subject to check 30,967 94 Time certificates of deposit- 9,877 01 Cashier’s checks outstanding 742 80 Notes and bills rediscounted 7,093 60 Bills payable, including certifi cates of deposit for money borrowed 15,000 00 Liabilities other than those above stated 8,850 00 Total $117,098 58 GILES CAPTURED Searcy Giles, who shot and killed Elbert Thompson near Jackson last Christmas, has been located by Pinkerton detectives in El Paso Texas. Sheriff Wil son left for that place Tuesday to bring him back for trial. Giles had been in Mexico for some time, and had only recent ly come to Texas, where ho had joined the Unitee States Navy. NOTICE At Cedar Rock church on the 3rd of August, there will begin a ten days Singing School, taught by Prof. J. T. Mayo. All who will are invited to come and join. W. C. Bond. FARMS FOR SALE I have two good farms for sale one near Jackson, and the other near Forsyth. Will sell them at reasonable prices. Come to see or write me at once. C. \V. Buchanan, Jackson, Ga. NUMBER SO