The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, July 30, 1908, Image 8

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20,1)06 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED Young Men Prepare Your selves For Good Positions. On account of the new 8 hour law passed by congress in the interest of telegraphers, and also on acconnt of so many new rail roads being built and old lines extended, an unusual demand for operators has been created. Con servative estimates have placed the number of additional Opera tors that will be required during the next ten months at approxi mately 20,000. YOUNG MEN NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Enroll in our School NOW and in only four to six months we will have you qualified for splendid positions. Telegraph Operators receive from SSO.(X) upwards. Our school has been established twenty years; its equipment is perfect; instruc tion thorough and practical; po sitions positively guaranteed our graduates. Board in Newnan is very cheap; the town js health ful and the people are cordial. Two Main Line Railroad Wires run into our School room. No other school in the United States has such up-to-date and practical facilities for the benefit of its .students. Write at once for free descriptive literature. Southern School of Telegraphy NEWNAN, GEORGIA learn to Play Piano Or Organ in One Hour If you can’t play by note, we will teach you in one hour to play your favorite piece of music by the “Easy Form” method. You will then be ready tq play at once any and all music written in the new method, which is so simple that an eight year old child can learn to play the piano or organ in an hour without a teacher. Don’t ha ye a silent organ or piano In the house any longer. Try this method at our expense. Our Offer: We will send you, express charges prepaid by us, a bound portfolio of of 100 pieces of popular and sacred music in the ‘ r Easy Form” method, and our Guide to the keyboard and complete simple instructions, all you will need to begin playing your favorite pieces at once. Try tne music seven days. If you don’t want it send it back to us in the seven days at our expense. Simply write us today and say? ‘‘l accept your free trial offer in The Butts County Progress. My piano or organ has .... white keys.” (Important: Be sure to say how how many white keys your instrument has.) Address, EASY METHOD MUSIC CO., 338 Wabash Ave., Chicago NOTICE At Cedar Rock church on the 3rd of August there will begin a ten days Singing School, taught by Prof. J. T. Mayo. All who will are invited to come and join. W. C. Bond. How about buying $1.50 for 75c. You can do this at H. G. Entrekin’s. 3000 yds 10 and 15c lawn, choice, 7c. H. G. Entrekin. H. G. Entrekin has more real bargains than any store in Mid dle Georgia. NOTICE. Administrators, Execucors and Guardians are requdfeted to make their annual returns to Court of Ordinary. J- H. HAM. Ordinary. Republican Platform * For Booze. National Declarations “Reaffirm" Famous Raster Anti-prohibi tion Plank. LIQUOR TRAFFIC INDORSED. Attorney Gevtersl Wade Ellis of Ohio. Who Wrote 1503 Platform, Admit* That Brewer*' Plank In Republican Party Platform cf 1872 Wn Rs indoreed—Mow Prohibition Ha* Been Turned bown For Nine Successive National Campaign*. ‘‘‘ [Staff Correspondence.] The Prohibition -cause ha* nothing to hope for from the Republican party in 1503, while it the same time every saloon keeper and beer and whisky maker in the nation ran vote for that party'* presidential candidate* assured that their triumph will guarantee the per petuation and protection of their trade throughout the na tion for another quadrtnnium. Chicago, M.-r Millions of Prohibition Ropubll<-ar.n who looked with hope to rise party's national convention at CtiS cugo on .1 one US are bitterly disap pointed over the failure of the Repub lican platform to recognize or fuvor In any way the demand for the pro tection of Prohibition territory Irom tiie Interstate liquor traffic. Despite tbe fact that many promt nent Republican temperance men ur p*ntly demanded by letter and tele gram tlie insertion of a plank express ing friendliness with any measure sim ilar to the Littlefield lull which was rejected by the last session of con gress, the platform is ulisolutely si lent upon this great national Issue, but, o:t the other band, uffronts the entire