The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, July 30, 1908, Image 7

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Flowery. It isn’t always because they are fond . powers that people throw bouquets t themselves.— New York Times. * Blunt language is often used in making sharp retorts. death to ring worm. “Everywhere I go I speak for tettebjn*, wiiuse it cured me of ringworm in its nrst form. My whole chest from neck to !!ist was raw as beef; but tettekike cured T t a ' s o cured a bad case of piles.” So ®vs Mrs. M. F. Jones of 28 TannehiM St., Pittsburg, Pa. Tettbbine, the great skin winedv is sold by druggists or sent by mail for 60c.’ Write J. T., Dopt. A, Savannah, Ga. Xo man is master of the entire range of human knowledge—with the possible exception of a village justice of the peace. To Drive Out Malaria and Build Up the System Take the Old Standard Grove’s Taste less Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it is simply Qui nine and Iron in a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grown people and children. 50c. No farmer has ever yet grown rich growing crops from the government seed. CUTICURA CURED FOUR. Southern Woman Suffered With Itch ing, Burning Rash—Three Little Babies Had Skin Troubles—Calls Cuticura Her Old Stand-by. “My baby had a running sore on his neck and nothing that 1 did for it took effect until 1 used Cuticura. My face was nearly full of tetter or some similar skin disease. It would itch and burn so that 1 could hardly stand it. Two cakes of Cuti cura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment cured me. Two years after it broke out on my hands and wrist. Sometimes I would go nearly crazy for it itched so badly. I went back to my old stand-by, that had never failed me—one set of Cuticura Rem edies did the work. One set also cured my uncle’s baby, whose head was a cake jf sores, and another baby who was in the same fix. Mrs. Lillie Wilcher, 770 Elev enth St., Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb. 16, ’07.” A good neighbor is as great a bless ing as a bad one isn’t. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup ior Children teething, softens th6gums, reducesinflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle A misfit truth is the worst of all lies. Ladles Can "Wear Shoes One size smaller after using Allen’s Foot- Ease, a powder. It makes tight or ne w shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweating, aching feet, ingrowing nails, cornsand bunions. At all druggists and shbe stores, 25c. Don’t ac cept any substitute. Trial package Free by mail. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. Despite the discovery of wireless communication, politicians continue to pull the wires. A SURGICAL OPEBAgH^ If there is any one thing that a woman, dreads more than another it is a surgical operation. We can state without fear of a contradiction that there are hun dreds, yes, thousands, of operations performed upon women in our hos pitals which are entirely unneces sary and many have been avoided by LYDIA E.PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND For proof of this statement read the following letters. Mrs. Barbara Base, of Kingman, Kansas, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: “ For eight years I suffered from the most severe form of female troubles and was told that an operation was my only hope of recovery. I wrote Mrs. Pinkham for advice, and took-Lydia E. Pinicham s Vegetable Compound, and it has save my life and me a well woman. Mrs. Arthur R. House-, of Church Road, Moorestown. N. J-, writes: “ I feel it is my duty to let people know what Lydia E. Pinkham s ' egc table Compound has done for me. suffered from female troubles, and as March my physician decided tha.t an operation was necessary. My bus lan 1 objected, and urged me to try Lj < > E. Pinkham’s Y T egetable Compound, and to-day I am well and strong. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia L. Fink ham’s Vegetable Compound, nia e from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female >• and has positively cured thousands , women who have been troubled displacements,inflammation,u ice* * - tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, and backache. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for ad * She has guided thousand. health. Address, Lynn, Mass. OF POLITICAL INTEREST. fn? 0 J e ™° r Campbell was re-elected Texas term as governor of Frank 11. Hitchcock spent most of bunday morning in company with Wil am J. Bryan in the Auditorium An nex Hotel, Chicago. Politics was not mentioned, and both seemed to have enjoyed the incident. The Taft banner which hangs over a street in Lincoln, Neb., will possi bly be removed on the dav that Mr. Bryan is formally notified of his nom ination. W illiam Randolph Hearst has re turned from abroad and upon his ar rival gave out a statement to the ef feet that he would not be the caudi date of the independence League for the presidency. The executive committee of the re publican party, as named by Chaif man Hitchcock, follows: Charles F. Brooker, Connecticut; T. Coleman du Pont, Delaware; William E. Borah, Idaho; Frank O. Dowden, Illinois; Charles Xegle, Missouri; Victor Rose water, Nebraska; William L. Ward, New York; Edward Duncan, North Carolina, and Boise Penrose, Pennsyl vania. Governor Hughes of New York has announced as a candidate to succeed iWmself. It is stated that the party organization of his state does not want him, but to ignore him would mean the withdrawal of independent voters from the support of the state ticket. As the result of the republican con ference held in Chicaga, which was called by Frank H. Hitchcock, chair man of the national committee, head quarters will be established immedi ately in eight states and active cam paigning for Taft and Sherman be gun. The states taking part in the conference were Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Hon. Henry Watterson or Louis ville, Ky., was selected chairman of a new committee of the democratic par ty, which will be charged largely with the publicity of problems of the cam paign. The body which Colonel Wat terson will head will be known as the newspaper committee, its membeiship being drawn from thd publishers of all the metropolitan newspapers in the countrv which support Mr. Bryan’s candidacy.' Mr. Watterson will name personnel of the committee later. John A. Johnson of Minnesota re ceived a personal letter from W J. Brvan democratic candidate foi the presidency, requesting his early pres ence at Fairview, and asking him when he would be available for speak ing purposes. The latter Quest on Is asked Mr. Bryan says in his letter, in view of the numerous requests that have been received for Governor John son for speaking dates in the various spates He savs the demand in this Select is general, and he hopes the Minnesota governor will be able o give it his attention. After a seven-hour conference in Chicago with William J. Bryan and lohn W Kern, respectively democrat c Nominees ior president and race president, the subcommittee ot the srs r oSs rs..* ■■ 1011 n w .m the first time in many tears 1 that ‘a national chairman had • earS i hv the democratic par been selected >t> 1 conteß t had been ty or ‘V V a £ h e e officers are as follows : waged. man E Mack, Buffalo, S h T m vice cSrman; L. P. Hall, Ne- N ' V’ treasurer Governor C. N. braska; £ ' ser geant-at-arms, J H ,CMlisousll secretary, rreV Woodson. Kentucky. The course of the price of stocks • vl- York on Saturday was ascrib 'd interpretation placed on ed j * -riffs speech of acceptance of Judge laft s f l . ..resident, of which the nomination for P*'j£f n d i slrib uted. advance copi “ “ dge f the con . ClaimS i made the basis for pub tents were made \ jh W ere circuit- distric. previous to ed m t tie nun sto ck market . the openm., K<jlli at the outset There was som - . Roosevelt on ihe allegation the rl ICleS A Substantial demand develop date. A and a material re -6d at followed Professed ground covery follow eu. Ihe c i a im that the f ° r th h would be found speech of c ‘ financial world, satisfactory tb h k noW declares Chairman Hitcnc k u be ac . the fight for and that be abandoned to the other party.” Mr an d Mrs. A " a raS and educated in now in f ya n fifling a Position of trust. Ja ‘ ,a . ‘ Lf t has advised the repub. JUdS national committee to make Stto'carry Georgia for the repub- Brvan is kept busy receiving pi £mrrh. 3 Uncoiu home. DeliVeri mediJrelv a afte e r'learning of WOr ¥S mother. T. L. Cleary the death had a trying ex 0f plattet l’ V state democratic perience be.or Wiß The convention a m reciate the Blt con vent ion and earv ’ S address was *" until w Clea concluded * wlgconß in, became ry, a pioneer - ath of her hus ill, following lefere Her illness “f,:, ““ ed °o bu serious. W nf Mi Bryan’s important call °D® t\veek w 'as Josephus Daniels ers last proprietor of