The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, July 23, 1908, Image 5

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PERSONAL AND LOCAL A little gossip about the doings of folks you know and don’t know .. .i. *1 • -A* < *A* 'i* ,!/• *A .i. ... Miss Clark of Fincherville, was shopping here Tuesday. Miss Ruth Jinks was in Jack son Tuesday. Paul Nolen and Levi Carter worshipped at Towaliga Sunday. Aubrey Redman is quite sick a t his home on West Avenue. We can cool you if ice will do ! Conner & Crawford. Mr. Troy Saunders is still very sick, at his home near Stark. B. A. Collier visited Rock Cas tle Sunday. George Harkness was seen on 1 our streets the first of the week. Mrs. Lee Smith and Sara visit ei relatives in Atlanta Saturday. Rev. Z. M. Leverette was in town Tuesday. Rev. Farmer is carrying on protracted service at Towaliga. Big lot sample shirts at H. G. Entrekin’s, 50 per cent discount. Miss Madge Thornton arrived Friday night from Tallapoosa and is visiting Miss Rosa Newton. Miss Lena White is spending the week with her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Currie. Miss Katie Stephens of For syth, is the pretty little guest of Mrs. R. N. Etheridge. Miss Cleo Cormiehael has re turned from a delighful stay at St. Simons. Misses Louise Harris and Eloise Pound were guests Sunday of the new Hotel Elder. 500 Sample hats at H. G. En trekin’s; some of them worth $2, choice 75c. Miss Ethel Logue spent the past week in Atlanta with her cousins, Misses Calvert. Mrs. Entrekin will arrive Fri day from Bremen to spend a week with her husband. Miss Dorothy Cantrell is ex pected this week to visit her cousin, Sylvia Lyons. Mr. H. Harper of Elberton, was in Jackson Sunday and Mon day on social duty. Mrs. J. L. Maddox and daugh ter,, of Iron Spimg, were Simp- Ping in Jackson Mon da.*. You will find anything that goes in a house it Jackson Lum ber Cos. Mrs. A. B. D l ine of Atlanta, is expected this v. mx u v.sic her brother, Mr. R. r. oasneit. R. T. Carmichael has returned from a business trip to Jackson ville Florida. Rev. J. W. Hunt of Forsyth, bas been visiting his sister, Mrs. & R. Ridgeway on No. 3. It is reported that there are several cases of malarial fever near High FallsT The Grady school opened Mon day under the instruction of Miss Fannie Ridgeway. Mrs. Harrold Griffin came Fri day from Griffin to visit Mrs. Asa Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Kimbell and children, spent Sunday at Indian Spring. Thornton Buchanan returned Sunday afternoon to Atlanta, after a week’s stay at home. 3000 yds 10 and 15c lav n, choice, 7c. H. G. Entrekin. Little Miss Ruth Middlebrooks was the guest Sunday of her aunt, Mrs. Bryant Thompson. Mrs. L. D. Watson and Anna Dawn are at home after a visit to Mrs. Clayton Matthews. Mrs. Lee Smith delightfully entertained Mrs. Harrold Griffin and children Wednesday. Figure with us before building. We want your business. Jackson Lumber Cos. Miss Minnie Solloway, who has been visiting Miss Janie Lemon will return home this week. LOST. -Gold ring, bearing in itials “J. L.” Return to Progress Office. Clifton Lee, a former Jackson ite, was shaking hands with friends Monday. Clayton Thaxton is absent from his post of dnty this week on ac count of sickness. H. G. Entrekin has more real bargains than any store in Mid dle Georgia. Mr. A. Isamon of Savannah, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Grood zinskv. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Carmichael will leave this week for a visit to relatives in Danville, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thurston came Sunday to visit the family of Mr. J. H. Thurston. Mr. Jenkins returned Monday from a week’s vacation spent in Dublin. Miss Jewel Smith has been the charming guest of Misses Ina Beil and Vertie Mae Moore. Mr. Boone of Toombsboro, spent a few days recently with Mr. E. C. Robinson. Mrs. Walter Boring left Mon day for Tennessee, to visit her mother for a month, Please place your order for ice before six o’clock. Conner & Crawford. Miss Ward, of Macon, is the guest for a few days of Mrs. J., L. L. Wagner. G. L. Fulmer will leave Satur day for Summerville, to enjoy a week’s vacation. Mrs. W. H. Merriitt and chil dren, were the guests of Mrs. J. G. Colwell Tuesday. Misses Alice Thompson and Ada Sharp represented Flovilla here Tuesday. Miss Nell Hendrick has return ep from a pleasant visit to Mrs. Tollerson of Monticello. Miss Eva Mae Wood of Woods to™, is the guest of Miss Nell Woods. Miss Myra Dobson of Breman, | has accepted a position with the Entrekin Cos. If you are thinking of purchas ing an organ, see J. T. Mayo and buy a “Chicago Cottage.” ! Misses Varoh Hill and Rebi ! Upchurch of Atlanta are the charming guests of Sallie Fletcher. The Epworth League held a missionary meeting Friday night, and the talk on Korea by Miss Myers was very interesting. Little Willie Smith who has been visiting Miss Grace Ham for two weeks, returned to her fcnmpAi - Atlanta Thursday, ac conPHSa by Miss Grace. Misses Roberta and Luciie Roberts are the attractive guests of their aunt, Mrs. S. H. Thorn ton. Miss Addie Lockhart arrived Monday from Canton, and will visit her brother’s family several days. