The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, November 06, 1908, Image 2

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meeting of the trustees in June, Professor Akerman with the consent of Chancellor Barrow and Dean Soule, recommended that the School of Forestry, un til then an independent branch of the University be made a part of the College of Agricuture The principal object of the change was to bring the school of fores try into closer relations with the w >odlands which are under the control of the College of Agri culture. Professor Akerman, wishing to <•. <ve the authorities of the ( ilege of Agriculture entirely i! ci in their ehoice of a profess • <> forestry, tendered his res g ion and went on duty with j United Slates Forest service, which he is an officer. He e 1 recalled however and .1 in charge of the work in age of Agriculture. * ion like clothes a little 'lit from the ordinary in iation from the regu . in cut and model, got them; Ilart Schaff . ’ .r x '-made them for us; tif you say so. The rcanlile Cos. . iiappiness is found within this bank, not mt, is attested by our happy and satisfied tors and patrons. To this end we might it an avalanche of facts attesting our su- >rity. e is e’re , Jas in > Yith i detail for the handling of every . legitimate banking, we extend you a welcome to call with any business in our ■ * \ THE RST NATIONAL BANK OF JACKSON i HE progress; VAN WILHITE, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Subscription $i oo Per Vr. , 1 verti.-iijg l" iirni.-lu’u <)n v |plii*;tin. published €t>ery Chursday. Entered as second-class matter, Novem ber 8, 11)07, at the postoflieeat Jaeksot), Oa. nnder act of Congress of March 3,187 C. Now that the election is over ,and all the editors are having their say as to how it all happen ed to happen, and since we heard po much before the election about jiow useless it is to “throw away Imtes”, we would just like to ask lur party-worshipping friends if ■ throwing away votes” is not I pretty monotonous job, after Ik ff Any day that suits vou will suit us; the suits we’ll show you, made for us by Hart Schaffner & Marx, will suit your ideas, your body and your price. They are all-wool and right in style and tailoring. The Jackson Mer cantile Cos. Will persons named Heard kindly send address? lam seek ing a descendant of John and Stephen Heard, who eminated from Cos. Tyrone, Ireland, 1719, to Hanover county, Va. Family scattered later, through Georgia, Southern * Virginia and other Southern States. Please address, J. W. Lilly, 65 West 143d street, New York. If its worth anything to you to have clothes that are really as good as they look, you’ll find it worth white to have our Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. Look at some of the new suits and overcoats. The Jackson Mer cantile Cos. FOR SALE. 50 acres of good land with splendid improvements, in 616th District, G. M., Butts county. The same, a portion of the old John LeGuinn place and in a good community. Will be sold cheap for cash. See or write, Joe L. Bailey, 10-16. Jackson, Ga. HAPPINESS FOUND WITHIN Among the fact earlier or a national your sec the mas- W. E. V/ATKINS lawyer Jackson ----- Georgia all Hourts, both State id Federal Office in Jiaua Ilall west side public square. l)R. J. E. WOODS Physician and Surgeon. Office upstairs in Crum build ing. Residence phone, 163; office phone, 137-J. T. J. DEMP>EY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Jackson Georgia MONEY TO LOAN. $20,000 to loan on Butts county farms at 7 per cent. Come quick if you need money. T. J. DEMPSEY, Jackson, Ga. In flour, Postell’s Elegant has no equal. Say 8. Jim Joyner. Y. A. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Jackson, Georgia. Longest experienced lawyer at the Jackson bar. \ * CLOTHES FO" BOYS Edcrlieimer, Stein & Cos., Makers V TERE’S the | boys’ over coat for which most parents have indicated a prefer ence. It’sthe newest style; a mighty sensi ble coat; best protec tion from the cold. You'll find the one* we are idling have the Xtra* jooD label; only store in town representing this make. It’s standard everywhere. If you fail to get it you’ll probably have occasion to wish you had. We’ve a good assortment of this style in the beet patterns for ages 7 to 16. Other styles if you prefer. JACKSON MERCANTILE COMPANY GEORGIA STATE -FAIR MACON, GA. October 27—November 7 m aw* Very Low Rates VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Tickets will be sold daily from October 27 to November 6 inclusive and for trains scheduled to arrive Macon before noon Novemper 7. from all stations on the Southern Railway in Georgia and from Jacksonville, Fla. Tickets limited to Nov. 9. 1908. For further information ask Southery Ry- Agents, or write to J. L, MEEK, A, G. P. A. Atlanta G. R. PETTIT, T. P. A. Atlanta Macon, Ga. GO TO Middle Georgia Lumber and Man’g Go. H. F. GILMORE, Manager For all kinds of Building Materials Good Work and Low Prices. Hard brick, 85 cents; Soft brick, 75 cents; Lime 90 cents. Fine stock of flooring. We make all kinds of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Screens, all kinds of mouldings, brackets, baluster, etc. All kinds of turned and sawed work. See us when you want any building material. Choice Meats The finest line of fresh and cured meats ever l nate in se * ect k u y in g an d give you the opportunity j S^al "^ pr °^ tS * SAUSAGE Etc. We arc prepared to furnish you Fish in wholesale quantities. There is one thing about our fish business that is extremely commendable. That is the delivery. You buy what you want and we clean it and send it home for you. You will like the way we handle your orders. Conner & Crawford P. S.-We will buy your beef, cattle and hogs. FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, Butts County: Mrs. Maggie Maddox, having made application for twelve month’s support out of the estate of Walter Maddox, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in November, 1908, why said application should not be granted. This, sth day of October, 1908. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. The Cable Co.’s PIANOS: Mason & Hamlin Conover Kingsberry Schubert Wellington Schulenburg ORGANS: Chicago Cottage Mason & Hamlin SOLD BY Jacob T. Mayo,