The Butts County progress. (Jackson, Ga.) 18??-1915, August 28, 1914, Image 2

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Bill lb COHN 1V PROGRESS Published Every Friday. i. DOYLE JONES, Editor and Pub. Subscription $1 a Year Entered as second-class matter, Novem ber S, 1107, at the postottlce at Jackson, Ga. Telephone No. 166. Communications ar*> welcomed. Cor respondents will please confine them selves to I'OO words, as communications over that length cannot be handled. Write on one side of the paper only, sign your name, not for publication, but as an evidence of good faith. They are mighty stingy with their old war news. Tippins of near beer fame got left, as did dead-beat Bowden. School days will now call the boy from that ol’ swimmin’ hole. In the general scuffle Joe Hill Hall was downed for the legis lature in Bibb. With nothing to hinder now let everybody get busy and pull for that county fair. If some people found out that they could eat cotton they would stop planting it, perhaps. Forget all about politics, cut out bickering and strife and all together for the good of the com munity and the State. The shouting and the tumult of the late campaign has died and the people are busy at some thing useful. Which ie well. Begin right now to plan more food crops than ever before. The cotton acreage must be pruned. The war has dethroned King Cotton. Why not join the Oat Club that has recently been organized here? It is from such organizations as this that better agricultural con ditions must result. In the recent unpleasantness all the old Georgia congressmen who sought re-election won out easily. Mr. Wise is the new mem ber of the delegation. Haven’t we in this country a poor, wornout tenant system? The all-cotton fallacy will never be corrected until the present tenant system is improved on. It is a hopeful sign that the people of Butts county are taking up the live stock business serious ly. The movement should be given every encouragement pos sible. There will be some lively do ings at the Macon convention. The issue is nothing less than a United States senatorship and all the politicians, near and real, will be on hand. W. H. Key was elected to the lower house in Jasper county, a main plank in his platform being to make the middle of th e OcmQl gee river the boundary line be tween Butts and Jasper counties. It would be highly pleasing to his friends to see Judge Fletcher elected president of the Georgia state senate. He will be one of the really strong men in the up per house of the next general assembly. Don’t get excited over the bus iness outlook. In the first place it dosen’t pay. In the second place the present administration is in sympathy with the South and congress will, if it can, do something to help the cotton growers, Jackson needs a modern, en terprising board of health. Far too little attention is given to sanitation in Jackson, as well as other towns in the state. Money spent in keeping the town clean is the wisest investment of the tax payer’s money that can be made. The utter folly of the all-cotonn policy was never more forcibly brought home to the people of Georgia than in the present cri sis. Isn’t something the matter with the ordinary man’s think tank when it takes wars and boll weevils to make him plant food crops? If not what’s the answer? GENERAL PRESENTMENTS FOR AUGUST TERM 1914 To Hon. R. T. Daniel, Judge Bupe rior Court Butts County. We the Grand Jury drawn and sworn for the August term of Butts Superior Court beg to submit the following pre sentments: We have through our various com mittees as well as our limited time would permit made a casual examina tion of the books and other records of our county officers, and we find them in the main neatly and correctly kept, and in accordance and requirements of the law. The Clerk of Court, Sheriff' and Or dinary each certify that no funds have passed through their hands since the February term of court. We recommend that our County Commissioner have the road between railway crossing and biggulley at Cork graded up and as the bridge across said gulley is in dangerous condition, we recommend that a good bridge or cul vert be put in said gulley. We also recommend that the bridge near Mrs- W. J. Gunnells be replaced with a cul vert or bridge. We recommend that a bridge be built across the creek known as the Douglass creek on road leading from Flovilla to Carnes Ferry. We recommend that the proper au thorities stop the reckless running of automobiles and other vehicles on our public roads. We have through committee exam ined the dockets of J. P. & N. P. Ex. Off. J. P. of the various malitia dis tricts and approve the following: W. J. Bankston, W. VV. Leverett, T. P. Bell, J. S. Johnson. We find that A. C. Millen failed to itemize his cost. The following officers have failed to present their dockets for examination as required by law:—J. A. McMichael, W. M. Bledsoe, W. M. Andrews, G. W. White, Chas. A. Smith. We have through committee inspect ed the County Farm and find on the same 8 acres in cotton, 35 acres in corn, 2 acres in potatoes, 2 acres in cane, 15 acres in hay, 150 bushels oats, 500 bundles fodder, 25 bushels corn, 2 mules value $300.00, 3 cows and two calves valuesl2s.oo6shoats value $30.00 1 wagon, 1 cuttaway harrow, 1 mower and rake, and all farm implements needed, 500 pounds oat straw baled. We find convicts have been furnished $150.00 worth of vegetables and feed stuff’ from tile farm. We find some re pair work needed. Paupers on the farm, 3 male and 2 female. We find through committee that the Tax Receivers digest shows a gain of $262,558.00. We find the returns made by the colored tax payers $23,980.00 less than the returns