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Buttrill had a delightful automobile ride to Macon recently, and visited friends a few days. Ralph Turner and Dee Toller son of McDonough, made anoth er business trip to Jackson Sun day. Mrs. Bryant Thompson and Miss Minnie Browning are spend ing this week in Griffin with Mrs. J. W. Gresham. All light colored calico going at 5c at H. G. Entrekin’s. Mrs. Will Jolly was in Jackson Monday enroute to Jenkinsburg, where she will visit for several days. Mr. George Ridgeway, one of Butts county’s best planters, was trading in our town the early part of the week. The many friends of Judge Hammond are glad to know that he is improving from a serious illness. Building material of all kinds and plenty of it. Special prices on shingles and lime this month. Jackson Lumber Cos. Mrs! Gussie Robinson and Miss Mary came Monday afternoon from Dublin, and will be with Mrs. E. C. Robinson for a month. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Maddox will move this week to Chatta nooga, where Mr. Maddox has a responsible position. The friends of Robert Stais worth are pained to learn of his critical illness at his home in Atlanta. Mrs. Tom Woodruff and little ones will return to McDonough Friday, after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Verna Wright. 34 light colored summer suits at H. G. Entrekin’s, 50 per cent, discount. Joe Edward’s many friends are slad to see him at home again after a six week’s stay in Indiana. Mrs. Pearl Bankston and chil- dren returned to their home in Dublin Tuesday, after a visit to Mrs. J. H. Thurston. Mrs. S. B. Kinard came in this week from her summer home at Towaliga, and is with Mrs. Rosa Carmichael. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McKibben and Margaret, went to Eatonton Wednesday and returned Friday. Carrie Jim came home with them. Our soda water pleases the most fastidious. Jamerson Drug Cos. Miss Eva Key Bailey left Tues day for a visit to Misses Mar garet Beck and Lillian Bryant of Atlanta. There will be a literary and social meeting combined of the Epworth League Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. J. B. Settle. Mrs. J. B. Evans had as her guests Sunday, Misses Lynda Matthews, Tommie Nutt, Annie Lillian Weaver and Annie Nutt of Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Lavosia Maddox spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Moore. They will visit in Monticello before return ing to their home in Dublin. [ The Progress and Watson's | Weekly Jeffersonian, only $l.OO. Condensed Report of the Condition of the Jackson Banking Company at the close of business July, 15, 1908 ASSETS Loans and Discounts $ 201,909.77 Overdrafts (Demands Cotton) ... 28.640.18 Stocks and Bonds.. 7,584.37 Real Estate and Fix tures ... 8,303.17 Expense account 130.42 Cash on hand and in Banks 24,988.10 $271,556.01 Compare the above statement with any you see, and that will tell the tale. The Ollesl, The Biggest, The Strongest We Pay Interest on Tine Deposits When you are hot and tired and need a little rest and refreshment, drop in and enjoy the breeze from our fan and drink a glass of our “Cold, Sparkling Soda.’’ Do’t forget too that we are serving delicious Cream, and our many customers, “that we con sider good judges” say—“lT’S THE BEST IN TOWN”—and that pleases us very much, be cause a “satisfied customer is our best advertise ment.” Drop in aad we will do our best to make you comfortable. Jamerson Drug co. NUNNALLY’S CANDY ALWAYS FRESH Miss Pearl Maddox entertained a few of her friends informally Tuesday evening in honor of Misses Mary and Myrtle Long of Columbus, and Miss Pearl Mc- Bryant of Griffin. 1 Young Man If you are looking for the anil neater buggy on the*!market BTJ'2" THE CARMICHAEL fr THEY ARE 1 1 BUILT IN ONE GRADE ONLY , 1 ( AND ARE EQUIPPED WITH GENUINE “A Grade Wheels” AND OTHER MATERIALS THE BEST THAT MONEY WILL BUY. The Best is None too Good for You BUY A “CARMICHAEL” FOR BALE BY IHIIH 88IPSSI Jackson, Georgia LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Undivided profits 9,554.64 Cashier’s checks 437.49 Due Banks 2,350.47 Bills payable 43,647.36 Deposits 165,544.05 Outstanding certific’s 22.00 $271,556.01 FOR SALE. Two nice residences and several building lots on West Avenue. Call on or address W. M. Taylor, tf Jackson, Ga.