The of Raieigh, * ” member of the News and °^f'' a ’ and member of national com * gel#ct a chair- San omeen. ot the na.ionn. committee. FITS.St. Vitus'Dance-.Nervous Diseases per manently cured by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline. Ld.,031 Arch St., Phila... Pa. One of the many things a conceited youth is unable to understand is how any sensible female can pass him up for some other chap. A TERRIBLE CONDITION. Tortured by Sharp Twinges, Shooting l’ains and Dizziness. Iliram Center, 518 South Oak street. Lake City, Minn., says; "I was so bad with kidney r^' T " trouble that 1 could not straighten up af 'j .ffik date;, m ter stooping without 1' jfA s h ar p pains shooting 1;l> " jJttj throu S ll my Back. I had dizzy spells, was yl-'fSnervous and my eye- Jk sight affected. The •'■MAbL’kidney secretions were irregular and too frequent. I w-as in a terrible condition, but Doan’s Kidney Pills have cured me and I have enjoyfed perfect health since.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y. Be broad: be liberal; remember it is more blessed to give than to re ceive; particularly if the commodity be advice. John R. Dickey’s old reliable eye water cures sore eyes or granulated lids. Don t hurt, feels good; got the genuine in red box. Warm language is sometimes used in demonstrating cold facts. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Founded 123 years ago for the education of all the people. It is the patron of all who may seek its instruction. The rich can get nothing better, the poor can secure the best; thus the state equalizes opportunities, regardless of class or sect. . . . Over C,OOP Georgia alumni attest the value of Its training,-men prominent In every industry and profession. Law, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Civil and Electrical En gineering, Literary and Scientific Courses. Faculty of 46 instructors; 927 students enrolled last year at Athens; 3375 students enrolled in the University system. Board $9.00 a month; room $2.09 a month in dormi tories; tuition free in academic courses to citizens of the state. The Univorsity oners the youth of to-day the best advantages in all its liitiory. Maintained by the state the University stands ready to help YOU train your son for the highest responsibilities of life. IT IS WORTHY OF THE TRUST. IT STANDS FOR ALL THAT IS BEST IN OUR CIVILIZATION. FOR DETAILS. ADDRESS THE UNIVERSITY, Athens, Ga. BIRMINGHAM SEMINARY BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA. Ideal school for Girl* and Young Ladles. Boarding pupil* limited to fifty. Refined Christian home; every household comfort. Perfect health, out of door recreations, unex celled city advantages. Btan<taids high; faculty superior. Next session begin* September sixteenth. For catalog and full particular* address „ . , MISS LOULIL COMPTON, Principal. 1722 Fifth Ave.. Birmingham, Ala. American Cotton College For the education of Farmers, Clerk., Merchant., Warehou.emen, Cotton Buyer., Manufacturers, and all other., young or old, who are unable to classify and pat the correct valuation on 18 Grade, of Colton. Thirty day scholarship, in our sample room., or six weeks’ correspondence course under expert cotton men will complete you. Big demand for co’ton graders and cotton buyer*. Session opene Sept. Ist. Correspondence course year round. Writs at once for further pa-ticulars. n inn ini Chartered I'bbruakt 12th, 1897, Lincoln’s Birthdat. This unique and rapidly growing Institution, with grounds and buildings valued at B*oo,ooo furnishes unequaled opportunities for young men and young women, with or without means, who desire an education. Tuition In the Literary Department Is free. Just an incidental, which ranges from sls to $lB per year. Board, incidentals and room rent range from sß.