The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, August 13, 1908, Image 5

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Hokesboro - Drawing j SEPTEfIBER I, 1908 | _ _ | ■ The lots and tracts in the new South Georgia town to be distributed to the purchas f ers on the above date. . | This proposition includes 100 business lots, with a $1,250.00 store building located on one of them; 890 residence lots, with 5 new framfe dwellings put up at a cost of $750.00 * each; 40 ten-acre tracts, and 4 fifty-acre tracts of land. Located on one fifty-acre tract is a dwelling worth easily $1200.00. I These lots were once sold out at $35.00, with a payment of SIO.OO oft each of them j ■■nr- IJL “ mi■nmaMbi 1 "" ,wml 1 " iibiin 11 i . but on account of the money panic quite a number or buyers have been unable to *vccp up their payments, which naturally threw the lots back on our hands. W c .mvc a Ltr? j ited number of these lots to replace and are now giving the new purchaser the bene*it of ] the payment we have already received, which means only $25.00 each for the remainder . of these lots. Our \lr. G S. Wilcox will be located at Jackson for next few days and will be glad , to go into the particulars with you. —-.,jcr— T--T-f nm —mn ■/ ■■.■■■ ’l*** " , | r r-nmitit'™ T'*MtLTjnv.-aia>: : • wwifUginM—*!■—r—— * ,fW,IE i Wilcox Development Cos., j ! promoters, Of fice: Ocilla, Ga. Local News Jim Tyler represented Monti-, cello here Monday. Miss Wells, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mrs. J. S. Carter. G. M. Grist, of Atlanta, was here Monday with Harry Butner. Lamar Pound returned Sunday night to his home in Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J. H. Beckham will leave Friday for her home in Birming ham, Ala. Lamar Etheridge returned the first of the week from Wrights ville Beach. J. T. Goodman had as his guest Sunday, R. L. Oxford, ot Montieello. Mrs. Phoebe Peek, of Jackson ville, Fla., is visiting her aunt. Mrs. A. B. Harp. Are you going to the auction sale of Jots, in Flovilla, Tuesday, August! Bth? Mrs. S. P. Nichols and little ones are spending this week m Macon with relatives. . Miss Marie McMichael is enjoy 'PS a much needed rest from her Cities at the Star Store. Mrs. Mattie Plunkett; a pop- Mar saleslady of the Star Store, ls at home for a vacation. Miss Julia Collier., of St. Louis, M°., is the charming visitor to Natives at Indian Spring. Are you going to the auction sale of lots, in Flovilla, Tuesday, AugustlSth? Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mc ”{)rd are down from Atlanta this v 'eek visiting relatives. . Edwin Strange, of Winder was !r * Jackson the first of the week i BB the guest of Ernest Hanes. , Mrs. Mary. .Thompson, of At *anta, speht h 4ew days of this in Jaekeon with her sisters, fes. r J. Carmichael reached home Saturday night from a two weeks trip to New York and Indiana. R N Etheridge left Monday night for New York where he goes to buy his tan stocl<ot goods. , " Misses Cara Lee Combs and Carrie Lou Knott are being en tertained this week by Mrs. Mack Goodwin. Somebody among those present will tret the free lot at the Auc dav, Aug. 18th, at 10 a. m. Misses Florrie and Anmekate Ham have been quite sick to. several days. Miss Florrie is im proving, but Miss Anme Kate is still confined to her bed. Miss Rosa Newton hasreturned from a fortnights v ce &. the s?efas°LSpa^ home by Miss Newton. nome oy iuw- . , ii W. H. Merritt enjoyed an all Hav singing and a tog dinner Sunday 1 at Beamon church, in SjftC and daughter, tU AfteTa pleasant visit to Me have re: “Iff rT Wynn and children, a S Monday from August and will be with Mrs. 1- B. bet tie for a week. , Mrs. Church Berryman and months at Suebanaa. and • Mr and fv,’ r amar left Monday SingVnale Sprint Tenn. to be gone a month. ilr. and Mrs. r- Mon . Syto 0 6pend the week with Mr. Mrs T H, NoJaB- left the early part of the week for Coldwater, Michigan, to visit the family of Mr. Joe Watson. Mr. 0. A. Thaxton will join his wife here this week and will make a little visit to relatives be fore returning to Normah Park. Mr. William Brantley, after a pleasant stay in our city with Homer Carmichael, returned to his home in Brunswick I hui sday. Mr Cullen Thaxton sailed from Colon, Panama, Monday and will arrive in New York the 17tn, from there will come to Jackson via Savannah, and will enjoy be ing with hometolks for several weeks. Prof. L. D.. Watson's host of friends are glad to see him in our town. Prof. Watson is a former Jackson boy, but now holds a position in the Baptist bniversrty for Women at Raleigh, N. C. He will be here for three weexs. Miss Ada Sams, who has been spending a few days at the hoy Hotel, Indian Spring, came home Mon dav and brought with her, Misses Juliette Fitzpatrick ana Cook, of Fitzpatrick, Ga., who will spend a week with Miss Sants. . Mrs T. M. Fur low, oara Louise and Warren left Wednesday for Quincy, Fla., where Mrs. Furlow goes hoping to avoid the the at tack of hay fever that she has been having about this season ol the year, fora longtime. 1n _v will be away two or three months. Wonderful! A real live man, built close to ground, and who can live on fhree square meals a day and make smiles satisfy in between times SSI be seen at the auction iTe of lots in Flovilla, Tuesday, Aug. 18th at 10 a. m. — Mr. R. N. Etheridge has pur phased the home of Mrs. A. G. Hitchinson East ? hir^^ et <^ t take possession about Sept. 15th. ♦ Young Man If you are looking for the and neateii: buggy on tbe market THE CARMICHAEL THEY ARE built in one grade only af;D ARE EQUIPPED WITH GENUINE “A Grade Wheels” AND OTHER MATERIALS THE &EST THAT MONEY WILL BUY. i ; The Best is None too Good tor You | BUY A “CARMICHAEL” 1 FOR BALE BY j MIEII GODIPHHf Jackson, Georgia