of last year. We A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months’ treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. TAKE DODSON’S AND STAY ON YOUR FEET Taking Calomel means staying home for the day—take Dodson’s Liver Tone and save a day’s work. If an attack of constipation or biliousness hits you, there’s no need to take a dose of calomel and spend at least a day getting over the effects of it. Slaton Drug Cos. sell Dodson’s Liver Tone, which they guarantee takes the place of calomel and starts a lazy liver without bad after-ef fects. Dodson’s Liver Tone does all the good that calomel can do, yet it is absolutely harmless to young people and old. It is a pleasant tasting vegetable liquid that will relieve constipation or sour stom ach or other troubles that go with a lazy liver, without restriction of habit or diet. You don’t leave off any of the things you regu larly do when you take Liver Tone A large bottle of Dodson’s Liv er Tone sells for 50 cents. Get the genuine and if you are not pleased with it the druggist from whom you bought it will give your money back with a smile, ad recommend that the Tax Collector use every effort to collect the taxes from all those who have failed to make their returns. Tax Collector’s books show as fol lows: Total collected for the year 1913 for the State, County and Schools $48,043.11 Balance due by the Central Ga. Power Cos. for 1913. . 5,358.57 53,401.68 Disbursements for 1913. Paid to State $11,620.90 Paid to County 32,922.06 Paid to Schools 1,782.60 Tax col. commission 1,101.91 Tax rec. commission 615.64 Total 48,043.11 Bal. due when col lected 5,358.57 53,411.68 Tax Collector total amount of special taxes collected $940.00 County Treasurer’s report hereto at tached as follows: Statement of C. N. May field Treasur er of Butts county, from Feb. 16th, 1914, to Aug. 18th, 1914, respectfully submitted to the Grand Jury at Au gust term of the Superior Court. By balance on hand Feb. 16th..$ 3.02 By amount recceived from C. S. Bryant, T. C 269.06 Disbursements. Paid out on Road fund_s 26.98 Jail fund 27.28 Contingent fund 71.11 Superior Court fund 143.40 Pauper fund. 1.93 Total By balance on hand Aug. 18th 1.93 272.08 272.08 Personally appeared before me the un dersigned, an officer authorized to ad minister oaths, C. N. Mayfield, Treas urer of Butts county, who on oath says the above is a true and correct state ment of the funds received and dis bursed by him from Feb. 6th, 1914, to Aug. 18th, 1914. C. N. Mayfield, Treas Butts Cos. Sworn to and subscribed before me this August 18th, 1914. J. B. Carmichael,, Notary Public Butts County, Georgia. We have through committee exam ined the county buildings. We find the court house in good condition*, We recommend that the cells in the jail be re-painted, also that windows of jail be screened so that articles could not be passed through them to prisoners. As the old wire fence around the yard has given out we recommend that same be replaced with new wire. We recommend Judge H. M. Fletch er, Senator-elect, for president of the Senate of the next Georgia Legislature. We recommend the pay of jurors and bailiffs be paid the same as the year 1913. We extend thanks to Judge R. T. Daniel for his able and fearless charge and for his untiring efforts in the en forcement of our laws. We also extend thanks to Solicitor E. M. Owen for his efforts to enforce the laws, also for his assistance, courtesies and kindnesses j shown this body’. We extend thanks to our faithful bailiff”, M. L. Duke, for his services, i We commend our janitor, Henry Thomas for his faithful services. KEEP KOOL These hot days by refresh ing yourself at Slaton’s foun tain, where the of every thing to drink is served. Sparkling, invigorating, ex hilarating, refreshing cold • drinks served by those who know how to mix them. Kenneit’s t . Iv ' -i- n i i.i ft Ice Cream The problem of entertaining will be solved if you will give your orders to Slaton for Ice Cream. Phone orders promp ly filled. SLATON DRUG CO. :ke Store Undertakers and Embalmers Oldest and Most Efficient Undertakers in this Section Expert Licensed Embalmers Our Undertaking Parlors Modernly Equipped to Furnish the Best of Selections in Caskets and Robes The J. S. Johnson Company Day Phone 121 Night Phone 84 We recommend that these present ments be published in each of our county papers, and that each be paid SIO.OO. I. H. Maddox, Foreman, T. B. McMichael, Clerk. August 22nd 1914. Ordered that the foregoing general presentments be entered on the min utes of this court and that they be pub lisher! as therein recommended. Robt. T. Daniel, Judge Superior Court Flint Circuit. Aug. 22nd, 1914. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. | Pig ! Black Berkshire pig, 6 months ■ old. Finder please notify this office or Mrs. C. R. Gresham. Good Farm For Sale 135 acres farm land in Monroe county near Forsyth, 75 acres in cultivation, 10 acres fine branch bottom, balance in pasture and„ woods, close to school and church, i 5 room house, 1 tenant house, good barn and outhouse, telephone and gasoline lights in house. Good white community. Rural route. $3,500.00 for this farm. R. M. Worsham Forsyth, Ga., Rt 5 8-21 -'V. Visit Taylor’s removal sale. How To Give Quinine To Children NE ls ihe trade-mark name given to a;,' Inf #n V **^v QU,ni ? j “ ,S a Tastel ss Syrup, pie HMSJSSv** do s s not the stoma t k ?, U and never know it is Quini ,al '?. adapted t 0 adult s who canu,, takeordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate n > ?♦ “ er y°?sness nor nn B in K in the head. T lioie 1 # me , yo ° need Quinine for any pi dzS?* 01 2*ounce original package. The name FEBRIUNE is blown in bottle. 25 centr