> to SIOO per year, and the student may work to pay one-half of this amount. Six large school build ings' 600 acres of land; saw mill, grist mill, shingle machine. All College courses. Including Music. Art and Elocution, are given. Over 800 students enrolled last year. Located at the Historic Cumberland Gap. Tennessee, where the three states, Virginia, Kentucky and ien nessee Join. First term begins August 31st. Address Wm. L. STOOK.S'BV'Ry, Vh. 2)., Tresidenl. CVM'BE'RLAJV'D CAT, TEJVJV. rMM REPAIRS BI SAWS. RIBS, Bristle Twine. Babbit, &c.. far any mak< M Bj of Gin ENGINES. BOILERS and PRESSES ™ and Repairs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, In lectors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings, Light Saw. Shingle, and Lath Mills, Gasoline Engine* Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY COMPANY. Augusta. Ga. An Extremely Palatable Medicine For All M LIBIA a KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES I EA NO GRIPINQ TRY A BOTTLE Ask your dealer for tt keep your feet in a natural, healthy condition by wearing SKREEMER shoes. They do not crowd or pinch the feet. They k if are made over natural foot-shape models. Look I -j:; for the label. If you do not find these shoes IrJLol r rr - readily, write us for directions how to secure % rEBinEIBUi them. FRED. F. FIELD CO.. Brocklon, Mass. Btearrm mass. Malaria Makes Pale Blood ’ The Old Standard GRO\ E S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless, and the most effectual form. For adults and children. 50c. THE SAMSON OF COFFEES Double the Strength of It's delicacy of flavor the ordinary kinds— and it’s smoothness of goes twice as far nnd tnste are never subor thus great MONEY dinated to it’s Strength “ ~. IliiHgj THE REILY-TAYIOR CIL AaDCIS 1-ID SOLD EVERYWHERE HW OILEAKI, U. Some men decline to look upon the wine when it is red because they i prefer another color. WILL CUKE YOUR CORNS If you invest it in a bottle of abbott’s east INDIAN CORN PAINT. It removes hard or soft corns, bunions or sore, callous spots on tlio feet, warts or indurations of the skin. No cutting, no “eating” of the flesh, no after soreness; quick, safe, sure. At druggist or by mail from Tax Abbott Cos., Savannah, Ga. . . At the age of 40 a man gets busy and looks for some of the money he threw away at the age of 21. Hicks’ Capudine Cures Headache, Whether from Cold, Heat ; Stomach, oi Mental Strain. No Acetanilid or dangerous drugs. It’s Liquid. Effects immediately. 10c., 25c., and 50c., at drug stores The poorer a man is the less likely he is to be called a grafter. (At3l-’08) WHITE STEAMER WINS EVERYWHERE Makes perfect score in all important events; • 1907 Glidden and Hower Trophy—tluhker City Double victory at Harrisburg. Chosen officialm. chine by United States and Brazilian GovermwtAtW Goes through sand, mud and mountains. Send a* names of throe men best able to buy a good ante. We will send you (free) choice of three work*eq Automobile Development, containing the r.iiiof highway illustrations ever printed. Writ* t* THE WHITE CO.. 120 Marietta St.. Atlanta. Go. FOURTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE MEN with teams are selling our products FARMERS in thirty-four different State*. Seventy useful articles that country peopw need. We furnish the goods and give agents time to turn them Into money. Address, , J. R. WATKINS CO.. Winona, Mina. Nedmont college DEMOREST, GA. Healthful mountain location. Regular Preparatawp and College courses; npeclal course, in Domestic Solenco nnd Music. Superior adsautma Reasonable prices. For oatalogue and further late*, matlon address HENRY C. NEWELL, Acting Presttat Dropsy H Removes all swelling in B to days; effects a permanent cut* in 30 to 6o days. Trial trcatjiisnOl \J\ Jk Vlhfc.p-iveti free. Nothingcan be fait** ' ‘ write Dr. H. H. Green’s 30% Box b Atlanta ** Take the Place of Calomel Oonstlnation sends poisonous mutter honndtMf through the body. Dull headache. Sour Btoia*al* Feted Breath, Bleared Eyea. Lom of Energy aad A*- petite are the surest nigna of ho affliction. Liver Pills uotulvoly cure constipation. Ihojr asauil the sluggish liver to better action, cleanse ta* bowels, strengthen the weakened parts, Induce see** tito and aid digestion. They do not Hallvate, nonas ter what you eAt, drink or do. Price2s cents fratt your dealer or direct from J. M. YOUNG. JR.. WAYCROSS. GA. Always sweet sui clean. Never * 1 break; never teat. Useful for manf y ; ;r ; other things, wltlfc enameled cover furnished. Thm m M styles made. ENTERPRISE ENAMEL CO, Alt dealer*. Sample, Booklet and Parlor Gama. Hat. I’urlHr Const Horn* Cos., New York. local agents wanted. Writ* lor roomy waking ga* @f TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body entisepfically clean and free from h> healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors, which water, soap and tooth preparation alone, cannot do. A feeling and deodor of exceptional ex cellence and econ- | 11 . I omy. Invaluable for inflamed eyes, Large Trial Sample WITH “hKALTH AND iIAUTV" BOO* ICNT mil THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston,Man.