The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, February 26, 1909, Image 2

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BUTTS COUNTY PROGRESS Published Every Friday. ALFRED AKERMAN, - Proprietor J. DOYLE JONES, - - - - Editor Subscription $1 a Year Official Organ of Butts County. as sworjd-cIaHS matter, Novem ber 8, 1907,at the postoffieeut Jackson, Oa. Telephone No. 166. Jackson, Ga., Friday, I'eb. 20, 1909. Fall in. line up. All together for Jackson. It doesn’t cost anything to be a booster. Get in line. What are you doing for Great er Jackson? Fall in line. If you are asleep you won’t enjoy living in a live city. Wake up. Line up for the railroad exten sion. Jackson needs more out lets. Talk good roads all the time. Persistence will win any fight. Make good roads the slogan. Speak a good word for the Musical Festival to be held in Atlanta. It deserves to succeed. Get in on the ground floor if you want to live in the biggest and best town in middle Georgia. Help the Chamber of Com merce and it will help you. Have you joined yet, if not, why not? Make the trolley line to Griffin and Monticello a fact. Line up and give the movement some support. The railroad extension from Indian Spring to Jackson is one thing that everybody can work for. It is the biggest plum in sight. We get out of a thing just what we put into it. How much work and time do you put into Jackson? Get behind the base ball team and make it a good one or none at all. None but the best goes in Jackson. Other things will follow the railroad. Let’s have it by all means. Give Captain Smith the proper support. Are you filled with Jackson spirit, that invigorating, exhilar ating, something that makes you know you have the best town in the state? Butts county is the mother of Jackson and the Chamber of Commerce is an ambitious off spring that is working for the interests of county and town. If you get thoroughly filled with the Jackson spirit don’t think you are sick. Work out the kinks in your system by pull ing for Butts county and Jack son. If the good ladies of Jackson will organize a Civic Improve ment League, and spend a little time in working for the City Beautiful, they will do a great work. rA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1909. BUTTS COUNTY PROGRESS, JACKSO , •> __ JACKSON NEEDS THE RAILROAD. Jackson needs the railroad from Indian time has come in her development and pi ogre.. ~ | son today it. There is no one thing before the of more importance than f th who]e future from Indian Spring via of Bibb to tnis c trans growth of Jackson and the county depends upon I P grow. More outlets for her commerce is what is neede make her blossom like the proverbial rose The railroad is hers if she will but stretch forth her hand and grasp it. It is but a small thing that the promo er o road asks nothing more nor less than a little cooper a in the absence of that to be let alone tc>work out .the scheme himself. Now, the people of Jackson should be willing to co operate in this movement. It is a home enterprise and will be controlled and managed by home people. The benefi^ s will result from a railroad from Jackson to Indian Spring, n may tell at this time. It will open up anew avenue of trade and stimulate present business conditions. Real estate deve opments will take place; the improvement of the famous health resort at Indian Spring will follow good roads will follow in the wake. It will benefit county and town a thousand told. It is a little thing for the council to grant a franchise for the building of this line through the streets of Jackson. Yet, this is all that is asked. Not a cent of money is asked for, and Captain Smith says he desires only the good wishes and cooper ation of the people in this movement. Certainly the city can afford to give him that much, and more, if he asks it. Nothing, that can be thought of at this time, will add more to Jackson’than this line of railroad, which will give direct con nection with the immense power plant. And it is the things that will follow this development that are most interesting. It is certain that this whole country will be filled with interurban lines in the course of a few years. It is practically assured that Jackson will have a line from Monticello to Griffin, at which point it will connect with the line from Atlanta to Macon, and give connections to every direction of the compass. In view of all these proposed improvements it is a great thing for Jack son to be connected with Indian Spring by a railroad line. If the proper encouragement is given to the movement the line will be built this season, and if not this season,. cerntainly this year and in time for next season. That much is promised and behind the promise is the determination to carry out the work. Jackson is not asked to go down in her coffers and give financial backing to the movement. On the other hand, she is only asked to give her moral sugport to the enterprise. She can not afford to do less, and to do more would be entirely fitting at this time. The time has come when we must help those that help us. We must extend support to the people that are trying to do things for us. Unless this is done we have little to comfot us in our efforts. Let Jackson line up behind Captain Smith and his railroad, and give him what he asks, and more if he will take it. This is a great opportunity and a time when much de pends upon the course of action pursued. This is a time to be alive and wide-awake. Let Jackson do the magnanimous thing. Time will abundantly vindicate such action.. DO YOU Know it takes live people to make a live town? Measure your patriotism and public spirit by the dollar mark? Take your county paper and help those who are trying to help you? Believe your town could get along without you in case you should drop out. Support Church, School and Press, the great trio, as liberally as you should? Borrow your neighbor’s paper and read it and then pride your self on your public spirit? Belong to the Chamber of Commerce, or are you satisfied .with things as they are? Believe Jackson is just as big as it ought to be, and that you would not be benefitted by its growth? Help your town more than it helps you, and would it miss you more than you miss it? Make yourself indispensable to your town and county, and try to help others in their efforts to succeed? Know you have the best town in Georgia, and that Butts is the best county in the state? Talk county and city when you are away from home and espe cially so when you are among strangers? Think your position in life is worse than your neighbor’s and envy him on account of his prosperity? Go to work. ■ Help those that you know are trying to help themselves in their to make both town and county prosperous? TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to the PROGRESS who are in arrears are requested to make settlement within a few days. Unless this is done their names will be dropped from the list. The postal laws are stringent on this point and admit of no choice so far as a paper is Concerned. As our readers can readily see this is a matter over which a newspaper has no control. Certain requirements must be met. The postal authorities saw fit to make it impossible for a newspaper to carry on their list subscribers who are delinquent after a certain time. We hope a mere men tion of this matter will be all that is need ed. Our readers can see that where they pay for their paper promptly, the management is able to give them a better paper. It is a business proposition, and the postal laws admit of no choice in the matter. The Progress Have You Valuable Papers? Of Course You Have Papers you don’t care to lose. Papers you don’t care to have others see. Our Safety Deposit Vault Will protect them from fire, from burglars and from prying eyes. Once placed in your own safe in our vault they will be “off your mind.” THE JACKSON NATIONAL BANK JACKSON - - GEORGIA I CAN SAVE YOU Money on Terra Cotta, Coal, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls in car lots or retail. I am also agent for shale brick, made by B. Miff lin Hood —the non-con vict brick man —Rock- mart. Also dealer in Lumber, Lime, Cement and all kinds of Building Materials. Ta i ivjrii FLOVILLA, •U* Until GEORGIA