The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, October 23, 1908, Image 2

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More Goods for Same Money The Jackson Mercantile Company Jackson, Georgia SPECIAL FEATURES For Show Week Tip Top Flour, $5.50 per barrel. Best in the world for the money. 10-lb Cadie “Red J” Tobaqco, $3.00 Standard Granulated Sugar, 18 pounds for the dollar We pay 25 Cents per Dozen for Eggs THE JACKSON MERCANTILE CO. THEPROGRESS VAN WILHITE, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Subscription $i oo Per Yr. Kates Furnished On Vpplication. Published every tfeursday. Kntoreil as seconil-cluss matter, Nnvem tn-r H, li>o7, at the poatottionat Jackson, <ia. iiinler act of Congress of March 8, 1871*. Friends y f Miss Zaidee Garr will be sorry to learn that she lias malarial fever. Miss Clara Nolen spent Satur day at Locust Grove. Miss Bessie Waldrup spent the week-end with her parents near Flo villa. Mrs. Mary Anne McKibben spent the week-end in Atlanta Mrs, Linnie Bush who lias 1 on spending the summer with her brother, Rev. S. P. Wiggins t Wednesday for Atlanta for a Month’s stay. Cheap!. Cheap! ' - NEW -Room : cottage 3rd Street lodern in eviry respect. . Water, Lights, Sewerage, good Barn, Fences, etc. Street on three sides. OMF, QUICK! TERMS ... James Warthen Real Estate and Insurance Mrs. Joe Leach is recovering from a severe attack of tonsilitis. Miss Bessie Ham is expected i home to be present at the Nutt -1 Ball wedding October 29, Miss Willie Cooper spent the ‘ week-end in Macon with her sis ter, Mrs. Little. Mrs. Kytle has returned to her home in Cleveland after spend ing a week with her sister, Mrs. Worley at the hotel. The first special passenger ear with about twenty of the officers and stockholders of the Centro 1 Georgia Power company with some of their wives was run to the river last Saturday without an accident. Superintend on f Hilliard came up and took charge of the train and was at the throttle of the littie engine. We Understand the officers wore highly pleased with the road and the work on the dam. Look at this question of good clothes candidly; if you do you’ll buy our Hart Schaffner & Marx suits and overcoats; they’re right in every way. All-wool, correct in .style. The Jackson Mercantile Cos. NARROW ESCAPE When the circus trust was formed last winter, the heads of the organizations assembled and tried to eliminate the parade as a feature in the coming circus sea son. The enormous expense of refit ting, rebuilding, painting, and trapping each year was the cause and without a thought that of discomfort and disap pointment of their thousands of little friends who each season with their mite had made possi ble the success of these big show’s they decreed that the pa rade must go and the members of the trust without a voice dis senting, voted yes, but they had reckoned without their host, for of course to make this rule effec tive all the circuses, whether in the combine or not, must be in duced to give up their parade. So they sent a representative to thoge who for reasons of their own were not in the trust, and be it said to the credit of the Robinsons, they refused point blanlMo give up their parade ahd the scheme fell through. Recognizing as they do that many of their little friends are not always able to attend when the show comes to the city they hpve always provided a parade upon which a weatlh of time and money is spent each year and it will always be one of the features of John Robinson Big Circus as it has been every season of the eighty-six years that they have catered to the amusement loving public of this country. Will ex hibit here on Oct. 29. Same Goods for Less Money Choice Meats The nest of fresh ' aiJ -d cured meats ever nate in select buying and [ ROASTS STEAKS ■ SAUSAGE Etc. We arc prepared to furnish you Fish in wholesale quantities. There is one thing about our fish business that is extremely commendable. That is the delivery. You buy what you want and we clean it and send it home for you. You will like the way we handle your orders. Conner & Crawford P. S.-We will buy your beef, cattle and hogs. FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, Butts County: Mrs. Maggie Maddox, having made application for twelve month’s support out of thq-estate of Walter Maddox, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby required to show r causae before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in November, 1908, why said application should not be granted. This, sth day of October, 1908. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. The Cable Co.’s PIANOS: Mason & Hamlin Conover Kingsberry Schubert Wellington Schulenburg ORGANS: Chicago Cottage Mason & Hamlin SOLD BY Jacob T. Mayo, -