Prohibition forces of the land with a direct reaffirmation of the party’s fa mous platform pledge and league with tiie brewers tlrst adopted ut its presi dential convention of 1872. The Republican party in its iwesl dentlal convention of 1872 pledged its national support to the brewer* ngathat Prohibition and Sabbath observance in the famous sixteenth plank of its known as the Raster resolu tion. v This stand was openly indorsed by the liquor forces of the nation, and every national Republican platform to 1908 since 1872 has Impliedly reef firmed this plank. In 1888 the Republican party spe cifically reiterated the substance of the Raster plank. IMS Aapwbtrcaa Platform om Liquor Qwootio*. The 1908 eonventjou nt Chicago closes with tbeoo words: Upon this platform of principle* and purpoooo. REAFFIRMING OUR ADHER ENCE TO EVERY REPUBLICAN DOC TRINE PROCLAIMED SINCE THE BIRTH OF THE PARTY. w go before the country aaktng the support not only of those who have acted with ua hereto fore. but of all our fellow ctUoens who. regardless of past politics! differences, unite tn the deeire to maintain the pol icies. perpetuate the hlaasinga and make secure the achievements of a greater America. Wbetter or not this plauk referred directly, among other pronouncements, to tbe Raster brew era' plank of 1872 Is definitely shown latte following correspondence between Robert H. Patton and Attorney Osneral Wade B. Ell la. who. according to tbe preas re jKrta, was the especial representative of Taft In tbe resolution committee and wrote tbe rough draft oT tte na-’ ttonal platform, which received prior to the convention the hearty O. Iv. of both tbe secretary and President Roosevelt The corre*noDdcm-e Is as follows: Author of Plttfoon Admit* Raster Plank Was Indorsed. Copy of letter sent by Robert 11. I*atton to Hon. Wade B. Kills: Springfield. 111.. June 22, IMA Hon. Wade Kills. Columbus. O.: Dear Sir—l have noticed from the pub lic press that you drafted the platform of the Republican convention, and I would like to .njw what Interpretation la to be put upon the expression "reaf firming our adherence to every Kepubtlo an doctrine proclaimed since the birth of the party. Did the authors of this plat form undeistand that the> were reafhrra tn* the sixteenth pUnh of the platform of if you will K’.ndly Inform me upon this matter, ! wll! appreciate the same. Yours respectfully. ROBERT TI. PAITTON. Copy or reply received at Springfield, III.: State of Ohio, Office of th.' Attorney General, Columbus. 0.. June 23. 11*13. Mr Robert 11 Patton, Springfield. 11l : Dear Sir-I have your letter of June 21 and find nothin* In the sixteenth plank of the platform of IS7S which Is Inconsist ent with good Republican doctrine. Yours very truly, WADE B. KLUS. What th* Raster Plank Mean*—How • the Brewers Indorsed It. Tbe Raster resolution, known as tbe sixteenth plank of the Republican na tional convention platform adopted at Philadelphia. 1872. reads as follows: The Republican party propose to re spect the rights reserved by the people to themselves as carefully as the power* delegated by them to the state and fed eral government. It disapproves of the resort to unconstitutional laws for the purpose of removing evils by Interfering with the rights not surrendered by the people to either the 9iate or national government. Mr. Herman Raster of Chicago was the member of tbe platform committee from Illinois and prepared and secured the adoption of this plank in tbe plat form. In explanation of Its meaning be wrote tbe following letter: Chicago. 111.. July 19. 18(72. J. M. Miller Dear Sir—ln reply to yours of July 9 1 have to say that I have written the six teenth resolution of the Philadelphia plat form and that It was adopted by the plat form committee with the full and explicit understanding that Its purpose was the discountenancing of all so (tailed temper ance (prohibitory) and Sunday laws. This purpose wa# meant to be expressed by refe#ence to the rights of the' people whloh had not been delegated to either national or state governments. It being assured that the right to drink what one pleases (being responsible for the acts committed under the Influence of strong drink) and the right to look upon the day on which Christians have ttielr pray er meetings as any other day. were among the rights not delegated hy the people, but reserved to themselves. Whether this explanation of the moan ing of the resolution will satisfy you I do not know, but as you want to serve the cause of truth no do 1, and what I have said here In regard to the true meaning and Intent of the sixteenth res olution of the Philadelphia platform Is the truth. Very respectfully yours HERMAN RASTER Oh the same day In which this Ras ter nnt I-Prohibit ion plank was adopted the United States Brewers’ association in national convention Indorsed the lie publican party. aup[>orted It at the [tolls and at Its next convention. June 1, 1873. at Cleveland. 0.. gloried in its triumph, which lTesident Clausen voiced in these words: “The (a*t [(residential election has shown us what unity among U 9 can do. our votes and work in the future be beai'd from hi every direction.” When the Republican Platform Com mittee Insulted Frances Willard. The nearest that the Republican par ty ever came to adopting a Pmblbtlon plank was in 1884, when Fra lives E. Willard, president of the National Wo man's Christian Temperance union, made an eloquent plea before the com mittee on resolutions of the Republic an convention. Miss Willard's appeal was turned down with Jeer anil insult, her written appeal literally trampled underfoot. In 1888 similar presentations were made before the Republican national convention by temperance Republicans, but provoked even less attention. In the last moments of the conven tion of 1888, four days after the adop tion of the platform, the following res olntlon was hurriedly presented by C. ■V, Doutelle and adopted without oppo sition:"" The first oonoern of all good govern ment Is the virtue and sobriety of the people and the purity of five home. The Republican party cordially sympathises with &U wise and well directed efforts for the promotion ot tempwrandh and moral ity. This was adopted Jana 2S, 1888. and on July 10, 1888, Bon fort’s Wine and Spßlt Circular, the leading organ .of the liquor trade in the United States, commenting on this resolution, de clared: "And. pray, who withholds indorse ment from such proposition* as this. In behalf of the wine and spirit trade we hereby accord this declaration onr unreserved approval. The man who would do otherwise would be very apt to contend that two and two did act make four.” This is the record at the national Re publican party on the Prohibition tasoe from 18T2 to 1908, inclusive. THe Cleanest Town. Tbe cleanest town In tbe world Is uld to be Broek. In Holland. It Is only n fe'w miles from tbe capital and has been famous for Its cleanliness from time Immemorial. It is also notable, on account of tbe fanciful style of Its bouses and yards and gar dens and streets. Tbe peopl%. though only peasants, are well to do. and all feel a pride In their town. It seems to be tbe first business of their lives to keep their bouses freshly painted, their gardeus In perfect order and their yards and streets as clean as a parlor. No carts are allowed In the streets and no cattle, though the rais ing of stock and the making of butter and cheese are their occupations. All light colored calico going at 5c at H. G. En trek in's. 34 light colored summer suits at H. G. Entrekin’s, 50 per cent, discount. Big lot sample shirts at H. G. Entrekin’s, 50 per cent discount. 500 Sample hats at H. G. En trekin’s: some of them worth $2. choice 75c. Y oung Man If you are looking for the and neatest buggy on the market _ BXT’TT THE CARMICHAEL THEY ARE BUILT IN ONE GRADE ONLY AND ARE EQUIPPED WITH GENUINE * “A Grade Wheels” AND OTHER MATERIALS THE BEST THAT MONEY WILL BUY. The Best is None tee Seed ter You BUY A “CARMICHAEL” \ FOR SALE BY Jackson, Georgia BUY A LOT We are now ready for the sale of lots in Douglass Heights NEAR HOLINESS CAMP GROUND. We are offering every other lot in about 110 beautiful lots' % Every one who purchases a lot helps to create value. Therefore, we will give half interest in an adjoining lot to those who buy a lot. Then, later on We will sell at audtion these joint-ownership lots Any purchaser who desires to purchase the lot in which he has half interest can do so prior to the auction by paying half what their other lot cost. e • npTT'TJ l\/fQ Ten dollars cash; fifteen dollars first 1 E>IVIVX>3 day of September; one-third of the balance, October 15th; one-third, December Ist, and one-third, January Ist, next, FOR PARTICULARS CALL ON W.F.orS.P.Smith